Aug 23 Trustees Meeting 6:15 p.m. /Executive Committee Meeting 7:00 p.m.
Live meeting at Masonic Center
Sept. 13 Valley Fall Kickoff & Brother Bring A Brother Night at MMC
Social 6:00 p.m. /Dinner 6:30 p.m.
Sept. 20 4 Bodies Officer’s Training Meeting 7:30 p.m.
Live Meeting at Masonic Center
Refreshments to follow meeting
Oct 4 Executive Committee Meeting 7:00 p.m.
Live meeting at Masonic Center
Oct 11 4° “Builder” (V) & 14° “Grand Elect Mason” (L) Conferral 7:30 p.m.
Live Meeting at Masonic Center
Refreshments to follow
Oct 18 White Hat & Recognition Night
Social 6:00 p.m. / Dinner 6:30 p.m. / Program 7:30 p.m.
Live Event at Masonic Center
Oct 25 Consistory Degrees at Valley of Norwood 6:00 p.m.
22° “Prince of Libanus” (V) & 32° “Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret” (V)
Knighting Ceremony by Live Cast
Refreshments to follow
By now, if you have provided the Valley of Syracuse office with your current mailing address, all our members should have received the Schedule for 2021- 2022 Valley of Syracuse events. Our events this summer have gotten us off to a great start. The Teddy Bear Classic Golf Outing was a huge success, and you could not have asked for better weather or view of the Otisco Valley area. Many thanks to Ill:. Craig Cobb for Organizing this event. The following Day we had another great event with the Family Life Outing and Picnic at the Cicero American Legion Post. My thanks to Sharon Swan for keeping the registration table working smoothly and keeping us organized. Suzanne Crapser provided music and Karaoke to keep the event festive. Just watch out when Terry Byard gets a microphone in his hand. The proceeds from both events went to Benefit Children’s Dyslexia Center CNY.
As I am writing this prior to the August 20 Syracuse Mets Baseball Event I prayed for good weather for the game and the fireworks show that followed.
I ask that everyone carefully read the schedule and write these events on your calendars. I know there are conflicts at times with other Masonic events in our Districts, but please support our events as often as you can. September 13 th is the Valley Fall Kick-off & B.B.A.B. Night. Even if you don’t have a Master Mason to invite, you may know a gentleman that may have an interest in Freemasonry.
We need to work on The Valley of Excellence Program, especially attracting new members. We have the Rite on the Road Program available to create new Scottish Rite Brothers right in their own Lodges. Our first outing with this program earned the Valley of Syracuse 4 new members. This program will work for us, all we need to do is promote it to our respective Lodges.
One final note, the Class Sponsor for 2021-2022 is Ill:. David P. Spencer 33° Deputy for New York State.
D.B. Lawrence W. Egnaczyk, 32° MSA
Commander in Chief
[email protected] / (H) Ph. # 315-637-4143 / (C) Ph. # 315-632-1043
No News Received…
Richard E. Barrett, 32°
Most Wise Master
Greeting Brother Knights. Here we are enjoying summer and ready to start a new Masonic year! Let’s hope that this Masonic year can be close to normal.
Your Valley officers are excited to get back to putting on the excellent degrees the Valley of Syracuse is known for. The Valley office has been working hard to ensure that we follow all safety protocols and still enjoy some good fellowship.
This is a good time to make a pitch for some new faces to assist with putting on degrees either on stage or behind the scenes, all help is always greatly appreciated. One of the things we would like to see is more of is new members initiated so we can work toward a Valley of Excellence Award; we are not really far away from earning this prestigious award.
Remember we do have The Rite on The Road that can be presented at a Blue Lodge.
Stay safe, stay healthy. God Bless each of you, your families, all Masons, our service men and women and this great country.
James McNeal, 32º DSA
Sovereign Prince
Good Morning Princes: It’s the “Dawn” of a Great new Masonic Year and boy does the Valley have an exciting lineup of events. Having finished off the summer with a truly outstanding family Life BBQ and an evening at the Syracuse Mets Baseball Game we are ready for the September 13th 2021-2022 Fall Kick-Off and Brother Bring a Brother Event to highlight our exciting new year. This is also a great opportunity for all Valley Members to bring a Masonic Friend along to enjoy the “Grilled to Order” Steak Bake and learn more about the Scottish Rite.
