November 2019
Nov 04 AASR Trustees 6:15 p.m. / Executive Committee 7:00 p.m.
Nov 10 (Sunday) 4° Rehearsal 5:00 p.m.
Nov 11 Veteran’s Recognition Night
Social 6:00 p.m. / Dinner 6:30 p.m./ Program 7:30pm
Nov 17 (Sunday) 14° Rehearsal 5:00 p.m. @ Fayetteville Masonic Temple
Nov 18 Confer 4° 7:30 p.m.
Refreshments to follow meeting
Nov 25 Confer 14° 7:30 p.m.
Refreshments to follow meeting
Nov 28 Happy Thanksgiving!
December 2019
Dec 02 Executive Committee 7:00 p.m.
Dec 09 Holiday Celebration
Social 6:00 p.m. / Dinner 6:30 p.m./ Program 7:30pm
Dec 16 16° Rehearsal 7:00 p.m.
Dec 30 Holiday Luncheon 11:30 a.m. @Twin Trees III
Dec 30 Knights of St Andrew Meeting 7:30 p.m.
Greetings my Brothers,
My Thanks to all of the KOSA Brothers who helped out at COD, well done!
Our October 14th 2019 Awards and Recognition Night was well attended and we had a delicious Ham and scalloped potato dinner. We honored 50, 60, and 70 year members. Past Presiding officers jewels, Knights of the Double Eagle jewels and certificates were presented. The members of the Ill. G. Michael Morris, 33° Active Class received their Diplomas. The 2020 Meritorious Service Award Recipients were also recognized, D.B. Jack G. Dombrowski, 32° M.S.A. and D.B. H. Bruce Naumann, 32° M.S.A.
October 21, 2019 we held our Lodge Ambassador Program to provide more information to our members on what is expected to be an on-going initiative to boost the membership in Scottish Rite as well as our Blue Lodges.
November 14th 2019, we will honor two individuals at our Veterans Recognition Program. Br. David P. Jones will be recognized as The Masonic Veteran and Mrs. Monica Flower as the non- Masonic recipient. Please come out and support our honorees as well as our Brothers and Sisters who served in the Armed Forces and answered the call to duty for our country.
Brother Ken Sterling is looking into a Crunch Hockey Night for the Valley of Syracuse. Information will be sent out as soon as the details are finalized.
Please check your Scottish Rite schedule for upcoming degree rehearsals, conferrals and other Programs.
I ask that all officers of the four Bodies that comprise the Valley of Syracuse to support each other’s programs to the best of your ability. As an officer, your attendance at the Valley of Syracuse programs should be your primary interest.
D.B. Lawrence W. Egnaczyk, 32° MSA
Commander in Chief
No News Received
Henry R. Havener, 32° DSA
Most Wise Master
Greetings Sovereign Princes.
Well Fall is certainly in the air as I write this! As November is soon upon us I want to remind you of two very important dates coming up-Veteran’s Day and Thanksgiving. The Valley will be having our annual Veteran’s Recognition Night on November 11th, come on out and say thank you to those that have served in our military to defend our freedom. Also on Thanksgiving remember to give thanks for the blessings in your life. Why not combine the two and come to the Veteran’s Hospital on Thanksgiving morning to hand out care packages to the veteran’s? They love seeing us and it is a truly rewarding experience. Come out to the degrees being held in November, you will be glad you did. For the 16th coming up in March we are having two rehearsals, one on January 26th and one on February 23 both at 2:00PM. Contact me if you want a part in the degree. We will be reaching out to members to take part beginning now. God bless you all, Freemasons, our military and this great country.
James McNeal, 32º DSA
Sovereign Prince
Greetings Princes.
Fall is in full swing with the Month of October (now behind us) and the beginning of our valley's robust schedule. As of this writing we are about a week out from the Awards and Recognition Night (October 14th ).
We hope our planning will have provided us with much fellowship and the recognition of distinguished members of our valley family. The month of November brings a full busy month for the Valley and the Lodge of Perfection (LOP). Sunday November 10th is a rehearsal for the 4th Degree. In planning for this event, we have decided to confer the version that everyone is accustomed to, for the last time, allowing more time for planning, understanding and casting the new version that was authorized at the 2019 COD.
