January 2016
Jan 04 Executive Committee 7:00 p.m.
Jan 11 Spring Membership Night w/Ladies & Guests
Social 6:00 p.m.
Dinner 6:30 p.m.
Program7:30 p.m.
Jan 18 LOP Rehearse 4° 7:00 p.m.
Jan 25 LOP Confer 4° 7:30 p.m.
Refreshments to follow
Jan 30 Knights of St. Andrew Burns Supper @ Coleman’s Restaurant 5:00 p.m.
Prepaid Reservations Required
February 2016
Feb 01 Trustees 6:15 p.m.; Executive Committee 7:00 p.m.
Feb 08 7° Rehearsal 7:00 p.m.
Feb 15 Sweetheart Dinner
Social 6:00 p.m.
Dinner 6:30 p.m.
Program7:30 p.m.
Feb 22 7° Conferral 7:30 p.m.
Feb 29 14° Rehearsal 7:00 p.m.
Knights of St. Andrew Meeting 7:45 p.m.
Greetings Brethren,
Happy New Year! A new calendar year has begun but we are in the middle of our Scottish Rite year.
January brings the monthly Executive Committee Meeting on 4th; the Spring Membership Night with Ladies & Guests on the 11th; the rehearsal for 4° on the 18th and its conferral on the 25th. This will be a live cast conferral and I would like to see some support present, not just for the class but also the cast.
January 30th is the Annual Burns Supper hosted by the Knights of St. Andrew at Coleman’s Irish Pub in Tipperary Hill. As of this writing there are still some spots left but please mail in your reservation ASAP. See the article elsewhere for more details.
This Spring’s Class is the All USA Class. Our Supreme Council, along with the Southern Jurisdiction have plans for a Scottish Rite Day to be held on November 12th, 2016. The idea was for the 32° to be conferred that day, along with a formal banquet, all across the United States. That idea seems to have possibly fallen by wayside but not here in New York State. The Central Region (The Valleys of Syracuse, Utica, Norwood & Binghamton) will present the 32° that afternoon, along with a Ladies program running alongside and a Banquet that evening. More details will be forthcoming. This will be the only time the 32° will be conferred in 2016.
So why am I bringing this up now, 11 months out? Because we really need to recruit a nice sized class and we need your help. Do you have a Brother or two in Lodge that might be interested in Scottish Rite? Talk to them, bring them to the Membership Night on January 11th. I am always interested in talking up Scottish Rite, ask me to speak to them. Whatever it takes, let’s at least make them aware of the Valley of Syracuse and ask them to join. It’s up to you, Brethren of the Valley of Syracuse, let’s get a great class together and then, let’s keep them active.
See you soon...
Ill.'. Richard J Powell, 33°
Commander in Chief
No News Received
Greetings Brethren,
The Council is putting on the Spring Membership w/Ladies--Guest Night on Jan 11. Social at 6pm, dinner at 6:30 and program at 7:30. All Council officers should be in attendance, Get your reservations in early.
Usually with the New Year comes resolutions. It is a good time to look at things you would like to improve and make changes. Are you a better man than last year? Big changes are hard to maintain. Progress not perfection.
Robert O. Boutell, 32°
Sovereign Prince
Greetings Brethren!
Happy New Year to all and welcome to 2016 the year of the “All USA Class”. This will prove to be a historical and memorable year for Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite Masonry.
With a new year before us we should all be reaffirming our commitment to the fraternity and helping to carry it into the future. This can be done in many ways such as participating in degrees with speaking and non-speaking parts, donating to our charities, volunteering time to help with community projects, visiting our shut ins, helping out brothers who need assistance getting to meetings, and taking up leadership roles in one of the four bodies.
The Lodge of Perfection will be conferring 3 separate degrees over the next 3 months and we will be looking for cast members and also casting directors if anyone would like to give it a try. I highly encourage any new brothers to please step forward and fill one of the many positions for these degrees. You will have many mentors to assist you if needed.
January 11th will be the Spring Membership Night Dinner (to include the ladies) sponsored by the Council Princes of Jerusalem. January 18th there will be a rehearsal for the 4th degree “Master Traveler”. January 25th will be the live conferral of the 4th degree. Don’t forget the Burns Supper being hosted by the Knights of St Andrew on January 30th at Coleman’s Irish Pub. Then on February 8th will be a rehearsal for the 7th degree “Provost and Judge”. February 15th will be the Valley’s Sweethearts Dinner and Program. Please bring your ladies and have an enjoyable evening with dinner and the program. February 22nd will be the presentation of the 7th degree. February 29th will be a rehearsal for the 14th degree “Grand Elect Mason”.
