October 2023
Oct 2 Executive Committee Zoom Meeting 7:00 p.m.
Oct 16 Awards and Recognition Event
Social 6:00 p.m. / Dinner 6:30 p.m. / Program 7:30 p.m.
Oct 23 Confer 15° “Knight of the East” & 16° “Prince of Jerusalem”
Oct 30 Knights of St. Andrew Special Program 7:00 p.m.
“How to transform the Rough Ashlar into A Perfect Square”
November 2023
Nov 06 Trustees Zoom Meeting 6:15 p.m. / Executive Committee Zoom Meeting 7:00 p.m.
Nov 13 Veterans Recognition Event
Social 6:00 p.m. / Dinner 6:30 p.m. / Program 7:30 p.m.
October 2023
Oct 2 Executive Committee Zoom Meeting 7:00 p.m.
Oct 16 Awards and Recognition Event
Social 6:00 p.m. / Dinner 6:30 p.m. / Program 7:30 p.m.
Oct 23 Confer 15° “Knight of the East” & 16° “Prince of Jerusalem”
Oct 30 Knights of St. Andrew Special Program 7:00 p.m.
“How to transform the Rough Ashlar into A Perfect Square”
November 2023
Nov 06 Trustees Zoom Meeting 6:15 p.m. / Executive Committee Zoom Meeting 7:00 p.m.
Nov 13 Veterans Recognition Event
Social 6:00 p.m. / Dinner 6:30 p.m. / Program 7:30 p.m.
Greetings Brethren! Let me start with a personal prerogative. The last three weeks have been an absolute blur. Personal plans were made, changed and changed again, sometimes in a matter of hours. Some of you are aware that my wife suffered a stroke sometime in the early morning hours of August 14th . She spent three days in the Hospital and about a week and a half doing in-patient rehab. Since the news of her medical emergency became known I have been absolutely overwhelmed by the support and offers of assistance by my Masonic Brothers. Without exaggeration, there have been well over 100 calls, texts, and emails offering support and assistance with anything I might need. I am humbled by the outpouring of support and encouragement. This stroke has been life changing for Diana and I, and we are still sorting out what the new normal will be. To each of you who called, texted, emailed, or spent even a moment praying for Diana’s recovery...I am incredibly thankful. She is home now and we are starting to settle into a routine.
Reflecting for a moment on the month just past...we had a successful Fall Kickoff Event on September 11th , followed shortly thereafter by the conferral of the 4th and 14th Degrees on Sept. 18th . The room was packed for our White Hat Dinner on Sept. 25th honoring Ill. Leon Bulriss, Ill. Garret Wikoff, Ill. Terry Byard and myself. I’m sure I speak for all of us when I say that receiving the 33rd Degree in Louisville was an incredible experience, but our reception in the Valley of Syracuse was even more humbling.
We have a full month of activities planned for October. On Monday, October 16th we will have Awards and Recognition Night with social time at 6:00 PM, Dinner at 6:30 PM and a program in the Lodge Room at 7:30 PM. I hope you will make a special effort to come out and show your support for all those receiving awards and recognition from the Valley. On October 23rd , the Council will confer the 15th and 16th Degrees. These are the only two degrees conferred by the Council, but they are an integral part of the Scottish Rite Degree System. Please come out to witness these important degrees. Finally, on October 30th we have a special KOSA Program dealing with the transformation of a Rough Ashlar to a Perfect Ashlar by an Operative Mason. Please see Venerable Master Tim Page’s article for more information on this outstanding event.
Before you know it the Holiday Rush of November and December will be upon us. We have a relatively light schedule for those two months so you can spend time with your families. Nov. 13th will be our Veterans Recognition Night and December 11th will be our Holiday Celebration with our Ladies. There is also a Holiday Luncheon scheduled for Wednesday, December 27th at Twin Trees III Restaurant. More information concerning these events will follow in next month’s article and from the Scottish Rite Office.
