Jan 06 Executive Committee 7:00 p.m.
Jan 13 Membership Kickoff Program guest night
Social 6:00 p.m. / Dinner 6:30 p.m. / Program 7:30 p.m.
Jan 20 L-O-P 9° Rehearsal 7:00 p.m.
Jan 25 Robert Burns Supper at Coleman’s Restaurant
Knights of St. Andrew Social Event by Reservation ONLY
Arrive at 5:00 p.m.
Jan 27 L-O-P confer 4° 7:30 p.m.
L-O-P Ritual History presentation
Refreshments to follow
Feb 03 Trustees Meeting 6:15 p.m.
Executive Committee Meeting 7:00 p.m.
Feb 10 Sweetheart Program
Social 6:00 p.m. / Dinner 6:30 p.m. / Program 7:30 p.m.
Feb 17 L-O-P 7:00 p.m. Rehearse 14º
Feb 24 L-O-P 7:30 p.m. Confer 9º “Master of the Temple”
Refreshments to follow
Greetings my Brothers.
The new year is upon us and we look forward to another exciting year here in the Valley of Syracuse. We kick-off the new year with a busy lineup on the trestle board for January.
January 6th : Executive Committee, We have a busy Spring schedule ahead, and attendance from all bodies is imperative.
January 13th : Membership Night, we have an interesting program planned for prospective members, " Introduction to Scottish Rite Freemasonry". Social hour will begin at 6:00, Dinner at 6:30, and a program to follow at 7:30.This is open to the ladies. Bring a prospect along as a guest of the Valley, and be sure to make your reservation with the office.
January 25th : Robert Burns Supper At Coleman's on Tippery Hill. Dinner is $35.00 per person. Make your reservation with Rick Powell at 439-2386.Seating is limited and this will most likely sell out so make your reservations NOW !
January 27th : This will be our 4th degree. We will kick off our degree series this evening at 7:30 p.m. All candidates report by 7.
February 10th : Annual Sweetheart Dinner. Social gathering will begin at 6:00, Dinner at 6:30, followed by an entertaining program at 7:30. Again be sure to make reservations at the office.
Ill.'. Robert M. Tyrrell, 33°
Commander in Chief
Greetings Brothers,
Well, it’s over. 2013 is history & the New Year is now officially in. I certainly hope that we have a good and prosperous time in Lodge. Speaking of New Years, for those of you who do not know this, the song we all sing on New Years Eve, Auld Lang Syne was written by Robert Burns, a Freemason & Scottish Poet. Just a reminder. On January 25th @ 5:00 PM, The Nights of St Andrew will present a Robert Burns supper at Coleman’s Irish Pub. Space is limited, so please book your reservations ASAP. Cost is $35.00 per person. Send to Richard Powell, 4717 Broad Road, Syracuse N.Y. 13215.
It is my understanding that a great time was had at the annual Christmas Party. Bells & Motley put on great show and we all enjoyed a wonderful dinner prepared by the Eastern Star. This is a wonderful time for all of us to get together and celebrate the Christmas Holiday.
Also, we are going to have a Holiday luncheon at the Twin Trees Restaurant on Friday, January 27th. Dutch Treat, beginning @ 11.oo AM until we decide we have had enough to eat. MSA people, please wear your red shirts !!
Finally, On January 13th Gary Visconti will put on a Membership Kickoff Program. Social 6:00 PM, Dinner at 6:30 PM and the program @ 7:30PM. I think that this will be a very interesting and productive evening.
George A. Laird III, 32°
Most Wise Master
Greetings Brethren,
I hope that all the joys of this Holiday season have headed your way and stay with you long after the snow melts. Gather your family around and share stories of the past and dreams of the future. Spread laughter and good cheer to all that are near and remember the good times you had with those who are not. As the song says - “It’s the hap-happiest time of the year!”