Please remember to contact brothers you haven’t seen in a while and help get them back to attending the exciting events we have planned for them.
May the blessing of the Great Architect be upon all of you, your families, and our nation’s military service members.
See you soon in the Lodge of Perfection!
Jack G. Dombrowski, 32°
Thrice Potent Master
Happy New Year Brethren,
I hope everyone had an enjoyable Holiday. It’s time to think about some healthful New Year’s resolutions again. In addition to the usual stuff like losing a few pounds, getting in shape, etc. never lose sight of your dreams. Keep pursuing your passions. These are the things that keep many of us going.
Under sickness and distress, if any Brother is experiencing any type of hardship, please give Bob Tyrrell or myself a call. We wish you all the best in 2016 !!
Dick Freeman, 32°
tel. 315-837-4962
[email protected]
Welcome to My World
Notes from the Children’s Dyslexia Center CNY
As we prepare for the joyous Holiday season and the beginning of the New Year, we are amazed at how the time is flying and all that is being done at the Center.
Everyone continues to work diligently and the tutors and scholars are getting ready for a fun Game Day with the children before the holiday break.
Justin continues to work well with his tutor and is still reinforcing the rules and tools for level one. He has mastered many of the syllable types and the FSZL Rule. (That’s a fun one all of the children enjoy, which helps reinforce short vowel sound recognition)
We are moving forward with plans for our second GALA fund raiser. It will take place the evening of Saturday, March 12th 2016 at Hart’s Hill Inn in New Hartford. We will have entertainment, good food, a Parent Sponsored basket raffle and many other things to enjoy. Please contact us if you are able to attend or help with this event.
We wish you a very Merry Christmas
And a Blessed Holiday
We will look forward to connecting again in the
Happy New Year.
Linda L. Martin, Director
Email- [email protected]
Phone- (315) 736-0574
Mail- Children’s Dyslexia Center- CNY
PO Box 638
Oriskany, NY 13424
2016 – 2017 Scholarship Applications Available
Applications to apply for 2016 - 2017 Supreme Council, AASR Leon M. Abbott Scholarships and New York State Council of Deliberation Scholarship Aid are now available for pick up at the Central City Bodies, A.A.S.R. Valley of Syracuse Scottish Rite Office (315) 452-7976, mailed to you from the Valley Office, or on line. Go to the Valley of Syracuse Web site for the links to obtain the information on line. Application titled “Application for Scottish Rite Scholarship Aid Leon M. Abbott and/or NYS Council of Deliberation”
To all applicants: The deadline date to submit your completed applications to the Valley of Syracuse is April 1, 2016. That means in the office by close of business on April 1, 2016. Applications received after April 1, 2016 will not be considered.
New Applications must be used. There is one combined Application for this year. The new Application must be used. Graduating High School Seniors may apply again this year. To the members of our Youth Groups Triangle, Rainbow, Constellation of Junior Stars, and DeMolay; you may also apply.
Seven applicants from the Valley of Syracuse received financial assistance from this program in 2015. Congratulations to all of them.
Please contact the Valley Office at (315) 452-7976 if you have any questions or require assistance and information.
Greetings my Brothers,
Look back to the night you were initiated an Entered Apprentice in your Blue Lodge.
Were you in awe of the dedication of the members of that Lodge who conferred the 1st Degree upon you? You should have been if they did it properly. Our experience that night would have made a lasting impression on us respecting Freemasonry.
We as Scottish Rite Masons should expect no less as we present the 4th through the 32nd degree to our Scottish Rite Brothers. The 30th time we present the 4th Degree we should show the same support and enthusiasm as the 1st from all of our members that can possibly attend to show our dedication to our newest members. If possible all Officers in the four bodies should support the work being done that day.
As mentors we should encourage our side liners and Past Body Heads to attend as many functions as possible that our Valley puts on during the year. Show genuine interest in our new members. We are all mentors to these men who have shown interest in becoming Scottish Rite Masons.
New Members Mentoring Program Chairman
Lawrence W. Egnaczyk;
[email protected]
(H) Ph. # 315-637-4143
(C) Ph. # 315-632-1043
Spring Membership Night with the Ladies
Central City Bodies Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, Valley of Syracuse is holding its annual Membership Night with our Ladies Monday evening January 11, 2016 at the Memorial Masonic Center, 648 Centerville Place, North Syracuse, NY. The evening starts with a social time at 6:00 p.m., dinner at 6:30 p.m. and a musical program in the Lodge Rooms at 7:30 p.m.
