Feb. 06 Trustees Meeting 6:15 p.m. / Executive Committee 7:00 p.m.
Feb. 13 Sweetheart Evening / Social 6:00 p.m. / Dinner 6:30 p.m. / Program 7:30 p.m
Feb. 27 Lodge of Perfection / Confer 14° 7:30 p.m. / Refreshments After
Mar 05 Executive committee 7:00 p.m.
Mar 24 Joint Meeting at Utica / Council Princes of Jerusalem & Chapter of Rose Croix
Confer 15° & 18° / 9: 30 a.m. Open / 10:00 a.m. Confer Degrees / Noon lunch
Carpool @ 8:00 a.m. from Masonic Memorial Center
Thanks and congratulations go out to all the Brothers who made January’s membership kickoff (and 150th anniversary kickoff) a success. We cannot do the work of this Valley without the people share an idea, do a job and lend a hand for every task before us.
We are celebrating our 150th anniversary as a Valley this year. We will soon share in the 200th anniversary of Scottish Rite Freemasonry in the Northern Jurisdiction. That is a lot of history, and all that history belongs to us as Scottish Rite Masons. Now I ask you to do something you have not done. Look at the back of your dues card. What does your card say about our history? It does not say a word about the past because it challenges us to look at the future. We find three building blocks that Supreme Council reminds us are the working tools for building the future: inspiration, convenience and enjoyment. They make up a code word for our leaders: ICE.
The Valley of Syracuse is used to ice, mostly the kind to be aware of on the highway or to put in a glass for a beverage. We tried to remember inspiration, convenience and enjoyment as we planned this year’s celebration–but only you, the members of this Valley, can tell us when we inspire you, make our events convenient and fill you with enjoyment.
We will achieve our best success when you talk with the officers, and that means all of them. Remember, we have four presiding officers: Thrice Potent Master, Sovereign Prince, Most Wise Master and Commander in Chief. Each officer needs to hear from you to help this Valley move into the future. Keep talking with us–all of us–so we can start work on our next 150 years. That will be the best way to celebrate our first 150 years!
Ill. Lynwood Bennerson, 33°
Commander-in- Chief
February 13, 2012 is our annual “Sweetheart Evening “, which you will want to share with your loved one meeting new friends and recounting fond memories with long-time acquaintances. Social begins at 6:00 pm, at 6:30 pm a delicious Roast Pork dinner, oven browned potatoes with gravy and all the sides will be served followed by a scrumptious dessert.
Be sure to join us in the Lodge room at 7:30 pm for our entertainment program and the presentation of the “Sweetheart Award”. This award will be presented to a very special person who has shown great devotion to those that they have cared for. This will be a special evening and I look forward to seeing you there!
March 12 will be a rehearsal for the 18th Degree following the 7pm rehearsal of the 15th Degree. I will be contacting the same cast members who took part in the 18th Degree in the fall. This Degree will be presented in the Valley of Utica by the Valley of Syracuse on March 24, 2012.
Lawrence W. Egnaczyk, 32°
Most Wise Master
Greetings Brothers.
Winter has finally settled in after a slow start, and in just a few days, Punxsutawney Phil will let us know if an early spring will be in our future. We can only hope for a cloudy day.
The 150th Anniversary Membership Kickoff program on the 16th gave us some interesting insights on the vision of Scottish Rite, and brought new brothers who will be entering our Valley. The conferring of the 4th and 12th degrees will be Jan. 30th. Let’s all try to be there for them as they begin their new journey. February 13th is our annual Sweetheart Night program hosted by the Chapter of Rose Croix. Bring your lady and join in on a memorable evening. We round out the month on February 27th when we will be conferring the 14th Degree.
Looking beyond, we will be traveling to the Valley of Utica Saturday, March 24th to confer the 15th and 18th Degrees. Also, there is much to be done in preparation of our April celebration of the 150th Anniversary of the Valley of Syracuse. All are welcome and encouraged to join in the preparation phase, and certainly all are encouraged to be present for the Reunion.
Dave Barnello, 32°
Sovereign Prince
Who do you love? Valentine’s Day is coming soon and we will be giving some special attention to those we love. Love generates a passion within us to think about someone else. Thinking about someone else is a good thing. Too many times it’s all about me.
Masonic brotherhood promotes the all about us philosophy of life. Scottish Rite members are always looking for ways to show compassion and concern for others. Scottish Rite members are very capable of showing the love.
Helping children with dyslexia learn to read is showing love for someone who needs some extra special attention. The passion and love for whatever we do will motivate us to be the best that we can be in helping others.