During the month of September, the Valley will also be conducting Officer Training and participating in the Council of Deliberation. Quickly following will be the Oct 11th Conferral of the 4th and 14th Degrees: October 18th White Hat & Recognition Night and on Oct 25th, the 22nd & 32nd Degrees will be conferred up in Norwood. This will be a great opportunity for all those who have been waiting for their degrees during the COVID period to finally get their 32nd.
On a more somber note, my Princes we have lived through some tough times over the last few decades from the Global War on Terrorism; to the growing Civil unrest; to the Global War on Pandemics. These events have truly highlighted our need for front line heroes in our communities’ states and Country. Because of this the Supreme Council is rolling out the First Responders Campaign this fall (Visit the Scottish Rite NMJ member center to learn more). This also highlights to me the ever-increasing need for Good True Men in our Fraternity to spread the Light of Brotherly Love and Relief and Truth throughout the world.
Will you join me, Princes, in renewing our personal Masonic vigor and perhaps making another Good Man a Little Better by introducing him to the Scottish Rite. See you in the Masonic trenches my Friends!!!!
God Bless
Terry A. Byard, 32° DSA
Thrice Potent Master
Greetings Brothers, I hope all of you had a nice summer, despite the Covid concerns that are ongoing.
In my previous article I addressed physical changes in our later years. This month our emotional issues due to aging will be the topic.
It is funny how we continue to think we are much younger that we actually are. Things that we take for granted like getting a thirty year mortgage somehow are now cast in a different light. Our head tells us one thing, but the mirror says something else. Dealing with the reality that time is now shorter can be a difficult concept.
What we can consider is how to live each day to the fullest, instead of constantly planning something off in the future. Try to accept the fact that we have been lucky to have made it this far, and approach each day with a positive perspective.
Please continue to keep those in need… in our thoughts. The Hospitalers Fund is always in need. If you are able to help, please send a check made out to Central City Bodies, and directed for the Hospitalers Fund, and if you hurry there may be some new Scottish Rite masks left. Stop by the Office and buy one.
If you are in need of some confidential assistance please contact Bob Tyrrell or myself…We may be able to provide some type of help.
Continue to follow safe guidelines…
Dick Freeman – 315-837-4962
[email protected]
Welcome to My World
Notes from the Children’s Dyslexia Center CNY
At this writing we are still in flux for the coming academic year. As you read this we will have completed two fundraisers: The Golf Tourney and a Brookes BBQ fundraiser. My Thanks to all who attended or supported us in any way.
If you couldn’t get out for these perhaps you can join us for October’s Walk-a-Thon.
Next month I hope to be able to bring you specific updates on the coming year so ‘stay tuned’
Linda L. Martin, Director
Email- [email protected]
Phone- (315) 736-0574
Mail- Children’s Dyslexia Center- CNY
PO Box 638
Oriskany, NY 13424
Scottish Rite Leadership changes for New York State Announced
The New York State Scottish Rite Masons have a new Deputy for New York as result of the actions taken at the 2021 Supreme Council 33° AASR, NMJ Session in Cleveland, Ohio.
Illustrious David P. Spencer, 33° Active Member completed his term as the Deputy for New York and retired from being an Active Member of Supreme Council moving to Active Emeritus Member.
Ill∴ G. Michael Morris, 33° Active Member of Supreme Council was elected Deputy for New York replacing Ill∴ David P. Spencer, 33° Active Emeritus Member of Supreme Council.
A special thank you to Ill∴ David Spencer and his wife Gale, for their many years of dedicated service to the Rite. Your wisdom, knowledge, and dedicated service to Scottish Rite will be missed by many.
We offer congratulations to Ill∴ G. Michael Morris, 33° Active Member and Deputy for New York and your Wife Ruth, as you begin your new duties. The Valley of Syracuse officers and members offer their ongoing support in coming future.
