Nov. 05 Executive Committee 7:00 p.m.
Nov. 10 Confer 16°, 18°, 22° at Norwood 9:30 a.m.
Car pool at MMC @ 6:45 a.m.
Nov. 12 Veteran’s Recognition w/ Ladies
Social 6:00 p.m. / Dinner 6:30 p.m. / Program7:30 p.m.
Nov 19 December’s Rose Presentation
Liverpool Syracuse Lodge # 501 7:30 p.m.
Nov. 26 Recognition & Awards Night
Social 6:00 p.m. / Dinner 6:30 p.m. / Program7:30 p.m.
Dec. 03 Executive Committee 7:00 p.m.
Dec 10 Holiday Celebration at MMC with the Ladies
Social 6:00 p.m. / Dinner 6:30 p.m. / Program7:30 p.m
Happy Holidays to all
Dec 28 Holiday Luncheonat Twin Trees III Restaurant
Gather 11:30 a.m. /Casual event- order from the menu
Brother Sublime Princes,
I thank everyone who made Brother Milo Peterson’s white hat presentation a night to remember. Our newest Illustrious 33rd has done many things for this Valley, often out of sight. Your presence on his night shows we know how to celebrate hard work and faithful service to the craft. I also thank the Brothers who presented the 5th degree. Another fine job by dedicated men.
November is always a busy month for this Valley, and 2012 is no different from other years. Please pay attention to the Veteran’s Dinner on November 12. Two days before that we will travel to our sister Valley in Norwood to confer degrees. We will carpool to Norwood on November 10, and we want a good a turnout of men to share the fraternal respect we receive every year from the men in the great and cold northlands. Please see Sovereign Prince Dave Barnello’s column for more information.
November 26 is our recognitions and awards night program--another good evening to mark in your calendar and share with your Scottish Rite brothers. We will honor past presiding officers, men who receiving the Dedicated Service Award (and do not know yet they are receiving a blue hat), and Dedicated Brother Melvin Sitts, who will receive his red hat for the Meritorious Service Award awarded at Council of Deliberation in July.
On a final note, the elected officers of this Valley in all four bodies have worked together on a survey designed by Supreme Council. This exercise helps us understand our strengths and weaknesses, learn from our past and get ready for the future. The Scottish Rite faces one constant in life: CHANGE. Don’t be afraid to to talk to us about change, because we know it is happening. How we anticipate change, react to change and plan our changes will determine our future as Scottish Rite Masons.
Ill. Lynwood Bennerson, 33°
Commander-in- Chief
My Brothers,
Now that the Degree schedule has begun, any Scottish Ritter’s that have a desire to participate in the Scottish Rite Degrees don’t be afraid to make it known. You can contact the Valley Secretary or any of the Body heads. What better way to be of service to your Valley and share in Fellowship. Not all parts require you to speak or learn extensive dialogue. You can stop in and just observe a rehearsal to find out how the degrees are staged and what costumes are used for each degree.
This leads me into the article you may have read in the October Word seeking some help to spend some time in the robing room. I have heard from Ill. Fred Greene, 33’ offering to help when we set up a time to review the costume situation. Any Brother is welcome to assist.
The trip to The Valley of Norwood is scheduled to meet at The Masonic Memorial Center on November 10th, 2012 at 6:45am to carpool. The 16th, 18th and 22nd degrees are to be conferred. Lunch will be served.
Mark your calendars for the December 10th, 2012 Holiday Celebration with Ladies. Social at 6:00 pm, Roast Beef Dinner at 6:30 pm , Program at 7:30 pm in the Lodge Room. I look forward to seeing a good turn out that evening.
Lawrence W. Egnaczyk, 32°
Most Wise Master
We are coming up to a very busy month in The Valley of Syracuse. The conferring of the 16th and 18th Degrees will take place Saturday, November 10th at the Valley of Norwood. This of course means our members will need to travel to present the 16th Degree. To make this endeavor a success, all Brothers participating will need to be prepared to car pool the morning of the 10th. Please contact me or the Valley Secretary if you are available to drive. We will be leaving the Valley offices at 6:45 AM. Please arrive a little early so we will have time to load up and move out on time.