As we turn the page to a new year, the Valley of Syracuse is preparing to accept a new class of Scottish Rite Brothers with a Membership Kickoff Program on January 13th. Invite a brother or two to join us. Remember too that this program is an open event, so the ladies are welcome. On January 27th, we will be conferring the 4th Degree for the new class. Show your support and plan on attending. There will also be a program on the Lodge of Perfection Ritual History, with refreshments to follow.
Princes new and old, there is an open invitation for you to be a part of each Valley event. Spend an evening with your Brothers. Together let’s make this coming year as special as the last.
Dave Barnello, 32°
Sovereign Prince
Happy New Year Brothers!
I hope you all had a wonderful Holiday Season! With Thanksgiving, Christmas and Hanukkah now past we focus on the New Year. This year's Trestle Board begins with recruiting new members for our Valley and by spreading the word on how the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite can enhance their Masonic experience. Each of us is an Ambassador for the Scottish Rite. When the Master of your Lodge asks if any Brother has anything to bring before the Lodge, stand up and promote the Scottish Rite and it's 29 meaningful degrees, many fine social activities and charities.
Are you in need of a winter program for your Lodge? Why not contact our Valley Membership Chairman Distinguished Brother Allen Ferguson, MSA and arrange to have a committee member visit your Lodge and present an informational talk on the Scottish Rite.
If your Lodge goes dark during the winter months don't forget your new Brother Master Masons that were Raised this past Fall. It would be a great time to give them a call and invite them to our Membership Kickoff Program Guest Night on January 13th.
The Lodge of Perfection is where the Scottish Rite journey all begins and we will be Conferring the 4th Degree on January 27th followed by the 14th Degree on February 17th and the 9th Degree on February 24th.
The New Year provides us with an opportunity to serve our Brother Master Masons by offering them another means of receiving "Further Light in Masonry", add new growth through membership to our Valley and provide for our future leadership. Our labors begin anew.
Leon Bulriss, 32°
Thrice Potent Master
Greetings Brothers,
At the time of this report I have not been able to make my monthly visit the Masonic Care Community, nor have I received any updates on Brothers, family members, or friends in need of our aid or sympathy. We hope that all are doing well.
As we begin a new year I would like to look back and recognize a couple of Brothers and true friends that have been an inspiration to me in my role as Hospitaler. Allan Ferguson who can always find the right words of comfort, and John Cooper who has always gone the extra mile to visit the sick and homebound. Thank you for the lessons learned.
All the best in 2014. Stay healthy !!
Dick Freeman, 32°
Welcome to My World
Notes from the Children’s Dyslexia Center CNY
As many of you know, we were saddened by the loss of Bob Wakelee, a board member, treasurer and friend of the Dyslexia Center since its inception. We will truly miss him and send prayers and our condolences to his wife Ada and his family.
We are facing another great loss in that Sandy, our Receptionist for the last 8 years, will be officially retiring the end of December. She will be sorely missed and we wish her the very best in her retirement and eventual move to Tampa, FL. Fortunately for us, Gineal, who has been sitting in for Sandy when needed for the last two years, will take on the Reception desk as of January 1st. We will see Sandy on occasion until her move when she sits in for Gineal until we find another person who is able to take on that job.
I want to let you know about a young man, Nathaniel, who is in his first year at the Center. Nathaniel was on the waitlist for a year and a half before an opening occurred for him. His family drives him to the Center from Ilion when he completes his day in his second grade classroom. When Nathaniel entered the program in September his reading level was at a Kindergarten to early First Grade level. He is a very hard worker who seems genuinely happy to be attending the Center. Nathaniel is diligently working on Level 1 and we will do a mid-year assessment after the first of the year to see how everything is settling in. We will bring you up to speed on his progress throughout the year.
It is important to note that we now have the largest waitlist we have ever had at the Center with the majority of the applications having been received since this past May. Any applications received this year will most likely not receive an opening until fall of 2015 at the earliest. If you know of any qualified person with a bachelor’s degree who might be interested in our free training program for tutors, please have them contact us. This and the in-school training program that is available are the only ways we can continue to help more children and it appears that the need is getting greater every year.