Central City Bodies, A.A.S.R., Valley of Syracuse Invites YOU to a Masonic Lodge Outreach and Scottish Rite “Rite on the Road” Degrees Conferral Program
What: A Scottish Rite degree conferral program to confer the 4° “Builder”; the first Scottish Rite degree starting a Master Mason’s journey to become a 32° Scottish Rite Mason in a Master Mason’s Home Lodge and Community.
Where: At a Masonic Lodge building in your Community
When: On a scheduled date at a convenient time selected by your Masonic Lodge.
A Membership Team representative from Central City Bodies, A.A.S.R., Valley of Syracuse will make contact with your Masonic Lodge or you may contact the Valley of Syracuse Office for more information - Phone: (315) 452-7976 / E-mail: [email protected]
New Members Initiative
Now is the time for Master Masons to obtain “More Light” in Masonry. Central City Bodies invites all Master Masons in Central New York who are not Scottish Rite members to join the Valley of Syracuse and to increase your knowledge about Free Masonry.
The Class Sponsor for the 2021-2022 Class is Ill∴ David P. Spencer, 33° Active Member of Supreme Council and Deputy for New York. Join the Valley as we celebrate and thank Illustrious Brother Spencer for his many years of Masonic service. He is retiring as the Deputy for New York at the 2021 Supreme Council Session in Cleveland, OH. Now is the opportunity for the Valley of Syracuse members to honor him.
Plan to attend the Valley of Syracuse’s Annual “Steak bake” Kick-off dinner and information session as a guest of the Valley of Syracuse to learn more about Scottish Rite Masonry. We think you will be impressed by what we have to offer a Master Mason seeking more light and masonic fellowship. As I said, potential new members are guests of the Valley for this event. A reservation for dinner is required. Make that reservation by contacting the Valley Office at 315-452-7976 or [email protected]. Deadline date for reservations is September 7, 2021.
The Valley of Syracuse has a full schedule of meetings, events, and degree conferrals planned for the 2021-2022 Masonic year (August I, 2021 thru July 31, 2022). Our ladies are invited to attend several open meetings and social events giving them the opportunity to enjoy new friends, renew old friendships, and enjoy an evening out. The average cost to attend a dinner and program evening is $15.00 per person.
The cost to become a 32° Scottish Rite Mason in the Valley of Syracuse is a very reasonable amount. The initiation fee payable when you submit a petition to join the Valley is $ 110.00. Our Annual Member’s dues are $ 86.00 per year. Your member’s dues for the year you join are included in the Initiation Fee. You must be a Master Mason; in good standing in your Masonic Lodge to become a 32° Scottish Rite Mason.
Scottish Rite Freemasonry in the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction is comprised of four Bodies; Lodge of Perfection (4th thru the14th Degrees); Council Princes of Jerusalem (15th 16th Degrees; Chapter of Rose Croix (17th & 18th Degrees) & the Consistory (19th thru the 32nd Degrees). The 33rd degree is a conferred degree received for exceptional service to Scottish Rite Masonry and humankind.
To start your Scottish Rite Members journey, contact the Valley of Syracuse office to make a reservation for the September 13, 2021 Event. Submit a petition to join the Valley of Syracuse providing a copy of your Masonic Lodge Member’s card and the initiation fee. Receive the degrees
There are twenty-nine (29) degrees in Scottish Rite Masonry. You must receive a minimum of Five degrees to become a 32° Scottish Rite Mason. Two degrees; the 4° “Builder” and 32° “Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret” including the Knighting Ceremony are mandatory. Any three (3) other degrees are required.