Where do we find love? The Valley of Syracuse shows love to the membership and those around us. You already know that? Share the message with someone who has not yet joined the Valley of Syracuse today! Encourage them to be part of an organization that is all about us.
Happy Valentine’s Day to you and yours. See you sometime soon.
Ill. Craig Cobb, 33°
Thrice Potent Master
2012 Membership Dues
The Annual Dues notices for your 2012 Valley of Syracuse Dues have been mailed to everyone. Yes, there is an increase in your Dues again this year. This increase is caused by an increase in the Assessments the Valley pays for each member to Supreme Council, Scottish Rite. The amount of money you are paying to operate the Valley of Syracuse has not increased.
The Valley is now assessed and pays a total of $27.00 for each member; $21.00 to Supreme Council and $6.00 to New York State Council of Deliberation.
The office staff has reviewed every dues notice this year prior to its being mailed out making every effort possible to make certain that each notice was correct. If anyone has any questions regarding the invoice you received for your dues please contact the Valley Office (315) 452-7976. If you call when the office is closed please leave a message on the telephone and we will return your call and answer your questions.
Ill. James D. Swan, Jr., 33°
Valley Secretary
2012 Abbott Scholarship Applications Available
Applications to apply for a 2012 Scottish Rite Abbott Scholarship Program College Scholarship are available in the Syracuse Valley Office or on line thru the Valley Web-site ( You may call the office at (315) 452-7976 to request that the application information be mailed to you or you may stop in at the office and personally pick up the applications.
If applying for a scholarship thru the Valley of Syracuse please make certain that you obtain a copy of the Valley of Syracuse Application instructions and use them as the guide when preparing and submitting your application.
The deadline for submitting your application is March 22, 2012. That deadline means “IN THE OFFICE ON MARCH 22, 2012; NOT IN THE MAIL TO ARRIVE AT THE VALLEY OFFICE SEVERAL DAYS AFTER THE DEADLINE PASSES”. Please mail your completed applications to: Central City Bodies, AASR, Masonic Memorial Center, 648 Centerville Place, North Syracuse, NY 13212-2366.
Please respect this request due to the processing time required for the Valley office to submit your applications to the NY Council of Deliberation Scholarship Committee to a timely schedule established by them.
If you have any questions about the Abbott Scholarship Program please contact the Valley Secretary’s Office and speak to Ill. James D. Swan, Jr., 33°, Valley Secretary who will answer or get an answer to your questions.
Notes from the Children's Dyslexia Center
Well, we are back. And I have a bit of a different view point of our Center to share with you! Our 2011 year ended a bit unusually and our 2012 began in the same manner.
As in any organization, workplace, and place of learning - we have our ups and downs. The downs have been the loss of two of our children who have withdrawn.
The first child had been with us since the fall of 2011. We knew he had other issues he was dealing with but we wanted to give him a chance at the Center and he did quite well through last year and during the summer program. When he returned in the fall he seemed to be a bit of a different child. His mother noted that he was having difficulty in school and at home but she hoped he could continue here. With the advent of numerous absences, illness and the child’s lack of motivation to work through his sessions, sadly, his mother came to the decision to withdraw him from the program. We wish them all nothing but the best. Good News- within 20 minutes of receiving this news Sandy was able to schedule a child from the waitlist for pre-assessment and tutoring.
When we returned after the Holiday break we followed up on a child issue that had come to the fore just before break in which a young man had made some comments that were of concern to us. We addressed that with the parents and set up a meeting with the family which again, sadly, resulted in their decision to with draw the child from the program. Good News- he has been getting some counseling and we trust he will be able to move forward in a positive manner. We are also in the process of taking another child off the waitlist and filling that opening.
Regarding Ryan, the young man we have been following- he received a second place belt in the major wrestling tournament he was in at the end of the year. He is such a worker and we are able to begin challenging him with harder concepts – a new thing to wrestle with.
As always – Thank You for being there when we need you!!!!
Linda Martin, Director
Email- [email protected]
Phone- (315) 736-0574
Mail- Children’s Dyslexia Center- CNY
PO Box 638
Oriskany, NY 13424
150th Anniversary Ad Journal
The Valley of Syracuse, Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, will mark its 150th Anniversary with a Gala Celebration on the weekend of April 27-28, 2012.
The Valley has certainly gone through many changes during the course of its existence but the one thing that hasn’t changed is our commitment to the community and all the Brethren that belong to Lodges within its membership area.
As part of the April 2012 celebration, the Valley of Syracuse will be producing an Ad Journal and we would like your organization (or individual members or their businesses) to consider placing an ad.
The Journal will be made available to all those in attendance that weekend and will reach a very diverse audience.
