Mar 03 Executive Meeting 7:00 p.m.
Mar 09 C-P-J 6:00 p.m. (Sunday) Rehearsal 16°
Mar 10 L-O-P 7:30 p.m. Confer 14º
Refreshments to follow
Mar 16 C-R-C 6:00 p.m. Rehearsal 18º
Mar 22 C-P-J & C-R-C (Saturday)
Register 9:00a.m.
Open 9:30 a.m.
Confer 16º 10:00 a.m.
Confer 18º 11:00 a.m.
Lunch follows the degrees
Mar 24 CON 7:30 p.m. Special Presentation- Morgan Incident History
Refreshments to follow
Mar 31 CON 7:00 p.m. Rehearsal 31st degree
Apr. 07 Executive Meeting 7:00 p.m.
Apr 12 Feast of the Paschal Lamb
Ceremony 2:30 p.m.
Buffet- Collation in the Dining hall following the ceremony
Apr 14 Consistory Rehearsal 19° & 32°
Apr 21 Consistory Rehearsal 31° & 32°
Apr 26 Consistory Degrees at Utica Masonic Center, 251 Genesee St., Utica, NY
Candidate Registration 9:00 a.m.
Open 9:30 a.m.
Confer 19º & 31° 10:00 a.m.
Lunch 12: Noon
Confer 32° 1:00 p.m.
Apr 28 AASR Trustees Meeting 6:15 p.m.
Executive Committee 7:00 p.m.
Greetings Brethren
Mar 03 Executive Meeting 7:00 p.m.
Mar 09 C-P-J 6:00 p.m. (Sunday) Rehearsal 16°
Mar 10 L-O-P 7:30 p.m. Confer 14º
Refreshments to follow
Mar 16 C-R-C 6:00 p.m. Rehearsal 18º
Mar 22 C-P-J & C-R-C (Saturday)
Register 9:00a.m.
Open 9:30 a.m.
Confer 16º 10:00 a.m.
Confer 18º 11:00 a.m.
Lunch follows the degrees
Mar 24 CON 7:30 p.m. Special Presentation- Morgan Incident History
Refreshments to follow
Mar 31 CON 7:00 p.m. Rehearsal 31st degree
Apr. 07 Executive Meeting 7:00 p.m.
Apr 12 Feast of the Paschal Lamb
Ceremony 2:30 p.m.
Buffet- Collation in the Dining hall following the ceremony
Apr 14 Consistory Rehearsal 19° & 32°
Apr 21 Consistory Rehearsal 31° & 32°
Apr 26 Consistory Degrees at Utica Masonic Center, 251 Genesee St., Utica, NY
Candidate Registration 9:00 a.m.
Open 9:30 a.m.
Confer 19º & 31° 10:00 a.m.
Lunch 12: Noon
Confer 32° 1:00 p.m.
Apr 28 AASR Trustees Meeting 6:15 p.m.
Executive Committee 7:00 p.m.
Greetings Brethren
As the cold weather continues to dominate February we hope for a warm up soon. Looking forward to March we have a busy month planned for the valley.
March 9th ( Sunday) We will rehearse the 16th degree at 6 p.m. On March 10th, we will confer the 14th degree at 7:30 p.m with refreshments to follow. March 16th will be a rehearsal for the 18th degree at 6 p.m. This will be a combined effort with the valley of Norwood. March 22nd will be the conferral of the 16th and 18th degrees. We will open at 9:30, confer the 16th at 10, followed by the 18th at 11 with lunch to follow. March 24th will be a special program on the Morgan incident by Ill: Peter Samier 33. This will be an enlightening program, and all are invited.The program will be at 7:30 p.m with refreshments to follow. On March 31st we will rehearse the 32nd degree at 7 p.m.
Looking ahead to April, The Feast of the Paschal Lamb will be on April 12th at 2:30 p.m with buffet to follow. April 26th will include our Degrees at Utica. I hope to see everyone at Scottish Rite. Until then stay Warm !
Ill.'. Robert M. Tyrrell, 33°
Commander in Chief
Greetings Brothers,
It looks as though we may just beat this winter to death. So far, it has been very cold, however not much snow. Oh well, there is always March. As far as I know, Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow.
For those of you who are taking part in the 18th degree: Please pick up a copy of the degree in the office. You will have to sign it out, so please take care to return it when the degree is finished. We plan on having a rehearsal on Sunday, March 16th at 6:00PM. The Degree presentation will take place at Memorial Lodge on Saturday March 22nd. Registration is at 9:00 AM , and the Degree will be Conferred at 11:00 AM following the 16th Degree.
