May 2024
May 13 Guard’s Club Annual Meeting 6:15 p.m. Dinner & Meeting
Four Bodies Annual meeting & Officer’s Election 7:30 p.m.
May 20 Installation of Officers
Social 6:00 p.m. / Dinner 6:30 p.m. / Install Officers 7:30 p.m.
June 2024
Jun 3 Trustees Meeting Live 6:15 p.m. / Executive Committee Meeting Live 7:00 p.m.
Jun 28 NYS COD Annual Session- Call Office
Jun 29 NYS COD Annual Session- Call Office
Summer 2024 Special Events
Office will send notice for each event to the Valley Members
Jul 7 Motorcycle Ride Event
Jul 19 Syracuse Mets vs. Rochester Red Wings Baseball Game
Jul 29 Knights of St. Andrew Special 19 th Degree presentation
Aug 2 Teddy Bear Golf Outing
Aug 14 Rite on the Road Event @ North Syracuse Masonic Center
Aug 17 Family Life All Masonic Picnic Event @ Cicero American Legion
Aug 26 Trustees Meeting 6:15 p.m. / Executive Committee Meeting 7:00 p.m.
Sublime Princes, Let me start by offering a sincere “Thank You” to all who stepped up in Lodge, Council, Chapter and Consistory to present our live degrees this year. We wrapped up this year’s degree presentations with a 5 Degree Festival on April 13th . Live Degree presentations are, I feel, an important part of the Scottish Rite Degree Experience. There are select degrees which are better in a video format because of elaborate staging or very large casts, but overall live degrees are my preferred format. I will continue to challenge us to put on a rather full schedule of live degrees in the coming year. My emphasis on live degrees is rooted in the belief that the interpersonal relationships fostered in the team effort required to present a live degree strengthen our Valley.
Our Reunion Banquet was also well attended and I hope everyone had an opportunity to socialize and renew friendships. Centerville Chapter, once again, did an outstanding job preparing our feast. We are grateful for all the support they provide to the Valley. There are only two events during May. First up is our Guards Club Dinner and Meeting on May 13th . All who have participated in presenting our degrees during this Scottish Rite year are invited to attend the dinner. Note that the dinner starts at 6:15 PM rather than the usual 6:30 PM dinner time. The Guards Club meeting will take place in the dining room. We will then move into the lodge room at 7:30 PM to hold our Annual Meeting and Election of Officers in Lodge, Council, Chapter and Consistory. Please make an effort to attend this meeting as we select our leadership for the next Scottish Rite year.
May 20th will be our Installation of Officers. We will meet at 6:00 PM for Social Time followed by dinner at 6:30 PM and Installation kicking off at 7:30 PM. Again, I would ask you to make a special effort to attend the Installation and show your support for our new Officers. YOUR Officers work hard all year long to present the Valley’s programs. Each of our Four Bodies takes a lead role in presenting at least one signature event during the year.
While the foregoing two events are the only events scheduled as I write this article, we are hoping to pull together at least one Rite on the Road event to be held at the Masonic Memorial Center. Notification of the date and time will be sent by email if we are able to find an open night to put on a Rite on the Road event. This will likely be the last opportunity to present the 4th Degree to new candidates before the summer break. If you haven’t ever gotten an email from Scottish Rite I would encourage you to contact the office to provide your email. As digital communication is more frequently becoming the norm, it is important that we have a valid email address to stay in touch.
Finally, it is not too early to start thinking about summer plans. There will be a Motorcycle Ride to support the Children’s Dyslexia Center again this year. The date hasn’t been fully nailed down but will likely be in July. While this was originally envisioned as a Motorcycle Ride we are not opposed to having Classic Car owners Cruize with us to the Dyslexia Center. We Plan to have food available in the pavilion on the Eastern Star Campus. More information will follow as it becomes available. Also in July we have our Syracuse Mets Baseball Outing scheduled on July 19th when the Syracuse Mets will play the Rochester Red Wings. We have once again reserved the patio for this event. Additional information and reservation forms will be arriving by mail...please watch for them. The last summer event is our Family Life Picnic scheduled for August 17th at the Cicero American Legion. Please save the date and be on the lookout for additional information and reservation forms that will be sent by mail.
