Happy New Year!!
Jan 05 Executive Committee 7:00 p.m.
Jan 12 Spring membership Night w/ Ladies Guest Night
Social 6:00 p.m. / Dinner 6:30 p.m. /Program 7:30 p.m.
Jan 26 Special Election & L-O-P Degree Conferral 7:30 p.m.
4° “Master Traveler” (video)
6° “Master of the Brazen Serpent” (Video)
Refreshments to follow the meeting
Feb 02 Trustees Meeting 6:15 p.m.
Executive Committee Meeting 7:00 p.m.
Feb 16 Sweetheart Program
Social 6:00 p.m. / Dinner 6:30 p.m. /Program 7:30 p.m.
Feb 23 L-O-P Degree Conferral 7:30 p.m.
14° "Grand Elect Mason”
Refreshments to follow meeting
Greetings Brethren,
As the New Year fast approaches we look forward to kicking off a busy schedule in 2015. On our trustle board for 2015:
January 12th will be our Spring Membership Night. All prospective candidates should attend. Our active for our valley Ill.·. G. Michael Morris, 33° will present a program on the 2017 Supreme Council in Rochester NY. We will also have info on joining the Scottish Rite. Come out and join us.
On January 19th we will rehearse the 4th degree at 7:00. On January 26th we will confer the 4th and 6th degree at 7:30 p.m. The 6th degree will be shown on DVD. Refreshments to follow.
February 16th will be our Sweetheart program. Social hour at 6, dinner at 6:30, followed by an entertaining program at 7:30. Hope to see you there.
Until next month, stay warm and we hope to see you in Scottish Rite !
Ill.'. Robert M. Tyrrell, 33°
Commander in Chief
Greetings Brothers,
Hope everyone had safe and Happy Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays . Happy New Year.
This my brother's, looks to be a very Busy spring schedule. January 12th is spring membership night bring our ladies and a few guest's, Social Start's at 6:00pm,Dinner at 6:30 pm, Program at 7:30.
The LOP will confer the 4th degree on January 26, taking new Brother's on the Grand Journey to further Light. Here’s hoping the Great Creator will keep us all safe until we meet together in his Holy Name.
God bless.
Carlton P. Jackson, 32°
Most Wise Master
Greetings Brethren,
Hope your holidays were filled with fun, family and good times. As we start the new year there is much to do. I look forward to working with my Brothers as we together present the 16th Degree on March 9th.
The Chapter is responsible for the Spring Membership Night w/Ladies on January 12th. I will stay in touch with all the Officers as these programs come near.
Stay safe and healthy my Brothers.
Mark Bombardo, 32°
Sovereign Prince
Hello Brothers,
The Baby New Year is a personification of the start of the New Year commonly seen in editorial cartoons. He symbolizes the "birth" of the next year and the "passing" of the prior year; in other words, a "rebirth". Baby New Year's purpose varies by myth, but he generally performs some sort of ceremonial duty over the course of his year such as chronicling the year's events or presiding over the year as a symbol.
So in keeping with the spirit of the New Year we are offering the opportunity for any Brother to start a new Masonic endeavor. On January 12th we will be having our Annual Spring Membership Program and Ladies Night. Social time will be at 6:00 p.m. with a meatloaf dinner at 6:30 p.m. The cost of the dinner will be $13.00 per person. Reservations are due to the Valley’s office no later than January 6th. On January 26th we will be conferring the 4th and 6th Degrees. Please note this is the only time the 6th degree will be conferred in 2015.
I can’t think of a better way to start a New Year.
Kevin Parker, 32°
Thrice Potent Master
Greetings Brethren,
It was good to see Norm Kruth at Grand Master Widger’s 90th Birthday Party last month along with Bill DuPree and others,
Under Sickness and Distress, It has been brought to my attention that George Laird and Mel Sitts are currently having some health issues. Lets keep them in our thoughts and Prayers. On Thanksgiving morning I visited the VA Hospital in Syracuse and assisted the Masonic War Vets in passing out care packages to the patients there. A very rewarding experience !
