Oct 5 Executive Committee “ZOOM” Meeting 7:00 P.M.
Oct 12 Consistory Degree Conferral 7:30 p.m.
Nov 2 Trustees/Executive Committee “ZOOM” Meeting 7:00 p.m.
Nov 16 Regular Meeting 7:30 p.m.
Note: Specific Event invitation notices will be sent from the office for all future events as we are allowed to meet.
Dates and times for all events are subject to change as we continue to work around the COCID-19 Pandemic Meeting restrictions
We are taking direction from the Grand Master, Sovereign Grand Commander, and the Memorial Masonic Temple Corporation Trustees directing the scheduling of meetings and events in the Masonic Memorial Center.
My Brothers,
Well, here we are, trying to get back to work in the Quarries of Freemasonry. I know it is challenging to operate in our Lodges and Valley’s while adhering to the mandates set by our state, counties and Grand Lodge Edicts pertaining to social distancing.
Meeting in a group is something that needs special consideration for the health and safety of all, especially our most senior members. We will be paying strict attention to see how the “Virtual Reunions” that are going to be presented by The Supreme Council of the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, play a role in attracting new members for the Valley of Syracuse.
The Valley of Syracuse is still looking into the process to be able to confer the 32° in our building and perform the Knighting Ceremony upon the Ill:. Richard J. Powell, 33° 2019-2020 class. It is deeply appreciated for the patience and understanding this class has shown for the delays caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.
I want to thank our Valley Secretary, Ill:. James D. Swan, Jr., 33° for setting up the Zoom meetings so the Valley Trustees and the Executive Committee can carry out the necessary business to keep our Valley operating as close to normal as possible.
May God bless you all and your families.
D.B. Lawrence W. Egnaczyk, 32° MSA
Commander in Chief
[email protected] / (H) Ph. # 315-637-4143 / (C) Ph. # 315-632-1043
I have traveled to Pennsylvania four times, to Delaware, Connecticut, New Jersey and Ohio for more enlightenment into masonic life, earning passport degrees along the way. Each event gave me the opportunity to meet numerous Brothers and see their operations and monthly or quarterly newspaper. Each one, including the “The Word,” have various articles for our enrichment. However, a specific article by Brother Walter Rupert, Past Most Wise Master of the Evergreen Chapter, Rose Croix, of the Valley of Bloomsburg, PA detailed the apron of a past design. This led me to wonder what could be in the Rose Croix history that we may have overlooked.
In the past, the Chapter of Rose Croix had various titles such as: “Knights of the Pelican and Eagle”, “The Sovereign Prince of Rose Croix of Heredom” and “Brethren of the Rosy Cross”. The Degrees of the Rose Croix are the 17th and 18th , or are sometimes referred to as the “Philosophical Degrees.”
The symbol of the Rose Croix is the masonic square and compass with a pelican, her babies and the Rose Cross in the middle. The Pelican is pecking its breast in the manner in which the babies are fed, symbolizing a sacrificial relationship with its inner being. The candidate will need to nourish his own soul by developing a spiritual embryo within. Therefore, our self-image must be changed, transformed, sacrificed for us to develop a true spiritual self. The Pelican is therefore the spiritual image of the Christ experience and was used by the earliest Alchemists as a symbol. The candidate for these degrees himself symbolically achieves both light and perfection by his own efforts. The allegory of the experience which a Mason must undergo in his own quest for light is not redemption wrought for him by God, but the achievement of perfection only through his own efforts.
We need to take more time during our Masonic travels to stop and look at the clues which have been given to us by those who came before us. Reading and understanding these clues will help us in our everyday walk as a Freemason and help shape our futures as well as those brethren who follow our footsteps.
So, be ready to greet your Brothers with a glad hand shake (NOT under the current Covid 19 restrictions: maybe an elbow bump instead) and a warm smile as we continue our journey together.
Gary W. Hamburg, 32°
Most Wise Master
Greetings Sovereign Princes.