We thank you for your part in making this opportunity available to Nathaniel and all of the other children attending the Center. Continued best wishes in the upcoming Holiday Season and a Joyous New Year!
Linda L. Martin, Director
Email- [email protected]
Phone- (315) 736-0574
Mail- Children’s Dyslexia Center- CNY
PO Box 638
Oriskany, NY 13424
More News from Children’s Dyslexia Center-CNY
Greetings One and All
As you are already aware, Children’s Dyslexia Center-Central New York has been saddened with the sudden passing of Ill Brother Robert Wakelee, 33rd degree, and member of the Board of Governors. Bob has been an active member of both the 32nd Degree Central New York Masonic Corp and the BOG since our inception in 2004. He worked with Lexington setting up the preopening for CNY. Bob served as treasurer for both organizations. He will sadly be missed! At our last board meeting, held 11/27/2013, advised that it would take donations for a leaf on the Tree of Knowledge in memory of Board member and Treasurer Robert Wakelee.
Checks can be mailed to Secretary Gary Hartman, 3285 E. Genesee St., Syracuse, NY 13214 and should be made payable to: CHILDREN’S DYSLEXIA CENTER, CNY with Bob Wakelee Memorial on the memo line.
At this same meeting, the BOG received two applications for board membership and accepted both. Wayne L. Allen was recommended by the Valley of Utica’s executive committee to fill Bob’s vacancy. The BOG unanimously voted him onto the board and to fill the Treasurer’s position. Mr. Frank Montana, our second applicant, has become a community board member. We welcome both Wayne and Frank to the Board.The BOG now is comprised of sixteen members.
A big thank you goes to all who have helped us in our fundraising over the past year. $8,000 has been netted between our October Timothy O’Connor-Slater Walkathon and the first Teddy Bear Classic Golf Tournament held in Tully in August. We just received notification we are the recipients of $1,000 Wal-Mart grant for the excellent work we are doing w/ children.
The Board is looking into the possibility of having CNY logo shirts made to order for $25 plus shipping. We are also looking into the possibility of having a Lowe’s Restaurant fundraiser in the future. More to come on this—watch for it!
Our Center Director has expressed many, many thanks to all who worked so hard to make the Barnes and Noble Book Fair so very successful. We received a gift card for $458.51 for your support.
Lastly, we are saddened that our receptionist, Sandy Lamont will be leaving us in 2014. She and her husband, George, will be moving to warmer climate. Sandy has truly been an asset to our Learning Center, making sure that everything is running smoothly and contributing and helping with our many fundraising events. Sandy—We wish you well for all your future endeavors!
The Board
Get Your Reservation In NOW for 2014 Burns Supper
The Knights of St. Andrew will hold a Burns Supper 5:00 PM on Saturday January 25, 2014 at Coleman's Irish Pub in Syracuse. Cost is $35 per person. Reservations are due NOW & can be sent to Richard Powell, 4717 Broad Road, Syracuse, NY 13215. Email questions to [email protected]
2014 – 2015 Scholarship Applications Available
Applications to apply for 2014 - 2015 Supreme Council, AASR Leon M. Abbott Scholarships and New York State Council of Deliberation Scholarship Aid are now available for pick up at the Central City Bodies, A.A.S.R. Valley of Syracuse Scottish Rite Office (315) 452-7976, mailed to you from the Valley Office, or online. Go to the Valley of Syracuse Web site for the links to obtain the information on line.
To all applicants: The deadline date to submit your completed applications to the Valley of Syracuse is March 20, 2014. That means in the office by close of business on March 20, 2014. Applications received after March 20, 2014 will not be considered.
2014 Applications must be used. There are changes in who qualifies to apply for 2014. Graduating High School Seniors may apply this year. To the members of our Youth Groups Triangle, Rainbow, Constellation of Junior Stars, and DeMolay; you may also apply.
Fourteen applicants from the Valley of Syracuse received financial assistance from this program in 2013. Congratulations to all of them.
Please contact the Valley Office at (315) 452-7976 if you have any questions or require assistance and information.
