November 2018
Nov. 05 Trustees 6:15 p.m. / Executive Committee 7:00 p.m.
Nov. 12 Veteran’s Recognition Night
Social 6:00 p.m. / Dinner 6:30 p.m. / Program 7:30 p.m.
Nov. 19 Consistory Confer 27° 7:30 p.m. “Knight of Jerusalem” (Live)
Refreshments following meeting
Nov. 22 Happy Thanksgiving!
December 2018
Dec 03 Executive Committee 7:00 p.m.
Dec 10 Holiday Celebration at MMC With the Ladies
Social 6:00 p.m. / Dinner 6:30 p.m. / Program 7:30 p.m.
Dec 26 Holiday Luncheon (Wednesday) 11:30 a.m. til ?? Casual
Twin Trees III Restaurant (Order from the Menu)
As we head into November all the leaves have changed colors and are falling off the trees. As we look to Thanksgiving, we are taught to be thankful for all we have in life. For me, I am thankful to be associated with all the Brothers of Scottish Rite. So, enjoy this month with your families as we only have a couple dates set.
The Trustees will meet on November 5th at 6:15 pm & all Body Heads and Trustees need to attend.
Executive Committee will meet November 5th at 7:00 pm, all committee members need to attend.
November 12th we will have our Veterans Program. Social at 6:00 pm, dinner at 6:30 pm and at 7:30 pm the Ill Sandy Samson will be performing the Ring Around the World. Please come out to support our Veterans.
November 19th we will confer the 27th Degree. We will open at 7:30 pm and will have a live cast perform the degree.
In the October Executive Committee, we decide to bring back the summer family picnics. It will be held on July 20, 2019 noon to 5 pm. This will be held at the Cicero American Legion and will be a catered event so bring out your entire family. There will be games and activities for the kids and the young at heart. This should be a great event, and everyone will have a great time. Stay tune for more information to come out.
I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving and do not eat too much.
D.B. Garry L. Visconti, 32° MSA
Commander in Chief
Dear Brethren,
As September ends on a high note with the success of the NYS Council of Deliberation 2018 I am reinvigorated for October and look forward to seeing all who can attend the Valley. Why? The COD (a meeting of Scottish Rite Valleys of the entire State of New York) showed the continued positive progress, attitude and relationship of our youth organizations, Grand Lodge and Scottish Rite as emphasized by Grandmaster Sardone. Verily, keeping a positive mental attitude in regards to the future of our noble craft is a key to our future success as echoed by the wisdom of our Grandmaster and leaders who are asking tough questions, finding solutions and working overtime to ensure a bright future.
To make this effort work, we need not only the Valley’s help, but also the receptivity of our Blue Lodges. Accordingly, as a new interface between Scottish Rite and blue lodges is being fostered it is encouraged for blue lodges to schedule a visit by a Scottish Rite Ambassador at a time where programming is needed. To do so, please reach out to the Scottish Rite Valley in your district to share the further light and fellowship the Scottish Rite NMJ has to offer. Thankfully, it is now more than ever a truly great time to become a Scottish Rite Mason with the advent of the Hauts Grade Academy éducation, a fresh new member kit, and incentives creating a dynamic and cohesive Scottish Rite experience.
In conclusion, as October unfolds, I hope to see you for the 4th degree on the 8th, that we have a successful and profitable walk for the Children’s Dyslexia Center, a successful Awards and Recognition dinner on the 22nd and that our fall season greets you well. Peace be with you.
Sincerely & Fraternally,
Caleb Haines, 32°
Most Wise Master
Greetings Princes,
I hope this communication finds you all well.
I recently attended a Boy Scout Order of the Arrow training weekend. The focus on this course was regarding declining numbers of membership, and three key areas which most impact potential growth. One big takeaway from the training session was that changes are needed in what OA Lodges were doing or the decline in membership would continue and eventually the organization would come to an end.
Many organizations face this same issue, even this of ours. We do many things right, we stand for making good men better, so membership isn’t declining because of what we teach, how we act, or what we stand for. As you might have noticed, we are making changes to how we do some things. We have the extensive learning course Hauts Grade to give us an opportunity to delve deeper into the Degrees for more meaning and understanding of what we are being given. We have the Ambassador program to bring our message to the Lodges, encourage members who
have not been active to come out again and be part of our fellowship and teaching. We have the “Not just a man, A Mason” ad program. Through many initiatives we are changing how we are looking to engage members and gain new members so our Fraternity and Scottish Rite can thrive. We brothers know the value of our Fraternity, we know the value of what we do. We need to share this with others who are not part of our Fraternal order, and bring others to light. The world needs more good men who are willing to work to make our communities better, and Masonic teachings can do just that.