Change is in the air and not just the weather. With the upcoming virtual reunions and the work going on to have degrees, things are beginning to change within Scottish Rite. Remember that for the virtual reunions you have to register ahead of time, they look to be very different from the norm but also fun.
Remember that although we might not be together in person, you are all in my thoughts. Remember that the office is always looking to make sure they have correct contact information for all members so if you move, change email addresses or change phone numbers make sure and let the office know.
Hopefully you are all staying safe along with your families. Stay safe everybody. God bless you all, Freemasons, our military and this great country.
James McNeal, 32º DSA
Sovereign Prince
Scottish Ritters, September has proved to be another month of limited face to face Masonic activities due to the COVID19. I continue to find this a time to contemplate on the philosophy of our Beloved Craft and “just what it means to be a Freemason”. As a Scottish Rite Mason and the Leader of the Valleys “Lodge of Perfection” I truly believe we should ALL strive to perfect our moral self’s not only in our Lodge rooms but in our daily lives and when abroad in the world.
In light of continued discouraging news on the local and national stage, from the pandemic, to economic uncertainty, to “Black Lives Matter”, to the pending Presidential elections, we are all emotionally impacted in one way or another. Contemplating on these issues and what it means to be a Freemason, I would like to devote this month’s article to two specific communications received in the month of September that touched me deeply and give much reflective thought on how we as Masons should conduct ourselves.
The first of which is Brother Jorge L. Romeu’s “Mentor” article in the September “The Word” issue. Brother Romeu so eloquently compares and contrasts introspection in “American Freemasonry” with activism in “Spanish Caribbean” Freemasonry and how they may apply in our crumbling circumstances. He writes “The Craft is the Institution of Brotherly Love and Tolerance, two of the most important but absent elements in our days….A voice of moderation is desperately needed. Freemasonry is especially endowed to help such a voice re-emerge.” He concludes his article by stating if Masons can address these issues judiciously, we may be able to show others by our example. Thank you, Brother Romeu, for your insights and understanding!!
The second is a Facebook Post from Brother Rich C. Friedman (Grand Lecturer). Truly emotionally hurt by “The MADNESS” of extreme Un-Masonic Social Media Posts to include Brothers attacking Brothers over political Views. Setting the example, by using Masonic Logic, Rhetoric, and the Ancient Charges, he lays out a heartfelt Plea to All Freemasons to be Good Men and true, Love each other as Brothers and treat all humans with respect and civility. Brother Friedman concludes with “Come forward Masons and act out our creed of friendship, morality and Brotherly Love by reclaiming our mission as a force for good, a force for peace, and a force for universal brotherhood and love.
I challenge you to take a few moments out of your busy day, each day, to contemplate what it truly means to be a Mason. As individuals and as Fraternity, we would ALL be a little better if we were to heed the philosophy and lessons reflected on above along with some of these Brothers Passion’s and Love for our Craft.
My Beloved Princes, I hope to see you in person soon, May God Bless you and Family!!
Terry A. Byard, 32° DSA
Thrice Potent Master
Fall is here my Brothers! Just waiting for that first frost to set the winter squash, finish ripening the grapes, and our garden is done.
Again not a lot to report due to Covid 19 concerns that have restricted travel and live meetings. It has been brought to my attention that Dave Freeman is experiencing health issues. Please keep Dave and his family in our thoughts and prayers.
If you are in need of some confidential assistance please contact us…We may be able to provide some type of help.
Remember to wear that mask!
Dick Freeman – 315-837-4962
[email protected]
Welcome to My World
Notes from the Children’s Dyslexia Center CNY
And what a world it is.......Life has certainly been different since we saw many of you last at our Annual Gala in March. I am always thankful to have that wonderful memory to look back on as it came days before everything was shut dow due to COVID 19. Since then we have attempted to become proficient in ZOOM meetings and tutoring sessions. Not all children or tutors desired (or were able) to participate In the tutoring but we persevered into July with the effort. To a one, those who participated in the tutoring agreed that it was not the optimum way in which to help children with dyslexia to read but was definitely better than nothing.
