Oct. 01 Executive Committee Meeting 7:00 p.m.
Oct. 08 Grand Lodge Grand Lecturer's Convention
Oct. 15 L-O-P Rehearse 5th degree 7:00 p.m.
Oct. 20 White Hat Presentation Dinner
Social 6:15 p.m. / Dinner 7:00 p.m. / White Hat presentation to follow
Oct. 22 L-O-P Meeting 7:30 p.m.
Confer 4° “Secret Master” / Confer 5° “Perfect Master”
Refreshments to follow
Oct.29 C-P-J Rehearse 16th degree 7:00 p.m.
Nov. 05 Executive Committee 7:00 p.m.
Nov. 10 At Norwood 9:30 a.m.
Confer 16° / Confer 18° / Lunch / Confer 22°
Car pool at MMC @ 6:45 a.m.
Nov. 12 Veteran’s Recognition w/ Ladies
Social 6:00 p.m. / Dinner 6:30 p.m. / Program 7:30 p.m.
Nov 19 December’s Rose Presentation
Fayetteville-Central City Lodge 7:30 p.m.
Nov. 26 Recognition & Awards Night
Social 6:00 p.m. / Dinner 6:30 p.m. / Program 7:30 p.m.
An attitude of gratitude goes a long way in this world, so let me share thank you’s at the top of my message.
Thank you, Brother Sublime Princes who brought a Brother Mason to the kickoff event. Your zeal in sharing Scottish Rite with your Lodge Brothers is the mortar that bonds the structure of the Valley with the whole fraternity.
Thank you, Brothers and friends who walked, pledged and took part in the Learning Center Walk-a-thon. Our center in Oriskany makes a significant impact on the lives of students with reading disabilities, their families and teachers who want children to rise above dyslexia. The support from the walk-a-thon helps keep the doors open and students reaching dreams they might not achieve without your help.
Thanks given, mark Saturday, October 20 in your calendars for our white hat presentation to Ill. Milo J. Peterson 33°. Supreme Council conferred the 33° on (or coroneted) Brother Milo, making him an honorary Sovereign Grand Inspector General in August at its session in Cleveland, Ohio. This is an honor few men in the Scottish Rite receive. Watch your mail for the details on the special dinner and program scheduled for that evening.
Put aside Saturday, November 10, as a day for Scottish Rite travel and brotherly experience. We will be sharing degree work with our Brothers in the Valley of Norwood. The Norwood Brothers belong to our Consistory and have made many trips to Syracuse and Utica to receive degrees. Let’s show the same zeal they show joining us in our degrees by visiting them!
Finally, I ask you, my Brothers, to take to heart what makes the Scottish Rite special. We are a Fraternity. We need to help each other in times of sorrow and adversity. We must celebrate each Brother’s joys and success. We have charities and scholarship funds, but they do not make us Scottish Rite Masons. We perform ritual work--and enjoy conferring degrees--but ritual cannot make us better men. What makes us rise to the best manhood can offer is the support, care and wisdom we receive from our Brothers and return to the order. We need every Brother to get involved and strengthen each Brother so we can become a band of brothers united by our obligations to care for one another. A real fraternity is the brotherhood that cares about its brothers, and that is what we want to be.
Ill. Lynwood Bennerson, 33°
Commander-in- Chief
My Brothers,
Congratulations for a successful annual Kick-off Dinner and Brother Bring a Brother Night. It is encouraging to see so many fine men interested in Scottish Rite Masonry, especially since we are leading into the 200th Anniversary of Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite Freemasonry in the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of The United States of America. What a great time to become a Scottish Rite Mason!
I am also looking forward to a good turnout for the October 20th 2012, 33rd° White Hat Presentation Dinner for Ill. Milo J. Peterson. This is a well-deserved honor Milo for all you have done and all that you will continue to do for the Valley of Syracuse.
We will be travelling to the Valley of Norwood for the 16th, 18th and 22nd degrees on November 10th 2012. It looks like we will be car-pooling this time due to the high cost of chartering a bus. Departure times will be forthcoming as the degree is scheduled to start at 9:30am.
Just a reminder, the end of the month is Halloween and we need to be careful of the little ones running through the neighborhoods looking for those yummy treats. Leave your lights on if you are giving out candy and watch out for suspicious characters that may try to harm the children.
Lawrence W. Egnaczyk, 32°
Most Wise Master
Greetings Brethren,
The Valley of Syracuse is off and running. The action all started as the Fall Kickoff & Brother Bring a Brother Night was held on Sept. 10th. Many new Brothers were introduced to Scottish Rite Masonry and will be part of the 200th Anniversary Class of this year of celebration. Many new and exciting things are coming our way this year.