As always, please keep me informed of any Brother in need of our aid or sympathy, or a close family member. Feel free to contact me at 315-837-4962 or email me at [email protected]
Healthy New Year !!
Dick Freeman, 32°
Welcome to My World
Notes from the Children’s Dyslexia Center CNY
As we go in and out of our “Winter Wonderland” things continue to progress at the Center. We have already begun to experience the early winter illnesses but, on the whole, we are keeping things together quite well.
Nathaniel and his tutor have been working diligently as he works his way through the second level of our program. On a personal note; although he is a bit young, he is already preparing to be an avid hunter and outdoorsman and often arrives in full camouflage during hunting season. I imagine we will go back to the “stylish’ Nathaniel soon.
One of the new things we are doing is teaching morphology (the origins and basics of language) earlier in the program. Along that line, Nathaniel is working on more of the suffixes and prefixes that are added to Latin roots and on some of the more uncommon spellings (e.g. kn, wr, etc.) that come from the Greek. This, of course, has made some of the tutoring a bit more challenging as we work within the parameters of not putting material that we are not sure the children know in the review section of the lesson. It has also added to the number of “new” things that we will try to teach the children while in the program. Even though it sometimes seems that we are moving quite slowly, the major goal is to present the sounds and concepts in a manner that the children will be able to take ownership of them and continue to use them on their own. Nathaniel is on the track to doing that.
I have to add an anecdote- one of our “returning children” (he was in the program two years ago and will have one more, this year) has made the high honor roll in his school. I met the parent of another child who was in the program two years ago and that young man has been mainstreamed fully and is soon to be inducted in the Jr. High Honor Society in his school. Needless to say, the families are very appreciative of the work done here at the Center.
As we move into our second decade, I know that we will continue to meet the challenges before us because we have such great support behind us!
Happy New Year!
Linda L. Martin, Director
Email- [email protected]
Phone- (315) 736-0574
Mail- Children’s Dyslexia Center- CNY
PO Box 638
Oriskany, NY 13424
2015 Burns Supper
Reservations Due January 10th!
The Knights of St. Andrew will hold its Annual Burns Supper 5:00 PM on Saturday January 31, 2015 at Coleman's Irish Pub in Syracuse. Cost will be $35 per person. Reservations can be sent to Richard Powell, 4717 Broad Road, Syracuse, NY 13215. Deadline for reservations will be January 10th. Book early as the space at Coleman's is very limited! Email questions to [email protected]
Ill.'. Richard J. Powell, 33°
1st Lt. Commander
Lodge of Perfection Degrees to be Conferred January 26, 2015
Central City Lodge of Perfection kicks off the Valley of Syracuse’s 2015 Spring Degree program Monday evening January 26, 2015 at 7:30 p.m. at the Memorial Masonic Center, 648 Centerville Pl. in north Syracuse with the conferral of the Fourth Degree “Master Traveler” and the Sixth Degree “Master of the Brazen Serpent” upon the 2015 Ill∴ Sandy F. Samson, 33° new members Class. These are new degrees being conferred for the first time in the Valley of Syracuse. This evening is a special time for all Scottish Rite Masons to witness these new degrees and to have their Degree Passports stamped.
Any Master Mason wishing to become a Scottish Rite Mason is invited to become a member of this class honoring Illustrious Brother Samson for his many years of faithful service to the Craft.
For more information please contact the Valley Secretary’s Office (315) 452-7976; e-mail; [email protected].
Ill∴ J.D. Swan, Jr., 33°
Valley Secretary
Spring Membership Night with the Ladies
Central City Bodies Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, Valley of Syracuse is holding its annual Membership night with our Ladies Monday evening January 12, 2015 at the Memorial Masonic Center, 648 Centerville Place, North Syracuse, NY.