I’m sure that everyone had a very enjoyable time at the Sweethearts Dinner.
George A. Laird III, 32°
Most Wise Master
Greetings Brethren,
March winds will soon be blowing in, and with them the hope of a new season. Daylight saving time begins on the 9th .
Did you know that Daylight Saving Time was first proposed by Benjamin Franklin in 1784? The theory behind DST was that man could control the length of “daytime” by shifting the clock to match the given sunlight hours of the seasons. The effect on energy savings tied into DST has also been an area of debate. After many, many years the United States adopted an Act “to preserve daylight and provide standard time” in March 1918. From then until now, there have been no less than 12 changes to the Act ranging from which states were affected, to dates clocks were changed. In the early days of DST things were so inconsistent, that there was a 35 mile stretch of US Hwy 2 between western WV and eastern Ohio where there were 13 different time changes! In 1966 the Uniform Time Act went into law and created the standard we now know. But with that said, there have been 4 amendments to the law. Mostly dealing with the dates the changes occur. In 2007 congress set the times to where they are now – in March and November, with provisions to change the dates back if the change proves to be too unpopular or if energy savings are not significant. Enough said.
Looking at the full Valley schedule for March –
Monday, March 3rd There will be an Exec. Committee meeting at 7:00 PM All Valley Officers are encouraged to attend.
Sunday, March 9th Rehearsal for the 16th Degree will be at 6:00 pm. Cast members; please make every effort to attend.
Monday, March 10th The Lodge of Perfection will be conferring the 14th Degree at 7:30 pm.
Sunday, March 16th There will be a rehearsal for the 18th Degree at 6:00 pm.
Saturday, March 22nd The 16th & 18th Degrees will be conferred. Opening will be at 9:30 AM, Degrees to follow. Lunch provided after Degrees.
Monday, March 24th Program Meeting – Morgan Affair 7:30 PM
Monday March 31st There will be a rehearsal for the 31St Degree At 7:00 PM
I notice there is nothing scheduled for Monday the 17th – Is that some kind of special day?
Oh yea, March 20th is the official first day of Spring, but as you heard - some rodent claims it really won’t be here then. Keep your coat handy.
Dave Barnello, 32°, DSA
Sovereign Prince
Greetings Brethren
During the month of January we received further light on the history of the Lodge of Perfection at our Membership Kickoff Program the, "Introduction to 32 Degree Masonry" and again at our 4th Degree Conferral with an excellent presentation on the "History of the 4th Degree" by Ill Richard J. Powell 33°,1st Lt. Commander.
To add further background on the LOP and its long and proud history in our state. It was first brought to Albany, New York in 1767 and established as the first "Ineffable Lodge of Perfection in North America" by Henry Francken just four short years after being introduced from France to the British West Indies by Stephen Morin. At that time the LOP was composed of 25 Masonic Degrees. The Valley of Albany is the oldest Valley in the NMJ and the second oldest in the United States.
The Albany Masonic Temple, home of the Valley of Albany is built on the same site where on May 12th 1768 the cornerstone was laid for the first Lodge in North America, Master Lodge No.5. If you are in the Albany area you should plan on visiting this wonderful old temple which a living symbol of our Masonic heritage. It is located in a beautiful historic district on Lodge Street within sight of the New York State Capitol building. Better yet check the Valley of Albany's Degree schedule on the Supreme Council website and make plans to travel there with a Brother or two and view their degrees in this wonderful old setting. For further information on the Valley of Albany visit their website at
Thank you to Ill Richard J. Powell,33° for his fine presentation on the History of the Fourth Degree. Also my thanks go to Ill Craig E. Cobb, 33°, Director of the 9° and to the cast for their excellent presentation and for all the hard work that went into this degree which had not been conferred in our Valley for quite a few years. On Monday March 10th @ 7:30 p.m. we will be conferring the 14th Degree which is the last of the LOP Degree conferrals scheduled for this spring session.
Leon Bulriss, 32°
Thrice Potent Master
Greetings Brothers,
Cold weather and driving conditions have kept me hunkered down this past month, and the Groundhog is calling for 6 more weeks of winter! On that note, if you know of any Senior Brothers in your neighborhood, please make sure they are shoveled out, and or if they need any errands run. I will be resuming my monthly visits at the Masonic Care Community soon, and would remind anyone traveling to Utica to stop in and visit. It is also a great place for lunch !
Bro. Norm Kruth has informed me that he must undergo further evaluations in his ongoing health issues. Please join me in keeping Norm in our thoughts and prayers.