The office will notify you confirming the dates of the degrees conferrals. Normal dress for degree events is a shirt and tie with dress slacks and jacket. Golf shirts and slacks are considered business casual and acceptable for the Kickoff event. Valley officers wear tuxedoes for the degree conferral meetings
Please contact the Scottish Rite Valley of Syracuse office (315) 452-7976 if you have any questions
Jim Swan
Valley Secretary
Valley of Syracuse Obituary Notices
In memory of Valley of Syracuse Scottish Rite members whose deaths were reported to the Valley office March 2020 thru July 2021
Name Date of Death
Donald J. Stray, 32° March 28, 2020
Fred D. Pollard, 32⁰ May 15, 2020
Israel Woodford, 32⁰ June 21, 2020
Albert G. Lintel, Jr., 32° April 25, 2019
Milo J. Peterson, 33⁰ July 28, 2020
Albert W. Sitts, 32° August 11. 2020
Leroy J. Forbes, 32° September 7, 2020
Lewis A. Fergerson, 32° September 4, 2020
Mourad Tarpinian, 33° October 6, 2020
Glenn N. Latimer, 32° December 13, 2020
Frederick Noble, 32° December 13, 2020
Leon Milner, 32° February 10, 2021
William R. Porteous, 32° January 11, 2021
Robert F. Coulter, 32° April 9, 2021
Alan N. Timmerman, 32° April 14, 2021
Harold F. Clark, Jr., 32° November 17, 2020
Donald B. Hanson, 32° April 3, 2021
James P. Hall, 32° April 7, 2021
Anson S. Piper, Jr., 32° March 31, 2021
David A. Stevenson, 32° May 25, 2021
Robert H. Smith, 32° May 25, 2021
Waldo S. Lyman, 32° June 10, 2021
Walter Vladachek, 32° December 12, 2020
David J. Freeman, 32° June 19, 2021
Robert C. Torgerson, 32° December 19, 2019
Richard P. Gunsalus, 32° August 2, 2021
The Secretary thanks all who inform the Valley Office when a loved one passes away. We follow the local Syracuse Post Standard newspaper Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday each week to record the deaths of our current and former members. The Secretary is particularly thankful to those who report the passing of our current and former Members now living outside of the immediate surrounding area of Syracuse whose obituary notices are not published in the Syracuse Post Standard newspaper.
Annual Member’s Dues Payments
The 2022 Annual Member’s Dues Invoices have been sent to you by from Supreme Council.
You are scheduled to receive a new Member’s Card this year. Please pay your Member’s dues as promptly as possible. If you have any questions regarding your 2022 Member’s Dues please contact the office. (315) 452-7976.
Valley Secretary’s Office.
Aug 23 Trustees Meeting 6:15 p.m. /Executive Committee Meeting 7:00 p.m.
Live meeting at Masonic Center
Sept. 13 Valley Fall Kickoff & Brother Bring A Brother Night at MMC
Social 6:00 p.m. /Dinner 6:30 p.m.
Sept. 20 4 Bodies Officer’s Training Meeting 7:30 p.m.
Live Meeting at Masonic Center
Refreshments to follow meeting
Oct 4 Executive Committee Meeting 7:00 p.m.
Live meeting at Masonic Center
Oct 11 4° “Builder” (V) & 14° “Grand Elect Mason” (L) Conferral 7:30 p.m.
Live Meeting at Masonic Center
Refreshments to follow
Oct 18 White Hat & Recognition Night
Social 6:00 p.m. / Dinner 6:30 p.m. / Program 7:30 p.m.
Live Event at Masonic Center
Oct 25 Consistory Degrees at Valley of Norwood 6:00 p.m.
22° “Prince of Libanus” (V) & 32° “Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret” (V)
Knighting Ceremony by Live Cast
Refreshments to follow
By now, if you have provided the Valley of Syracuse office with your current mailing address, all our members should have received the Schedule for 2021- 2022 Valley of Syracuse events. Our events this summer have gotten us off to a great start. The Teddy Bear Classic Golf Outing was a huge success, and you could not have asked for better weather or view of the Otisco Valley area. Many thanks to Ill:. Craig Cobb for Organizing this event. The following Day we had another great event with the Family Life Outing and Picnic at the Cicero American Legion Post. My thanks to Sharon Swan for keeping the registration table working smoothly and keeping us organized. Suzanne Crapser provided music and Karaoke to keep the event festive. Just watch out when Terry Byard gets a microphone in his hand. The proceeds from both events went to Benefit Children’s Dyslexia Center CNY.
As I am writing this prior to the August 20 Syracuse Mets Baseball Event I prayed for good weather for the game and the fireworks show that followed.