That being said, with the aid of several of our Board members and a lot of work on Gineal’s part (and some on mine) we have been approved to open the Center for on-site tutoring. We are meeting (or surpassing) any guidelines put forth by Lexington and/or the state for health and safety precautions. It will be a new (and somewhat terrifying) adventure with not all tutors choosing to participate. All families are anxious to resume in person (separated by 5ft. diameter tables with large clear screens and clear face masks) tutoring sessions and the applications continue to arrive.
We will be doing all we can to raise funds (sadly more needed than ever) but only time will tell. Look forward to another phenomenal GALA in the spring.
As always, Thank You for your continued encouragement and support.
Linda L. Martin, Director
Email- [email protected]
Phone- (315) 736-0574
Mail- Children’s Dyslexia Center- CNY
PO Box 638
Oriskany, NY 13424
Supreme Council Honors D.B. Earl L. Tuttle and D.B. George Caswell
Congratulations to Earl Tuttle, Valley of Syracuse and George Caswell, Valleys of Norwood and Syracuse, who were elected at the 2020 Executive Session of Supreme Council to be coroneted Sovereign Grand Inspectors General, 33° Scottish Rite Masons and Honorary Members of Supreme Council, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, United States of America at the Supreme Council Session scheduled in Cleveland, OH August 28-31, 2021.
Please offer them your congratulations. Information about the 2021 Supreme Council Session will be coming.
James D. Swan, Jr.
Valley Secretary
Become a Member of the Scottish Rite - Continue your Scottish Rite Masonic Education
An open invitation to all Master Masons in the Central New York area.
Central City Bodies A.A.S.R. invites all Master Masons who do not belong to the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite to submit a petition for membership in the Central City Bodies, Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite Valley of Syracuse.
We meet at the Masonic Memorial Center, 648 Centerville Place, North Syracuse, NY 13212-2366. This is a one floor totally handicapped accessible facility. Our regularly scheduled events are held Monday evenings. Our meetings and events start in September each Fall and end in June in the Spring.
Action you may take to become a Scottish Rite Mason- Go on line to and fill out an electronic petition for membership; Contact the Valley of Syracuse Scottish Rite Office (315) 452-7976 or [email protected] and request a petition for membership.
Initiation fee is $ 110.00 and is due prior to taking your first Scottish Rite degree. Annual Member Dues are $ 83.00 and are invoiced in August each year.
Schedule the Virtual Reunion you wish to attend by going on line at and follow the directions. YOU MUST PRE-REGISTER TO ATTEND!!
Dates for the Virtual Reunions are:
October 3, 2020 at 9:00 a.m. Degrees conferred: 4th , “Builder”; 6th , “Master of the Brazen Serpent”; 15th , “Knight of the East” and 23rd . “Knight of Valor”
October 24, 2020 at 9:00 a.m. Degrees conferred: 4th “Builder”; 17th , Knight of the East and West”; 19th , Brothers of the Trai”; 26th , Friend and Brother Eternal”
November 14, 2020 at 9:00 a.m. Degrees conferred: 4th , ‘Builder”; 12th , “Master of Mercy”; 29th , “Knight of St. Andrew”; 31st , “My Brother’s Keeper”.
If you are a Scottish Rite Mason and wish to further your Scottish Rite knowledge go online, register to attend one of the virtual reunions and expand your knowledge. You will receive credit for attending the Virtual Reunion and participating in the watching of the degrees.
We offer Scottish Rite degrees furthering the Masonic education of Master Masons, Enjoy Masonic fellowship by increasing the number of Master Masons you regularly associate with. Most Master Masons meet the members of their local lodge and district. Scottish Rite Masons regularly meet with other Scottish Rite Masons on a regional basis.
Contact the Valley of Syracuse Office and speak with Jim Swan, Valley Secretary, for further information at (315) 452-7976 or [email protected] or go online to
Take Note! Many of our regular Masonic Meetings are not happening due to the COVID-19 gathering restrictions. Stay at home for the degrees and further your Masonic Education. The Scottish Rite is oftentimes considered to be the College of Masonry offering further Masonic Education to its members. Join us and further your Masonic Knowledge.