Please keep me informed of any Brother in need of our aid or sympathy, or a close family member. Feel free to contact me at 315-837-4962 or email at [email protected]
Dick Freeman, 32°
Welcome to My World
Notes from the Children’s Dyslexia Center CNY
While we look forward to Spring, Winter continues to present challenges to the Dyslexia Center in the way of weather and illness. Despite these obstacles we have worked through our mid-year assessments and tutoring sessions. This is the time of year when many children begin to “see the light” while others are struggling with the challenge of trying to learn totally new concepts. The tutors continue to persevere and lead the children to greater accomplishments.
Our new young man, Nathaniel, continues to move forward with his Level I sounds and will complete them soon. He and his tutor will work on the Rules that are associated with these sounds and he will likely progress into Level 2 soon. Nathaniel continues to be a hard worker and makes good effort when he is here. We continue to thank you for your part in making this opportunity available to Nathaniel and all of the other children attending the Center.
We hope that many of you had the opportunity to see the article on the Children’s Dyslexia Center Central New York in the Utica Observer Dispatch. It was slated to be a small filler article, possibly with a photo, but the journalist did a wonderful job of portraying the Center and we had 1/3 of a page with two photos. It has spurred a fair bit of interest in the training sessions but, again, if you know of any qualified person with a bachelor’s degree who might be interested in our free training program for tutors, please have them contact us.
Our Recognition Ceremony will take place in the Pavilion on the OES Campus at 6:30 PM on Tuesday, June 3rd. Please contact us if you are able to attend.
Linda L. Martin, Director
Email- [email protected]
Phone- (315) 736-0574
Mail- Children’s Dyslexia Center- CNY
PO Box 638
Oriskany, NY 13424
2014 – 2015 Scholarship Applications Available
Applications to apply for 2014 - 2015 Supreme Council, AASR Leon M. Abbott Scholarships and New York State Council of Deliberation Scholarship Aid are now available for pick up at the Central City Bodies, A.A.S.R. Valley of Syracuse Scottish Rite Office (315) 452-7976, mailed to you from the Valley Office, or online. Go to the Valley of Syracuse Web site for the links to obtain the information on line.
To all applicants: The deadline date to submit your completed applications to the Valley of Syracuse is March 20, 2014. That means in the office by close of business on March 20, 2014. Applications received after March 20, 2014 will not be considered.
2014 Applications must be used. There are changes in who qualifies to apply for 2014. Graduating High School Seniors may apply this year. To the members of our Youth Groups Triangle, Rainbow, Constellation of Junior Stars, and DeMolay; you may also apply.
Fourteen applicants from the Valley of Syracuse received financial assistance from this program in 2013. Congratulations to all of them.
Please contact the Valley Office at (315) 452-7976 if you have any questions or require assistance and information.
Morgan Affair Program
Mark Monday evening March 24, 2014 on your Scottish rite Calendar of events. Illustrious Peter J. Samiec, 33° Active Member and Grand Lieutenant Commander of Supreme Council, 33º, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, United States of America will be here to present a special program, “Morgan Excitement”.
The meeting that evening will be hosted by the Central City Consistory and will convene at 7:30 p.m. with Ill.·. Brother Robert M. Tyrrell, 33º, Commander-In-Chief of Central City Consistory presiding in the East.
Refreshments in the dining room will follow the presentation and meeting. All Scottish Rite members are invited to come and t6o enjoy this special event with Ill.·. Brother Samiec.
Anyone with questions about this evening is encouraged to call the Valley office at (315) 452-7976.
“Feast of the Paschal Lamb” Saturday April 12, 2014
This public ceremony will be presented at 2:30 p.m. Saturday afternoon April 12, 2014 at the Memorial Masonic Center, 648 Centerville Place North Syracuse, NY 13212-2366.
Buffet refreshments will be served in the dining room following the Memorial Ceremony. Please contact the Valley o0ffice (315) 452-7976 if you have any questions.
March 9th ( Sunday) We will rehearse the 16th degree at 6 p.m. On March 10th, we will confer the 14th degree at 7:30 p.m with refreshments to follow. March 16th will be a rehearsal for the 18th degree at 6 p.m. This will be a combined effort with the valley of Norwood. March 22nd will be the conferral of the 16th and 18th degrees. We will open at 9:30, confer the 16th at 10, followed by the 18th at 11 with lunch to follow. March 24th will be a special program on the Morgan incident by Ill: Peter Samier 33. This will be an enlightening program, and all are invited.The program will be at 7:30 p.m with refreshments to follow. On March 31st we will rehearse the 32nd degree at 7 p.m.