Jan 06 Executive Committee 7:00 p.m.
Jan 13 Membership Kickoff Program guest night
Social 6:00 p.m. / Dinner 6:30 p.m. / Program 7:30 p.m.
Jan 20 L-O-P 9° Rehearsal 7:00 p.m.
Jan 25 Robert Burns Supper at Coleman’s Restaurant
Knights of St. Andrew Social Event by Reservation ONLY
Arrive at 5:00 p.m.
Jan 27 L-O-P confer 4° 7:30 p.m.
L-O-P Ritual History presentation
Refreshments to follow
Feb 03 Trustees Meeting 6:15 p.m.
Executive Committee Meeting 7:00 p.m.
Feb 10 Sweetheart Program
Social 6:00 p.m. / Dinner 6:30 p.m. / Program 7:30 p.m.
Feb 17 L-O-P 7:00 p.m. Rehearse 14º
Feb 24 L-O-P 7:30 p.m. Confer 9º “Master of the Temple”
Refreshments to follow
Greetings my Brothers.
The new year is upon us and we look forward to another exciting year here in the Valley of Syracuse. We kick-off the new year with a busy lineup on the trestle board for January.
January 6th : Executive Committee, We have a busy Spring schedule ahead, and attendance from all bodies is imperative.
January 13th : Membership Night, we have an interesting program planned for prospective members, " Introduction to Scottish Rite Freemasonry". Social hour will begin at 6:00, Dinner at 6:30, and a program to follow at 7:30.This is open to the ladies. Bring a prospect along as a guest of the Valley, and be sure to make your reservation with the office.
January 25th : Robert Burns Supper At Coleman's on Tippery Hill. Dinner is $35.00 per person. Make your reservation with Rick Powell at 439-2386.Seating is limited and this will most likely sell out so make your reservations NOW !
January 27th : This will be our 4th degree. We will kick off our degree series this evening at 7:30 p.m. All candidates report by 7.
February 10th : Annual Sweetheart Dinner. Social gathering will begin at 6:00, Dinner at 6:30, followed by an entertaining program at 7:30. Again be sure to make reservations at the office.
Ill.'. Robert M. Tyrrell, 33°
Commander in Chief
Greetings Brothers,
Well, it’s over. 2013 is history & the New Year is now officially in. I certainly hope that we have a good and prosperous time in Lodge. Speaking of New Years, for those of you who do not know this, the song we all sing on New Years Eve, Auld Lang Syne was written by Robert Burns, a Freemason & Scottish Poet. Just a reminder. On January 25th @ 5:00 PM, The Nights of St Andrew will present a Robert Burns supper at Coleman’s Irish Pub. Space is limited, so please book your reservations ASAP. Cost is $35.00 per person. Send to Richard Powell, 4717 Broad Road, Syracuse N.Y. 13215.
It is my understanding that a great time was had at the annual Christmas Party. Bells & Motley put on great show and we all enjoyed a wonderful dinner prepared by the Eastern Star. This is a wonderful time for all of us to get together and celebrate the Christmas Holiday.
Also, we are going to have a Holiday luncheon at the Twin Trees Restaurant on Friday, January 27th. Dutch Treat, beginning @ 11.oo AM until we decide we have had enough to eat. MSA people, please wear your red shirts !!
Finally, On January 13th Gary Visconti will put on a Membership Kickoff Program. Social 6:00 PM, Dinner at 6:30 PM and the program @ 7:30PM. I think that this will be a very interesting and productive evening.
George A. Laird III, 32°
Most Wise Master
Greetings Brethren,
I hope that all the joys of this Holiday season have headed your way and stay with you long after the snow melts. Gather your family around and share stories of the past and dreams of the future. Spread laughter and good cheer to all that are near and remember the good times you had with those who are not. As the song says - “It’s the hap-happiest time of the year!”
