May 14 Guard’s Club Dinner 6:30 p.m.Annual Meeting 7:00 p.m.
4 Bodies Annual Meeting and Election of Officers 7:30 p.m.
May 21 Public Installation of officers for Lodge, Council, Chapter 7:30 p.m. / Refreshments to follow
Jun 4 Trustee’s Meeting 6:15 p.m./ Organization & Executive Committee Meeting 7:00 p.m.
The most important thing I do as Commander-in-Chief is keep first things first. The first thing I have to say is “thank you,” and the list of thank yous is long. Ill. Jim Swan designed and sent invitations, received the reservations, ordered shirts, pins and meals and worked overtime to make sure everything happened on time and in good order. Well done, Brother Secretary! Ill. Rick Powell worked with Bro. Swan to create the program book which I hope will bring back memories as we prepare for the 175th anniversary of the Valley. Ill. John Fuller gets my deepest thanks and respect for all the points of Masonic etiquette he brought to our celebration. My fellow committee members, Bros. Carl Fahrenkrug, Bill Fergerson, Allan Ferguson, Gary Hartman, and Bob Tyrell spent months working together with Bro. Swan and me creating this event. Thank you for giving up your evenings and putting your energy into this event. Degree directors and cast members, men from the “arch of steel,” Brothers who brought in new Sublime Princes, those who filled the sidelines, bought an ad or did anything small or large to make this celebration happen--THANK YOU.
The biggest thank you, however, belongs to the new Sublime Princes of the Royal Secret. You helped us celebrate 150 years of Scottish Rite Freemasonry by starting the Valley on the path for the next 150 years. You earned the notice and respect of Sovereign Grand Commander McNaughton, Deputy Grand Master Sullivan, Deputy for New York Peter Samiec and all our dignitaries from the Northern Jurisdiction of Scottish Rite. We look to you to work with us in the quarries and on the great cathedrals of Scottish Rite service.
Now, to our schedule for the month. The Guard’s Club will meet for dinner at 6:30 PM on May 14. The Guard’s Club, for those who do not know, consists of the men who put on the degrees and carry out the regular tasks of the Valley. Joining the Guards Club is as easy as saying “I’ll do that . . .” when someone asks. The Valley’s annual meeting will follow the dinner.
May 21 brings the installation of officers for the Lodge of Perfection, Council of Princes of Jerusalem and Chapter of Rose Croix at 7:30 PM. Please make an effort to support your Brothers helping lead this Valley forward.
One last word: I will attend Grand Lodge this year to see our Sovereign Grand Commander receive the highest award the Grand Lodge of New York confers. Our celebration for 150 years serves as the introduction 200th anniversary of Northern Jurisdiction Scottish Rite work in 2013.
The best things in life keep on going . . .
Ill. Lynwood Bennerson, 33°
Commander-in- Chief
It’s hard to believe my year as Most Wise Master is almost over. I am grateful for all the help and support that I received throughout the year. The office staff had been more than supportive in helping to make the programs which are the responsibility of The Chapter of Rose Croix successful. The 18th Degree in the fall, the Holiday Dinner in December, the Sweetheart Award Dinner Presentation and The Feast of The Paschal Lamb all came together because of the support of the dedicated Brothers of This Valley. Sharon Fox and Sharon Swan, I thank you for all you two ladies have done for me personally and for the Valley of Syracuse. My Brothers, make no mistakes in underestimating how valuable these two ladies are to this Valley and the programs we provide.
I look forward to working with the new slate of officers in the coming year, and hope that we can again look back and be proud of the work we have done. When you see the tuxedos with the red ties and cummerbunds, you will know we are the Central City Chapter of Rose Croix!
Hope to see you all at the public installation May 21, 2012.
Lawrence W. Egnaczyk, 32°
Most Wise Master
Greetings Brothers.
As you are reading this publication of the word, all the hard work and preparation for the celebration of the 150th Anniversary of the Valley of Syracuse will be coming to fruition. It’s an exciting time for the Valley.