Monday, Nov.12th is our annual Veterans Recognition Program. This is the night where we, as Scottish Rite Masons honor members of our community who have given service to our country as members of the Armed Forces. Please plan on attending. The program begins at 7:30, preceded by Dinner at 6:30.
Monday, Nov. 26th is the Valley’s Annual Recognition & Awards Night. Please make plans to join in the celebration for those Brothers amongst us who will be recognized for their dedication to this Fraternity. Dinner will be at 6:30, followed by the program.
As we move into this Season of Thanksgiving, remember all those around you whom you share your lives with. Spend some time with your families. Share a moment with your friends, neighbors, and co-workers. Give a smile to a stranger as your eyes meet as you are passing by. It makes a difference. Remember, we are all brothers and sisters in this world.
Remember November 6th is Election Day. Get out and exercise your greatest privilege and vote!!!
Dave Barnello, 32°
Sovereign Prince
Fall is here. There is a bit of chill in the air. The fall colors are a bit disappointing in my opinion, and the Lodge of Perfection has started its degree work. On October 21 we conferred the 4th and 5th degrees. I would like to thank all those who took a part in the 5th degree and personally recognize those new Scottish Rite members who took a part for the first time: Bros. Lou Smith, Jim Nelson, David Leavines, and Bob Valenson. Thank You so much for your time and effort.
November will be a very busy month. On November 10 we will travel to Norwood to confer the 16th and 18th degrees. November 12th will be our Veterans Recognition Program. On November 19th, we will do the play, “December’s Rose” at Liverpool Lodge. On November 26th, we will have our Recognition and Awards Night. Please mark your calendar with these important dates.
Both Chris and I would like to extend to you and yours a very Happy Thanksgiving.
DB Gary Kall, 32°
Thrice Potent Master
Notes from the Children's Dyslexia Center
We’re Back!!!
The Children’s Dyslexia Center – Central New York reopened for the 2012-2013 Academic Year on Monday, September 17th. The first two weeks involved pre-assessments of the children attending for the first time, contacting and confirming that the second year children would be returning, making sure the new scholar-tutors were ready to begin tutoring, hosting a Parent Information Night and encouraging everyone to be a part of our Timothy O’Connor-Slater Annual Walk-a-thon.
If you did not make it to the OES Campus on the 22nd of September you missed a busy day. Training took place in the Center along with several tours of first time visitors and outside walkers were walking in the Walk-Athon, lunchers were enjoying the Chicken Barbecue, munchers were tasting wares from the Bake Sale and ‘collectors’ were dropping off cans and bottles to help out Can & Bottle Drive. For a period of time we had the pleasure of live music by Vintage Blue.
I am sure it was a successful day but, wow! what we could do if we had more people come out to help and participate.
On October 1st the children, families, and tutors began to fill the Center and we were off to a great start for another year. Sadly, one of our second year children did not return but with a little juggling of the schedule everything has worked out well for all involved. We have 22 children; 10 of them are returning for a second year and the other 12 are new to the Center. We have a class of 5 scholars and 6 Certified Tutors returning this year.
As you can tell, the Center is very busy and we thank you so much for the interest and support which has brought us to such a great place.
Linda Martin, Director
Email- [email protected]
Phone- (315) 736-0574
Mail- Children’s Dyslexia Center- CNY
PO Box 638
Oriskany, NY 13424
As you pause to thank the Great Architect before you settle down to a big turkey dinner this month, remember to give thanks for the priceless gifts you have: friends, family, the Brothers of this fraternity, life and health. We would not survive without these priceless gifts. Then remember your Brothers and their families who have experienced health problems, surgery, loss of a family member, loss of a job or home, and other forms of what we call “sickness and distress.” Remember brothers like Victor Williams, Mike Gunn, Gary Hartman, Norm Kruth, George Laird and countless others. You have heard these names and of Brothers like them in your lodge. If they are recuperating, thank God. If their illness or condition still needs treatment, they want your prayers–and E-mails, cards and visits.
