Jan. 09 Executive Committee Meeting 7:00 p.m.
Jan. 16 150th Anniversary Membership Program Kickoff & Guest Night
Social 6:00 p.m. / Dinner 6:30 p.m. /Program 7:30 p.m.
Jan. 30 Lodge of Perfection - Confer 4° & 12° 7:30 p.m.
Feb. 06 Trustees Meeting 6:15 p.m. / Executive Committee 7:00 p.m.
Feb. 13 Sweetheart Evening - Social 6:00 p.m. / Dinner 6:30 p.m. / Program 7:30 p.m.
Feb. 27 Lodge of Perfection - Confer 14° 7:30 p.m.
Brothers, The first big item on our agenda this month is the 150th Anniversary and Membership Kickoff dinner on January 16. That is right—2012 is the 150 th year Central City Bodies have labored together in the Valley of Syracuse. This is the year to invite that friend who is a Masonic Brother and seeks additional light in Masonry to the Scottish Rite. Do not be shy about telling that Brother what this Valley means to you and what you have gained by participating in this Rite. More information about the dinner and kickoff will come from the Valley office. Pay attention to the other columns from this Valley for dates and degrees to be conferred. This is a busy year as we prepare for our big event on April 28 and the presence of the Illustrious John William McNaughton, Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite for the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction.
Finally, I urge you to support our Scottish Rite charities, especially the Almoner’s Fund. The hallmark of this Fraternity is care for our Brothers. People know us by how we act publicly and how we care for our own. The Almoner’s Fund, like the Valley’s Hospitaler Fund, gives us the ability to aid and assist our Brothers, their widows, and orphans in a time of distress. Take a few moments and help us help one another.
Ill. Lynwood Bennerson, 33°
Commander In Chief
Greetings, As we enter a New Year in the Valley of Syracuse I can’t help but to look back at the fine work that has been done by the members and office staff in our Valley. I want to thank Jim and our two Sharon’s for their dedication and the support they offer to help this Valley run as smoothly as possible.
I always welcome their assistance and suggestions that have helped guide me as a Most Wise Master of the Chapter of Rose Croix. The Valley of Syracuse is very fortunate to have the caliber of members that support our programs and participate in the Degrees.
I had the pleasure of seeing the play December’s Rose in my Blue Lodge, Fayetteville Central City 305, on December 6th. It was the fourth time I have seen it. Each time I have found it to be a moving experience. If you have never seen this public rendering of the play with your family or friends, please make every effort to see it. Your will be glad you did. Great job my Brothers!
Mark your calendars on January 16th for the 150th Anniversary Membership Program Kick-off Guest Night. February 13th will be the Sweethearts Evening with a dinner and program sponsored by Rose Croix.
This year will be one to remember for a long time. I am honored to be a part of it and share this with the line officers of the Chapter of Rose Croix.
Lawrence W. Egnaczyk, 32°
Most Wise Master
Greetings Brothers, and Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a fulfilling Holiday Season and had time to spend with loved ones.
As the New Year begins unfolding, many of us reflect on the things we left undone, and put forth an effort to make things in our life in the coming year fruitful. It’s the time for renewal and promises. This year, why not put on your list the promise to spread yourself out beyond normal barriers and share your joys with others. All around us there are opportunities to give a part of ourselves to others in the form of a smile, a friendly gesture, or a silent comforting nod.
Another item on your list could be the promise to slow it down. Take the time to go out for a walk and take in the blessings of the world that are provided for us. Give your attention to the interactions of all that surrounds you. Focus on the young and be reminded of their innocence. Be available to have a conversation with an elder and listen to the message of their experience. At the end of that walk, reflect for a moment, on the peace and joy it brought, and look forward to your next. If only we could all keep our promises, and treat every day like it’s the beginning of a new year.
Don’t forget this month’s Membership Program Kickoff. The Valley is in full swing planning for the 150th Anniversary Celebration in April and needs our help. Invite a new brother to join us on the 16th.