Oct 5 Executive Committee “ZOOM” Meeting 7:00 P.M.
Oct 12 Consistory Degree Conferral 7:30 p.m.
Nov 2 Trustees/Executive Committee “ZOOM” Meeting 7:00 p.m.
Nov 16 Regular Meeting 7:30 p.m.
Note: Specific Event invitation notices will be sent from the office for all future events as we are allowed to meet.
Dates and times for all events are subject to change as we continue to work around the COCID-19 Pandemic Meeting restrictions
We are taking direction from the Grand Master, Sovereign Grand Commander, and the Memorial Masonic Temple Corporation Trustees directing the scheduling of meetings and events in the Masonic Memorial Center.
My Brothers,
Well, here we are, trying to get back to work in the Quarries of Freemasonry. I know it is challenging to operate in our Lodges and Valley’s while adhering to the mandates set by our state, counties and Grand Lodge Edicts pertaining to social distancing.
Meeting in a group is something that needs special consideration for the health and safety of all, especially our most senior members. We will be paying strict attention to see how the “Virtual Reunions” that are going to be presented by The Supreme Council of the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, play a role in attracting new members for the Valley of Syracuse.
The Valley of Syracuse is still looking into the process to be able to confer the 32° in our building and perform the Knighting Ceremony upon the Ill:. Richard J. Powell, 33° 2019-2020 class. It is deeply appreciated for the patience and understanding this class has shown for the delays caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.
I want to thank our Valley Secretary, Ill:. James D. Swan, Jr., 33° for setting up the Zoom meetings so the Valley Trustees and the Executive Committee can carry out the necessary business to keep our Valley operating as close to normal as possible.
May God bless you all and your families.
D.B. Lawrence W. Egnaczyk, 32° MSA
Commander in Chief
[email protected] / (H) Ph. # 315-637-4143 / (C) Ph. # 315-632-1043
I have traveled to Pennsylvania four times, to Delaware, Connecticut, New Jersey and Ohio for more enlightenment into masonic life, earning passport degrees along the way. Each event gave me the opportunity to meet numerous Brothers and see their operations and monthly or quarterly newspaper. Each one, including the “The Word,” have various articles for our enrichment. However, a specific article by Brother Walter Rupert, Past Most Wise Master of the Evergreen Chapter, Rose Croix, of the Valley of Bloomsburg, PA detailed the apron of a past design. This led me to wonder what could be in the Rose Croix history that we may have overlooked.
In the past, the Chapter of Rose Croix had various titles such as: “Knights of the Pelican and Eagle”, “The Sovereign Prince of Rose Croix of Heredom” and “Brethren of the Rosy Cross”. The Degrees of the Rose Croix are the 17th and 18th , or are sometimes referred to as the “Philosophical Degrees.”
The symbol of the Rose Croix is the masonic square and compass with a pelican, her babies and the Rose Cross in the middle. The Pelican is pecking its breast in the manner in which the babies are fed, symbolizing a sacrificial relationship with its inner being. The candidate will need to nourish his own soul by developing a spiritual embryo within. Therefore, our self-image must be changed, transformed, sacrificed for us to develop a true spiritual self. The Pelican is therefore the spiritual image of the Christ experience and was used by the earliest Alchemists as a symbol. The candidate for these degrees himself symbolically achieves both light and perfection by his own efforts. The allegory of the experience which a Mason must undergo in his own quest for light is not redemption wrought for him by God, but the achievement of perfection only through his own efforts.
We need to take more time during our Masonic travels to stop and look at the clues which have been given to us by those who came before us. Reading and understanding these clues will help us in our everyday walk as a Freemason and help shape our futures as well as those brethren who follow our footsteps.
So, be ready to greet your Brothers with a glad hand shake (NOT under the current Covid 19 restrictions: maybe an elbow bump instead) and a warm smile as we continue our journey together.
Gary W. Hamburg, 32°
Most Wise Master
Greetings Sovereign Princes.