One thing we have done in the past in our Valley is to offer a program called December’s Rose, a program open to the public which shows a bit of what Masonry is about. There is another such program which is about Abraham Lincoln. Currently we are not doing either presentation. Both need brothers who will take parts in these dramatic and moving programs. I have wanted to put together the Lincoln program for a while now. I need some help to bring this about, I am looking for a few brothers who would like to take a part in this program. You can contact me or the
Scottish Rite office to offer your help by taking a role. Once we have the cast we can offer this program to lodges. This is a small change, an opportunity to reach out in a different way. This being a public program it can even be open to anyone in the community to come see it.
I encourage each member of our Fraternity to do their part. Make a change in how we extend ourselves to the community, and how we reach out to gain new brothers into this wonderful organization that makes meaningful changes with ourselves. Let’s find new ways to share the light, so that we can grow and our little corners of the world can be made better.
Sincerely and Fraternally,
James A. Nelson, 32º
Sovereign Prince
No News Received
Ken Sterling, 32°
Thrice Potent Master
Welcome to My World
Notes from the Children’s Dyslexia Center CNY
We’re Back! When you read this, we will have had our Annual Walk-a-Thon and Chicken BBQ fundraiser at the Center. It is a sure sign that we are back in full force.
I cannot tell you how wonderful it was to see many of you at the COD dinner where our ‘very own’ Emerson and her father, Dan spoke about their experiences at the Center. (Aren’t our kids just the best?) We were so thrilled to meet our Rainbow Girl representative as they work hard to promote and raise monies for our Dyslexia Center. We were also honored by all the donations presented to our Board Chair to help keep our efforts going.
This year we have the highest enrollment ever. 25 children are attending the Center. This is only able to happen because several are home-schooled children and can arrive earlier in the afternoon along with dedicated tutors who come in early as well. We have 15 returning children and 10 first year children. We have 3 Initial Level Trainees, 2 Advanced Level Trainees and 6 other returning certified tutors. One of those is a Trainer and Supervisor Trainee. As you can well imagine, we are, as always, a very busy place.
We invite you to visit whenever you can. We are here on school days, Monday through Thursday, from 1 to 6PM. We have children from 4-6 on Monday and Wednesday and from 3-6 on Tuesday and Thursday. Just give us a call.
With the Walk-a-Thon behind us we are beginning to plan our GALA fundraiser which will take place on Saturday, March 9th at Hart’s Hill in Whitesboro. If you have attended a GALA before, you know it will be great fun, with great food and great friends.
Thank You for giving me the opportunity to do what I love and work with wonderful people to help our children!
Linda L. Martin, Director
Email- [email protected]
Phone- (315) 736-0574
Mail- Children’s Dyslexia Center- CNY
PO Box 638
Oriskany, NY 13424
Happy Thanksgiving
Family Celebrations are important to all of us. Thanksgiving is a festive time for Families to gather together to give thanks and blessings for the bounty we all enjoy.
Many college students are home for their first break from studies. Parents and Grandparents gather around the “Harvest Table” with their families for the traditional Thanksgiving Feast.
The Valley Office Staff, on behalf of all Officers and Members of Central City Bodies A.A.S.R., Valley of Syracuse wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.
May peace and goodwill be the toast of this special Day. Please take care when you travel to be with your families and have a safe Holiday.
Happy Thanksgiving to all,
Sharon Fox
Sharon Swan
Jim Swan
2019 Burns Supper
The Knights of St. Andrew will hold its Annual Burns Supper 5:00 PM on Saturday January 19, 2019 at Coleman's Irish Pub in Syracuse. A Burns Supper is a celebration of the life and poetry of the poet Robert Burns, Freemason, author of many Scots poems and to the Scots, what Shakespeare is to the English. The suppers are normally held on or near the poet's birthday, January 25th. Much fun is had by all. See the Haggis piped in and addressed. See & hear a presentation on the poetry of Burns and music.
Cost will be $40 per person. Reservations can be sent to Richard Powell, 4717 Broad Road, Syracuse, NY 13215. Deadline for reservations will be January 1st. Book early!!! The space at Coleman's is very limited and last year’s event sold out. We, unfortunately, had to turn folks away. Email questions to [email protected]
Clothes in the Closet Notice
Several articles of clothing left in the coat closets in the Masonic Center in North Syracuse over the past several months are taking up space needed for coat and winter boots storage during events and meetings in the building. Any items not claimed prior to December 1, 2018 will be removed and donated to local clothing Drives.