Ill. William H. Toth II, 33° MSA
Commander in Chief
Greetings Brethren! Let me start with a personal prerogative. The last three weeks have been an absolute blur. Personal plans were made, changed and changed again, sometimes in a matter of hours. Some of you are aware that my wife suffered a stroke sometime in the early morning hours of August 14th . She spent three days in the Hospital and about a week and a half doing in-patient rehab. Since the news of her medical emergency became known I have been absolutely overwhelmed by the support and offers of assistance by my Masonic Brothers. Without exaggeration, there have been well over 100 calls, texts, and emails offering support and assistance with anything I might need. I am humbled by the outpouring of support and encouragement. This stroke has been life changing for Diana and I, and we are still sorting out what the new normal will be. To each of you who called, texted, emailed, or spent even a moment praying for Diana’s recovery...I am incredibly thankful. She is home now and we are starting to settle into a routine.
Reflecting for a moment on the month just past...we had a successful Fall Kickoff Event on September 11th , followed shortly thereafter by the conferral of the 4th and 14th Degrees on Sept. 18th . The room was packed for our White Hat Dinner on Sept. 25th honoring Ill. Leon Bulriss, Ill. Garret Wikoff, Ill. Terry Byard and myself. I’m sure I speak for all of us when I say that receiving the 33rd Degree in Louisville was an incredible experience, but our reception in the Valley of Syracuse was even more humbling.
We have a full month of activities planned for October. On Monday, October 16th we will have Awards and Recognition Night with social time at 6:00 PM, Dinner at 6:30 PM and a program in the Lodge Room at 7:30 PM. I hope you will make a special effort to come out and show your support for all those receiving awards and recognition from the Valley. On October 23rd , the Council will confer the 15th and 16th Degrees. These are the only two degrees conferred by the Council, but they are an integral part of the Scottish Rite Degree System. Please come out to witness these important degrees. Finally, on October 30th we have a special KOSA Program dealing with the transformation of a Rough Ashlar to a Perfect Ashlar by an Operative Mason. Please see Venerable Master Tim Page’s article for more information on this outstanding event.
Before you know it the Holiday Rush of November and December will be upon us. We have a relatively light schedule for those two months so you can spend time with your families. Nov. 13th will be our Veterans Recognition Night and December 11th will be our Holiday Celebration with our Ladies. There is also a Holiday Luncheon scheduled for Wednesday, December 27th at Twin Trees III Restaurant. More information concerning these events will follow in next month’s article and from the Scottish Rite Office.
Ill. William H. Toth II, 33° MSA
Commander in Chief
Greetings, Princes: Last week I held a Zoom meeting with our Chapter Rose Croix (CRC) Leadership, to begin organizing our work for this year. These Zoom meetings are open to all, so if anyone is interested in attending, send me an email and I will send the link for our next one to you.
The CRC has three main activities this year, and all are after January 2024. They are: the Caregiver’s Event, two Rite Degrees (one live), and the Feast of the Paschal Lamb. The CRC is actively looking for volunteer actors to work in the parts. Some parts are non-speaking, easy to learn. So, join us. This is an excellent way, for new Scottish Riters to become acquainted with our organization, as well as with its members. If interested, contact any of our CRC Leaders.
Last week I went to the State Fair. It reminded me of our Children’s ID program, headed by Bro. Hank Havener. This program created computer diskettes with participating children’s key information (photo, digital prints, health, and address information). We then handed the disk to their parents, all completely free. This disk served in case the child got lost or was taken from their parents. It would provide the police with the necessary information to try to find them. The program processed hundreds of kids, every year, during the State Fair. Freemasons paid the rent of the room used, electricity, rented computers and printers, and paid for the entrance of the volunteers who worked in it. Costs continued rising and the program had to be ended.
The Scottish Rite has six core values, and each of our members has their preferred ones. Mine are: Devotion to Country and Service to Humanity (especially our community). Whichever yours are, as a Scottish Riter, our organization allows you to know and befriend Brethren from different Lodges and Districts, who may also prefer these same values. And, with them, you can jointly develop some challenging project that fulfills your interests.