On November 11th the valley will host our annual Veterans Recognition Night to honor those who have served our great country in the military. The Supreme Council of the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction is also paying special tribute to veterans this year with the roll out of a new recognition program for veterans called the “Illustrious Sammy Lee Davis, 33˚ Defender of Peace and Freedom Award”. NMJ Veterans will receive a custom designed pin and certificate to commemorate their military service and to honor their dedication to the core values of 32˚ Scottish Rite Freemasonry.
November 18th the Lodge of Perfection will host the Conferral of the 4˚, November 25th Conferral of the 14˚. November 17th the Lodge of Perfection will host a rehearsal for the 10˚. The LOP is very excited to be working on the 10˚ Degree as the Valley has not conferred this Degree in quite some time. Conferral date is set for January 5th.
November is also a month for giving thanks for all the gifts and graces that the Great Architect gives us in our daily lives. As the Thanksgiving Holiday comes upon us, I want to give thanks for the incredible LOP Leadership team for their friendship and Brotherly Love. They truly set a great example of enthusiasm and dedication to our Valley and Craft. Give thanks for my family for their love and support, no matter how many masonic events I attend, my Masonic family for their Brotherly Love, and the Valley of Syracuse for being a shining example of what Masonry is truly meant to be.
To all of you, may the Great Architect enrich your lives with a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday.
Terry A. Byard, 32° DSA
Thrice Potent Master
Welcome to My World
Notes from the Children’s Dyslexia Center CNY
It is Dyslexia Month and…
We are back and in Full Swing at the Center. It was a hectic and somewhat tumultuous time getting things together but. I am happy to say, we have 9 children continuing their tutoring this Academic year and have enrolled 9 new children. We started with three new initial scholars, but one had had to withdraw due to family obligations. Thankfully we have 7 returning tutors and I
have been able to schedule a child to tutor this year. Gineal has been very busy keeping all of the confusion under control and, as always, the Center will be a very busy place.
We had a sunny, if cool (alright, cold) day for our Walk-a-Thon and BBQ. Despite a lower number of walkers and eaters all reports state we had a successful fund raiser. Our many thinks to all who participated and contributed to keep our Center the successful place it is. We continue our fundraising efforts with a last-minute Book Fair which will have taken place by the time you read this.
We are really excited about our plans for our Annual Gala Fundraiser, March 14, 2020. This will be a very special celebration with special entertainment so mark your calendar and plan to join us for this very special event. We will reveal more details in the next few months.
Your continued support and interest is always appreciated and we invite you to visit us whenever we are open, M-Th afternoons (on the school schedule), from October through May. Feel free to contact us with any questions you may have or to set up a visit.
I will be speaking at some functions this month to help spread “the word” about what Dyslexia is (and isn’t) and what we do and can be done to help the children dealing with Dyslexia. Feel free to contact me if you have a group that would be interested in learning more about Dyslexia and the Center.
Linda L. Martin, Director
Email- [email protected]
Phone- (315) 736-0574
Mail- Children’s Dyslexia Center- CNY
PO Box 638
Oriskany, NY 13424
Valley Honorees
Congratulations to recent and future Honors recipients from the Valley Of Syracuse in recognition of their efforts on behalf of Scottish Rite Freemasonry and the Valley of Syracuse.
Ill∴ Garry L. Visconti, 33° was coroneted a 33° Sovereign Grand Inspector General, 33° Scottish Rite Mason and Honorary Member of Supreme Council, 33°, N.M.J. on August 27, 2019 in Milwaukee WI. at the 2019 Biennial Session of Supreme Council.
Congratulations also are extended to D.B. Lawrence W. Egnaczyk, 32° MSA upon being elected to be coroneted a 33° Scottish Rite Mason in Cleveland, OH in 2021.
D.B’s. Carl F. Fahrenkrug, 32° MSA, William H. Toth, II, 32° MSA, and James A. Nelson, 32° MSA , three Meritorious Service Award Recipients from the Valley of Syracuse elected in 2018 to receive the Meritorious Service Award at the 2019 Annual Council of Deliberation Convocation received their plaques and Jewel of Recognition at this year’s ceremony.
S.P.R.S. H. Bruce Naumann, 32° MSA, and S.P.R.S. Jack G. Dombrowski, 32° MSA: Past Thrice Potent Masters of Central City Lodge of Perfection in the Central City Bodies, A.A.S.R. were elected to receive the New York Council of Deliberation’s Meritorious Service Award at its 2020 Annual Convocation, September 26, 2020.