The evening starts with a social time at 6:00 p.m., dinner at 6:30 p.m. and a presentation in the Lodge Rooms at 7:30 p.m. Illustrious Brother G. Michael Morris, 33° Active Member of Supreme Council will present a program explaining the upcoming 2017 Supreme Council Session in Rochester, NY August 27 thru 29, 2017. This will be the first time the Supreme Council Session will be in New York State since 1959.
Any master Mason who is not a Scottish Rite member is invited to attend this event with his lady as a guest of the Valley. This will be an excellent opportunity for those attending to learn more about Scottish Rite Masonry in New York State and in the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction.
Reservations for the dinner are required and can be made by returning the reservation forms you received in the mail or by contacting the Valley Office at (315) 452-7976 or [email protected] prior to January 6, 2015. Cost of the meatloaf dinner is $13.00 per person. Please contact the Valley office if you have any questions.
Ill∴ J.D. Swan, Jr., 33º
Valley Secretary
2015 – 2016 Scholarship Applications Available
Applications to apply for 2015 - 2016 Supreme Council, AASR Leon M. Abbott Scholarships and New York State Council of Deliberation Scholarship Aid are now available for pick up at the Central City Bodies, A.A.S.R. Valley of Syracuse Scottish Rite Office (315) 452-7976, mailed to you from the Valley Office, or on line. Go to the Valley of Syracuse Web site for the links to obtain the information on line.
To all applicants: The deadline date to submit your completed applications to the Valley of Syracuse is March 16, 2015. That means in the office by close of business on March 16, 2015. Applications received after March 16, 2015 will not be considered.
2015 Applications must be used. There are changes in who qualifies to apply for 2015. Graduating High School Seniors may apply this year. To the members of our Youth Groups Triangle, Rainbow, Constellation of Junior Stars, and DeMolay; you may also apply.
A student who has attended and completed the Dyslexia Program sponsored by the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite Valleys of Syracuse, Utica, and Rochester, New York State may apply.
Nine applicants from the Valley of Syracuse received financial assistance from this program in 2014. Congratulations to all of them.
Please contact the Valley Office at (315) 452-7976 if you have any questions or require assistance and information
Happy New Year!!
Jan 05 Executive Committee 7:00 p.m.
Jan 12 Spring membership Night w/ Ladies Guest Night
Social 6:00 p.m. / Dinner 6:30 p.m. /Program 7:30 p.m.
Jan 26 Special Election & L-O-P Degree Conferral 7:30 p.m.
4° “Master Traveler” (video)
6° “Master of the Brazen Serpent” (Video)
Refreshments to follow the meeting
Feb 02 Trustees Meeting 6:15 p.m.
Executive Committee Meeting 7:00 p.m.
Feb 16 Sweetheart Program
Social 6:00 p.m. / Dinner 6:30 p.m. /Program 7:30 p.m.
Feb 23 L-O-P Degree Conferral 7:30 p.m.
14° "Grand Elect Mason”
Refreshments to follow meeting
Greetings Brethren,
As the New Year fast approaches we look forward to kicking off a busy schedule in 2015. On our trustle board for 2015:
January 12th will be our Spring Membership Night. All prospective candidates should attend. Our active for our valley Ill.·. G. Michael Morris, 33° will present a program on the 2017 Supreme Council in Rochester NY. We will also have info on joining the Scottish Rite. Come out and join us.
On January 19th we will rehearse the 4th degree at 7:00. On January 26th we will confer the 4th and 6th degree at 7:30 p.m. The 6th degree will be shown on DVD. Refreshments to follow.
February 16th will be our Sweetheart program. Social hour at 6, dinner at 6:30, followed by an entertaining program at 7:30. Hope to see you there.
Until next month, stay warm and we hope to see you in Scottish Rite !
Ill.'. Robert M. Tyrrell, 33°
Commander in Chief
Greetings Brothers,
Hope everyone had safe and Happy Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays . Happy New Year.
This my brother's, looks to be a very Busy spring schedule. January 12th is spring membership night bring our ladies and a few guest's, Social Start's at 6:00pm,Dinner at 6:30 pm, Program at 7:30.