Looking ahead to April, The Feast of the Paschal Lamb will be on April 12th at 2:30 p.m with buffet to follow. April 26th will include our Degrees at Utica. I hope to see everyone at Scottish Rite. Until then stay Warm !
Ill.'. Robert M. Tyrrell, 33°
Commander in Chief
Greetings Brothers,
It looks as though we may just beat this winter to death. So far, it has been very cold, however not much snow. Oh well, there is always March. As far as I know, Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow.
For those of you who are taking part in the 18th degree: Please pick up a copy of the degree in the office. You will have to sign it out, so please take care to return it when the degree is finished. We plan on having a rehearsal on Sunday, March 16th at 6:00PM. The Degree presentation will take place at Memorial Lodge on Saturday March 22nd. Registration is at 9:00 AM , and the Degree will be Conferred at 11:00 AM following the 16th Degree.
I’m sure that everyone had a very enjoyable time at the Sweethearts Dinner.
George A. Laird III, 32°
Most Wise Master
Greetings Brethren,
March winds will soon be blowing in, and with them the hope of a new season. Daylight saving time begins on the 9th .
Did you know that Daylight Saving Time was first proposed by Benjamin Franklin in 1784? The theory behind DST was that man could control the length of “daytime” by shifting the clock to match the given sunlight hours of the seasons. The effect on energy savings tied into DST has also been an area of debate. After many, many years the United States adopted an Act “to preserve daylight and provide standard time” in March 1918. From then until now, there have been no less than 12 changes to the Act ranging from which states were affected, to dates clocks were changed. In the early days of DST things were so inconsistent, that there was a 35 mile stretch of US Hwy 2 between western WV and eastern Ohio where there were 13 different time changes! In 1966 the Uniform Time Act went into law and created the standard we now know. But with that said, there have been 4 amendments to the law. Mostly dealing with the dates the changes occur. In 2007 congress set the times to where they are now – in March and November, with provisions to change the dates back if the change proves to be too unpopular or if energy savings are not significant. Enough said.
Looking at the full Valley schedule for March –
Monday, March 3rd There will be an Exec. Committee meeting at 7:00 PM All Valley Officers are encouraged to attend.
Sunday, March 9th Rehearsal for the 16th Degree will be at 6:00 pm. Cast members; please make every effort to attend.
Monday, March 10th The Lodge of Perfection will be conferring the 14th Degree at 7:30 pm.
Sunday, March 16th There will be a rehearsal for the 18th Degree at 6:00 pm.
Saturday, March 22nd The 16th & 18th Degrees will be conferred. Opening will be at 9:30 AM, Degrees to follow. Lunch provided after Degrees.
Monday, March 24th Program Meeting – Morgan Affair 7:30 PM
Monday March 31st There will be a rehearsal for the 31St Degree At 7:00 PM
I notice there is nothing scheduled for Monday the 17th – Is that some kind of special day?
Oh yea, March 20th is the official first day of Spring, but as you heard - some rodent claims it really won’t be here then. Keep your coat handy.
Dave Barnello, 32°, DSA
Sovereign Prince
Greetings Brethren
During the month of January we received further light on the history of the Lodge of Perfection at our Membership Kickoff Program the, "Introduction to 32 Degree Masonry" and again at our 4th Degree Conferral with an excellent presentation on the "History of the 4th Degree" by Ill Richard J. Powell 33°,1st Lt. Commander.
To add further background on the LOP and its long and proud history in our state. It was first brought to Albany, New York in 1767 and established as the first "Ineffable Lodge of Perfection in North America" by Henry Francken just four short years after being introduced from France to the British West Indies by Stephen Morin. At that time the LOP was composed of 25 Masonic Degrees. The Valley of Albany is the oldest Valley in the NMJ and the second oldest in the United States.
The Albany Masonic Temple, home of the Valley of Albany is built on the same site where on May 12th 1768 the cornerstone was laid for the first Lodge in North America, Master Lodge No.5. If you are in the Albany area you should plan on visiting this wonderful old temple which a living symbol of our Masonic heritage. It is located in a beautiful historic district on Lodge Street within sight of the New York State Capitol building. Better yet check the Valley of Albany's Degree schedule on the Supreme Council website and make plans to travel there with a Brother or two and view their degrees in this wonderful old setting. For further information on the Valley of Albany visit their website at
Thank you to Ill Richard J. Powell,33° for his fine presentation on the History of the Fourth Degree. Also my thanks go to Ill Craig E. Cobb, 33°, Director of the 9° and to the cast for their excellent presentation and for all the hard work that went into this degree which had not been conferred in our Valley for quite a few years. On Monday March 10th @ 7:30 p.m. we will be conferring the 14th Degree which is the last of the LOP Degree conferrals scheduled for this spring session.