I ask that everyone carefully read the schedule and write these events on your calendars. I know there are conflicts at times with other Masonic events in our Districts, but please support our events as often as you can. September 13 th is the Valley Fall Kick-off & B.B.A.B. Night. Even if you don’t have a Master Mason to invite, you may know a gentleman that may have an interest in Freemasonry.
We need to work on The Valley of Excellence Program, especially attracting new members. We have the Rite on the Road Program available to create new Scottish Rite Brothers right in their own Lodges. Our first outing with this program earned the Valley of Syracuse 4 new members. This program will work for us, all we need to do is promote it to our respective Lodges.
One final note, the Class Sponsor for 2021-2022 is Ill:. David P. Spencer 33° Deputy for New York State.
D.B. Lawrence W. Egnaczyk, 32° MSA
Commander in Chief
[email protected] / (H) Ph. # 315-637-4143 / (C) Ph. # 315-632-1043
No News Received…
Richard E. Barrett, 32°
Most Wise Master
Greeting Brother Knights. Here we are enjoying summer and ready to start a new Masonic year! Let’s hope that this Masonic year can be close to normal.
Your Valley officers are excited to get back to putting on the excellent degrees the Valley of Syracuse is known for. The Valley office has been working hard to ensure that we follow all safety protocols and still enjoy some good fellowship.
This is a good time to make a pitch for some new faces to assist with putting on degrees either on stage or behind the scenes, all help is always greatly appreciated. One of the things we would like to see is more of is new members initiated so we can work toward a Valley of Excellence Award; we are not really far away from earning this prestigious award.
Remember we do have The Rite on The Road that can be presented at a Blue Lodge.
Stay safe, stay healthy. God Bless each of you, your families, all Masons, our service men and women and this great country.
James McNeal, 32º DSA
Sovereign Prince
Good Morning Princes: It’s the “Dawn” of a Great new Masonic Year and boy does the Valley have an exciting lineup of events. Having finished off the summer with a truly outstanding family Life BBQ and an evening at the Syracuse Mets Baseball Game we are ready for the September 13th 2021-2022 Fall Kick-Off and Brother Bring a Brother Event to highlight our exciting new year. This is also a great opportunity for all Valley Members to bring a Masonic Friend along to enjoy the “Grilled to Order” Steak Bake and learn more about the Scottish Rite.
During the month of September, the Valley will also be conducting Officer Training and participating in the Council of Deliberation. Quickly following will be the Oct 11th Conferral of the 4th and 14th Degrees: October 18th White Hat & Recognition Night and on Oct 25th, the 22nd & 32nd Degrees will be conferred up in Norwood. This will be a great opportunity for all those who have been waiting for their degrees during the COVID period to finally get their 32nd.
On a more somber note, my Princes we have lived through some tough times over the last few decades from the Global War on Terrorism; to the growing Civil unrest; to the Global War on Pandemics. These events have truly highlighted our need for front line heroes in our communities’ states and Country. Because of this the Supreme Council is rolling out the First Responders Campaign this fall (Visit the Scottish Rite NMJ member center to learn more). This also highlights to me the ever-increasing need for Good True Men in our Fraternity to spread the Light of Brotherly Love and Relief and Truth throughout the world.
Will you join me, Princes, in renewing our personal Masonic vigor and perhaps making another Good Man a Little Better by introducing him to the Scottish Rite. See you in the Masonic trenches my Friends!!!!
God Bless
Terry A. Byard, 32° DSA
Thrice Potent Master
Greetings Brothers, I hope all of you had a nice summer, despite the Covid concerns that are ongoing.
In my previous article I addressed physical changes in our later years. This month our emotional issues due to aging will be the topic.
It is funny how we continue to think we are much younger that we actually are. Things that we take for granted like getting a thirty year mortgage somehow are now cast in a different light. Our head tells us one thing, but the mirror says something else. Dealing with the reality that time is now shorter can be a difficult concept.
What we can consider is how to live each day to the fullest, instead of constantly planning something off in the future. Try to accept the fact that we have been lucky to have made it this far, and approach each day with a positive perspective.