November 2018
Nov. 05 Trustees 6:15 p.m. / Executive Committee 7:00 p.m.
Nov. 12 Veteran’s Recognition Night
Social 6:00 p.m. / Dinner 6:30 p.m. / Program 7:30 p.m.
Nov. 19 Consistory Confer 27° 7:30 p.m. “Knight of Jerusalem” (Live)
Refreshments following meeting
Nov. 22 Happy Thanksgiving!
December 2018
Dec 03 Executive Committee 7:00 p.m.
Dec 10 Holiday Celebration at MMC With the Ladies
Social 6:00 p.m. / Dinner 6:30 p.m. / Program 7:30 p.m.
Dec 26 Holiday Luncheon (Wednesday) 11:30 a.m. til ?? Casual
Twin Trees III Restaurant (Order from the Menu)
As we head into November all the leaves have changed colors and are falling off the trees. As we look to Thanksgiving, we are taught to be thankful for all we have in life. For me, I am thankful to be associated with all the Brothers of Scottish Rite. So, enjoy this month with your families as we only have a couple dates set.
The Trustees will meet on November 5th at 6:15 pm & all Body Heads and Trustees need to attend.
Executive Committee will meet November 5th at 7:00 pm, all committee members need to attend.
November 12th we will have our Veterans Program. Social at 6:00 pm, dinner at 6:30 pm and at 7:30 pm the Ill Sandy Samson will be performing the Ring Around the World. Please come out to support our Veterans.
November 19th we will confer the 27th Degree. We will open at 7:30 pm and will have a live cast perform the degree.
In the October Executive Committee, we decide to bring back the summer family picnics. It will be held on July 20, 2019 noon to 5 pm. This will be held at the Cicero American Legion and will be a catered event so bring out your entire family. There will be games and activities for the kids and the young at heart. This should be a great event, and everyone will have a great time. Stay tune for more information to come out.
I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving and do not eat too much.
D.B. Garry L. Visconti, 32° MSA
Commander in Chief
Dear Brethren,
As September ends on a high note with the success of the NYS Council of Deliberation 2018 I am reinvigorated for October and look forward to seeing all who can attend the Valley. Why? The COD (a meeting of Scottish Rite Valleys of the entire State of New York) showed the continued positive progress, attitude and relationship of our youth organizations, Grand Lodge and Scottish Rite as emphasized by Grandmaster Sardone. Verily, keeping a positive mental attitude in regards to the future of our noble craft is a key to our future success as echoed by the wisdom of our Grandmaster and leaders who are asking tough questions, finding solutions and working overtime to ensure a bright future.
To make this effort work, we need not only the Valley’s help, but also the receptivity of our Blue Lodges. Accordingly, as a new interface between Scottish Rite and blue lodges is being fostered it is encouraged for blue lodges to schedule a visit by a Scottish Rite Ambassador at a time where programming is needed. To do so, please reach out to the Scottish Rite Valley in your district to share the further light and fellowship the Scottish Rite NMJ has to offer. Thankfully, it is now more than ever a truly great time to become a Scottish Rite Mason with the advent of the Hauts Grade Academy éducation, a fresh new member kit, and incentives creating a dynamic and cohesive Scottish Rite experience.
In conclusion, as October unfolds, I hope to see you for the 4th degree on the 8th, that we have a successful and profitable walk for the Children’s Dyslexia Center, a successful Awards and Recognition dinner on the 22nd and that our fall season greets you well. Peace be with you.
Sincerely & Fraternally,
Caleb Haines, 32°
Most Wise Master
Greetings Princes,
I hope this communication finds you all well.
I recently attended a Boy Scout Order of the Arrow training weekend. The focus on this course was regarding declining numbers of membership, and three key areas which most impact potential growth. One big takeaway from the training session was that changes are needed in what OA Lodges were doing or the decline in membership would continue and eventually the organization would come to an end.
Many organizations face this same issue, even this of ours. We do many things right, we stand for making good men better, so membership isn’t declining because of what we teach, how we act, or what we stand for. As you might have noticed, we are making changes to how we do some things. We have the extensive learning course Hauts Grade to give us an opportunity to delve deeper into the Degrees for more meaning and understanding of what we are being given. We have the Ambassador program to bring our message to the Lodges, encourage members who
have not been active to come out again and be part of our fellowship and teaching. We have the “Not just a man, A Mason” ad program. Through many initiatives we are changing how we are looking to engage members and gain new members so our Fraternity and Scottish Rite can thrive. We brothers know the value of our Fraternity, we know the value of what we do. We need to share this with others who are not part of our Fraternal order, and bring others to light. The world needs more good men who are willing to work to make our communities better, and Masonic teachings can do just that.