The Valley will be involved in presenting a new slate of degrees that will help spread the word of our Scottish Rite core values. The Degree Conferrals begin with the 4th and 5th Degrees on October 22nd, and continue until the 32nd Degree is Conferred at the Reunion on April 27th. In between, there is much happening in your Valley. There will be many opportunities and invitations for you to become involved in the festivities and a need for your assistance in fulfilling cast and support roles in Degree productions.
Keep October 20th open. A White Hat Dinner will be held for Milo J. Peterson, 33° at 6:30 pm. I hope you all can make it to celebrate with Milo as this Valley’s newest recipient of this Honor.
Dave Barnello, 32°
Sovereign Prince
The time has come for us to resume our labors. I hope you all had a very pleasant summer, be it a very hot and dry one. The good news was that you didn’t have to mow as often, the bad news was that you had to watch your lawn turn from a lush green, to a golden brown.
A sincere “Thank You” to all, along with their family members, who took time out of their busy schedule to work at the Safety ID booth at the NYS FAIR, on Scottish Rite Sunday.
A hearty “Congratulations” goes out to two of our Brothers who received special recognition at the Council of Deliberation; D.B. Melvin W. Sitts, 32° MSA, who received his MSA designation, and Rev. Allan J. Ferguson, who was named from the Valley of Syracuse to receive the MSA at COD in 2013.
A special “Congratulations” is extended to Ill\Milo J. Peterson, 33°, Honorary Member of Supreme, who was Cororneted at Supreme Council in Cleveland, OH. His White Hat Presentation Dinner is scheduled for October 20th. Social hour at 6:00 p.m., dinner at 6:30 p.m.
Our annual “Kick Off” Steak Bake was a huge success and all appeared to be having a great time.
The LODGE OF PERFECTION will be conferring the 4°, 5° degree on October 22. Please plan to attend.
DB Gary Kall, 32°, MSA
Thrice Potent Master
Notes from the Children's Dyslexia Center
This will be a short report as we will not begin our 2012-2013 year until mid Spetember and then we will be off to a very busy start. We completed our summer program, began the training of our new class of scholars mid August, sent all of our End of Year reports to Lexington and began to prepare for our 8th (that's right 8th) year serving Central New York. We will begin this year with 5 scholars and 6 paid tutors and will have 11 returning children and 12 new children starting October 1st.
September 22nd will find the Center busy with our annual Walk-a-Thon, a chicken barbecue, bake sale and bottle and can drive. Any way that you can help us in these fund raising efforts will be greatly appreciated. The new scholars will also be at the Center for a full day of training and preparation for beginning their tutoring of two children in October.
October is Dyslexia Awareness Month and we will continue our Fund Raising efforts with a Book Fair at the Barnes & Noble store in New Hartford, NY on October 26th. The Center will recieve a percentage of purchases made by those with our coupon or sticker (Think Holiday Gifts.) Coupons will be available for those who want to shop online and that information will be available on our website, Facebook page and my upcoming Blog.
I will be attending the Annual International Dyslexia Conference in Blatimore, Maryland that week and will be bringing you more information regarding issue with Dyslexia at that time.
As always- We thank you for you continued support and look forward to seeing many of you at the Walk and/or Bookfair.
Linda Martin, Director
Email- [email protected]
Phone- (315) 736-0574
Mail- Children’s Dyslexia Center- CNY
PO Box 638
Oriskany, NY 13424
Sometimes the Hospitaler gets to share good news, and the best news in the Valley is this: Illustrious Gary Hartman is back home and continuing his recovery after several surgeries and a stay in the Masonic Care Center in Utica between and after his operations. We look forward to seeing Gary return to full activity as one of our mentors and experienced brothers.
Now, to the more usual work the Hospitaler performs. I urge you to keep Brothers Norm Kruth and Mike Gunn in your prayers and thoughts. Each Brother is experiencing serious health issues. Each Brother and his family needs the care of our fraternity and the best the Great Architect of the Universe can impart.
Allan J. Ferguson, 32° DSA
200th Anniversary Class
Join Central City Bodies AASR, Valley of Syracuse in 2012-2013 and become a part of a very special year in Scottish Rite Masonry in the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction when it celebrates 200 years of Scottish Rite Masonry in the United States of America.