Imagine what it must have been like back in 1862 when the Valley of Syracuse was formed. In the middle of our country’s Civil War, a group of men; Freemasons, collected their visions to form what has grown to be what we are in the midst of today. Those men, and six generations beyond, have stood in the same places and felt the same love for this organization as we do. We today, have an obligation to carry forward those traditions and keep the light lit for those that follow us. The challenges ahead are no different than what has been felt by all those that traveled the road before us; they’re just new to us. It is up to us collectively and individually to help carry on. The work that we do and the charities we support are important parts of our heritage and will continue to be an important part of our future. Let this important anniversary celebration be a reminder to us all – who we are and why we are here.
Moving into May, there is much happening. The 14th is the Guard’s Club Dinner and our Annual All Bodies Meeting, followed by our Public Installations of Officers on the 21st.
It’s hard to believe how fast the year has gone by. As Sovereign Prince, I have had the opportunity to participate in the Valley in a way I had not anticipated when I first joined. It has been a learning experience and all good, and since I guess someone has decided I haven’t learned my lesson yet – I will be continuing as your Sovereign Prince for another year. I am looking forward to seeing you soon.
Dave Barnello, 32°
Sovereign Prince
Congratulations to all the new members from the Class of 2012 joining the Valley of Syracuse. Well done! The journey will continue on as the Valley of Syracuse with your help and support will keep moving forward in 2012. To those Brothers who have not yet completed the 32nd Degree you are encouraged to press on. Look for new members who have not yet submitted a petition for membership. A new class will be starting in the Fall of 2012.
Special thanks to all the Lodge of Perfection Officers for their ongoing support and dedication during the past 12 months. All of your fellow members appreciate your commitment to keeping the Valley of Syracuse alive and well. Encourage you to enjoy the ongoing benefits of participating in future degrees and events.
Who’s on your list? Keep checking and updating your list of potential new members to join with us in fun and fellowship at the Valley of Syracuse. Make sure to follow up on those potential members who are not yet a Master Mason. Encourage them to submit a petition today and continue their search for something very special.
May you and your family enjoy each and every day. May each of us continue to look beyond the gloom and doom before us to the many lighter and brighter opportunities which are just around the corner. May God bless.
Ill. Craig Cobb, 33°
Thrice Potent Master
Notes from the Children's Dyslexia Center
It does not seem possible that we are nearing the end of our academic year already. The month of April will find us completing the observations necessary for our scholars and starting the process of end of year assessments for our children. We will complete those in May and have our final meetings with families in preparation for our Recognition Ceremony on Tuesday, June 5th.
The ceremony will take place in the Pavilion on the Eastern Star Campus at 6:30 with light refreshments following. We would love to see you there- just give us a call and let us know you are coming.
We have already held an Information Session for prospective Scholars for tutor-training for the upcoming year. We had a good turnout and have sent packets to others who could not attend so we are in hopes that a full class we be set by the end of May.
I know we have been keeping abreast of Ryan’s activities at the Center and with his wrestling but I wanted to do a little flashback to Bryce, who you heard about last year. Sandy and I and John, Bryce’s tutor last year, have had the honor of being invited to Bryce’s Eagle Scout ceremony this month. His mother reports that he will also be receiving one of his Palms, which I am told is another wonderful achievement. We were thrilled to have them stop back at the Center and hear that Bryce is doing well and misses us. We are so pleased to stay in touch and know that we have had a small part in his continuing success.
As always, you had a great deal to do with this. We have some exciting fund-raising projects in the works and I hope I will see you at some of them.
Linda Martin, Director
Email- [email protected]
Phone- (315) 736-0574
Mail- Children’s Dyslexia Center- CNY
PO Box 638
Oriskany, NY 13424
Few things can make a preacher--or a hospitaler--happier than to see brotherly love come into action. The day the Valleys of Norwood, Utica and Syracuse saw brotherly love expressed in a most genuine way.