Please continue to keep those in need… in our thoughts. The Hospitalers Fund is always in need. If you are able to help, please send a check made out to Central City Bodies, and directed for the Hospitalers Fund, and if you hurry there may be some new Scottish Rite masks left. Stop by the Office and buy one.
If you are in need of some confidential assistance please contact Bob Tyrrell or myself…We may be able to provide some type of help.
Continue to follow safe guidelines…
Dick Freeman – 315-837-4962
[email protected]
Welcome to My World
Notes from the Children’s Dyslexia Center CNY
At this writing we are still in flux for the coming academic year. As you read this we will have completed two fundraisers: The Golf Tourney and a Brookes BBQ fundraiser. My Thanks to all who attended or supported us in any way.
If you couldn’t get out for these perhaps you can join us for October’s Walk-a-Thon.
Next month I hope to be able to bring you specific updates on the coming year so ‘stay tuned’
Linda L. Martin, Director
Email- [email protected]
Phone- (315) 736-0574
Mail- Children’s Dyslexia Center- CNY
PO Box 638
Oriskany, NY 13424
Scottish Rite Leadership changes for New York State Announced
The New York State Scottish Rite Masons have a new Deputy for New York as result of the actions taken at the 2021 Supreme Council 33° AASR, NMJ Session in Cleveland, Ohio.
Illustrious David P. Spencer, 33° Active Member completed his term as the Deputy for New York and retired from being an Active Member of Supreme Council moving to Active Emeritus Member.
Ill∴ G. Michael Morris, 33° Active Member of Supreme Council was elected Deputy for New York replacing Ill∴ David P. Spencer, 33° Active Emeritus Member of Supreme Council.
A special thank you to Ill∴ David Spencer and his wife Gale, for their many years of dedicated service to the Rite. Your wisdom, knowledge, and dedicated service to Scottish Rite will be missed by many.
We offer congratulations to Ill∴ G. Michael Morris, 33° Active Member and Deputy for New York and your Wife Ruth, as you begin your new duties. The Valley of Syracuse officers and members offer their ongoing support in coming future.
Central City Bodies, A.A.S.R., Valley of Syracuse Invites YOU to a Masonic Lodge Outreach and Scottish Rite “Rite on the Road” Degrees Conferral Program
What: A Scottish Rite degree conferral program to confer the 4° “Builder”; the first Scottish Rite degree starting a Master Mason’s journey to become a 32° Scottish Rite Mason in a Master Mason’s Home Lodge and Community.
Where: At a Masonic Lodge building in your Community
When: On a scheduled date at a convenient time selected by your Masonic Lodge.
A Membership Team representative from Central City Bodies, A.A.S.R., Valley of Syracuse will make contact with your Masonic Lodge or you may contact the Valley of Syracuse Office for more information - Phone: (315) 452-7976 / E-mail: [email protected]
New Members Initiative
Now is the time for Master Masons to obtain “More Light” in Masonry. Central City Bodies invites all Master Masons in Central New York who are not Scottish Rite members to join the Valley of Syracuse and to increase your knowledge about Free Masonry.
The Class Sponsor for the 2021-2022 Class is Ill∴ David P. Spencer, 33° Active Member of Supreme Council and Deputy for New York. Join the Valley as we celebrate and thank Illustrious Brother Spencer for his many years of Masonic service. He is retiring as the Deputy for New York at the 2021 Supreme Council Session in Cleveland, OH. Now is the opportunity for the Valley of Syracuse members to honor him.
Plan to attend the Valley of Syracuse’s Annual “Steak bake” Kick-off dinner and information session as a guest of the Valley of Syracuse to learn more about Scottish Rite Masonry. We think you will be impressed by what we have to offer a Master Mason seeking more light and masonic fellowship. As I said, potential new members are guests of the Valley for this event. A reservation for dinner is required. Make that reservation by contacting the Valley Office at 315-452-7976 or [email protected]. Deadline date for reservations is September 7, 2021.
The Valley of Syracuse has a full schedule of meetings, events, and degree conferrals planned for the 2021-2022 Masonic year (August I, 2021 thru July 31, 2022). Our ladies are invited to attend several open meetings and social events giving them the opportunity to enjoy new friends, renew old friendships, and enjoy an evening out. The average cost to attend a dinner and program evening is $15.00 per person.