Receive special recognition gifts from the Supreme Council and Central City Bodies to commemorate your joining. The Valley of Syracuse is presenting an attractive 14th degree Lodge of Perfection Ring to each candidate taking the Fourteenth “Grand Elect Mason” Degree during our 2012-2013 year. The Supreme Council, 33°, Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, northern Masonic jurisdiction is presenting to each new Scottish Rite Member a very attractive Jewel designed to be worn with a suit jacket to each new member who completes the journey to become a 32nd degree Scottish Rite Mason in 2012-2013.
Contact Ill. Robert M. Tyrrell, 33°, 1st Lieutenant Commander and Membership Chairman, the Valley of Syracuse Office by e-mail at [email protected]; telephone (315) 452-7976, or mail at Central City Bodies, A.A.S.R., Masonic Memorial Center, 648 Centerville Place, North Syracuse, NY 13212-2366 for more information or to obtain a membership application. Initiation fees to join the Valley of Syracuse are $ 110.00.
Degrees presentations commence on October 22, 2012 and conclude on April 27 when the 32nd degree is conferred at our Annual Spring Reunion.
Robing Room Project
The Valley Robing Room and Degree Presentation Team needs assistance from several volunteers willing to assist doing a project to reorganize the storage and use of the Valley’s degree robes and other degree presentation paraphernalia in our Robing Room that is commencing this fall.
In order to accomplish the planned reorganization several work days and evenings are scheduled.
Also, D.B. Garret Wikoff, 32° MSA will not be able to attend all of the meetings this next year and do all of the associated jobs in the Robing due to the duties of his Grand Lodge Office. We are also seeking someone to work in the Robing Room when he cannot be with us.
Contact the Valley Secretary’s Office [email protected] or Brother Lawrence Egnaczyk 32°, Most Wise Master, Committee Chairman, [email protected] or Ill. Richard J. Powell, 33°, 2nd Lieut. Commander, [email protected] if you are available to assist us in these two areas.
Ill. James D. Swan, Jr., 33°
Valley Secretary
2013 Burns Supper
A great time was had by all last January when we hosted our first Robert Burn’s Supper at Coleman’s Irish Pub. We have a Saturday January 26th date penciled in for the 2013 Supper.
Coleman’s will be a little too small if we exceed the number we had then so I am trying to get a preliminary head count so we can figure out where to hold it next January.
Please email me at [email protected] if you are interested in attending the 2013 event in January.
Rick Powell
Oct. 01 Executive Committee Meeting 7:00 p.m.
Oct. 08 Grand Lodge Grand Lecturer's Convention
Oct. 15 L-O-P Rehearse 5th degree 7:00 p.m.
Oct. 20 White Hat Presentation Dinner
Social 6:15 p.m. / Dinner 7:00 p.m. / White Hat presentation to follow
Oct. 22 L-O-P Meeting 7:30 p.m.
Confer 4° “Secret Master” / Confer 5° “Perfect Master”
Refreshments to follow
Oct.29 C-P-J Rehearse 16th degree 7:00 p.m.
Nov. 05 Executive Committee 7:00 p.m.
Nov. 10 At Norwood 9:30 a.m.
Confer 16° / Confer 18° / Lunch / Confer 22°
Car pool at MMC @ 6:45 a.m.
Nov. 12 Veteran’s Recognition w/ Ladies
Social 6:00 p.m. / Dinner 6:30 p.m. / Program 7:30 p.m.
Nov 19 December’s Rose Presentation
Fayetteville-Central City Lodge 7:30 p.m.
Nov. 26 Recognition & Awards Night
Social 6:00 p.m. / Dinner 6:30 p.m. / Program 7:30 p.m.
An attitude of gratitude goes a long way in this world, so let me share thank you’s at the top of my message.
Thank you, Brother Sublime Princes who brought a Brother Mason to the kickoff event. Your zeal in sharing Scottish Rite with your Lodge Brothers is the mortar that bonds the structure of the Valley with the whole fraternity.
Thank you, Brothers and friends who walked, pledged and took part in the Learning Center Walk-a-thon. Our center in Oriskany makes a significant impact on the lives of students with reading disabilities, their families and teachers who want children to rise above dyslexia. The support from the walk-a-thon helps keep the doors open and students reaching dreams they might not achieve without your help.
Thanks given, mark Saturday, October 20 in your calendars for our white hat presentation to Ill. Milo J. Peterson 33°. Supreme Council conferred the 33° on (or coroneted) Brother Milo, making him an honorary Sovereign Grand Inspector General in August at its session in Cleveland, Ohio. This is an honor few men in the Scottish Rite receive. Watch your mail for the details on the special dinner and program scheduled for that evening.