Any Master Mason who is not a Scottish Rite member is invited to attend this event with his lady as a guest of the Valley. This will be an excellent opportunity for those attending to learn more about Scottish Rite Masonry in New York State and in the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction.
The degree schedule for 2016 is different from other years. All Scottish Rite Valleys will confer the 32nd degree November 12, 2016. The Valley of Syracuse is joining with the Valleys of Norwood, Utica, and Binghamton to confer the degree in Utica on the Masonic Care Community Campus. This is a special time to become a Scottish Rite Mason. Please contact the Valley office for additional information.
Reservations for the dinner are required and can be made by returning the reservation forms you received in the mail or by contacting the Valley Office at (315) 452-7976 or [email protected] prior to January 6, 2016. Cost of the meatloaf dinner is $13.00 per person.
Please contact the Valley office if you have any questions.
J.D. Swan, Jr., 33º
Valley Secretary
Knights of St. Andrew Meeting
There will be a Knights of St. Andrew Meeting on Monday, February 29th at 7:45 PM (following the 14° Rehearsal). The purpose of the meeting will be the Election of Officers and project planning for the Valley. All members and those interested in becoming a part of the Knights of St. Andrew are encouraged to attend.
2016 Burns Supper
LAST CHANCE! Get your Reservations in NOW! The Knights of St. Andrew will hold its Annual Burns Supper 5:00 PM on Saturday January 30, 2016 at Coleman's Irish Pub in Syracuse. A Burns supper is a celebration of the life and poetry of the poet Robert Burns, Freemason, author of many Scots poems and to the Scots what Shakespeare is to the English. The suppers are normally held on or near the poet's birthday, January 25th. We will have a Bagpiper, Haggis and our guest for the evening will be Brother Eric Howd, Grand Organist for the Grand Lodge of New York, who will have a presentation on Burns & music. Don’t miss out!
Cost will be $38 per person. Reservations can be sent to Richard Powell, 4717 Broad Road, Syracuse, NY 13215. Deadline for reservations will be January 10th. Book early as the space at Coleman's is very limited! Email questions to [email protected]
January 2016
Jan 04 Executive Committee 7:00 p.m.
Jan 11 Spring Membership Night w/Ladies & Guests
Social 6:00 p.m.
Dinner 6:30 p.m.
Program7:30 p.m.
Jan 18 LOP Rehearse 4° 7:00 p.m.
Jan 25 LOP Confer 4° 7:30 p.m.
Refreshments to follow
Jan 30 Knights of St. Andrew Burns Supper @ Coleman’s Restaurant 5:00 p.m.
Prepaid Reservations Required
February 2016
Feb 01 Trustees 6:15 p.m.; Executive Committee 7:00 p.m.
Feb 08 7° Rehearsal 7:00 p.m.
Feb 15 Sweetheart Dinner
Social 6:00 p.m.
Dinner 6:30 p.m.
Program7:30 p.m.
Feb 22 7° Conferral 7:30 p.m.
Feb 29 14° Rehearsal 7:00 p.m.
Knights of St. Andrew Meeting 7:45 p.m.
Greetings Brethren,
Happy New Year! A new calendar year has begun but we are in the middle of our Scottish Rite year.
January brings the monthly Executive Committee Meeting on 4th; the Spring Membership Night with Ladies & Guests on the 11th; the rehearsal for 4° on the 18th and its conferral on the 25th. This will be a live cast conferral and I would like to see some support present, not just for the class but also the cast.
January 30th is the Annual Burns Supper hosted by the Knights of St. Andrew at Coleman’s Irish Pub in Tipperary Hill. As of this writing there are still some spots left but please mail in your reservation ASAP. See the article elsewhere for more details.
This Spring’s Class is the All USA Class. Our Supreme Council, along with the Southern Jurisdiction have plans for a Scottish Rite Day to be held on November 12th, 2016. The idea was for the 32° to be conferred that day, along with a formal banquet, all across the United States. That idea seems to have possibly fallen by wayside but not here in New York State. The Central Region (The Valleys of Syracuse, Utica, Norwood & Binghamton) will present the 32° that afternoon, along with a Ladies program running alongside and a Banquet that evening. More details will be forthcoming. This will be the only time the 32° will be conferred in 2016.