On a personal note...Thank you to all my Brothers who have offered prayers and well wishes for my wife’s recovery. It is gratifying to note that should I need assistance I have such a large family of Brothers to call on.
Ill. William H. Toth II, 33° MSA
Commander in Chief
Greeting, Knights: Some may have noticed that I was not present at the Feast of the Paschal Lamb, one of our most important rituals, as we remember those Brothers that passed away during the year. My oldest son had a bad accident and was in the ICU at the Jackson Memorial hospital, in Miami. We were there with him. He is out, now, but has suffered severe damage and is undergoing physical therapy.
I will be in and out of Syracuse for the next few months and will not be able to attend some of our Rose Croix Chapter functions. I will be, however, proficiently substituted by our Senior Warden, Bro. Joseph Flanagan, who will succeed me for the 2024- 2025 period, as Most Wise Master.
The Rose Croix Chapter joined the other Valley Bodies for the Five Degree Festival on Saturday April 13th and for the Reunion Banquet on April 22nd . If I was not there, is it because I was out of town and was substituted, again, by our Senior Warden Bro. Flanagan.
In May, we will have the important Four Bodies Annual Meeting and Officer’s Election. This is a very important Valley meeting and I encourage all our members to attend and participate in the Valley’s work by joining one Body as an Officer. This is an excellent opportunity to become more familiar with your Brothers and your Valley’s operations, and to grow as Freemasons.
This may well be my last column as Most Wise Master of the Rose Croix Chapter. It has been both an honor and an excellent learning opportunity. I leave you in excellent hands, as Bro. Flanagan will likely be elected, and will succeed me in this position.
Please, keep our military and our country in our prayers, and may God keep peace in the world.
Be safe.
Jorge L. Romeu, 32°
Most Wise Master.
Greetings to Brother Masons, especially Scottish Rite Masons in our Valley of Syracuse. I continue to enjoy being the Sovereign Prince of Central City Council Princes of Jerusalem. My year is almost over, so I want to talk about the legacy this year's leadership team is making for sustainment within our Valley. If you have not been able to come and enjoy Scottish Rite Masonry, you are missing out on fun, education, brotherhood, family events, and personal exploration and awe both in-person and virtually. We have numerous online trainings that are excellent and thoughtful. Our in-person experiences so far this year have been degree days of classes, evenings of classes and presentations, and wonderful lectures on people such as George Washington. We are fortunate to have special evenings of affordable catered food by Eastern Star. The evenings, together with hockey, baseball, and our annual picnic outings, bring us together.
Yet, we face sustainability challenges, including diminishing our investment funds, an aging masonic population, and fewer Brethren interested in performing degree work. Many Masonic Lodges in our area have grown smaller as members die, and newer candidates are harder to recruit due to a lack of interest. Our future is not us being a museum. It remains us being a living, breathing organism.
The Valley of Syracuse will conduct a periodic review of its operations and finances from this Spring through Fall 2024. I encourage every Brethren to make their perspectives known through our Scottish Rite leadership and office. We are only getting better. Just watch us! See you in the Valley!
Jeffrey M. Cox, 32°
Sovereign Prince
My Brothers, What an exciting year we have had so far! The Dyslexia Center Gala had its largest attendance ever and the most Baskets donated since its inception, thanks to all who have shown their support over the years! On April 13th our 5-degree Festival brought in some new Scottish Rite Freemasons to our Valley.
On the Blue Lodge side of things, on Saturday, June 8th there will be a 3rd degree conferral at Song Mountain in Tully for a staggering 24 Fellowcraft Masons from all around the Onondaga District. If the weather does not cooperate the next date is Saturday June 15th . What a pool of new Master Masons will be available to the Valley of Syracuse A.A.S.R.. If you have anyone from your Lodge in this Class, reach out to them and invite them to our programs in the Valley of Syracuse. Please contact R:.W:. Daniel Campis, D.D.G.M. for reservations ASAP.
This is an opportunity that we cannot afford to miss. Assure them that we are not looking to pull them away from their Blue Lodges but want to further their Masonic experience through the teachings of Scottish Rite.
I again ask that you support the programs of our Valley as often as you can and your ability permits. You will enjoy the experience if you do! Let’s all set out to work together to help our Valley grow.