I rode with Brothers Bob Tyrell and Rick Powell to the temple in Utica. We planned to stop at the Masonic Care Community to see Bros. Norm Kruth and Gary Hartman after the degree. We were not the only men to plan that additional trip. Several carloads of men, most dressed in dark business suits, worked their way around the Care Community to wish their best to our Brothers. One woman resident saw the line of brothers forming outside Gary’s room and said “you must be Masons.” She said that right in every way!
Then Bob introduced me to Bro. Willard Bahn, another resident at the Community. The care our brothers receive in Utica is superb. Even I, a first time visitor, could see the brothers who deserve the best receive the best we can offer as a fraternity. What I saw made me proud to be a Mason. I hope you take the opportunity to see what I did and support our Brothers, too.
Rev. Bro. Allan Ferguson, 32°, DSA
Thank You
On behalf of the 150th Anniversary Committee, Valley Officers, and Members I wish to thank everyone who assisted in any way, attended any or all of our events, or supported our Fundraising Projects to make our Anniversary Celebration a success.
What a day or days! We were honored to have the Illustrious John Wm. McNaughton, 33°, Sovereign Grand Commander, Supreme Council for the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of the United States of America and his lovely wife Judy, present with us for our celebration.
To the new Sublime Princes of the Royal Secret beginning your life long journey as a Scottish Rite Mason, we welcome you to membership in our very active Valley. Take advantage of your Scottish Rite membership become an active member and enjoy the companionship and growth in Masonic knowledge available to you.
It takes very supportive women to make a Masonic endeavor possible and a success. To all of the ladies who assisted us we say thank you. As your Valley Secretary I say a very big thank you to Sharon Fox, Valley Administrative Assistant, and to my wife Sharon Swan for all of their hard work and assistance these past several months as this celebration was planned and implemented.
Ill. James D. Swan, Jr., 33°
Valley Secretary
May 14 Guard’s Club Dinner 6:30 p.m.Annual Meeting 7:00 p.m.
4 Bodies Annual Meeting and Election of Officers 7:30 p.m.
May 21 Public Installation of officers for Lodge, Council, Chapter 7:30 p.m. / Refreshments to follow
Jun 4 Trustee’s Meeting 6:15 p.m./ Organization & Executive Committee Meeting 7:00 p.m.
The most important thing I do as Commander-in-Chief is keep first things first. The first thing I have to say is “thank you,” and the list of thank yous is long. Ill. Jim Swan designed and sent invitations, received the reservations, ordered shirts, pins and meals and worked overtime to make sure everything happened on time and in good order. Well done, Brother Secretary! Ill. Rick Powell worked with Bro. Swan to create the program book which I hope will bring back memories as we prepare for the 175th anniversary of the Valley. Ill. John Fuller gets my deepest thanks and respect for all the points of Masonic etiquette he brought to our celebration. My fellow committee members, Bros. Carl Fahrenkrug, Bill Fergerson, Allan Ferguson, Gary Hartman, and Bob Tyrell spent months working together with Bro. Swan and me creating this event. Thank you for giving up your evenings and putting your energy into this event. Degree directors and cast members, men from the “arch of steel,” Brothers who brought in new Sublime Princes, those who filled the sidelines, bought an ad or did anything small or large to make this celebration happen--THANK YOU.
The biggest thank you, however, belongs to the new Sublime Princes of the Royal Secret. You helped us celebrate 150 years of Scottish Rite Freemasonry by starting the Valley on the path for the next 150 years. You earned the notice and respect of Sovereign Grand Commander McNaughton, Deputy Grand Master Sullivan, Deputy for New York Peter Samiec and all our dignitaries from the Northern Jurisdiction of Scottish Rite. We look to you to work with us in the quarries and on the great cathedrals of Scottish Rite service.
