As result of the ordered by the Grand Master cancellation of Masonic meetings and events for the near future.
The Monday, December 14, 2020 Central City Consistory, AASR meeting scheduled to confer the 32° on our current class of candidates will be rescheduled to another date and time when we are allowed to meet.
The Valley office will let everyone know the dates when our meetings and events can be rescheduled.
The Monday, December 14, 2020 Central City Consistory, AASR meeting scheduled to confer the 32° on our current class of candidates will be rescheduled to another date and time when we are allowed to meet.
The Valley office will let everyone know the dates when our meetings and events can be rescheduled.
Ill∴ James D. Swan, Jr., 33° Valley Secretary | D.B. Lawrence W. Egnaczyk, 32° MSA Commander-In-Chief |