Also remember the brothers who laid down their working tools. Sure, we memorialize them in the Feast of the Paschal Lamb, but their influence stays with us the other 364 days of the year. Our Brotherhood is eternal and our love for them lasts forever.
Allan J. Ferguson, 32° DSA
Valley of Syracuse announces 2012-2013 Class Sponsor
Central City Bodies AASR, Valley of Syracuse is proud to announce the selection of Ill. Carl F. Fahrenkrug, 33°, who served as Commander-In-Chief of Central City Consistory in 2005-2007 to be the Class sponsor for the 200th Anniversary Class for Central City Bodies, AASR.
Illustrious Brother Fahrenkrug is a very active member of Scottish Rite serving on the Board of Governors for the Children’s Dyslexia Center, Central New York, as the personal Representative of the Deputy ofr the State of New York in the Valley of Syracuse, Chairman of the Council of Deliberation Finance Committee, and many other Valley assignments.
He is a very successful business man who devotes much time and energy to serving the Community through Rotary international Multiple Sclerosis Society of Central New York.
Brothers become a part of the historic 200th Anniversary Class of new 32nd Degree Scottish Rite Masons. Dear Masonic Brothers you are invited to be a part of a historic year in Scottish Rite Masonry in the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction this coming year.
Happy Thanksgiving
The Valley Office Staff, on behalf of all of the Officers, and Members of the Valley Of Syracuse wish everyone Happy Thanksgiving.
Things we all love to do Thanksgiving Day:
Eat Turkey with our family and friends
Watch football on TV- college or professional
Play or watch golf on TV
Go Big Game hunting.
Co to Church
Go to our Mother’s house
Eat Turkey
Go to our Grandmother’s house to eat turkey and home-made pie.
But most important of all…
Let us pause to give thanks to the Grand Architect of the Universe for the good health and safety of all of our loved ones.
Happy Thanksgiving to all
Sharon Fox
Sharon Swan
Jim Swan
Nov. 05 Executive Committee 7:00 p.m.
Nov. 10 Confer 16°, 18°, 22° at Norwood 9:30 a.m.
Car pool at MMC @ 6:45 a.m.
Nov. 12 Veteran’s Recognition w/ Ladies
Social 6:00 p.m. / Dinner 6:30 p.m. / Program7:30 p.m.
Nov 19 December’s Rose Presentation
Liverpool Syracuse Lodge # 501 7:30 p.m.
Nov. 26 Recognition & Awards Night
Social 6:00 p.m. / Dinner 6:30 p.m. / Program7:30 p.m.
Dec. 03 Executive Committee 7:00 p.m.
Dec 10 Holiday Celebration at MMC with the Ladies
Social 6:00 p.m. / Dinner 6:30 p.m. / Program7:30 p.m
Happy Holidays to all
Dec 28 Holiday Luncheonat Twin Trees III Restaurant
Gather 11:30 a.m. /Casual event- order from the menu
Brother Sublime Princes,
I thank everyone who made Brother Milo Peterson’s white hat presentation a night to remember. Our newest Illustrious 33rd has done many things for this Valley, often out of sight. Your presence on his night shows we know how to celebrate hard work and faithful service to the craft. I also thank the Brothers who presented the 5th degree. Another fine job by dedicated men.
November is always a busy month for this Valley, and 2012 is no different from other years. Please pay attention to the Veteran’s Dinner on November 12. Two days before that we will travel to our sister Valley in Norwood to confer degrees. We will carpool to Norwood on November 10, and we want a good a turnout of men to share the fraternal respect we receive every year from the men in the great and cold northlands. Please see Sovereign Prince Dave Barnello’s column for more information.
November 26 is our recognitions and awards night program--another good evening to mark in your calendar and share with your Scottish Rite brothers. We will honor past presiding officers, men who receiving the Dedicated Service Award (and do not know yet they are receiving a blue hat), and Dedicated Brother Melvin Sitts, who will receive his red hat for the Meritorious Service Award awarded at Council of Deliberation in July.