Sincerely & Fraternally,
Ill. Lawrence W. Egnaczyk, 33° MSA
Thrice Potent Master
There are a few people we need to keep in our prayers during this time. Diana Toth is home
recovering, Sandy Samson, Gary Kall, Gerry Hogg and Steve Maddox have been ill and need our prayers. Peter Kline had a 2nd knee replacement and Earl Tuttle had a pacemaker put in and both are home recovering. We received news that Joe Stevens' companion Nancy passed away. If you know of anyone who is in need of our assistance or prayers please let me know.
Ill. Garry Visconti, 33° MSA
[email protected]
(315) 529-1936
Welcome to My World
Notes from the Children’s Dyslexia Center CNY
Spring is here and so is the last full month that we have with students and practitioners. It has been a wonderful year, filled with learning, growth, and inspiration. The students will be completing their end of year assessments this month to demonstrate how much growth each had accomplished this academic year. The practitioners are busy wrapping up their teaching of new material and reviewing concepts that might not have stuck with the child completely. They are also busy with end of year progress notes for parents, letting them know what their child learned and the information that was covered all year long.
At this point, all practitioners are done with their observations, book work, written assignments, and most paperwork. It has been a tremendous amount of work they have done, while working full time and many also have families. We are so proud of their accomplishments and their dedication to our students. They will be completing their practicum hours and the end of year progress forms for parents, which completes their training!
We are preparing for the end of year recognition ceremony, which will be held on June 11, 2024 at Hart’s Hill Inn, at 6pm. This is a lovely event to recognize all our students for their accomplishments, as well as all practitioners in training.
As we complete our 23/24 academic year with students and practitioners, we wish everyone a wonderful summer. Thank you so much for your continued support!
Marianne Jones & Alyssa Mittiga- Co-Directors
Email: [email protected] & [email protected]
Mail- Children’s Dyslexia Center- CNY
PO Box 638
Oriskany, NY 13424
2024 Annual Meetings Notice
The Central City Guard’s Club meets for dinner and its Annual Meeting at 6:15 p.m. Monday evening May 13, 2024. I urge every Valley Member and the Valley Officers, in particular, to attend this dinner at no charge to the attendees. Planned menu for the dinner is Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Salad, Potato Chips, and beverages. Dinner reservations are required by May 6, 2024.
The Annual Meeting for Central City Lodge of Perfection, Central City Council Princes of Jerusalem, Central City Chapter of Rose Croix and Central City Consistory is Monday May 13, 2024 at 7:30 p.m. at the Masonic Memorial Center, 648 Centerville Place, North Syracuse, NY
13212. All Valley of Syracuse Scottish Rite Masons were summoned by Official Notice to attend this meeting.
If you have any questions about the 2024 Valley of Syracuse Annual Meetings please contact the Valley office; (315) 452-7976 or e-mail at [email protected] or [email protected].
Officers Installation
2024 – 2025 Central City Lodge of Perfection, Council Princes of Jerusalem, Chapter of Rose Croix Officers & Central City Consistory and Concordant Bodies Trustees Public Installation of Officers is Monday evening May 20, 2024 at 7:30 p.m. at the Masonic Memorial Center. Family members and friends are welcome to attend this event.
The Installation Ceremony will be preceded by Social Time at 6:00 p.m. and a Meatloaf dinner served at 6:30 p.m. at a cost of $ 20.00 per person. Reservations are required by May 14, 2024.
Contact the Valley of Syracuse office 315-452-7976 or [email protected] to make your reservations for dinner or with any questions about the Installation.
Saturday August 17, 2022 for all Members of the Masonic Families. Sponsored By Central City Bodies, Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, Valley of Syracuse. To be held at Cicero American Legion Post, Legionnaire Drive, Cicero, NYPlanned Time 2 P. M. to 7:00 P. M. Details to follow in the JUNE 2024 WORD
This event is for all Members of the Masonic Families and sponsored by Central City Bodies, Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, Valley of Syracuse.