Rates are as follows: Inside Covers (8.5" x 5.5") - $150; Gold Page (8.5" x 5.5") - $100; Silver Page (8.5" x 5.5") - $75; Full Page (8.5" x 5.5") - $60; Half Page (4.25" x 5.5") -$30; Quarter Page (4.25" x 2.75") - $15 and Boosters $10.
Deadline is March 1, 2012. Make checks out to "Central City Bodies, AASR" and mail, along with your ad to Valley of Syracuse, AASR, Attn: 150th Anniversary, Masonic Memorial Center, 648 Centerville Pl., N. Syracuse, NY 13212
The Scottish Rite of Freemasonry is one of two branches of Freemasonry to which a Master Mason may proceed after he has completed the first three degrees of the Symbolic or "Blue" Lodge. It includes the degrees from the 4° through the 32°.
The Northern Masonic Jurisdiction was formed in 1867 and includes the 15 states east of the Mississippi River and north of the Mason-Dixon Line and the Ohio River, including Delaware.
The Scottish Rite degrees are lessons taught through allegory in the form of plays. The lessons are taken from Biblical as well as more modern historical events. Cast members use costumes and makeup to look like the characters who they represent. Candidates learn the lessons by observing the presentation. Memorization of material presented is not required.
Scottish Rite members meet in local or regional "Valleys" and are organized into four parts; Lodge of Perfection, 4° - 14°; Council of Princes of Jerusalem, 15° - 16°; Chapter of Rose Croix, 17° - 18° and Consistory, 19° - 32°. The Valley of Syracuse meets at the Memorial Masonic Center located at 648 Centerville Place in North Syracuse. Its membership is mostly made up of Master Masons from the Onondaga, Oswego and Cortland-Madison Districts but welcomes all Master Masons in good standing. 2012 marks the 150th Anniversary of the Valley of Syracuse and we hope to have a banner year with new members.
Our 2012 “150th Anniversary” Class began with the 4° & 12° on Monday, January 30th. The culmination of the degrees and the Valley's big Celebration Weekend will be held April 28th with a visit from the Sovereign Grand Commander of the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, AASR, Ill. John William McNaughton, 33°.
Even if you missed the Degrees in January, you can still join the Spring Class! More information on joining Scottish Rite can be had by calling the Office at 315-452-7976.
Ill. Robert M. Tyrrell, 33°
Feb. 06 Trustees Meeting 6:15 p.m. / Executive Committee 7:00 p.m.
Feb. 13 Sweetheart Evening / Social 6:00 p.m. / Dinner 6:30 p.m. / Program 7:30 p.m
Feb. 27 Lodge of Perfection / Confer 14° 7:30 p.m. / Refreshments After
Mar 05 Executive committee 7:00 p.m.
Mar 24 Joint Meeting at Utica / Council Princes of Jerusalem & Chapter of Rose Croix
Confer 15° & 18° / 9: 30 a.m. Open / 10:00 a.m. Confer Degrees / Noon lunch
Carpool @ 8:00 a.m. from Masonic Memorial Center
Thanks and congratulations go out to all the Brothers who made January’s membership kickoff (and 150th anniversary kickoff) a success. We cannot do the work of this Valley without the people share an idea, do a job and lend a hand for every task before us.
We are celebrating our 150th anniversary as a Valley this year. We will soon share in the 200th anniversary of Scottish Rite Freemasonry in the Northern Jurisdiction. That is a lot of history, and all that history belongs to us as Scottish Rite Masons. Now I ask you to do something you have not done. Look at the back of your dues card. What does your card say about our history? It does not say a word about the past because it challenges us to look at the future. We find three building blocks that Supreme Council reminds us are the working tools for building the future: inspiration, convenience and enjoyment. They make up a code word for our leaders: ICE.
The Valley of Syracuse is used to ice, mostly the kind to be aware of on the highway or to put in a glass for a beverage. We tried to remember inspiration, convenience and enjoyment as we planned this year’s celebration–but only you, the members of this Valley, can tell us when we inspire you, make our events convenient and fill you with enjoyment.
We will achieve our best success when you talk with the officers, and that means all of them. Remember, we have four presiding officers: Thrice Potent Master, Sovereign Prince, Most Wise Master and Commander in Chief. Each officer needs to hear from you to help this Valley move into the future. Keep talking with us–all of us–so we can start work on our next 150 years. That will be the best way to celebrate our first 150 years!
Ill. Lynwood Bennerson, 33°
Commander-in- Chief
February 13, 2012 is our annual “Sweetheart Evening “, which you will want to share with your loved one meeting new friends and recounting fond memories with long-time acquaintances. Social begins at 6:00 pm, at 6:30 pm a delicious Roast Pork dinner, oven browned potatoes with gravy and all the sides will be served followed by a scrumptious dessert.