So why am I bringing this up now, 11 months out? Because we really need to recruit a nice sized class and we need your help. Do you have a Brother or two in Lodge that might be interested in Scottish Rite? Talk to them, bring them to the Membership Night on January 11th. I am always interested in talking up Scottish Rite, ask me to speak to them. Whatever it takes, let’s at least make them aware of the Valley of Syracuse and ask them to join. It’s up to you, Brethren of the Valley of Syracuse, let’s get a great class together and then, let’s keep them active.
See you soon...
Ill.'. Richard J Powell, 33°
Commander in Chief
No News Received
Greetings Brethren,
The Council is putting on the Spring Membership w/Ladies--Guest Night on Jan 11. Social at 6pm, dinner at 6:30 and program at 7:30. All Council officers should be in attendance, Get your reservations in early.
Usually with the New Year comes resolutions. It is a good time to look at things you would like to improve and make changes. Are you a better man than last year? Big changes are hard to maintain. Progress not perfection.
Robert O. Boutell, 32°
Sovereign Prince
Greetings Brethren!
Happy New Year to all and welcome to 2016 the year of the “All USA Class”. This will prove to be a historical and memorable year for Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite Masonry.
With a new year before us we should all be reaffirming our commitment to the fraternity and helping to carry it into the future. This can be done in many ways such as participating in degrees with speaking and non-speaking parts, donating to our charities, volunteering time to help with community projects, visiting our shut ins, helping out brothers who need assistance getting to meetings, and taking up leadership roles in one of the four bodies.
The Lodge of Perfection will be conferring 3 separate degrees over the next 3 months and we will be looking for cast members and also casting directors if anyone would like to give it a try. I highly encourage any new brothers to please step forward and fill one of the many positions for these degrees. You will have many mentors to assist you if needed.
January 11th will be the Spring Membership Night Dinner (to include the ladies) sponsored by the Council Princes of Jerusalem. January 18th there will be a rehearsal for the 4th degree “Master Traveler”. January 25th will be the live conferral of the 4th degree. Don’t forget the Burns Supper being hosted by the Knights of St Andrew on January 30th at Coleman’s Irish Pub. Then on February 8th will be a rehearsal for the 7th degree “Provost and Judge”. February 15th will be the Valley’s Sweethearts Dinner and Program. Please bring your ladies and have an enjoyable evening with dinner and the program. February 22nd will be the presentation of the 7th degree. February 29th will be a rehearsal for the 14th degree “Grand Elect Mason”.
Please remember to contact brothers you haven’t seen in a while and help get them back to attending the exciting events we have planned for them.
May the blessing of the Great Architect be upon all of you, your families, and our nation’s military service members.
See you soon in the Lodge of Perfection!
Jack G. Dombrowski, 32°
Thrice Potent Master
Happy New Year Brethren,
I hope everyone had an enjoyable Holiday. It’s time to think about some healthful New Year’s resolutions again. In addition to the usual stuff like losing a few pounds, getting in shape, etc. never lose sight of your dreams. Keep pursuing your passions. These are the things that keep many of us going.
Under sickness and distress, if any Brother is experiencing any type of hardship, please give Bob Tyrrell or myself a call. We wish you all the best in 2016 !!
Dick Freeman, 32°
tel. 315-837-4962
[email protected]
Welcome to My World
Notes from the Children’s Dyslexia Center CNY
As we prepare for the joyous Holiday season and the beginning of the New Year, we are amazed at how the time is flying and all that is being done at the Center.
Everyone continues to work diligently and the tutors and scholars are getting ready for a fun Game Day with the children before the holiday break.
Justin continues to work well with his tutor and is still reinforcing the rules and tools for level one. He has mastered many of the syllable types and the FSZL Rule. (That’s a fun one all of the children enjoy, which helps reinforce short vowel sound recognition)
We are moving forward with plans for our second GALA fund raiser. It will take place the evening of Saturday, March 12th 2016 at Hart’s Hill Inn in New Hartford. We will have entertainment, good food, a Parent Sponsored basket raffle and many other things to enjoy. Please contact us if you are able to attend or help with this event.
We wish you a very Merry Christmas
And a Blessed Holiday
We will look forward to connecting again in the
Happy New Year.