The cost to become a 32° Scottish Rite Mason in the Valley of Syracuse is a very reasonable amount. The initiation fee payable when you submit a petition to join the Valley is $ 110.00. Our Annual Member’s dues are $ 86.00 per year. Your member’s dues for the year you join are included in the Initiation Fee. You must be a Master Mason; in good standing in your Masonic Lodge to become a 32° Scottish Rite Mason.
Scottish Rite Freemasonry in the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction is comprised of four Bodies; Lodge of Perfection (4th thru the14th Degrees); Council Princes of Jerusalem (15th 16th Degrees; Chapter of Rose Croix (17th & 18th Degrees) & the Consistory (19th thru the 32nd Degrees). The 33rd degree is a conferred degree received for exceptional service to Scottish Rite Masonry and humankind.
To start your Scottish Rite Members journey, contact the Valley of Syracuse office to make a reservation for the September 13, 2021 Event. Submit a petition to join the Valley of Syracuse providing a copy of your Masonic Lodge Member’s card and the initiation fee. Receive the degrees
There are twenty-nine (29) degrees in Scottish Rite Masonry. You must receive a minimum of Five degrees to become a 32° Scottish Rite Mason. Two degrees; the 4° “Builder” and 32° “Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret” including the Knighting Ceremony are mandatory. Any three (3) other degrees are required.
The office will notify you confirming the dates of the degrees conferrals. Normal dress for degree events is a shirt and tie with dress slacks and jacket. Golf shirts and slacks are considered business casual and acceptable for the Kickoff event. Valley officers wear tuxedoes for the degree conferral meetings
Please contact the Scottish Rite Valley of Syracuse office (315) 452-7976 if you have any questions
Jim Swan
Valley Secretary
Valley of Syracuse Obituary Notices
In memory of Valley of Syracuse Scottish Rite members whose deaths were reported to the Valley office March 2020 thru July 2021
Name Date of Death
Donald J. Stray, 32° March 28, 2020
Fred D. Pollard, 32⁰ May 15, 2020
Israel Woodford, 32⁰ June 21, 2020
Albert G. Lintel, Jr., 32° April 25, 2019
Milo J. Peterson, 33⁰ July 28, 2020
Albert W. Sitts, 32° August 11. 2020
Leroy J. Forbes, 32° September 7, 2020
Lewis A. Fergerson, 32° September 4, 2020
Mourad Tarpinian, 33° October 6, 2020
Glenn N. Latimer, 32° December 13, 2020
Frederick Noble, 32° December 13, 2020
Leon Milner, 32° February 10, 2021
William R. Porteous, 32° January 11, 2021
Robert F. Coulter, 32° April 9, 2021
Alan N. Timmerman, 32° April 14, 2021
Harold F. Clark, Jr., 32° November 17, 2020
Donald B. Hanson, 32° April 3, 2021
James P. Hall, 32° April 7, 2021
Anson S. Piper, Jr., 32° March 31, 2021
David A. Stevenson, 32° May 25, 2021
Robert H. Smith, 32° May 25, 2021
Waldo S. Lyman, 32° June 10, 2021
Walter Vladachek, 32° December 12, 2020
David J. Freeman, 32° June 19, 2021
Robert C. Torgerson, 32° December 19, 2019
Richard P. Gunsalus, 32° August 2, 2021
The Secretary thanks all who inform the Valley Office when a loved one passes away. We follow the local Syracuse Post Standard newspaper Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday each week to record the deaths of our current and former members. The Secretary is particularly thankful to those who report the passing of our current and former Members now living outside of the immediate surrounding area of Syracuse whose obituary notices are not published in the Syracuse Post Standard newspaper.
Annual Member’s Dues Payments
The 2022 Annual Member’s Dues Invoices have been sent to you by from Supreme Council.
You are scheduled to receive a new Member’s Card this year. Please pay your Member’s dues as promptly as possible. If you have any questions regarding your 2022 Member’s Dues please contact the office. (315) 452-7976.
Valley Secretary’s Office.