Put aside Saturday, November 10, as a day for Scottish Rite travel and brotherly experience. We will be sharing degree work with our Brothers in the Valley of Norwood. The Norwood Brothers belong to our Consistory and have made many trips to Syracuse and Utica to receive degrees. Let’s show the same zeal they show joining us in our degrees by visiting them!
Finally, I ask you, my Brothers, to take to heart what makes the Scottish Rite special. We are a Fraternity. We need to help each other in times of sorrow and adversity. We must celebrate each Brother’s joys and success. We have charities and scholarship funds, but they do not make us Scottish Rite Masons. We perform ritual work--and enjoy conferring degrees--but ritual cannot make us better men. What makes us rise to the best manhood can offer is the support, care and wisdom we receive from our Brothers and return to the order. We need every Brother to get involved and strengthen each Brother so we can become a band of brothers united by our obligations to care for one another. A real fraternity is the brotherhood that cares about its brothers, and that is what we want to be.
Ill. Lynwood Bennerson, 33°
Commander-in- Chief
My Brothers,
Congratulations for a successful annual Kick-off Dinner and Brother Bring a Brother Night. It is encouraging to see so many fine men interested in Scottish Rite Masonry, especially since we are leading into the 200th Anniversary of Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite Freemasonry in the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of The United States of America. What a great time to become a Scottish Rite Mason!
I am also looking forward to a good turnout for the October 20th 2012, 33rd° White Hat Presentation Dinner for Ill. Milo J. Peterson. This is a well-deserved honor Milo for all you have done and all that you will continue to do for the Valley of Syracuse.
We will be travelling to the Valley of Norwood for the 16th, 18th and 22nd degrees on November 10th 2012. It looks like we will be car-pooling this time due to the high cost of chartering a bus. Departure times will be forthcoming as the degree is scheduled to start at 9:30am.
Just a reminder, the end of the month is Halloween and we need to be careful of the little ones running through the neighborhoods looking for those yummy treats. Leave your lights on if you are giving out candy and watch out for suspicious characters that may try to harm the children.
Lawrence W. Egnaczyk, 32°
Most Wise Master
Greetings Brethren,
The Valley of Syracuse is off and running. The action all started as the Fall Kickoff & Brother Bring a Brother Night was held on Sept. 10th. Many new Brothers were introduced to Scottish Rite Masonry and will be part of the 200th Anniversary Class of this year of celebration. Many new and exciting things are coming our way this year.
The Valley will be involved in presenting a new slate of degrees that will help spread the word of our Scottish Rite core values. The Degree Conferrals begin with the 4th and 5th Degrees on October 22nd, and continue until the 32nd Degree is Conferred at the Reunion on April 27th. In between, there is much happening in your Valley. There will be many opportunities and invitations for you to become involved in the festivities and a need for your assistance in fulfilling cast and support roles in Degree productions.
Keep October 20th open. A White Hat Dinner will be held for Milo J. Peterson, 33° at 6:30 pm. I hope you all can make it to celebrate with Milo as this Valley’s newest recipient of this Honor.
Dave Barnello, 32°
Sovereign Prince
The time has come for us to resume our labors. I hope you all had a very pleasant summer, be it a very hot and dry one. The good news was that you didn’t have to mow as often, the bad news was that you had to watch your lawn turn from a lush green, to a golden brown.
A sincere “Thank You” to all, along with their family members, who took time out of their busy schedule to work at the Safety ID booth at the NYS FAIR, on Scottish Rite Sunday.
A hearty “Congratulations” goes out to two of our Brothers who received special recognition at the Council of Deliberation; D.B. Melvin W. Sitts, 32° MSA, who received his MSA designation, and Rev. Allan J. Ferguson, who was named from the Valley of Syracuse to receive the MSA at COD in 2013.
A special “Congratulations” is extended to Ill\Milo J. Peterson, 33°, Honorary Member of Supreme, who was Cororneted at Supreme Council in Cleveland, OH. His White Hat Presentation Dinner is scheduled for October 20th. Social hour at 6:00 p.m., dinner at 6:30 p.m.
Our annual “Kick Off” Steak Bake was a huge success and all appeared to be having a great time.
The LODGE OF PERFECTION will be conferring the 4°, 5° degree on October 22. Please plan to attend.
DB Gary Kall, 32°, MSA
Thrice Potent Master
Notes from the Children's Dyslexia Center
This will be a short report as we will not begin our 2012-2013 year until mid Spetember and then we will be off to a very busy start. We completed our summer program, began the training of our new class of scholars mid August, sent all of our End of Year reports to Lexington and began to prepare for our 8th (that's right 8th) year serving Central New York. We will begin this year with 5 scholars and 6 paid tutors and will have 11 returning children and 12 new children starting October 1st.