As we turn the page to a new year, the Valley of Syracuse is preparing to accept a new class of Scottish Rite Brothers with a Membership Kickoff Program on January 13th. Invite a brother or two to join us. Remember too that this program is an open event, so the ladies are welcome. On January 27th, we will be conferring the 4th Degree for the new class. Show your support and plan on attending. There will also be a program on the Lodge of Perfection Ritual History, with refreshments to follow.
Princes new and old, there is an open invitation for you to be a part of each Valley event. Spend an evening with your Brothers. Together let’s make this coming year as special as the last.
Dave Barnello, 32°
Sovereign Prince
Happy New Year Brothers!
I hope you all had a wonderful Holiday Season! With Thanksgiving, Christmas and Hanukkah now past we focus on the New Year. This year's Trestle Board begins with recruiting new members for our Valley and by spreading the word on how the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite can enhance their Masonic experience. Each of us is an Ambassador for the Scottish Rite. When the Master of your Lodge asks if any Brother has anything to bring before the Lodge, stand up and promote the Scottish Rite and it's 29 meaningful degrees, many fine social activities and charities.
Are you in need of a winter program for your Lodge? Why not contact our Valley Membership Chairman Distinguished Brother Allen Ferguson, MSA and arrange to have a committee member visit your Lodge and present an informational talk on the Scottish Rite.
If your Lodge goes dark during the winter months don't forget your new Brother Master Masons that were Raised this past Fall. It would be a great time to give them a call and invite them to our Membership Kickoff Program Guest Night on January 13th.
The Lodge of Perfection is where the Scottish Rite journey all begins and we will be Conferring the 4th Degree on January 27th followed by the 14th Degree on February 17th and the 9th Degree on February 24th.
The New Year provides us with an opportunity to serve our Brother Master Masons by offering them another means of receiving "Further Light in Masonry", add new growth through membership to our Valley and provide for our future leadership. Our labors begin anew.
Leon Bulriss, 32°
Thrice Potent Master
Greetings Brothers,
At the time of this report I have not been able to make my monthly visit the Masonic Care Community, nor have I received any updates on Brothers, family members, or friends in need of our aid or sympathy. We hope that all are doing well.
As we begin a new year I would like to look back and recognize a couple of Brothers and true friends that have been an inspiration to me in my role as Hospitaler. Allan Ferguson who can always find the right words of comfort, and John Cooper who has always gone the extra mile to visit the sick and homebound. Thank you for the lessons learned.
All the best in 2014. Stay healthy !!
Dick Freeman, 32°
Welcome to My World
Notes from the Children’s Dyslexia Center CNY
As many of you know, we were saddened by the loss of Bob Wakelee, a board member, treasurer and friend of the Dyslexia Center since its inception. We will truly miss him and send prayers and our condolences to his wife Ada and his family.
We are facing another great loss in that Sandy, our Receptionist for the last 8 years, will be officially retiring the end of December. She will be sorely missed and we wish her the very best in her retirement and eventual move to Tampa, FL. Fortunately for us, Gineal, who has been sitting in for Sandy when needed for the last two years, will take on the Reception desk as of January 1st. We will see Sandy on occasion until her move when she sits in for Gineal until we find another person who is able to take on that job.
I want to let you know about a young man, Nathaniel, who is in his first year at the Center. Nathaniel was on the waitlist for a year and a half before an opening occurred for him. His family drives him to the Center from Ilion when he completes his day in his second grade classroom. When Nathaniel entered the program in September his reading level was at a Kindergarten to early First Grade level. He is a very hard worker who seems genuinely happy to be attending the Center. Nathaniel is diligently working on Level 1 and we will do a mid-year assessment after the first of the year to see how everything is settling in. We will bring you up to speed on his progress throughout the year.
It is important to note that we now have the largest waitlist we have ever had at the Center with the majority of the applications having been received since this past May. Any applications received this year will most likely not receive an opening until fall of 2015 at the earliest. If you know of any qualified person with a bachelor’s degree who might be interested in our free training program for tutors, please have them contact us. This and the in-school training program that is available are the only ways we can continue to help more children and it appears that the need is getting greater every year.