Please, keep our military and our country in our prayers.
Keep safe. Fraternally,
Jorge L. Romeu, 32°
Most Wise Master
Greetings, Princes: Last week I held a Zoom meeting with our Chapter Rose Croix (CRC) Leadership, to begin organizing our work for this year. These Zoom meetings are open to all, so if anyone is interested in attending, send me an email and I will send the link for our next one to you.
The CRC has three main activities this year, and all are after January 2024. They are: the Caregiver’s Event, two Rite Degrees (one live), and the Feast of the Paschal Lamb. The CRC is actively looking for volunteer actors to work in the parts. Some parts are non-speaking, easy to learn. So, join us. This is an excellent way, for new Scottish Riters to become acquainted with our organization, as well as with its members. If interested, contact any of our CRC Leaders.
Last week I went to the State Fair. It reminded me of our Children’s ID program, headed by Bro. Hank Havener. This program created computer diskettes with participating children’s key information (photo, digital prints, health, and address information). We then handed the disk to their parents, all completely free. This disk served in case the child got lost or was taken from their parents. It would provide the police with the necessary information to try to find them. The program processed hundreds of kids, every year, during the State Fair. Freemasons paid the rent of the room used, electricity, rented computers and printers, and paid for the entrance of the volunteers who worked in it. Costs continued rising and the program had to be ended.
The Scottish Rite has six core values, and each of our members has their preferred ones. Mine are: Devotion to Country and Service to Humanity (especially our community). Whichever yours are, as a Scottish Riter, our organization allows you to know and befriend Brethren from different Lodges and Districts, who may also prefer these same values. And, with them, you can jointly develop some challenging project that fulfills your interests.
Please, keep our military and our country in our prayers.
Keep safe. Fraternally,
Jorge L. Romeu, 32°
Most Wise Master
Happy Fall! The Valley of Syracuse Council of Princes of Jerusalem will present the 16th Degree LIVE on Monday, October 23, 2023. SPRS Michael Miller, 32; High Priest, Council Princes of Jerusalem, is the Director of this Degree. A rehearsal will be conducted on Monday, October 7, 2023, at 7 p.m. We have both spoken and walk-on parts. This degree is one of the highlights of our Valley. Please contact the Scottish Rite office at [email protected] for more information.
I am very excited about the upcoming Veterans Recognition Dinner and a special program on Monday, November 13, 2023, with dinner starting at 6:00 p.m. This is a family event. Don’t hesitate to contact the Scottish Rite office at [email protected] for more information. As a combat veteran, the full house that night with a presentation RING AROUND THE WORLD is a must-see in your Masonic journey. It would be wonderful to have some of our DeMolay/Rainbow/Triangle youth present for this evening. Any youth will be a guest on me. We always have room for you.
Finally, are you waiting to be asked to join Scottish Rite? Brother, I would be honored to invite you to the Scottish Rite. Again, do not hesitate to contact the Scottish Rite office at [email protected] for more information. We have space for you.
Jeffrey M. Cox, 32°
Sovereign Prince
Happy Fall! The Valley of Syracuse Council of Princes of Jerusalem will present the 16th Degree LIVE on Monday, October 23, 2023. SPRS Michael Miller, 32; High Priest, Council Princes of Jerusalem, is the Director of this Degree. A rehearsal will be conducted on Monday, October 7, 2023, at 7 p.m. We have both spoken and walk-on parts. This degree is one of the highlights of our Valley. Please contact the Scottish Rite office at [email protected] for more information.
I am very excited about the upcoming Veterans Recognition Dinner and a special program on Monday, November 13, 2023, with dinner starting at 6:00 p.m. This is a family event. Don’t hesitate to contact the Scottish Rite office at [email protected] for more information. As a combat veteran, the full house that night with a presentation RING AROUND THE WORLD is a must-see in your Masonic journey. It would be wonderful to have some of our DeMolay/Rainbow/Triangle youth present for this evening. Any youth will be a guest on me. We always have room for you.