September 22nd will find the Center busy with our annual Walk-a-Thon, a chicken barbecue, bake sale and bottle and can drive. Any way that you can help us in these fund raising efforts will be greatly appreciated. The new scholars will also be at the Center for a full day of training and preparation for beginning their tutoring of two children in October.
October is Dyslexia Awareness Month and we will continue our Fund Raising efforts with a Book Fair at the Barnes & Noble store in New Hartford, NY on October 26th. The Center will recieve a percentage of purchases made by those with our coupon or sticker (Think Holiday Gifts.) Coupons will be available for those who want to shop online and that information will be available on our website, Facebook page and my upcoming Blog.
I will be attending the Annual International Dyslexia Conference in Blatimore, Maryland that week and will be bringing you more information regarding issue with Dyslexia at that time.
As always- We thank you for you continued support and look forward to seeing many of you at the Walk and/or Bookfair.
Linda Martin, Director
Email- [email protected]
Phone- (315) 736-0574
Mail- Children’s Dyslexia Center- CNY
PO Box 638
Oriskany, NY 13424
Sometimes the Hospitaler gets to share good news, and the best news in the Valley is this: Illustrious Gary Hartman is back home and continuing his recovery after several surgeries and a stay in the Masonic Care Center in Utica between and after his operations. We look forward to seeing Gary return to full activity as one of our mentors and experienced brothers.
Now, to the more usual work the Hospitaler performs. I urge you to keep Brothers Norm Kruth and Mike Gunn in your prayers and thoughts. Each Brother is experiencing serious health issues. Each Brother and his family needs the care of our fraternity and the best the Great Architect of the Universe can impart.
Allan J. Ferguson, 32° DSA
200th Anniversary Class
Join Central City Bodies AASR, Valley of Syracuse in 2012-2013 and become a part of a very special year in Scottish Rite Masonry in the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction when it celebrates 200 years of Scottish Rite Masonry in the United States of America.
Receive special recognition gifts from the Supreme Council and Central City Bodies to commemorate your joining. The Valley of Syracuse is presenting an attractive 14th degree Lodge of Perfection Ring to each candidate taking the Fourteenth “Grand Elect Mason” Degree during our 2012-2013 year. The Supreme Council, 33°, Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, northern Masonic jurisdiction is presenting to each new Scottish Rite Member a very attractive Jewel designed to be worn with a suit jacket to each new member who completes the journey to become a 32nd degree Scottish Rite Mason in 2012-2013.
Contact Ill. Robert M. Tyrrell, 33°, 1st Lieutenant Commander and Membership Chairman, the Valley of Syracuse Office by e-mail at [email protected]; telephone (315) 452-7976, or mail at Central City Bodies, A.A.S.R., Masonic Memorial Center, 648 Centerville Place, North Syracuse, NY 13212-2366 for more information or to obtain a membership application. Initiation fees to join the Valley of Syracuse are $ 110.00.
Degrees presentations commence on October 22, 2012 and conclude on April 27 when the 32nd degree is conferred at our Annual Spring Reunion.
Robing Room Project
The Valley Robing Room and Degree Presentation Team needs assistance from several volunteers willing to assist doing a project to reorganize the storage and use of the Valley’s degree robes and other degree presentation paraphernalia in our Robing Room that is commencing this fall.
In order to accomplish the planned reorganization several work days and evenings are scheduled.
Also, D.B. Garret Wikoff, 32° MSA will not be able to attend all of the meetings this next year and do all of the associated jobs in the Robing due to the duties of his Grand Lodge Office. We are also seeking someone to work in the Robing Room when he cannot be with us.
Contact the Valley Secretary’s Office [email protected] or Brother Lawrence Egnaczyk 32°, Most Wise Master, Committee Chairman, [email protected] or Ill. Richard J. Powell, 33°, 2nd Lieut. Commander, [email protected] if you are available to assist us in these two areas.
Ill. James D. Swan, Jr., 33°
Valley Secretary
2013 Burns Supper
A great time was had by all last January when we hosted our first Robert Burn’s Supper at Coleman’s Irish Pub. We have a Saturday January 26th date penciled in for the 2013 Supper.
Coleman’s will be a little too small if we exceed the number we had then so I am trying to get a preliminary head count so we can figure out where to hold it next January.
Please email me at [email protected] if you are interested in attending the 2013 event in January.
Rick Powell