Change is in the air and not just the weather. With the upcoming virtual reunions and the work going on to have degrees, things are beginning to change within Scottish Rite. Remember that for the virtual reunions you have to register ahead of time, they look to be very different from the norm but also fun.
Remember that although we might not be together in person, you are all in my thoughts. Remember that the office is always looking to make sure they have correct contact information for all members so if you move, change email addresses or change phone numbers make sure and let the office know.
Hopefully you are all staying safe along with your families. Stay safe everybody. God bless you all, Freemasons, our military and this great country.
James McNeal, 32º DSA
Sovereign Prince
Scottish Ritters, September has proved to be another month of limited face to face Masonic activities due to the COVID19. I continue to find this a time to contemplate on the philosophy of our Beloved Craft and “just what it means to be a Freemason”. As a Scottish Rite Mason and the Leader of the Valleys “Lodge of Perfection” I truly believe we should ALL strive to perfect our moral self’s not only in our Lodge rooms but in our daily lives and when abroad in the world.
In light of continued discouraging news on the local and national stage, from the pandemic, to economic uncertainty, to “Black Lives Matter”, to the pending Presidential elections, we are all emotionally impacted in one way or another. Contemplating on these issues and what it means to be a Freemason, I would like to devote this month’s article to two specific communications received in the month of September that touched me deeply and give much reflective thought on how we as Masons should conduct ourselves.
The first of which is Brother Jorge L. Romeu’s “Mentor” article in the September “The Word” issue. Brother Romeu so eloquently compares and contrasts introspection in “American Freemasonry” with activism in “Spanish Caribbean” Freemasonry and how they may apply in our crumbling circumstances. He writes “The Craft is the Institution of Brotherly Love and Tolerance, two of the most important but absent elements in our days….A voice of moderation is desperately needed. Freemasonry is especially endowed to help such a voice re-emerge.” He concludes his article by stating if Masons can address these issues judiciously, we may be able to show others by our example. Thank you, Brother Romeu, for your insights and understanding!!
The second is a Facebook Post from Brother Rich C. Friedman (Grand Lecturer). Truly emotionally hurt by “The MADNESS” of extreme Un-Masonic Social Media Posts to include Brothers attacking Brothers over political Views. Setting the example, by using Masonic Logic, Rhetoric, and the Ancient Charges, he lays out a heartfelt Plea to All Freemasons to be Good Men and true, Love each other as Brothers and treat all humans with respect and civility. Brother Friedman concludes with “Come forward Masons and act out our creed of friendship, morality and Brotherly Love by reclaiming our mission as a force for good, a force for peace, and a force for universal brotherhood and love.
I challenge you to take a few moments out of your busy day, each day, to contemplate what it truly means to be a Mason. As individuals and as Fraternity, we would ALL be a little better if we were to heed the philosophy and lessons reflected on above along with some of these Brothers Passion’s and Love for our Craft.
My Beloved Princes, I hope to see you in person soon, May God Bless you and Family!!
Terry A. Byard, 32° DSA
Thrice Potent Master
Fall is here my Brothers! Just waiting for that first frost to set the winter squash, finish ripening the grapes, and our garden is done.
Again not a lot to report due to Covid 19 concerns that have restricted travel and live meetings. It has been brought to my attention that Dave Freeman is experiencing health issues. Please keep Dave and his family in our thoughts and prayers.
If you are in need of some confidential assistance please contact us…We may be able to provide some type of help.
Remember to wear that mask!
Dick Freeman – 315-837-4962
[email protected]
Welcome to My World
Notes from the Children’s Dyslexia Center CNY
And what a world it is.......Life has certainly been different since we saw many of you last at our Annual Gala in March. I am always thankful to have that wonderful memory to look back on as it came days before everything was shut dow due to COVID 19. Since then we have attempted to become proficient in ZOOM meetings and tutoring sessions. Not all children or tutors desired (or were able) to participate In the tutoring but we persevered into July with the effort. To a one, those who participated in the tutoring agreed that it was not the optimum way in which to help children with dyslexia to read but was definitely better than nothing.