Finally, are you waiting to be asked to join Scottish Rite? Brother, I would be honored to invite you to the Scottish Rite. Again, do not hesitate to contact the Scottish Rite office at [email protected] for more information. We have space for you.
Jeffrey M. Cox, 32°
Sovereign Prince
It was a pleasure to see four well deserving Brothers from the Valley of Syracuse coroneted 33 ° Scottish Rite Masons in Louisville, Kentucky on August 29th,2023.
Congratulations to the following Illustrious Brothers: Leon Bulriss, William Toth II, Terry Byard and Garret Wikoff. At the NYS dinner it was announced that D.B. James Nelson, MSA, has been elected to receive the 33° in Indianapolis in 2025.
The Valley of Excellence Program, when achieved, earns the Valley an extra nomination for a 33°candidate.
We are fortunate to have such a motivated Brother, Dr. Timothy Page 32° reaching out to Lodges that are showing interest in a Rite on The Road program presented by our team. To make you aware, The Lodge of Perfection will open the meeting on an evening other than the regular meeting night of that Lodge. At that time the 4° video will be presented and time allowing, other video degrees can be presented that evening. All that is required is a Brother be a Master Mason in good standing with their present active member dues card and their initiation fee of $160. Checks or Credit Cards are acceptable. Refreshments will be provided by the Valley of Syracuse.
The Valley Brother to Brother program is again underway and let me tell you how much our Brothers appreciate getting a phone call and knowing we are interested in and care about them and their current situations. Some have some interesting stories to share.
Sincerely & Fraternally,
Ill. Lawrence W. Egnaczyk, 33° MSA
Thrice Potent Master
Hello Brethren, Hope this month finds you all fine.
Please keep our Commander in Chief, Bill Toth and his wife, Diana in your prayers due to several health issues. We did have a few Brothers and their families get COVID but all seem to be better now.
Please be safe when you are up and about as it is the time of year for the flu. I have not been notified of anyone else with issues which is a good thing. If you need anything or know of someone in need please feel free to contact me.
Ill. Garry Visconti, 33° MSA
[email protected]
(315) 529-1936
It was a pleasure to see four well deserving Brothers from the Valley of Syracuse coroneted 33 ° Scottish Rite Masons in Louisville, Kentucky on August 29th,2023.
Congratulations to the following Illustrious Brothers: Leon Bulriss, William Toth II, Terry Byard and Garret Wikoff. At the NYS dinner it was announced that D.B. James Nelson, MSA, has been elected to receive the 33° in Indianapolis in 2025.
The Valley of Excellence Program, when achieved, earns the Valley an extra nomination for a 33°candidate.
We are fortunate to have such a motivated Brother, Dr. Timothy Page 32° reaching out to Lodges that are showing interest in a Rite on The Road program presented by our team. To make you aware, The Lodge of Perfection will open the meeting on an evening other than the regular meeting night of that Lodge. At that time the 4° video will be presented and time allowing, other video degrees can be presented that evening. All that is required is a Brother be a Master Mason in good standing with their present active member dues card and their initiation fee of $160. Checks or Credit Cards are acceptable. Refreshments will be provided by the Valley of Syracuse.
The Valley Brother to Brother program is again underway and let me tell you how much our Brothers appreciate getting a phone call and knowing we are interested in and care about them and their current situations. Some have some interesting stories to share.
Sincerely & Fraternally,
Ill. Lawrence W. Egnaczyk, 33° MSA
Thrice Potent Master
Hello Brethren, Hope this month finds you all fine.
Please keep our Commander in Chief, Bill Toth and his wife, Diana in your prayers due to several health issues. We did have a few Brothers and their families get COVID but all seem to be better now.
Please be safe when you are up and about as it is the time of year for the flu. I have not been notified of anyone else with issues which is a good thing. If you need anything or know of someone in need please feel free to contact me.