Price INCLUDES GAME TICKET AND BUFFET. Gates open at 5:30 p.m. and the game begins at 6:30 p.m. Details to follow in the JUNE 2024 WORD
May 2024
May 13 Guard’s Club Annual Meeting 6:15 p.m. Dinner & Meeting
Four Bodies Annual meeting & Officer’s Election 7:30 p.m.
May 20 Installation of Officers
Social 6:00 p.m. / Dinner 6:30 p.m. / Install Officers 7:30 p.m.
June 2024
Jun 3 Trustees Meeting Live 6:15 p.m. / Executive Committee Meeting Live 7:00 p.m.
Jun 28 NYS COD Annual Session- Call Office
Jun 29 NYS COD Annual Session- Call Office
Summer 2024 Special Events
Office will send notice for each event to the Valley Members
Jul 7 Motorcycle Ride Event
Jul 19 Syracuse Mets vs. Rochester Red Wings Baseball Game
Jul 29 Knights of St. Andrew Special 19 th Degree presentation
Aug 2 Teddy Bear Golf Outing
Aug 14 Rite on the Road Event @ North Syracuse Masonic Center
Aug 17 Family Life All Masonic Picnic Event @ Cicero American Legion
Aug 26 Trustees Meeting 6:15 p.m. / Executive Committee Meeting 7:00 p.m.
Sublime Princes, Let me start by offering a sincere “Thank You” to all who stepped up in Lodge, Council, Chapter and Consistory to present our live degrees this year. We wrapped up this year’s degree presentations with a 5 Degree Festival on April 13th . Live Degree presentations are, I feel, an important part of the Scottish Rite Degree Experience. There are select degrees which are better in a video format because of elaborate staging or very large casts, but overall live degrees are my preferred format. I will continue to challenge us to put on a rather full schedule of live degrees in the coming year. My emphasis on live degrees is rooted in the belief that the interpersonal relationships fostered in the team effort required to present a live degree strengthen our Valley.
Our Reunion Banquet was also well attended and I hope everyone had an opportunity to socialize and renew friendships. Centerville Chapter, once again, did an outstanding job preparing our feast. We are grateful for all the support they provide to the Valley. There are only two events during May. First up is our Guards Club Dinner and Meeting on May 13th . All who have participated in presenting our degrees during this Scottish Rite year are invited to attend the dinner. Note that the dinner starts at 6:15 PM rather than the usual 6:30 PM dinner time. The Guards Club meeting will take place in the dining room. We will then move into the lodge room at 7:30 PM to hold our Annual Meeting and Election of Officers in Lodge, Council, Chapter and Consistory. Please make an effort to attend this meeting as we select our leadership for the next Scottish Rite year.
May 20th will be our Installation of Officers. We will meet at 6:00 PM for Social Time followed by dinner at 6:30 PM and Installation kicking off at 7:30 PM. Again, I would ask you to make a special effort to attend the Installation and show your support for our new Officers. YOUR Officers work hard all year long to present the Valley’s programs. Each of our Four Bodies takes a lead role in presenting at least one signature event during the year.
While the foregoing two events are the only events scheduled as I write this article, we are hoping to pull together at least one Rite on the Road event to be held at the Masonic Memorial Center. Notification of the date and time will be sent by email if we are able to find an open night to put on a Rite on the Road event. This will likely be the last opportunity to present the 4th Degree to new candidates before the summer break. If you haven’t ever gotten an email from Scottish Rite I would encourage you to contact the office to provide your email. As digital communication is more frequently becoming the norm, it is important that we have a valid email address to stay in touch.
Finally, it is not too early to start thinking about summer plans. There will be a Motorcycle Ride to support the Children’s Dyslexia Center again this year. The date hasn’t been fully nailed down but will likely be in July. While this was originally envisioned as a Motorcycle Ride we are not opposed to having Classic Car owners Cruize with us to the Dyslexia Center. We Plan to have food available in the pavilion on the Eastern Star Campus. More information will follow as it becomes available. Also in July we have our Syracuse Mets Baseball Outing scheduled on July 19th when the Syracuse Mets will play the Rochester Red Wings. We have once again reserved the patio for this event. Additional information and reservation forms will be arriving by mail...please watch for them. The last summer event is our Family Life Picnic scheduled for August 17th at the Cicero American Legion. Please save the date and be on the lookout for additional information and reservation forms that will be sent by mail.