Now, to our schedule for the month. The Guard’s Club will meet for dinner at 6:30 PM on May 14. The Guard’s Club, for those who do not know, consists of the men who put on the degrees and carry out the regular tasks of the Valley. Joining the Guards Club is as easy as saying “I’ll do that . . .” when someone asks. The Valley’s annual meeting will follow the dinner.
May 21 brings the installation of officers for the Lodge of Perfection, Council of Princes of Jerusalem and Chapter of Rose Croix at 7:30 PM. Please make an effort to support your Brothers helping lead this Valley forward.
One last word: I will attend Grand Lodge this year to see our Sovereign Grand Commander receive the highest award the Grand Lodge of New York confers. Our celebration for 150 years serves as the introduction 200th anniversary of Northern Jurisdiction Scottish Rite work in 2013.
The best things in life keep on going . . .
Ill. Lynwood Bennerson, 33°
Commander-in- Chief
It’s hard to believe my year as Most Wise Master is almost over. I am grateful for all the help and support that I received throughout the year. The office staff had been more than supportive in helping to make the programs which are the responsibility of The Chapter of Rose Croix successful. The 18th Degree in the fall, the Holiday Dinner in December, the Sweetheart Award Dinner Presentation and The Feast of The Paschal Lamb all came together because of the support of the dedicated Brothers of This Valley. Sharon Fox and Sharon Swan, I thank you for all you two ladies have done for me personally and for the Valley of Syracuse. My Brothers, make no mistakes in underestimating how valuable these two ladies are to this Valley and the programs we provide.
I look forward to working with the new slate of officers in the coming year, and hope that we can again look back and be proud of the work we have done. When you see the tuxedos with the red ties and cummerbunds, you will know we are the Central City Chapter of Rose Croix!
Hope to see you all at the public installation May 21, 2012.
Lawrence W. Egnaczyk, 32°
Most Wise Master
Greetings Brothers.
As you are reading this publication of the word, all the hard work and preparation for the celebration of the 150th Anniversary of the Valley of Syracuse will be coming to fruition. It’s an exciting time for the Valley.
Imagine what it must have been like back in 1862 when the Valley of Syracuse was formed. In the middle of our country’s Civil War, a group of men; Freemasons, collected their visions to form what has grown to be what we are in the midst of today. Those men, and six generations beyond, have stood in the same places and felt the same love for this organization as we do. We today, have an obligation to carry forward those traditions and keep the light lit for those that follow us. The challenges ahead are no different than what has been felt by all those that traveled the road before us; they’re just new to us. It is up to us collectively and individually to help carry on. The work that we do and the charities we support are important parts of our heritage and will continue to be an important part of our future. Let this important anniversary celebration be a reminder to us all – who we are and why we are here.
Moving into May, there is much happening. The 14th is the Guard’s Club Dinner and our Annual All Bodies Meeting, followed by our Public Installations of Officers on the 21st.
It’s hard to believe how fast the year has gone by. As Sovereign Prince, I have had the opportunity to participate in the Valley in a way I had not anticipated when I first joined. It has been a learning experience and all good, and since I guess someone has decided I haven’t learned my lesson yet – I will be continuing as your Sovereign Prince for another year. I am looking forward to seeing you soon.
Dave Barnello, 32°
Sovereign Prince
Congratulations to all the new members from the Class of 2012 joining the Valley of Syracuse. Well done! The journey will continue on as the Valley of Syracuse with your help and support will keep moving forward in 2012. To those Brothers who have not yet completed the 32nd Degree you are encouraged to press on. Look for new members who have not yet submitted a petition for membership. A new class will be starting in the Fall of 2012.
Special thanks to all the Lodge of Perfection Officers for their ongoing support and dedication during the past 12 months. All of your fellow members appreciate your commitment to keeping the Valley of Syracuse alive and well. Encourage you to enjoy the ongoing benefits of participating in future degrees and events.