Leon Bulriss, 32°
Thrice Potent Master
Greetings Brothers,
Cold weather and driving conditions have kept me hunkered down this past month, and the Groundhog is calling for 6 more weeks of winter! On that note, if you know of any Senior Brothers in your neighborhood, please make sure they are shoveled out, and or if they need any errands run. I will be resuming my monthly visits at the Masonic Care Community soon, and would remind anyone traveling to Utica to stop in and visit. It is also a great place for lunch !
Bro. Norm Kruth has informed me that he must undergo further evaluations in his ongoing health issues. Please join me in keeping Norm in our thoughts and prayers.
Please keep me informed of any Brother in need of our aid or sympathy, or a close family member. Feel free to contact me at 315-837-4962 or email at [email protected]
Dick Freeman, 32°
Welcome to My World
Notes from the Children’s Dyslexia Center CNY
While we look forward to Spring, Winter continues to present challenges to the Dyslexia Center in the way of weather and illness. Despite these obstacles we have worked through our mid-year assessments and tutoring sessions. This is the time of year when many children begin to “see the light” while others are struggling with the challenge of trying to learn totally new concepts. The tutors continue to persevere and lead the children to greater accomplishments.
Our new young man, Nathaniel, continues to move forward with his Level I sounds and will complete them soon. He and his tutor will work on the Rules that are associated with these sounds and he will likely progress into Level 2 soon. Nathaniel continues to be a hard worker and makes good effort when he is here. We continue to thank you for your part in making this opportunity available to Nathaniel and all of the other children attending the Center.
We hope that many of you had the opportunity to see the article on the Children’s Dyslexia Center Central New York in the Utica Observer Dispatch. It was slated to be a small filler article, possibly with a photo, but the journalist did a wonderful job of portraying the Center and we had 1/3 of a page with two photos. It has spurred a fair bit of interest in the training sessions but, again, if you know of any qualified person with a bachelor’s degree who might be interested in our free training program for tutors, please have them contact us.
Our Recognition Ceremony will take place in the Pavilion on the OES Campus at 6:30 PM on Tuesday, June 3rd. Please contact us if you are able to attend.
Linda L. Martin, Director
Email- [email protected]
Phone- (315) 736-0574
Mail- Children’s Dyslexia Center- CNY
PO Box 638
Oriskany, NY 13424
2014 – 2015 Scholarship Applications Available
Applications to apply for 2014 - 2015 Supreme Council, AASR Leon M. Abbott Scholarships and New York State Council of Deliberation Scholarship Aid are now available for pick up at the Central City Bodies, A.A.S.R. Valley of Syracuse Scottish Rite Office (315) 452-7976, mailed to you from the Valley Office, or online. Go to the Valley of Syracuse Web site for the links to obtain the information on line.
To all applicants: The deadline date to submit your completed applications to the Valley of Syracuse is March 20, 2014. That means in the office by close of business on March 20, 2014. Applications received after March 20, 2014 will not be considered.
2014 Applications must be used. There are changes in who qualifies to apply for 2014. Graduating High School Seniors may apply this year. To the members of our Youth Groups Triangle, Rainbow, Constellation of Junior Stars, and DeMolay; you may also apply.
Fourteen applicants from the Valley of Syracuse received financial assistance from this program in 2013. Congratulations to all of them.
Please contact the Valley Office at (315) 452-7976 if you have any questions or require assistance and information.
Morgan Affair Program
Mark Monday evening March 24, 2014 on your Scottish rite Calendar of events. Illustrious Peter J. Samiec, 33° Active Member and Grand Lieutenant Commander of Supreme Council, 33º, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, United States of America will be here to present a special program, “Morgan Excitement”.
The meeting that evening will be hosted by the Central City Consistory and will convene at 7:30 p.m. with Ill.·. Brother Robert M. Tyrrell, 33º, Commander-In-Chief of Central City Consistory presiding in the East.
Refreshments in the dining room will follow the presentation and meeting. All Scottish Rite members are invited to come and t6o enjoy this special event with Ill.·. Brother Samiec.
Anyone with questions about this evening is encouraged to call the Valley office at (315) 452-7976.
“Feast of the Paschal Lamb” Saturday April 12, 2014
This public ceremony will be presented at 2:30 p.m. Saturday afternoon April 12, 2014 at the Memorial Masonic Center, 648 Centerville Place North Syracuse, NY 13212-2366.
Buffet refreshments will be served in the dining room following the Memorial Ceremony. Please contact the Valley o0ffice (315) 452-7976 if you have any questions.