On a personal note...Thank you to all my Brothers who have offered prayers and well wishes for my wife’s recovery. It is gratifying to note that should I need assistance I have such a large family of Brothers to call on.
Ill. William H. Toth II, 33° MSA
Commander in Chief
Greeting, Knights: Some may have noticed that I was not present at the Feast of the Paschal Lamb, one of our most important rituals, as we remember those Brothers that passed away during the year. My oldest son had a bad accident and was in the ICU at the Jackson Memorial hospital, in Miami. We were there with him. He is out, now, but has suffered severe damage and is undergoing physical therapy.
I will be in and out of Syracuse for the next few months and will not be able to attend some of our Rose Croix Chapter functions. I will be, however, proficiently substituted by our Senior Warden, Bro. Joseph Flanagan, who will succeed me for the 2024- 2025 period, as Most Wise Master.
The Rose Croix Chapter joined the other Valley Bodies for the Five Degree Festival on Saturday April 13th and for the Reunion Banquet on April 22nd . If I was not there, is it because I was out of town and was substituted, again, by our Senior Warden Bro. Flanagan.
In May, we will have the important Four Bodies Annual Meeting and Officer’s Election. This is a very important Valley meeting and I encourage all our members to attend and participate in the Valley’s work by joining one Body as an Officer. This is an excellent opportunity to become more familiar with your Brothers and your Valley’s operations, and to grow as Freemasons.
This may well be my last column as Most Wise Master of the Rose Croix Chapter. It has been both an honor and an excellent learning opportunity. I leave you in excellent hands, as Bro. Flanagan will likely be elected, and will succeed me in this position.
Please, keep our military and our country in our prayers, and may God keep peace in the world.
Be safe.
Jorge L. Romeu, 32°
Most Wise Master.
Greetings to Brother Masons, especially Scottish Rite Masons in our Valley of Syracuse. I continue to enjoy being the Sovereign Prince of Central City Council Princes of Jerusalem. My year is almost over, so I want to talk about the legacy this year's leadership team is making for sustainment within our Valley. If you have not been able to come and enjoy Scottish Rite Masonry, you are missing out on fun, education, brotherhood, family events, and personal exploration and awe both in-person and virtually. We have numerous online trainings that are excellent and thoughtful. Our in-person experiences so far this year have been degree days of classes, evenings of classes and presentations, and wonderful lectures on people such as George Washington. We are fortunate to have special evenings of affordable catered food by Eastern Star. The evenings, together with hockey, baseball, and our annual picnic outings, bring us together.
Yet, we face sustainability challenges, including diminishing our investment funds, an aging masonic population, and fewer Brethren interested in performing degree work. Many Masonic Lodges in our area have grown smaller as members die, and newer candidates are harder to recruit due to a lack of interest. Our future is not us being a museum. It remains us being a living, breathing organism.
The Valley of Syracuse will conduct a periodic review of its operations and finances from this Spring through Fall 2024. I encourage every Brethren to make their perspectives known through our Scottish Rite leadership and office. We are only getting better. Just watch us! See you in the Valley!
Jeffrey M. Cox, 32°
Sovereign Prince
My Brothers, What an exciting year we have had so far! The Dyslexia Center Gala had its largest attendance ever and the most Baskets donated since its inception, thanks to all who have shown their support over the years! On April 13th our 5-degree Festival brought in some new Scottish Rite Freemasons to our Valley.
On the Blue Lodge side of things, on Saturday, June 8th there will be a 3rd degree conferral at Song Mountain in Tully for a staggering 24 Fellowcraft Masons from all around the Onondaga District. If the weather does not cooperate the next date is Saturday June 15th . What a pool of new Master Masons will be available to the Valley of Syracuse A.A.S.R.. If you have anyone from your Lodge in this Class, reach out to them and invite them to our programs in the Valley of Syracuse. Please contact R:.W:. Daniel Campis, D.D.G.M. for reservations ASAP.
This is an opportunity that we cannot afford to miss. Assure them that we are not looking to pull them away from their Blue Lodges but want to further their Masonic experience through the teachings of Scottish Rite.
I again ask that you support the programs of our Valley as often as you can and your ability permits. You will enjoy the experience if you do! Let’s all set out to work together to help our Valley grow.