The LOP will confer the 4th degree on January 26, taking new Brother's on the Grand Journey to further Light. Here’s hoping the Great Creator will keep us all safe until we meet together in his Holy Name.
God bless.
Carlton P. Jackson, 32°
Most Wise Master
Greetings Brethren,
Hope your holidays were filled with fun, family and good times. As we start the new year there is much to do. I look forward to working with my Brothers as we together present the 16th Degree on March 9th.
The Chapter is responsible for the Spring Membership Night w/Ladies on January 12th. I will stay in touch with all the Officers as these programs come near.
Stay safe and healthy my Brothers.
Mark Bombardo, 32°
Sovereign Prince
Hello Brothers,
The Baby New Year is a personification of the start of the New Year commonly seen in editorial cartoons. He symbolizes the "birth" of the next year and the "passing" of the prior year; in other words, a "rebirth". Baby New Year's purpose varies by myth, but he generally performs some sort of ceremonial duty over the course of his year such as chronicling the year's events or presiding over the year as a symbol.
So in keeping with the spirit of the New Year we are offering the opportunity for any Brother to start a new Masonic endeavor. On January 12th we will be having our Annual Spring Membership Program and Ladies Night. Social time will be at 6:00 p.m. with a meatloaf dinner at 6:30 p.m. The cost of the dinner will be $13.00 per person. Reservations are due to the Valley’s office no later than January 6th. On January 26th we will be conferring the 4th and 6th Degrees. Please note this is the only time the 6th degree will be conferred in 2015.
I can’t think of a better way to start a New Year.
Kevin Parker, 32°
Thrice Potent Master
Greetings Brethren,
It was good to see Norm Kruth at Grand Master Widger’s 90th Birthday Party last month along with Bill DuPree and others,
Under Sickness and Distress, It has been brought to my attention that George Laird and Mel Sitts are currently having some health issues. Lets keep them in our thoughts and Prayers. On Thanksgiving morning I visited the VA Hospital in Syracuse and assisted the Masonic War Vets in passing out care packages to the patients there. A very rewarding experience !
As always, please keep me informed of any Brother in need of our aid or sympathy, or a close family member. Feel free to contact me at 315-837-4962 or email me at [email protected]
Healthy New Year !!
Dick Freeman, 32°
Welcome to My World
Notes from the Children’s Dyslexia Center CNY
As we go in and out of our “Winter Wonderland” things continue to progress at the Center. We have already begun to experience the early winter illnesses but, on the whole, we are keeping things together quite well.
Nathaniel and his tutor have been working diligently as he works his way through the second level of our program. On a personal note; although he is a bit young, he is already preparing to be an avid hunter and outdoorsman and often arrives in full camouflage during hunting season. I imagine we will go back to the “stylish’ Nathaniel soon.
One of the new things we are doing is teaching morphology (the origins and basics of language) earlier in the program. Along that line, Nathaniel is working on more of the suffixes and prefixes that are added to Latin roots and on some of the more uncommon spellings (e.g. kn, wr, etc.) that come from the Greek. This, of course, has made some of the tutoring a bit more challenging as we work within the parameters of not putting material that we are not sure the children know in the review section of the lesson. It has also added to the number of “new” things that we will try to teach the children while in the program. Even though it sometimes seems that we are moving quite slowly, the major goal is to present the sounds and concepts in a manner that the children will be able to take ownership of them and continue to use them on their own. Nathaniel is on the track to doing that.
I have to add an anecdote- one of our “returning children” (he was in the program two years ago and will have one more, this year) has made the high honor roll in his school. I met the parent of another child who was in the program two years ago and that young man has been mainstreamed fully and is soon to be inducted in the Jr. High Honor Society in his school. Needless to say, the families are very appreciative of the work done here at the Center.
As we move into our second decade, I know that we will continue to meet the challenges before us because we have such great support behind us!
Happy New Year!
Linda L. Martin, Director
Email- [email protected]
Phone- (315) 736-0574
Mail- Children’s Dyslexia Center- CNY
PO Box 638
Oriskany, NY 13424
2015 Burns Supper
Reservations Due January 10th!