One thing we have done in the past in our Valley is to offer a program called December’s Rose, a program open to the public which shows a bit of what Masonry is about. There is another such program which is about Abraham Lincoln. Currently we are not doing either presentation. Both need brothers who will take parts in these dramatic and moving programs. I have wanted to put together the Lincoln program for a while now. I need some help to bring this about, I am looking for a few brothers who would like to take a part in this program. You can contact me or the
Scottish Rite office to offer your help by taking a role. Once we have the cast we can offer this program to lodges. This is a small change, an opportunity to reach out in a different way. This being a public program it can even be open to anyone in the community to come see it.
I encourage each member of our Fraternity to do their part. Make a change in how we extend ourselves to the community, and how we reach out to gain new brothers into this wonderful organization that makes meaningful changes with ourselves. Let’s find new ways to share the light, so that we can grow and our little corners of the world can be made better.
Sincerely and Fraternally,
James A. Nelson, 32º
Sovereign Prince
No News Received
Ken Sterling, 32°
Thrice Potent Master
Welcome to My World
Notes from the Children’s Dyslexia Center CNY
We’re Back! When you read this, we will have had our Annual Walk-a-Thon and Chicken BBQ fundraiser at the Center. It is a sure sign that we are back in full force.
I cannot tell you how wonderful it was to see many of you at the COD dinner where our ‘very own’ Emerson and her father, Dan spoke about their experiences at the Center. (Aren’t our kids just the best?) We were so thrilled to meet our Rainbow Girl representative as they work hard to promote and raise monies for our Dyslexia Center. We were also honored by all the donations presented to our Board Chair to help keep our efforts going.
This year we have the highest enrollment ever. 25 children are attending the Center. This is only able to happen because several are home-schooled children and can arrive earlier in the afternoon along with dedicated tutors who come in early as well. We have 15 returning children and 10 first year children. We have 3 Initial Level Trainees, 2 Advanced Level Trainees and 6 other returning certified tutors. One of those is a Trainer and Supervisor Trainee. As you can well imagine, we are, as always, a very busy place.
We invite you to visit whenever you can. We are here on school days, Monday through Thursday, from 1 to 6PM. We have children from 4-6 on Monday and Wednesday and from 3-6 on Tuesday and Thursday. Just give us a call.
With the Walk-a-Thon behind us we are beginning to plan our GALA fundraiser which will take place on Saturday, March 9th at Hart’s Hill in Whitesboro. If you have attended a GALA before, you know it will be great fun, with great food and great friends.
Thank You for giving me the opportunity to do what I love and work with wonderful people to help our children!
Linda L. Martin, Director
Email- [email protected]
Phone- (315) 736-0574
Mail- Children’s Dyslexia Center- CNY
PO Box 638
Oriskany, NY 13424
Happy Thanksgiving
Family Celebrations are important to all of us. Thanksgiving is a festive time for Families to gather together to give thanks and blessings for the bounty we all enjoy.
Many college students are home for their first break from studies. Parents and Grandparents gather around the “Harvest Table” with their families for the traditional Thanksgiving Feast.
The Valley Office Staff, on behalf of all Officers and Members of Central City Bodies A.A.S.R., Valley of Syracuse wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.
May peace and goodwill be the toast of this special Day. Please take care when you travel to be with your families and have a safe Holiday.
Happy Thanksgiving to all,
Sharon Fox
Sharon Swan
Jim Swan
2019 Burns Supper
The Knights of St. Andrew will hold its Annual Burns Supper 5:00 PM on Saturday January 19, 2019 at Coleman's Irish Pub in Syracuse. A Burns Supper is a celebration of the life and poetry of the poet Robert Burns, Freemason, author of many Scots poems and to the Scots, what Shakespeare is to the English. The suppers are normally held on or near the poet's birthday, January 25th. Much fun is had by all. See the Haggis piped in and addressed. See & hear a presentation on the poetry of Burns and music.
Cost will be $40 per person. Reservations can be sent to Richard Powell, 4717 Broad Road, Syracuse, NY 13215. Deadline for reservations will be January 1st. Book early!!! The space at Coleman's is very limited and last year’s event sold out. We, unfortunately, had to turn folks away. Email questions to [email protected]
Clothes in the Closet Notice
Several articles of clothing left in the coat closets in the Masonic Center in North Syracuse over the past several months are taking up space needed for coat and winter boots storage during events and meetings in the building. Any items not claimed prior to December 1, 2018 will be removed and donated to local clothing Drives.