Please congratulate these brothers for receiving these honors when you meet with them.
Ill∴ James D. Swan, Jr., 33°
Valley of Syracuse
2020 – 2021 Scholarship Applications Available
Applications to apply for 2020 – 2021 Academic Year Supreme Council, AASR Leon M. Abbott Scholarships and New York State Council of Deliberation Scholarship Aid are scheduled to be available by December 1, 2020. Go to the Valley of Syracuse Web site for the links to obtain the information online.
Application titled “Application for Scottish Rite Scholarship Aid Leon M. Abbott and/or NYS Council of Deliberation”
To all applicants: The deadline date to submit your completed applications to the Valley of Syracuse is Wednesday April 1, 2020. That means in the office by close of business Wednesday April 1, 2020. Applications received in the Valley of Syracuse office after 4:00 p.m. Wednesday April 1, 2020 will not be considered.
New Applications must be used. There is one combined Application for 2020- 2021. The Combined Application must be used. Graduating High School Seniors may apply again this year.
The members of our Youth Groups; Triangle, Rainbow, and DeMolay; are eligible to apply for financial assistance. Students who complete the program at the Children’s Dyslexia Centers in New York State may also apply.
Nine applicants from the Valley of Syracuse received financial assistance from this program for the 2019-2020 scholastic year. Congratulations and best wishes to them.
It is very important that all information requested in the instructions for application preparation be included with your application when it is originally submitted.
Please contact the Valley Office at (315) 452-7976 if you have any questions or require assistance and information.
Happy Thanksgiving
Family Celebrations are important to all of us. Thanksgiving is a festive time for Families to gather together to give thanks and blessings for the bounty we all enjoy.
Many college students are home for their first break from studies. Parents and Grandparents gather around the “Harvest Table” with their families for the traditional Thanksgiving Feast.
The Valley Office Staff, on behalf of all Officers and Members of Central City Bodies A.A.S.R., Valley of Syracuse wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. May peace and goodwill be the toast of this special Day.
Please take care when you travel to be with your families and have a safe Holiday.
Happy Thanksgiving to all,
Sharon Fox
Sharon Swan
Jim Swan
Thanks from Learning Center Walk-a-Thon
On Saturday, October 5th , 2019, walkers gathered at the Central New York Dyslexia Center at the Eastern Star Home in Oriskany, NY to participate on the 14 th Annual 3/5 K Walk to Help Children with Dyslexia. The event included a chicken bbq provided by Jim Spinella’s Grate Chicken Men, a bake sale and bottle and can drive.
The event raised $8000 to help support the Center’s program that teaches children the skills necessary to deal with their dyslexia.
The Center thanks the following businesses and organizations who helped make this annual event such a great success: Stewarts Shops, Mike’s Pro Auto Service, Whitesboro Frame and Body, Inc., Speedy Awards, Oneida County Masonic Association, The Marketing Firm, Gary’s Restaurant in Sylvan Beach, Raquette Lake Supply, The Village Square, BJ Queen Enterprises, and The Tavern in Eagle Bay, NY, Microwave Filter Company Inc., Walmart Distribution Center in Marcy, Paul Oil and Propane-Hamilton, NY, The Eastern Star Home and the Eastern Star Day Care Center, The Valleys of Utica and Syracuse-AASR, Tigris Shrine Clowns, Mohawk Valley Chapter of DeMolay, Eastern Star Chapters and Masonic Lodges in the Fulton, Hamilton, Herkimer, Montgomery, Lewis, Oneida, Madison and Onondaga Districts, DiOrio’s IGA, Kurt Garner Photography Gallery, Helmer’s Fuel, Walt’s Diner, Strand Theatre, ADK Homes, Old Forge Liquor, Smith Marine, Dr. Douglas Thayer-Chiropractor, The Adk Reader and French Louie-Adk Sports (Inlet, NY), Randy’s Chicken, Wings and Things, Miles B. Marshall, Inc. & M. Burton Marshall Insurance, Martin Maintenance, Forge Motel, Herron Realty, and the Old Forge Hardware.
We look forward to seeing all again next year for our 15th walk. Look for more information on our next event; our annual Gala on Saturday, March 14th, 2020 at Harts Hill Inn when Randy Riggle (from Las Vegas) will be performing.