Who’s on your list? Keep checking and updating your list of potential new members to join with us in fun and fellowship at the Valley of Syracuse. Make sure to follow up on those potential members who are not yet a Master Mason. Encourage them to submit a petition today and continue their search for something very special.
May you and your family enjoy each and every day. May each of us continue to look beyond the gloom and doom before us to the many lighter and brighter opportunities which are just around the corner. May God bless.
Ill. Craig Cobb, 33°
Thrice Potent Master
Notes from the Children's Dyslexia Center
It does not seem possible that we are nearing the end of our academic year already. The month of April will find us completing the observations necessary for our scholars and starting the process of end of year assessments for our children. We will complete those in May and have our final meetings with families in preparation for our Recognition Ceremony on Tuesday, June 5th.
The ceremony will take place in the Pavilion on the Eastern Star Campus at 6:30 with light refreshments following. We would love to see you there- just give us a call and let us know you are coming.
We have already held an Information Session for prospective Scholars for tutor-training for the upcoming year. We had a good turnout and have sent packets to others who could not attend so we are in hopes that a full class we be set by the end of May.
I know we have been keeping abreast of Ryan’s activities at the Center and with his wrestling but I wanted to do a little flashback to Bryce, who you heard about last year. Sandy and I and John, Bryce’s tutor last year, have had the honor of being invited to Bryce’s Eagle Scout ceremony this month. His mother reports that he will also be receiving one of his Palms, which I am told is another wonderful achievement. We were thrilled to have them stop back at the Center and hear that Bryce is doing well and misses us. We are so pleased to stay in touch and know that we have had a small part in his continuing success.
As always, you had a great deal to do with this. We have some exciting fund-raising projects in the works and I hope I will see you at some of them.
Linda Martin, Director
Email- [email protected]
Phone- (315) 736-0574
Mail- Children’s Dyslexia Center- CNY
PO Box 638
Oriskany, NY 13424
Few things can make a preacher--or a hospitaler--happier than to see brotherly love come into action. The day the Valleys of Norwood, Utica and Syracuse saw brotherly love expressed in a most genuine way.
I rode with Brothers Bob Tyrell and Rick Powell to the temple in Utica. We planned to stop at the Masonic Care Community to see Bros. Norm Kruth and Gary Hartman after the degree. We were not the only men to plan that additional trip. Several carloads of men, most dressed in dark business suits, worked their way around the Care Community to wish their best to our Brothers. One woman resident saw the line of brothers forming outside Gary’s room and said “you must be Masons.” She said that right in every way!
Then Bob introduced me to Bro. Willard Bahn, another resident at the Community. The care our brothers receive in Utica is superb. Even I, a first time visitor, could see the brothers who deserve the best receive the best we can offer as a fraternity. What I saw made me proud to be a Mason. I hope you take the opportunity to see what I did and support our Brothers, too.
Rev. Bro. Allan Ferguson, 32°, DSA
Thank You
On behalf of the 150th Anniversary Committee, Valley Officers, and Members I wish to thank everyone who assisted in any way, attended any or all of our events, or supported our Fundraising Projects to make our Anniversary Celebration a success.
What a day or days! We were honored to have the Illustrious John Wm. McNaughton, 33°, Sovereign Grand Commander, Supreme Council for the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of the United States of America and his lovely wife Judy, present with us for our celebration.
To the new Sublime Princes of the Royal Secret beginning your life long journey as a Scottish Rite Mason, we welcome you to membership in our very active Valley. Take advantage of your Scottish Rite membership become an active member and enjoy the companionship and growth in Masonic knowledge available to you.
It takes very supportive women to make a Masonic endeavor possible and a success. To all of the ladies who assisted us we say thank you. As your Valley Secretary I say a very big thank you to Sharon Fox, Valley Administrative Assistant, and to my wife Sharon Swan for all of their hard work and assistance these past several months as this celebration was planned and implemented.
Ill. James D. Swan, Jr., 33°
Valley Secretary