Linda L. Martin, Director
Email- [email protected]
Phone- (315) 736-0574
Mail- Children’s Dyslexia Center- CNY
PO Box 638
Oriskany, NY 13424
2016 – 2017 Scholarship Applications Available
Applications to apply for 2016 - 2017 Supreme Council, AASR Leon M. Abbott Scholarships and New York State Council of Deliberation Scholarship Aid are now available for pick up at the Central City Bodies, A.A.S.R. Valley of Syracuse Scottish Rite Office (315) 452-7976, mailed to you from the Valley Office, or on line. Go to the Valley of Syracuse Web site for the links to obtain the information on line. Application titled “Application for Scottish Rite Scholarship Aid Leon M. Abbott and/or NYS Council of Deliberation”
To all applicants: The deadline date to submit your completed applications to the Valley of Syracuse is April 1, 2016. That means in the office by close of business on April 1, 2016. Applications received after April 1, 2016 will not be considered.
New Applications must be used. There is one combined Application for this year. The new Application must be used. Graduating High School Seniors may apply again this year. To the members of our Youth Groups Triangle, Rainbow, Constellation of Junior Stars, and DeMolay; you may also apply.
Seven applicants from the Valley of Syracuse received financial assistance from this program in 2015. Congratulations to all of them.
Please contact the Valley Office at (315) 452-7976 if you have any questions or require assistance and information.
Greetings my Brothers,
Look back to the night you were initiated an Entered Apprentice in your Blue Lodge.
Were you in awe of the dedication of the members of that Lodge who conferred the 1st Degree upon you? You should have been if they did it properly. Our experience that night would have made a lasting impression on us respecting Freemasonry.
We as Scottish Rite Masons should expect no less as we present the 4th through the 32nd degree to our Scottish Rite Brothers. The 30th time we present the 4th Degree we should show the same support and enthusiasm as the 1st from all of our members that can possibly attend to show our dedication to our newest members. If possible all Officers in the four bodies should support the work being done that day.
As mentors we should encourage our side liners and Past Body Heads to attend as many functions as possible that our Valley puts on during the year. Show genuine interest in our new members. We are all mentors to these men who have shown interest in becoming Scottish Rite Masons.
New Members Mentoring Program Chairman
Lawrence W. Egnaczyk;
[email protected]
(H) Ph. # 315-637-4143
(C) Ph. # 315-632-1043
Spring Membership Night with the Ladies
Central City Bodies Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, Valley of Syracuse is holding its annual Membership Night with our Ladies Monday evening January 11, 2016 at the Memorial Masonic Center, 648 Centerville Place, North Syracuse, NY. The evening starts with a social time at 6:00 p.m., dinner at 6:30 p.m. and a musical program in the Lodge Rooms at 7:30 p.m.
Any Master Mason who is not a Scottish Rite member is invited to attend this event with his lady as a guest of the Valley. This will be an excellent opportunity for those attending to learn more about Scottish Rite Masonry in New York State and in the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction.
The degree schedule for 2016 is different from other years. All Scottish Rite Valleys will confer the 32nd degree November 12, 2016. The Valley of Syracuse is joining with the Valleys of Norwood, Utica, and Binghamton to confer the degree in Utica on the Masonic Care Community Campus. This is a special time to become a Scottish Rite Mason. Please contact the Valley office for additional information.
Reservations for the dinner are required and can be made by returning the reservation forms you received in the mail or by contacting the Valley Office at (315) 452-7976 or [email protected] prior to January 6, 2016. Cost of the meatloaf dinner is $13.00 per person.
Please contact the Valley office if you have any questions.
J.D. Swan, Jr., 33º
Valley Secretary
Knights of St. Andrew Meeting
There will be a Knights of St. Andrew Meeting on Monday, February 29th at 7:45 PM (following the 14° Rehearsal). The purpose of the meeting will be the Election of Officers and project planning for the Valley. All members and those interested in becoming a part of the Knights of St. Andrew are encouraged to attend.
2016 Burns Supper
LAST CHANCE! Get your Reservations in NOW! The Knights of St. Andrew will hold its Annual Burns Supper 5:00 PM on Saturday January 30, 2016 at Coleman's Irish Pub in Syracuse. A Burns supper is a celebration of the life and poetry of the poet Robert Burns, Freemason, author of many Scots poems and to the Scots what Shakespeare is to the English. The suppers are normally held on or near the poet's birthday, January 25th. We will have a Bagpiper, Haggis and our guest for the evening will be Brother Eric Howd, Grand Organist for the Grand Lodge of New York, who will have a presentation on Burns & music. Don’t miss out!
Cost will be $38 per person. Reservations can be sent to Richard Powell, 4717 Broad Road, Syracuse, NY 13215. Deadline for reservations will be January 10th. Book early as the space at Coleman's is very limited! Email questions to [email protected]