Ill. Garry Visconti, 33° MSA
[email protected]
(315) 529-1936
Welcome to My World
Notes from the Children’s Dyslexia Center CNY
It is hard to believe it is October already. We are excited to begin the new year here at the Center. September brings with it assessment for incoming students, director training for both of us in Lexington, along with prepping the Center for the arrival of our students and parent information nights.
As we begin the transition as co-directors in a program that has been run for nineteen and a half years by Linda Martin, who has been a phenomenal director and mentor, we are excited to continue to learn and grow. Linda has graciously agreed to not only train the Practitioner 2’s but to also mentor and guide us through the coming year. We are grateful for this opportunity to serve the children and the community.
This year we have one new Practitioner 1 trainee, and five Practitioner 2 trainees. Practitioner 2’s are learning advanced material in upper-level morphology, comprehension, grammar, and fluency with Linda as their instructor. As co-directors we are training to be instructors of practitioner 2 which is the last certification to achieve.
This year we will be servicing fifteen children at our Center that could not be done without your generosity and support and we are eternally grateful.
With gratitude,
Alyssa Mittiga and Marianne Jones Co-Directors
Email- [email protected], [email protected]
Mail- Children’s Dyslexia Center- CNY
PO Box 638
Oriskany, NY 13424
Alyssa’s Introduction – I thank you for inviting me to introduce myself. My name is Alyssa Mittiga, many people pronounce it A-lissa (schwa on the first a), however it is actually pronounced A-lee-s-a (schwa on the first and last a). I’m uncertain if my parents knew of the Alyssum flower where my name was derived from, or if they just didn’t care and wished for me to have another pronunciation, either way, it has been a challenge my entire life, but I love that it’s pronounced with a uniqueness of its own.
In 1999, I graduated from Syracuse University as a duel major in Fine Arts and Education, and SUNY Cortland in 2002, in Literacy. Holland Patent Central School District hired me in 1999, as an Art teacher for middle school until 2004, before departing for Maine where my husband Matt attended medical school. In Maine I worked in a public school, on the southern coast, as a Literacy teacher for 7th grade.
Matt and I have four children. It is because of our second born son, Joseph that I became a part of the center in the training program in 2015. Prior to 2015, I couldn’t teach my son to read, even though I was a literacy specialist. It was through the center that I learned the valuable information that would alter not only my son’s life and my own, but so many in the homeschooling community where I was a part of at that time in my life. In 2016 I continued to volunteer at the center, while Joseph received his services and continued private tutoring. 2017 opened a new year of training, where I took Practitioner 2, Supervisor, and Trainer Training for Practitioner 1’s. I continued to work with Linda as she mentored me each step of the way. In 2022, I completed the Therapy Course, and am currently working on Practitioner 2 Trainer Certification. Also in 22, I began training five teachers at West Canada Elementary School in the Orton-Gillingham Multisensory Approach to reading, with the knowledge and training I acquired from the center. This was a wonderful opportunity to use my education to make an impact on another level within a school district, so children would get the services and their needs met within the district, while adding the population of certified tutors in our area.
Gratefully, Linda had already trained three teachers in the pandemic year (2020) at West Canada, which established a solid foundation for an off site practicum. This year I am working with Holland Patent Central School District training nine of their teachers. Watching the growth of knowledge within the public school system due to this training is beyond words. It is a catalyst for more children to have what they need to be successful, without waiting to fail.
I do not think I have the words to explain the impact that the Children’s Dyslexia Center has had in my life, that radiates out into the world, which is why I have continued on. The education provided is phenomenal, the people are genuine, kind, generous, and have a belief in the betterment of the children for the greater good of all. Differences are made here. I am all about making a difference, changing lives for the better and constantly learning.
May I extend my respect and gratitude to Linda for being such an exceptional teacher all of these years, and appreciative that she will continue to mentor us in the transition this year as Marianne Jones and I step in to Co-Directorship together. I am excited to embark on this new adventure with the Children’s Dyslexia Center and Marianne Jones.