Be sure to join us in the Lodge room at 7:30 pm for our entertainment program and the presentation of the “Sweetheart Award”. This award will be presented to a very special person who has shown great devotion to those that they have cared for. This will be a special evening and I look forward to seeing you there!
March 12 will be a rehearsal for the 18th Degree following the 7pm rehearsal of the 15th Degree. I will be contacting the same cast members who took part in the 18th Degree in the fall. This Degree will be presented in the Valley of Utica by the Valley of Syracuse on March 24, 2012.
Lawrence W. Egnaczyk, 32°
Most Wise Master
Greetings Brothers.
Winter has finally settled in after a slow start, and in just a few days, Punxsutawney Phil will let us know if an early spring will be in our future. We can only hope for a cloudy day.
The 150th Anniversary Membership Kickoff program on the 16th gave us some interesting insights on the vision of Scottish Rite, and brought new brothers who will be entering our Valley. The conferring of the 4th and 12th degrees will be Jan. 30th. Let’s all try to be there for them as they begin their new journey. February 13th is our annual Sweetheart Night program hosted by the Chapter of Rose Croix. Bring your lady and join in on a memorable evening. We round out the month on February 27th when we will be conferring the 14th Degree.
Looking beyond, we will be traveling to the Valley of Utica Saturday, March 24th to confer the 15th and 18th Degrees. Also, there is much to be done in preparation of our April celebration of the 150th Anniversary of the Valley of Syracuse. All are welcome and encouraged to join in the preparation phase, and certainly all are encouraged to be present for the Reunion.
Dave Barnello, 32°
Sovereign Prince
Who do you love? Valentine’s Day is coming soon and we will be giving some special attention to those we love. Love generates a passion within us to think about someone else. Thinking about someone else is a good thing. Too many times it’s all about me.
Masonic brotherhood promotes the all about us philosophy of life. Scottish Rite members are always looking for ways to show compassion and concern for others. Scottish Rite members are very capable of showing the love.
Helping children with dyslexia learn to read is showing love for someone who needs some extra special attention. The passion and love for whatever we do will motivate us to be the best that we can be in helping others.
Where do we find love? The Valley of Syracuse shows love to the membership and those around us. You already know that? Share the message with someone who has not yet joined the Valley of Syracuse today! Encourage them to be part of an organization that is all about us.
Happy Valentine’s Day to you and yours. See you sometime soon.
Ill. Craig Cobb, 33°
Thrice Potent Master
2012 Membership Dues
The Annual Dues notices for your 2012 Valley of Syracuse Dues have been mailed to everyone. Yes, there is an increase in your Dues again this year. This increase is caused by an increase in the Assessments the Valley pays for each member to Supreme Council, Scottish Rite. The amount of money you are paying to operate the Valley of Syracuse has not increased.
The Valley is now assessed and pays a total of $27.00 for each member; $21.00 to Supreme Council and $6.00 to New York State Council of Deliberation.
The office staff has reviewed every dues notice this year prior to its being mailed out making every effort possible to make certain that each notice was correct. If anyone has any questions regarding the invoice you received for your dues please contact the Valley Office (315) 452-7976. If you call when the office is closed please leave a message on the telephone and we will return your call and answer your questions.
Ill. James D. Swan, Jr., 33°
Valley Secretary
2012 Abbott Scholarship Applications Available
Applications to apply for a 2012 Scottish Rite Abbott Scholarship Program College Scholarship are available in the Syracuse Valley Office or on line thru the Valley Web-site ( You may call the office at (315) 452-7976 to request that the application information be mailed to you or you may stop in at the office and personally pick up the applications.
If applying for a scholarship thru the Valley of Syracuse please make certain that you obtain a copy of the Valley of Syracuse Application instructions and use them as the guide when preparing and submitting your application.
The deadline for submitting your application is March 22, 2012. That deadline means “IN THE OFFICE ON MARCH 22, 2012; NOT IN THE MAIL TO ARRIVE AT THE VALLEY OFFICE SEVERAL DAYS AFTER THE DEADLINE PASSES”. Please mail your completed applications to: Central City Bodies, AASR, Masonic Memorial Center, 648 Centerville Place, North Syracuse, NY 13212-2366.
Please respect this request due to the processing time required for the Valley office to submit your applications to the NY Council of Deliberation Scholarship Committee to a timely schedule established by them.
If you have any questions about the Abbott Scholarship Program please contact the Valley Secretary’s Office and speak to Ill. James D. Swan, Jr., 33°, Valley Secretary who will answer or get an answer to your questions.