We thank you for your part in making this opportunity available to Nathaniel and all of the other children attending the Center. Continued best wishes in the upcoming Holiday Season and a Joyous New Year!
Linda L. Martin, Director
Email- [email protected]
Phone- (315) 736-0574
Mail- Children’s Dyslexia Center- CNY
PO Box 638
Oriskany, NY 13424
More News from Children’s Dyslexia Center-CNY
Greetings One and All
As you are already aware, Children’s Dyslexia Center-Central New York has been saddened with the sudden passing of Ill Brother Robert Wakelee, 33rd degree, and member of the Board of Governors. Bob has been an active member of both the 32nd Degree Central New York Masonic Corp and the BOG since our inception in 2004. He worked with Lexington setting up the preopening for CNY. Bob served as treasurer for both organizations. He will sadly be missed! At our last board meeting, held 11/27/2013, advised that it would take donations for a leaf on the Tree of Knowledge in memory of Board member and Treasurer Robert Wakelee.
Checks can be mailed to Secretary Gary Hartman, 3285 E. Genesee St., Syracuse, NY 13214 and should be made payable to: CHILDREN’S DYSLEXIA CENTER, CNY with Bob Wakelee Memorial on the memo line.
At this same meeting, the BOG received two applications for board membership and accepted both. Wayne L. Allen was recommended by the Valley of Utica’s executive committee to fill Bob’s vacancy. The BOG unanimously voted him onto the board and to fill the Treasurer’s position. Mr. Frank Montana, our second applicant, has become a community board member. We welcome both Wayne and Frank to the Board.The BOG now is comprised of sixteen members.
A big thank you goes to all who have helped us in our fundraising over the past year. $8,000 has been netted between our October Timothy O’Connor-Slater Walkathon and the first Teddy Bear Classic Golf Tournament held in Tully in August. We just received notification we are the recipients of $1,000 Wal-Mart grant for the excellent work we are doing w/ children.
The Board is looking into the possibility of having CNY logo shirts made to order for $25 plus shipping. We are also looking into the possibility of having a Lowe’s Restaurant fundraiser in the future. More to come on this—watch for it!
Our Center Director has expressed many, many thanks to all who worked so hard to make the Barnes and Noble Book Fair so very successful. We received a gift card for $458.51 for your support.
Lastly, we are saddened that our receptionist, Sandy Lamont will be leaving us in 2014. She and her husband, George, will be moving to warmer climate. Sandy has truly been an asset to our Learning Center, making sure that everything is running smoothly and contributing and helping with our many fundraising events. Sandy—We wish you well for all your future endeavors!
The Board
Get Your Reservation In NOW for 2014 Burns Supper
The Knights of St. Andrew will hold a Burns Supper 5:00 PM on Saturday January 25, 2014 at Coleman's Irish Pub in Syracuse. Cost is $35 per person. Reservations are due NOW & can be sent to Richard Powell, 4717 Broad Road, Syracuse, NY 13215. Email questions to [email protected]
2014 – 2015 Scholarship Applications Available
Applications to apply for 2014 - 2015 Supreme Council, AASR Leon M. Abbott Scholarships and New York State Council of Deliberation Scholarship Aid are now available for pick up at the Central City Bodies, A.A.S.R. Valley of Syracuse Scottish Rite Office (315) 452-7976, mailed to you from the Valley Office, or online. Go to the Valley of Syracuse Web site for the links to obtain the information on line.
To all applicants: The deadline date to submit your completed applications to the Valley of Syracuse is March 20, 2014. That means in the office by close of business on March 20, 2014. Applications received after March 20, 2014 will not be considered.
2014 Applications must be used. There are changes in who qualifies to apply for 2014. Graduating High School Seniors may apply this year. To the members of our Youth Groups Triangle, Rainbow, Constellation of Junior Stars, and DeMolay; you may also apply.
Fourteen applicants from the Valley of Syracuse received financial assistance from this program in 2013. Congratulations to all of them.
Please contact the Valley Office at (315) 452-7976 if you have any questions or require assistance and information.