Sincerely & Fraternally,
Ill. Lawrence W. Egnaczyk, 33° MSA
Thrice Potent Master
There are a few people we need to keep in our prayers during this time. Diana Toth is home
recovering, Sandy Samson, Gary Kall, Gerry Hogg and Steve Maddox have been ill and need our prayers. Peter Kline had a 2nd knee replacement and Earl Tuttle had a pacemaker put in and both are home recovering. We received news that Joe Stevens' companion Nancy passed away. If you know of anyone who is in need of our assistance or prayers please let me know.
Ill. Garry Visconti, 33° MSA
[email protected]
(315) 529-1936
Welcome to My World
Notes from the Children’s Dyslexia Center CNY
Spring is here and so is the last full month that we have with students and practitioners. It has been a wonderful year, filled with learning, growth, and inspiration. The students will be completing their end of year assessments this month to demonstrate how much growth each had accomplished this academic year. The practitioners are busy wrapping up their teaching of new material and reviewing concepts that might not have stuck with the child completely. They are also busy with end of year progress notes for parents, letting them know what their child learned and the information that was covered all year long.
At this point, all practitioners are done with their observations, book work, written assignments, and most paperwork. It has been a tremendous amount of work they have done, while working full time and many also have families. We are so proud of their accomplishments and their dedication to our students. They will be completing their practicum hours and the end of year progress forms for parents, which completes their training!
We are preparing for the end of year recognition ceremony, which will be held on June 11, 2024 at Hart’s Hill Inn, at 6pm. This is a lovely event to recognize all our students for their accomplishments, as well as all practitioners in training.
As we complete our 23/24 academic year with students and practitioners, we wish everyone a wonderful summer. Thank you so much for your continued support!
Marianne Jones & Alyssa Mittiga- Co-Directors
Email: [email protected] & [email protected]
Mail- Children’s Dyslexia Center- CNY
PO Box 638
Oriskany, NY 13424
2024 Annual Meetings Notice
The Central City Guard’s Club meets for dinner and its Annual Meeting at 6:15 p.m. Monday evening May 13, 2024. I urge every Valley Member and the Valley Officers, in particular, to attend this dinner at no charge to the attendees. Planned menu for the dinner is Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Salad, Potato Chips, and beverages. Dinner reservations are required by May 6, 2024.
The Annual Meeting for Central City Lodge of Perfection, Central City Council Princes of Jerusalem, Central City Chapter of Rose Croix and Central City Consistory is Monday May 13, 2024 at 7:30 p.m. at the Masonic Memorial Center, 648 Centerville Place, North Syracuse, NY
13212. All Valley of Syracuse Scottish Rite Masons were summoned by Official Notice to attend this meeting.
If you have any questions about the 2024 Valley of Syracuse Annual Meetings please contact the Valley office; (315) 452-7976 or e-mail at [email protected] or [email protected].
Officers Installation
2024 – 2025 Central City Lodge of Perfection, Council Princes of Jerusalem, Chapter of Rose Croix Officers & Central City Consistory and Concordant Bodies Trustees Public Installation of Officers is Monday evening May 20, 2024 at 7:30 p.m. at the Masonic Memorial Center. Family members and friends are welcome to attend this event.
The Installation Ceremony will be preceded by Social Time at 6:00 p.m. and a Meatloaf dinner served at 6:30 p.m. at a cost of $ 20.00 per person. Reservations are required by May 14, 2024.
Contact the Valley of Syracuse office 315-452-7976 or [email protected] to make your reservations for dinner or with any questions about the Installation.
Saturday August 17, 2022 for all Members of the Masonic Families. Sponsored By Central City Bodies, Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, Valley of Syracuse. To be held at Cicero American Legion Post, Legionnaire Drive, Cicero, NYPlanned Time 2 P. M. to 7:00 P. M. Details to follow in the JUNE 2024 WORD
This event is for all Members of the Masonic Families and sponsored by Central City Bodies, Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, Valley of Syracuse.
Price INCLUDES GAME TICKET AND BUFFET. Gates open at 5:30 p.m. and the game begins at 6:30 p.m. Details to follow in the JUNE 2024 WORD