For more information on Children’s Dyslexia Center-Central New York, contact
[email protected] , our FB page , or our web and blog page:
November 2019
Nov 04 AASR Trustees 6:15 p.m. / Executive Committee 7:00 p.m.
Nov 10 (Sunday) 4° Rehearsal 5:00 p.m.
Nov 11 Veteran’s Recognition Night
Social 6:00 p.m. / Dinner 6:30 p.m./ Program 7:30pm
Nov 17 (Sunday) 14° Rehearsal 5:00 p.m. @ Fayetteville Masonic Temple
Nov 18 Confer 4° 7:30 p.m.
Refreshments to follow meeting
Nov 25 Confer 14° 7:30 p.m.
Refreshments to follow meeting
Nov 28 Happy Thanksgiving!
December 2019
Dec 02 Executive Committee 7:00 p.m.
Dec 09 Holiday Celebration
Social 6:00 p.m. / Dinner 6:30 p.m./ Program 7:30pm
Dec 16 16° Rehearsal 7:00 p.m.
Dec 30 Holiday Luncheon 11:30 a.m. @Twin Trees III
Dec 30 Knights of St Andrew Meeting 7:30 p.m.
Greetings my Brothers,
My Thanks to all of the KOSA Brothers who helped out at COD, well done!
Our October 14th 2019 Awards and Recognition Night was well attended and we had a delicious Ham and scalloped potato dinner. We honored 50, 60, and 70 year members. Past Presiding officers jewels, Knights of the Double Eagle jewels and certificates were presented. The members of the Ill. G. Michael Morris, 33° Active Class received their Diplomas. The 2020 Meritorious Service Award Recipients were also recognized, D.B. Jack G. Dombrowski, 32° M.S.A. and D.B. H. Bruce Naumann, 32° M.S.A.
October 21, 2019 we held our Lodge Ambassador Program to provide more information to our members on what is expected to be an on-going initiative to boost the membership in Scottish Rite as well as our Blue Lodges.
November 14th 2019, we will honor two individuals at our Veterans Recognition Program. Br. David P. Jones will be recognized as The Masonic Veteran and Mrs. Monica Flower as the non- Masonic recipient. Please come out and support our honorees as well as our Brothers and Sisters who served in the Armed Forces and answered the call to duty for our country.
Brother Ken Sterling is looking into a Crunch Hockey Night for the Valley of Syracuse. Information will be sent out as soon as the details are finalized.
Please check your Scottish Rite schedule for upcoming degree rehearsals, conferrals and other Programs.
I ask that all officers of the four Bodies that comprise the Valley of Syracuse to support each other’s programs to the best of your ability. As an officer, your attendance at the Valley of Syracuse programs should be your primary interest.
D.B. Lawrence W. Egnaczyk, 32° MSA
Commander in Chief
No News Received
Henry R. Havener, 32° DSA
Most Wise Master
Greetings Sovereign Princes.
Well Fall is certainly in the air as I write this! As November is soon upon us I want to remind you of two very important dates coming up-Veteran’s Day and Thanksgiving. The Valley will be having our annual Veteran’s Recognition Night on November 11th, come on out and say thank you to those that have served in our military to defend our freedom. Also on Thanksgiving remember to give thanks for the blessings in your life. Why not combine the two and come to the Veteran’s Hospital on Thanksgiving morning to hand out care packages to the veteran’s? They love seeing us and it is a truly rewarding experience. Come out to the degrees being held in November, you will be glad you did. For the 16th coming up in March we are having two rehearsals, one on January 26th and one on February 23 both at 2:00PM. Contact me if you want a part in the degree. We will be reaching out to members to take part beginning now. God bless you all, Freemasons, our military and this great country.
James McNeal, 32º DSA
Sovereign Prince
Greetings Princes.
Fall is in full swing with the Month of October (now behind us) and the beginning of our valley's robust schedule. As of this writing we are about a week out from the Awards and Recognition Night (October 14th ).
We hope our planning will have provided us with much fellowship and the recognition of distinguished members of our valley family. The month of November brings a full busy month for the Valley and the Lodge of Perfection (LOP). Sunday November 10th is a rehearsal for the 4th Degree. In planning for this event, we have decided to confer the version that everyone is accustomed to, for the last time, allowing more time for planning, understanding and casting the new version that was authorized at the 2019 COD.