Dave Barnello, 32°
Sovereign Prince
Welcome to the New Year 2012! Where does the time go? My grandfather used to say the older you get the faster time goes. The Valley of Syracuse would certainly agree with grandpa. There are many challenges before each and every member in the Valley of Syracuse each and every day.
Challenges will always provide us with opportunities. Membership opportunities in the Valley of Syracuse will always be with us as long as our Valley remains alive. Seizing the moment to tap those opportunities is part of the challenge. Have you checked your list for potential new members?
You don’t have a membership list? Everyone you have asked in the past to join the Valley of Syracuse does not have enough time. Everyone you have asked in the past does not realize what they are really missing. Your Valley of Syracuse Membership Committee encourages you to press on. Tell those potential members about the true value of membership in the Valley of Syracuse. Share with them the good news that the search for more light in Masonry is not a destination but a journey.
May you and your family enjoy 2012. See you sometime soon.Fraternally
Ill. Craig Cobb, 33°
Thrice Potent Master
Notes from the Children's Dyslexia Center
Many, Many Wishes for a Happy Holiday And a Wonderful New Year!
I did indeed attend the annual International Dyslexia Conference in Chicago and had the pleasure of attending a showing of Journey Into Dyslexia, Great Minds Think Differently (it was shown as an HBO special on TV.) One of the prime subjects of this video is Steve Walker who is the owner and CEO of New England Pellets which has a branch in Schuyler, NY. I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Walker briefly and have since written him to invite him to speak at our Recognition Ceremony next June. Keep your fingers crossed for us. The video is extremely motivating for those of us with dyslexia and, I feel, very educational for those who don’t have dyslexia. I would recommend it to anyone- in fact I am hoping to find a way to get it in every school and library in Central New York.
Now I want to bring you up-to-speed on Ryan’s continuing progress. Ryan has continued to work hard this past month, not only at the Center and in school but also in his preferred sport- wrestling. Even though he is only in Jr. High he has earned a varsity letter and his coach predicts he may make state competitions this year. His tutor has rearranged her schedule to allow Ryan to make all of his tutoring sessions and not miss any of his wrestling matches. Not to be outdone by his wrestling prowess, he has already moved on to Level II in his sessions at the Center, having fully mastered level one during his first two months of tutoring. A great job on everyone’s part!
You are always welcome to visit the Center but please know that we will be closed for the Holidays from December 21st to January 4th.
You can see our calendar and other pertinent information on our website at:
Linda Martin,
Email- [email protected]
Phone- (315) 736-0574
Mail- Children’s Dyslexia Center- CNY, PO Box 638, Oriskany, NY 13424
John William McNaughton, 33° 150th Anniversary Class
To all of our Master Mason Brothers who have ever given consideration to joining the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite to enjoy the Scottish Rite Masonic education experience and the fellowship of meeting new and renewing old Masonic friendships the Valley of Syracuse is offering an unique opportunity in 2012.
Central City Bodies AASR celebrates the150th Anniversary of receiving its Charters on Saturday April 28, 2012. We will commence our Spring 2012 degree conferrals on Monday evening January 30, 2012. Submit your application now to join our great fraternity and to enjoy the Scottish Rite education experience this spring. Be a part of something special, become a member of the John William McNaughton, 33° Class of 2012. Experience your Consistory Degrees on Saturday April 28, 2012 when Illustrious Brother McNaughton, the Sovereign Grand Commander of the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction to the united States of America will be present to personally greet you and welcome you into membership in the Scottish Rite in the Valley of Syracuse.
A special note to all of our Brothers reserve April 27, and April 28, 2012 on your calendar and join with your Central City Bodies AASR Scottish Rite Masonic Brothers to celebrate our Valley’s 150th Anniversary.Contact the Valley of Syracuse Office (315) 452-7976, located in the Masonic Memorial Center, 648 Centerville Place, North Syracuse, NY 13212-2366 or Ill. Robert M. Tyrrell, 33°, Valley membership Chairman (315) 699-2246 to answer any questions you may have or to obtain a membership application.