On a final note, the elected officers of this Valley in all four bodies have worked together on a survey designed by Supreme Council. This exercise helps us understand our strengths and weaknesses, learn from our past and get ready for the future. The Scottish Rite faces one constant in life: CHANGE. Don’t be afraid to to talk to us about change, because we know it is happening. How we anticipate change, react to change and plan our changes will determine our future as Scottish Rite Masons.
Ill. Lynwood Bennerson, 33°
Commander-in- Chief
My Brothers,
Now that the Degree schedule has begun, any Scottish Ritter’s that have a desire to participate in the Scottish Rite Degrees don’t be afraid to make it known. You can contact the Valley Secretary or any of the Body heads. What better way to be of service to your Valley and share in Fellowship. Not all parts require you to speak or learn extensive dialogue. You can stop in and just observe a rehearsal to find out how the degrees are staged and what costumes are used for each degree.
This leads me into the article you may have read in the October Word seeking some help to spend some time in the robing room. I have heard from Ill. Fred Greene, 33’ offering to help when we set up a time to review the costume situation. Any Brother is welcome to assist.
The trip to The Valley of Norwood is scheduled to meet at The Masonic Memorial Center on November 10th, 2012 at 6:45am to carpool. The 16th, 18th and 22nd degrees are to be conferred. Lunch will be served.
Mark your calendars for the December 10th, 2012 Holiday Celebration with Ladies. Social at 6:00 pm, Roast Beef Dinner at 6:30 pm , Program at 7:30 pm in the Lodge Room. I look forward to seeing a good turn out that evening.
Lawrence W. Egnaczyk, 32°
Most Wise Master
We are coming up to a very busy month in The Valley of Syracuse. The conferring of the 16th and 18th Degrees will take place Saturday, November 10th at the Valley of Norwood. This of course means our members will need to travel to present the 16th Degree. To make this endeavor a success, all Brothers participating will need to be prepared to car pool the morning of the 10th. Please contact me or the Valley Secretary if you are available to drive. We will be leaving the Valley offices at 6:45 AM. Please arrive a little early so we will have time to load up and move out on time.
Monday, Nov.12th is our annual Veterans Recognition Program. This is the night where we, as Scottish Rite Masons honor members of our community who have given service to our country as members of the Armed Forces. Please plan on attending. The program begins at 7:30, preceded by Dinner at 6:30.
Monday, Nov. 26th is the Valley’s Annual Recognition & Awards Night. Please make plans to join in the celebration for those Brothers amongst us who will be recognized for their dedication to this Fraternity. Dinner will be at 6:30, followed by the program.
As we move into this Season of Thanksgiving, remember all those around you whom you share your lives with. Spend some time with your families. Share a moment with your friends, neighbors, and co-workers. Give a smile to a stranger as your eyes meet as you are passing by. It makes a difference. Remember, we are all brothers and sisters in this world.
Remember November 6th is Election Day. Get out and exercise your greatest privilege and vote!!!
Dave Barnello, 32°
Sovereign Prince
Fall is here. There is a bit of chill in the air. The fall colors are a bit disappointing in my opinion, and the Lodge of Perfection has started its degree work. On October 21 we conferred the 4th and 5th degrees. I would like to thank all those who took a part in the 5th degree and personally recognize those new Scottish Rite members who took a part for the first time: Bros. Lou Smith, Jim Nelson, David Leavines, and Bob Valenson. Thank You so much for your time and effort.
November will be a very busy month. On November 10 we will travel to Norwood to confer the 16th and 18th degrees. November 12th will be our Veterans Recognition Program. On November 19th, we will do the play, “December’s Rose” at Liverpool Lodge. On November 26th, we will have our Recognition and Awards Night. Please mark your calendar with these important dates.
Both Chris and I would like to extend to you and yours a very Happy Thanksgiving.
DB Gary Kall, 32°
Thrice Potent Master
Notes from the Children's Dyslexia Center
We’re Back!!!