On November 11th the valley will host our annual Veterans Recognition Night to honor those who have served our great country in the military. The Supreme Council of the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction is also paying special tribute to veterans this year with the roll out of a new recognition program for veterans called the “Illustrious Sammy Lee Davis, 33˚ Defender of Peace and Freedom Award”. NMJ Veterans will receive a custom designed pin and certificate to commemorate their military service and to honor their dedication to the core values of 32˚ Scottish Rite Freemasonry.
November 18th the Lodge of Perfection will host the Conferral of the 4˚, November 25th Conferral of the 14˚. November 17th the Lodge of Perfection will host a rehearsal for the 10˚. The LOP is very excited to be working on the 10˚ Degree as the Valley has not conferred this Degree in quite some time. Conferral date is set for January 5th.
November is also a month for giving thanks for all the gifts and graces that the Great Architect gives us in our daily lives. As the Thanksgiving Holiday comes upon us, I want to give thanks for the incredible LOP Leadership team for their friendship and Brotherly Love. They truly set a great example of enthusiasm and dedication to our Valley and Craft. Give thanks for my family for their love and support, no matter how many masonic events I attend, my Masonic family for their Brotherly Love, and the Valley of Syracuse for being a shining example of what Masonry is truly meant to be.
To all of you, may the Great Architect enrich your lives with a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday.
Terry A. Byard, 32° DSA
Thrice Potent Master
Welcome to My World
Notes from the Children’s Dyslexia Center CNY
It is Dyslexia Month and…
We are back and in Full Swing at the Center. It was a hectic and somewhat tumultuous time getting things together but. I am happy to say, we have 9 children continuing their tutoring this Academic year and have enrolled 9 new children. We started with three new initial scholars, but one had had to withdraw due to family obligations. Thankfully we have 7 returning tutors and I
have been able to schedule a child to tutor this year. Gineal has been very busy keeping all of the confusion under control and, as always, the Center will be a very busy place.
We had a sunny, if cool (alright, cold) day for our Walk-a-Thon and BBQ. Despite a lower number of walkers and eaters all reports state we had a successful fund raiser. Our many thinks to all who participated and contributed to keep our Center the successful place it is. We continue our fundraising efforts with a last-minute Book Fair which will have taken place by the time you read this.
We are really excited about our plans for our Annual Gala Fundraiser, March 14, 2020. This will be a very special celebration with special entertainment so mark your calendar and plan to join us for this very special event. We will reveal more details in the next few months.
Your continued support and interest is always appreciated and we invite you to visit us whenever we are open, M-Th afternoons (on the school schedule), from October through May. Feel free to contact us with any questions you may have or to set up a visit.
I will be speaking at some functions this month to help spread “the word” about what Dyslexia is (and isn’t) and what we do and can be done to help the children dealing with Dyslexia. Feel free to contact me if you have a group that would be interested in learning more about Dyslexia and the Center.
Linda L. Martin, Director
Email- [email protected]
Phone- (315) 736-0574
Mail- Children’s Dyslexia Center- CNY
PO Box 638
Oriskany, NY 13424
Valley Honorees
Congratulations to recent and future Honors recipients from the Valley Of Syracuse in recognition of their efforts on behalf of Scottish Rite Freemasonry and the Valley of Syracuse.
Ill∴ Garry L. Visconti, 33° was coroneted a 33° Sovereign Grand Inspector General, 33° Scottish Rite Mason and Honorary Member of Supreme Council, 33°, N.M.J. on August 27, 2019 in Milwaukee WI. at the 2019 Biennial Session of Supreme Council.
Congratulations also are extended to D.B. Lawrence W. Egnaczyk, 32° MSA upon being elected to be coroneted a 33° Scottish Rite Mason in Cleveland, OH in 2021.
D.B’s. Carl F. Fahrenkrug, 32° MSA, William H. Toth, II, 32° MSA, and James A. Nelson, 32° MSA , three Meritorious Service Award Recipients from the Valley of Syracuse elected in 2018 to receive the Meritorious Service Award at the 2019 Annual Council of Deliberation Convocation received their plaques and Jewel of Recognition at this year’s ceremony.
S.P.R.S. H. Bruce Naumann, 32° MSA, and S.P.R.S. Jack G. Dombrowski, 32° MSA: Past Thrice Potent Masters of Central City Lodge of Perfection in the Central City Bodies, A.A.S.R. were elected to receive the New York Council of Deliberation’s Meritorious Service Award at its 2020 Annual Convocation, September 26, 2020.