Alyssa Westhall Mittiga, Co-Director
Notes from the Children’s Dyslexia Center CNY
It is hard to believe it is October already. We are excited to begin the new year here at the Center. September brings with it assessment for incoming students, director training for both of us in Lexington, along with prepping the Center for the arrival of our students and parent information nights.
As we begin the transition as co-directors in a program that has been run for nineteen and a half years by Linda Martin, who has been a phenomenal director and mentor, we are excited to continue to learn and grow. Linda has graciously agreed to not only train the Practitioner 2’s but to also mentor and guide us through the coming year. We are grateful for this opportunity to serve the children and the community.
This year we have one new Practitioner 1 trainee, and five Practitioner 2 trainees. Practitioner 2’s are learning advanced material in upper-level morphology, comprehension, grammar, and fluency with Linda as their instructor. As co-directors we are training to be instructors of practitioner 2 which is the last certification to achieve.
This year we will be servicing fifteen children at our Center that could not be done without your generosity and support and we are eternally grateful.
With gratitude,
Alyssa Mittiga and Marianne Jones Co-Directors
Email- [email protected], [email protected]
Mail- Children’s Dyslexia Center- CNY
PO Box 638
Oriskany, NY 13424
Alyssa’s Introduction – I thank you for inviting me to introduce myself. My name is Alyssa Mittiga, many people pronounce it A-lissa (schwa on the first a), however it is actually pronounced A-lee-s-a (schwa on the first and last a). I’m uncertain if my parents knew of the Alyssum flower where my name was derived from, or if they just didn’t care and wished for me to have another pronunciation, either way, it has been a challenge my entire life, but I love that it’s pronounced with a uniqueness of its own.
In 1999, I graduated from Syracuse University as a duel major in Fine Arts and Education, and SUNY Cortland in 2002, in Literacy. Holland Patent Central School District hired me in 1999, as an Art teacher for middle school until 2004, before departing for Maine where my husband Matt attended medical school. In Maine I worked in a public school, on the southern coast, as a Literacy teacher for 7th grade.
Matt and I have four children. It is because of our second born son, Joseph that I became a part of the center in the training program in 2015. Prior to 2015, I couldn’t teach my son to read, even though I was a literacy specialist. It was through the center that I learned the valuable information that would alter not only my son’s life and my own, but so many in the homeschooling community where I was a part of at that time in my life. In 2016 I continued to volunteer at the center, while Joseph received his services and continued private tutoring. 2017 opened a new year of training, where I took Practitioner 2, Supervisor, and Trainer Training for Practitioner 1’s. I continued to work with Linda as she mentored me each step of the way. In 2022, I completed the Therapy Course, and am currently working on Practitioner 2 Trainer Certification. Also in 22, I began training five teachers at West Canada Elementary School in the Orton-Gillingham Multisensory Approach to reading, with the knowledge and training I acquired from the center. This was a wonderful opportunity to use my education to make an impact on another level within a school district, so children would get the services and their needs met within the district, while adding the population of certified tutors in our area.
Gratefully, Linda had already trained three teachers in the pandemic year (2020) at West Canada, which established a solid foundation for an off site practicum. This year I am working with Holland Patent Central School District training nine of their teachers. Watching the growth of knowledge within the public school system due to this training is beyond words. It is a catalyst for more children to have what they need to be successful, without waiting to fail.
I do not think I have the words to explain the impact that the Children’s Dyslexia Center has had in my life, that radiates out into the world, which is why I have continued on. The education provided is phenomenal, the people are genuine, kind, generous, and have a belief in the betterment of the children for the greater good of all. Differences are made here. I am all about making a difference, changing lives for the better and constantly learning.
May I extend my respect and gratitude to Linda for being such an exceptional teacher all of these years, and appreciative that she will continue to mentor us in the transition this year as Marianne Jones and I step in to Co-Directorship together. I am excited to embark on this new adventure with the Children’s Dyslexia Center and Marianne Jones.
Alyssa Westhall Mittiga, Co-Director