The Children’s Dyslexia Center – Central New York reopened for the 2012-2013 Academic Year on Monday, September 17th. The first two weeks involved pre-assessments of the children attending for the first time, contacting and confirming that the second year children would be returning, making sure the new scholar-tutors were ready to begin tutoring, hosting a Parent Information Night and encouraging everyone to be a part of our Timothy O’Connor-Slater Annual Walk-a-thon.
If you did not make it to the OES Campus on the 22nd of September you missed a busy day. Training took place in the Center along with several tours of first time visitors and outside walkers were walking in the Walk-Athon, lunchers were enjoying the Chicken Barbecue, munchers were tasting wares from the Bake Sale and ‘collectors’ were dropping off cans and bottles to help out Can & Bottle Drive. For a period of time we had the pleasure of live music by Vintage Blue.
I am sure it was a successful day but, wow! what we could do if we had more people come out to help and participate.
On October 1st the children, families, and tutors began to fill the Center and we were off to a great start for another year. Sadly, one of our second year children did not return but with a little juggling of the schedule everything has worked out well for all involved. We have 22 children; 10 of them are returning for a second year and the other 12 are new to the Center. We have a class of 5 scholars and 6 Certified Tutors returning this year.
As you can tell, the Center is very busy and we thank you so much for the interest and support which has brought us to such a great place.
Linda Martin, Director
Email- [email protected]
Phone- (315) 736-0574
Mail- Children’s Dyslexia Center- CNY
PO Box 638
Oriskany, NY 13424
As you pause to thank the Great Architect before you settle down to a big turkey dinner this month, remember to give thanks for the priceless gifts you have: friends, family, the Brothers of this fraternity, life and health. We would not survive without these priceless gifts. Then remember your Brothers and their families who have experienced health problems, surgery, loss of a family member, loss of a job or home, and other forms of what we call “sickness and distress.” Remember brothers like Victor Williams, Mike Gunn, Gary Hartman, Norm Kruth, George Laird and countless others. You have heard these names and of Brothers like them in your lodge. If they are recuperating, thank God. If their illness or condition still needs treatment, they want your prayers–and E-mails, cards and visits.
Also remember the brothers who laid down their working tools. Sure, we memorialize them in the Feast of the Paschal Lamb, but their influence stays with us the other 364 days of the year. Our Brotherhood is eternal and our love for them lasts forever.
Allan J. Ferguson, 32° DSA
Valley of Syracuse announces 2012-2013 Class Sponsor
Central City Bodies AASR, Valley of Syracuse is proud to announce the selection of Ill. Carl F. Fahrenkrug, 33°, who served as Commander-In-Chief of Central City Consistory in 2005-2007 to be the Class sponsor for the 200th Anniversary Class for Central City Bodies, AASR.
Illustrious Brother Fahrenkrug is a very active member of Scottish Rite serving on the Board of Governors for the Children’s Dyslexia Center, Central New York, as the personal Representative of the Deputy ofr the State of New York in the Valley of Syracuse, Chairman of the Council of Deliberation Finance Committee, and many other Valley assignments.
He is a very successful business man who devotes much time and energy to serving the Community through Rotary international Multiple Sclerosis Society of Central New York.
Brothers become a part of the historic 200th Anniversary Class of new 32nd Degree Scottish Rite Masons. Dear Masonic Brothers you are invited to be a part of a historic year in Scottish Rite Masonry in the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction this coming year.
Happy Thanksgiving
The Valley Office Staff, on behalf of all of the Officers, and Members of the Valley Of Syracuse wish everyone Happy Thanksgiving.
Things we all love to do Thanksgiving Day:
Eat Turkey with our family and friends
Watch football on TV- college or professional
Play or watch golf on TV
Go Big Game hunting.
Co to Church
Go to our Mother’s house
Eat Turkey
Go to our Grandmother’s house to eat turkey and home-made pie.
But most important of all…
Let us pause to give thanks to the Grand Architect of the Universe for the good health and safety of all of our loved ones.
Happy Thanksgiving to all
Sharon Fox
Sharon Swan
Jim Swan