That being said, with the aid of several of our Board members and a lot of work on Gineal’s part (and some on mine) we have been approved to open the Center for on-site tutoring. We are meeting (or surpassing) any guidelines put forth by Lexington and/or the state for health and safety precautions. It will be a new (and somewhat terrifying) adventure with not all tutors choosing to participate. All families are anxious to resume in person (separated by 5ft. diameter tables with large clear screens and clear face masks) tutoring sessions and the applications continue to arrive.
We will be doing all we can to raise funds (sadly more needed than ever) but only time will tell. Look forward to another phenomenal GALA in the spring.
As always, Thank You for your continued encouragement and support.
Linda L. Martin, Director
Email- [email protected]
Phone- (315) 736-0574
Mail- Children’s Dyslexia Center- CNY
PO Box 638
Oriskany, NY 13424
Supreme Council Honors D.B. Earl L. Tuttle and D.B. George Caswell
Congratulations to Earl Tuttle, Valley of Syracuse and George Caswell, Valleys of Norwood and Syracuse, who were elected at the 2020 Executive Session of Supreme Council to be coroneted Sovereign Grand Inspectors General, 33° Scottish Rite Masons and Honorary Members of Supreme Council, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, United States of America at the Supreme Council Session scheduled in Cleveland, OH August 28-31, 2021.
Please offer them your congratulations. Information about the 2021 Supreme Council Session will be coming.
James D. Swan, Jr.
Valley Secretary
Become a Member of the Scottish Rite - Continue your Scottish Rite Masonic Education
An open invitation to all Master Masons in the Central New York area.
Central City Bodies A.A.S.R. invites all Master Masons who do not belong to the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite to submit a petition for membership in the Central City Bodies, Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite Valley of Syracuse.
We meet at the Masonic Memorial Center, 648 Centerville Place, North Syracuse, NY 13212-2366. This is a one floor totally handicapped accessible facility. Our regularly scheduled events are held Monday evenings. Our meetings and events start in September each Fall and end in June in the Spring.
Action you may take to become a Scottish Rite Mason- Go on line to and fill out an electronic petition for membership; Contact the Valley of Syracuse Scottish Rite Office (315) 452-7976 or [email protected] and request a petition for membership.
Initiation fee is $ 110.00 and is due prior to taking your first Scottish Rite degree. Annual Member Dues are $ 83.00 and are invoiced in August each year.
Schedule the Virtual Reunion you wish to attend by going on line at and follow the directions. YOU MUST PRE-REGISTER TO ATTEND!!
Dates for the Virtual Reunions are:
October 3, 2020 at 9:00 a.m. Degrees conferred: 4th , “Builder”; 6th , “Master of the Brazen Serpent”; 15th , “Knight of the East” and 23rd . “Knight of Valor”
October 24, 2020 at 9:00 a.m. Degrees conferred: 4th “Builder”; 17th , Knight of the East and West”; 19th , Brothers of the Trai”; 26th , Friend and Brother Eternal”
November 14, 2020 at 9:00 a.m. Degrees conferred: 4th , ‘Builder”; 12th , “Master of Mercy”; 29th , “Knight of St. Andrew”; 31st , “My Brother’s Keeper”.
If you are a Scottish Rite Mason and wish to further your Scottish Rite knowledge go online, register to attend one of the virtual reunions and expand your knowledge. You will receive credit for attending the Virtual Reunion and participating in the watching of the degrees.
We offer Scottish Rite degrees furthering the Masonic education of Master Masons, Enjoy Masonic fellowship by increasing the number of Master Masons you regularly associate with. Most Master Masons meet the members of their local lodge and district. Scottish Rite Masons regularly meet with other Scottish Rite Masons on a regional basis.
Contact the Valley of Syracuse Office and speak with Jim Swan, Valley Secretary, for further information at (315) 452-7976 or [email protected] or go online to
Take Note! Many of our regular Masonic Meetings are not happening due to the COVID-19 gathering restrictions. Stay at home for the degrees and further your Masonic Education. The Scottish Rite is oftentimes considered to be the College of Masonry offering further Masonic Education to its members. Join us and further your Masonic Knowledge.