The Knights of St. Andrew will hold its Annual Burns Supper 5:00 PM on Saturday January 31, 2015 at Coleman's Irish Pub in Syracuse. Cost will be $35 per person. Reservations can be sent to Richard Powell, 4717 Broad Road, Syracuse, NY 13215. Deadline for reservations will be January 10th. Book early as the space at Coleman's is very limited! Email questions to [email protected]
Ill.'. Richard J. Powell, 33°
1st Lt. Commander
Lodge of Perfection Degrees to be Conferred January 26, 2015
Central City Lodge of Perfection kicks off the Valley of Syracuse’s 2015 Spring Degree program Monday evening January 26, 2015 at 7:30 p.m. at the Memorial Masonic Center, 648 Centerville Pl. in north Syracuse with the conferral of the Fourth Degree “Master Traveler” and the Sixth Degree “Master of the Brazen Serpent” upon the 2015 Ill∴ Sandy F. Samson, 33° new members Class. These are new degrees being conferred for the first time in the Valley of Syracuse. This evening is a special time for all Scottish Rite Masons to witness these new degrees and to have their Degree Passports stamped.
Any Master Mason wishing to become a Scottish Rite Mason is invited to become a member of this class honoring Illustrious Brother Samson for his many years of faithful service to the Craft.
For more information please contact the Valley Secretary’s Office (315) 452-7976; e-mail; [email protected].
Ill∴ J.D. Swan, Jr., 33°
Valley Secretary
Spring Membership Night with the Ladies
Central City Bodies Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, Valley of Syracuse is holding its annual Membership night with our Ladies Monday evening January 12, 2015 at the Memorial Masonic Center, 648 Centerville Place, North Syracuse, NY.
The evening starts with a social time at 6:00 p.m., dinner at 6:30 p.m. and a presentation in the Lodge Rooms at 7:30 p.m. Illustrious Brother G. Michael Morris, 33° Active Member of Supreme Council will present a program explaining the upcoming 2017 Supreme Council Session in Rochester, NY August 27 thru 29, 2017. This will be the first time the Supreme Council Session will be in New York State since 1959.
Any master Mason who is not a Scottish Rite member is invited to attend this event with his lady as a guest of the Valley. This will be an excellent opportunity for those attending to learn more about Scottish Rite Masonry in New York State and in the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction.
Reservations for the dinner are required and can be made by returning the reservation forms you received in the mail or by contacting the Valley Office at (315) 452-7976 or [email protected] prior to January 6, 2015. Cost of the meatloaf dinner is $13.00 per person. Please contact the Valley office if you have any questions.
Ill∴ J.D. Swan, Jr., 33º
Valley Secretary
2015 – 2016 Scholarship Applications Available
Applications to apply for 2015 - 2016 Supreme Council, AASR Leon M. Abbott Scholarships and New York State Council of Deliberation Scholarship Aid are now available for pick up at the Central City Bodies, A.A.S.R. Valley of Syracuse Scottish Rite Office (315) 452-7976, mailed to you from the Valley Office, or on line. Go to the Valley of Syracuse Web site for the links to obtain the information on line.
To all applicants: The deadline date to submit your completed applications to the Valley of Syracuse is March 16, 2015. That means in the office by close of business on March 16, 2015. Applications received after March 16, 2015 will not be considered.
2015 Applications must be used. There are changes in who qualifies to apply for 2015. Graduating High School Seniors may apply this year. To the members of our Youth Groups Triangle, Rainbow, Constellation of Junior Stars, and DeMolay; you may also apply.
A student who has attended and completed the Dyslexia Program sponsored by the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite Valleys of Syracuse, Utica, and Rochester, New York State may apply.
Nine applicants from the Valley of Syracuse received financial assistance from this program in 2014. Congratulations to all of them.
Please contact the Valley Office at (315) 452-7976 if you have any questions or require assistance and information