2012 Abbott Scholarship Applications Available
Applications to apply for a 2012 Scottish Rite Abbott Scholarship Program College Scholarship are available in the Syracuse Valley Office or on line thru the Valley Web-site. ( You may call the office at (315) 452-7976 to request that the application information be mailed to you or you may stop in at the office and personally pick up the applications.
If applying for a scholarship thru the Valley of Syracuse please make certain that you obtain a copy of the Valley of Syracuse Application instructions and use them as the guide when preparing and submitting your application.
The deadline for submitting your application is March 22, 2012. That deadline means “IN THE OFFICE ON MARCH 22, 2012; NOT IN THE MAIL TO ARRIVE AT THE VALLEY OFFICE SEVERAL DAYS AFTER THE DEADLINE PASSES”. Please mail your completed applications to: Central City Bodies, AASR, Masonic Memorial Center, 648 Centerville Place, North Syracuse, NY 13212-2366.
Please respect this request due to the processing time required for the Valley office to submit your applications to the NY Council of Deliberation Scholarship Committee to a timely schedule established by them.
If you have any questions about the Abbott Scholarship Program please contact the Valley Secretary’s Office and speak to Ill. James D. Swan, Jr., 33°, Valley Secretary, who will answer or get an answer to your questions.
150th Anniversary Ad Journal
The Valley of Syracuse, Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, will mark its 150th Anniversary with a Gala Celebration on the weekend of April 27-28, 2012.
The Valley has certainly gone through many changes during the course of its existence but the one thing that hasn’t changed is our commitment to the community and all the Brethren that belong to Lodges within its membership area.
As part of the April 2012 celebration, the Valley of Syracuse will be producing an Ad Journal and we would like your organization (or individual members or their businesses) to consider placing an ad.
The Journal will be made available to all those in attendance that weekend and will reach a very diverse audience.
Rates are as follows: Inside Covers (8.5" x 5.5") - $150; Gold Page (8.5" x 5.5") - $100; Silver Page (8.5" x 5.5") - $75; Full Page (8.5" x 5.5") - $60; Half Page (4.25" x 5.5") -$30; Quarter Page (4.25" x 2.75") - $15 and Boosters $10.
Deadline is March 1, 2012. Make checks out to "Central City Bodies, AASR" and mail, along with your ad to Valley of Syracuse, AASR, Attn: 150th Anniversary, Masonic Memorial Center, 648 Centerville Pl., N. Syracuse, NY 13212
Hospitaler's Report
The Commander-in-Chief mentioned the Almoner’s Fund in his message. I have mentioned the Hospitaler’s Fund enough times for you to get an idea of what that does. I feel like taking a different direction in this message this time.
All of us in this Valley are Master Masons first. We add Scottish Rite to enrich our Masonic brotherhood. Fellowcrafts obligate themselves to help, aid and assist all worthy brothers of that degree (and their widows and orphans)–within their abilities give that help. Master Masons repeat that pledge at the altar of Freemasonry. Our charities and Brotherhood Funds help us carry out the vow we all made.
There is more to being a brother than giving some cash to our charities, even when that cash is very hard-earned and could be used for enjoyment at home. Our obligations encourage us to make time to be a brother to the members of our Lodges and the brothers of this Valley. You never know when someone needs a friend to listen and help him carry his burden a few yards down the road. The brother who needs you most may never say a word about his deep need for the attentive ear you own, but that is exactly why we are the fraternity we are.
Said simply: we exist to listen to one another and care. The time you spend with your Lodge or Valley brothers may be the richest gift you can give them when they need this Craft the most. Don’t question that. Just live it. It makes a difference, to your brothers, to your lodge and to the entire fraternity.
Allan Ferguson, , 32° DSA