Notes from the Children's Dyslexia Center
Well, we are back. And I have a bit of a different view point of our Center to share with you! Our 2011 year ended a bit unusually and our 2012 began in the same manner.
As in any organization, workplace, and place of learning - we have our ups and downs. The downs have been the loss of two of our children who have withdrawn.
The first child had been with us since the fall of 2011. We knew he had other issues he was dealing with but we wanted to give him a chance at the Center and he did quite well through last year and during the summer program. When he returned in the fall he seemed to be a bit of a different child. His mother noted that he was having difficulty in school and at home but she hoped he could continue here. With the advent of numerous absences, illness and the child’s lack of motivation to work through his sessions, sadly, his mother came to the decision to withdraw him from the program. We wish them all nothing but the best. Good News- within 20 minutes of receiving this news Sandy was able to schedule a child from the waitlist for pre-assessment and tutoring.
When we returned after the Holiday break we followed up on a child issue that had come to the fore just before break in which a young man had made some comments that were of concern to us. We addressed that with the parents and set up a meeting with the family which again, sadly, resulted in their decision to with draw the child from the program. Good News- he has been getting some counseling and we trust he will be able to move forward in a positive manner. We are also in the process of taking another child off the waitlist and filling that opening.
Regarding Ryan, the young man we have been following- he received a second place belt in the major wrestling tournament he was in at the end of the year. He is such a worker and we are able to begin challenging him with harder concepts – a new thing to wrestle with.
As always – Thank You for being there when we need you!!!!
Linda Martin, Director
Email- [email protected]
Phone- (315) 736-0574
Mail- Children’s Dyslexia Center- CNY
PO Box 638
Oriskany, NY 13424
150th Anniversary Ad Journal
The Valley of Syracuse, Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, will mark its 150th Anniversary with a Gala Celebration on the weekend of April 27-28, 2012.
The Valley has certainly gone through many changes during the course of its existence but the one thing that hasn’t changed is our commitment to the community and all the Brethren that belong to Lodges within its membership area.
As part of the April 2012 celebration, the Valley of Syracuse will be producing an Ad Journal and we would like your organization (or individual members or their businesses) to consider placing an ad.
The Journal will be made available to all those in attendance that weekend and will reach a very diverse audience.
Rates are as follows: Inside Covers (8.5" x 5.5") - $150; Gold Page (8.5" x 5.5") - $100; Silver Page (8.5" x 5.5") - $75; Full Page (8.5" x 5.5") - $60; Half Page (4.25" x 5.5") -$30; Quarter Page (4.25" x 2.75") - $15 and Boosters $10.
Deadline is March 1, 2012. Make checks out to "Central City Bodies, AASR" and mail, along with your ad to Valley of Syracuse, AASR, Attn: 150th Anniversary, Masonic Memorial Center, 648 Centerville Pl., N. Syracuse, NY 13212
The Scottish Rite of Freemasonry is one of two branches of Freemasonry to which a Master Mason may proceed after he has completed the first three degrees of the Symbolic or "Blue" Lodge. It includes the degrees from the 4° through the 32°.
The Northern Masonic Jurisdiction was formed in 1867 and includes the 15 states east of the Mississippi River and north of the Mason-Dixon Line and the Ohio River, including Delaware.
The Scottish Rite degrees are lessons taught through allegory in the form of plays. The lessons are taken from Biblical as well as more modern historical events. Cast members use costumes and makeup to look like the characters who they represent. Candidates learn the lessons by observing the presentation. Memorization of material presented is not required.
Scottish Rite members meet in local or regional "Valleys" and are organized into four parts; Lodge of Perfection, 4° - 14°; Council of Princes of Jerusalem, 15° - 16°; Chapter of Rose Croix, 17° - 18° and Consistory, 19° - 32°. The Valley of Syracuse meets at the Memorial Masonic Center located at 648 Centerville Place in North Syracuse. Its membership is mostly made up of Master Masons from the Onondaga, Oswego and Cortland-Madison Districts but welcomes all Master Masons in good standing. 2012 marks the 150th Anniversary of the Valley of Syracuse and we hope to have a banner year with new members.
Our 2012 “150th Anniversary” Class began with the 4° & 12° on Monday, January 30th. The culmination of the degrees and the Valley's big Celebration Weekend will be held April 28th with a visit from the Sovereign Grand Commander of the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, AASR, Ill. John William McNaughton, 33°.
Even if you missed the Degrees in January, you can still join the Spring Class! More information on joining Scottish Rite can be had by calling the Office at 315-452-7976.
Ill. Robert M. Tyrrell, 33°