Please congratulate these brothers for receiving these honors when you meet with them.
Ill∴ James D. Swan, Jr., 33°
Valley of Syracuse
2020 – 2021 Scholarship Applications Available
Applications to apply for 2020 – 2021 Academic Year Supreme Council, AASR Leon M. Abbott Scholarships and New York State Council of Deliberation Scholarship Aid are scheduled to be available by December 1, 2020. Go to the Valley of Syracuse Web site for the links to obtain the information online.
Application titled “Application for Scottish Rite Scholarship Aid Leon M. Abbott and/or NYS Council of Deliberation”
To all applicants: The deadline date to submit your completed applications to the Valley of Syracuse is Wednesday April 1, 2020. That means in the office by close of business Wednesday April 1, 2020. Applications received in the Valley of Syracuse office after 4:00 p.m. Wednesday April 1, 2020 will not be considered.
New Applications must be used. There is one combined Application for 2020- 2021. The Combined Application must be used. Graduating High School Seniors may apply again this year.
The members of our Youth Groups; Triangle, Rainbow, and DeMolay; are eligible to apply for financial assistance. Students who complete the program at the Children’s Dyslexia Centers in New York State may also apply.
Nine applicants from the Valley of Syracuse received financial assistance from this program for the 2019-2020 scholastic year. Congratulations and best wishes to them.
It is very important that all information requested in the instructions for application preparation be included with your application when it is originally submitted.
Please contact the Valley Office at (315) 452-7976 if you have any questions or require assistance and information.
Happy Thanksgiving
Family Celebrations are important to all of us. Thanksgiving is a festive time for Families to gather together to give thanks and blessings for the bounty we all enjoy.
Many college students are home for their first break from studies. Parents and Grandparents gather around the “Harvest Table” with their families for the traditional Thanksgiving Feast.
The Valley Office Staff, on behalf of all Officers and Members of Central City Bodies A.A.S.R., Valley of Syracuse wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. May peace and goodwill be the toast of this special Day.
Please take care when you travel to be with your families and have a safe Holiday.
Happy Thanksgiving to all,
Sharon Fox
Sharon Swan
Jim Swan
Thanks from Learning Center Walk-a-Thon
On Saturday, October 5th , 2019, walkers gathered at the Central New York Dyslexia Center at the Eastern Star Home in Oriskany, NY to participate on the 14 th Annual 3/5 K Walk to Help Children with Dyslexia. The event included a chicken bbq provided by Jim Spinella’s Grate Chicken Men, a bake sale and bottle and can drive.
The event raised $8000 to help support the Center’s program that teaches children the skills necessary to deal with their dyslexia.
The Center thanks the following businesses and organizations who helped make this annual event such a great success: Stewarts Shops, Mike’s Pro Auto Service, Whitesboro Frame and Body, Inc., Speedy Awards, Oneida County Masonic Association, The Marketing Firm, Gary’s Restaurant in Sylvan Beach, Raquette Lake Supply, The Village Square, BJ Queen Enterprises, and The Tavern in Eagle Bay, NY, Microwave Filter Company Inc., Walmart Distribution Center in Marcy, Paul Oil and Propane-Hamilton, NY, The Eastern Star Home and the Eastern Star Day Care Center, The Valleys of Utica and Syracuse-AASR, Tigris Shrine Clowns, Mohawk Valley Chapter of DeMolay, Eastern Star Chapters and Masonic Lodges in the Fulton, Hamilton, Herkimer, Montgomery, Lewis, Oneida, Madison and Onondaga Districts, DiOrio’s IGA, Kurt Garner Photography Gallery, Helmer’s Fuel, Walt’s Diner, Strand Theatre, ADK Homes, Old Forge Liquor, Smith Marine, Dr. Douglas Thayer-Chiropractor, The Adk Reader and French Louie-Adk Sports (Inlet, NY), Randy’s Chicken, Wings and Things, Miles B. Marshall, Inc. & M. Burton Marshall Insurance, Martin Maintenance, Forge Motel, Herron Realty, and the Old Forge Hardware.
We look forward to seeing all again next year for our 15th walk. Look for more information on our next event; our annual Gala on Saturday, March 14th, 2020 at Harts Hill Inn when Randy Riggle (from Las Vegas) will be performing.
For more information on Children’s Dyslexia Center-Central New York, contact
[email protected] , our FB page , or our web and blog page: