Feb 03 Trustees Meeting 6:15 p.m.
Executive Committee Meeting 7:00 p.m.
Feb 10 Sweetheart Program
Social 6:00 p.m. / Dinner 6:30 p.m. / Program 7:30 p.m.
Feb 17 L-O-P Rehearse 14º 7:00 p.m.
Feb 24 L-O-P Confer 9º “Master of the Temple” 7:30 p.m.
Refreshments to follow
MARCH 2014
Mar 03 Executive Meeting 7:00 p.m.
Mar 09 C-P-J Rehearse 16° 6:00 p.m. (Sunday)
Mar 10 L-O-P Confer 14º 7:30 p.m.
Refreshments to follow
Mar 16 C-R-C Rehearse 18º 6:00 p.m.
Mar 22 C-P-J & C-R-C (Saturday)
Register 9:00a.m.
Open 9:30 a.m.
Confer 16º 10:00 a.m.
Confer 18º 11:00 a.m.
Lunch follows the degrees
Mar 24 CON Special Presentation- Morgan Incident History 7:30 p.m.
Refreshments to follow
Mar 31 CON Rehearse 32nd degree 7:00 p.m.
Greetings my Brothers.
I am filling in for our Commander-in-Chief, Ill. Robert Tyrrell, this month as he is vacationing with his family as I write.
February can be a dicey month where weather is concerned but it hasn’t exactly been a picnic for many of us so far this winter. Never the less, we have a lite schedule this month. Monday the 3rd is reserved for the Trustees and Executive Committee meetings. This is where we handle the business and planning aspects of the Valley. Typically, it is attended by the top 2 officers of each body but any member of the Valley is invited to attend.
Most Wise Master George Laird and the officers from the Chapter of Rose Croix will be your hosts of the Valley Sweetheart Dinner & Program on February 10th - see his article for more details.
The Lodge of Perfection degrees continue with the 9° on February 24th. If you know of a Brother who is interested in joining this year’s class but has not yet petitioned, please have him contact the office at 315-452-7976. It’s not too late to begin!
A big “thank you” to those that attended the Knights of St. Andrew’s Burns Supper at Coleman’s last month. As I am writing this article early in January (it was 50° today, can you believe that?), I am hoping we had good weather on the 25th and we all had a great time.
And now, a plea…
I have been leading Trinity, our DeMolay Chapter in Liverpool, since 2008 (& a year or so before that if you include its formative stage) and it is now time for me to retire from active duty. It’s a great organization for young men and it has been very rewarding to work with them. They need a shot of fresh adult leadership to keep this great chapter going. Please give some thought to helping out - if interested, please call (315-439-2386) or email me ([email protected]).
The Commander-in-Chief will be back with an article next month. Ask him about his vacation when you see him.
Until then, keep warm...
Ill.'. Richard J Powell, 33°
1st Lt. Commander
Greetings Brothers,
Actually, I do not have much to report this month. I can assure you that it Is very cold. If you go outside, please dress appropriately.
Our Sweetheart Program will be held on February 10th. We begin with a Social starting at 6:00 PM. followed with dinner at 6:30. Following dinner, the award will be presented to this years Sweetheart.
Rick Howe will entertain us with his singing and magic Guitar.
In the meantime, stay warm,
George A. Laird III, 32°
Most Wise Master
Greetings Brethren,
The 2014 session is in full swing. The membership kickoff for the spring class was held on January 13th, and the new class will see the 4th Degree on the 27th along with a presentation on Ritual History.
February will be upon us shortly and for many, it’s time to turn to our loved ones and shower them in the traditions of Valentine’s Day. The Valley of Syracuse will hold the Sweetheart Program on February 10th. Join in the celebration as we honor a special Sweetheart and your Lady. The evening begins at 6:00 pm for social time, followed by Dinner and Program.
February 24th, the 9th Degree will be conferred at 7:30 pm. Plan to attend and give our incoming members your support.
For those that may be looking to fill in the dull days remaining in winter, there are many openings in the degrees coming up this spring. Contact one of the Body Officers if you think you may be interested in supporting the cast by taking an active role. Involvement in degree presentation is one of the most rewarding experiences – and it doesn’t hurt (much). A note for those involved, there are rehearsals coming up for the spring degrees. Check your schedules and clear those dates.
Remember in this season of love to keep those not near in mind, especially those protecting our freedoms at home and abroad - that may be in harm’s way.
Dave Barnello, 32°
Sovereign Prince
Greetings Brothers,
Here we are again at that point in mid-winter when we face those cold, dark, short days and long nights. Lodge activities have slowed and we find ourselves looking for ways to fill those indoor hours. This is a great time to brighten those days with Further Light in Masonry and one excellent source of Masonic Light is the Chancellor Robert R. Livingston Masonic Library. Our Masonic Library offers a variety of services and opportunities for obtaining Further Light including Reading Courses, Genealogical Research, our archived Lodge Records and Masonic Artifacts housed on the 14th floor of Grand Lodge and at their Utica Branch at the Masonic Care Community.
As an avid reader I have personally enjoyed the Reading Courses which cover the full range of Freemasonry from Entered Apprentice through the office of District Deputy Grand Master. These 17 courses can be taken in their entirety or in part, in any order or just pick out the individual books you find of interest. There is no charge and you pay only for the return postage on the book. For more information and to register go to,, click the link to the Reading Courses and to the form, fill it out and send it in. Reading Course No.15, The Valley, is of particular interest to Scottish Rite Masons and consists of five in depth books covering all aspects of our history.
Why not take advantage of this great opportunity for Further Light provided to us by our Grand Lodge through the Robert Livingston Library.
Just a reminder of the important LOP dates in February. Monday 2/17 is Rehearsal for the 14th Degree @ 7:00 p.m., and Monday 2/24 we are Conferring the 9th Degree @ 7:30 p.m. I hope to see you all at the Sweetheart Dinner on 2/10.
Leon Bulriss, 32°
Thrice Potent Master
Greetings Brothers,
During December’s visit to the Masonic Care Community, my traveling Companion Chuck Toombs and I were invited to help distribute gifts to the many Veterans that reside there. Dennis Breheny, Commander General, and a group of Masonic War vets did a fine job during the Holidays to visit these residents.
I have been informed that Harold A. Blake Jr. is in Oswego Hospital. Please keep Harold and his family in your thoughts and prayers.
Please keep me informed of any member in need of our aid or sympathy, or a close family member. Feel free to contact me at 315-837-4962 or email at [email protected]
Dick Freeman, 32°
Scholarship Applications are Due This is a friendly reminder to all of our previous and first time Scholar Students and their family members. Deadline to submit your “Application for NYS Council of Deliberation Scholarship Aid” to the Valley Office is Thursday March 20, 2014 before the office closes at 4:00 p.m. Applications received after March 20, 2014 will not be considered. Please make certain that your applications are completed and signed. Also, make certain that all other requested information is included with your application.
Graduating High School Seniors are eligible to apply for assistance this year. Current applications which must be used are available on line or from the Valley Office. Do not use Application Forms issued from prior years.
Please contact the Valley Office (315) 452-7976 in you have any questions or require assistance completing your application.
Valley Officers This is an open letter from the Valley Secretary’s Office to all of our Scottish Rite members in the Valley of Syracuse.
The selection of members to serve as Officers in Central City Lodge of Perfection, Central City Council Princes of Jerusalem, and Central City Chapter of Rose Croix is in process. The 2014-2015 Officers will be installed into their positions in June 2014 and will serve in their positions until June 2015.
We are in need of Members willing to expand their Scottish Rite experience and knowledge by serving as an officer in our Valley Bodies for 2014-2015 and into the future.
If you have an interest in serving as an officer please contact Valley Secretary, Jim Swan or Nominating Committee Chairman, Carl Fahrenkrug, Sr. call the Valley office at (315) 452-7976 to speak to either one of these Brothers.
Feb 03 Trustees Meeting 6:15 p.m.
Executive Committee Meeting 7:00 p.m.
Feb 10 Sweetheart Program
Social 6:00 p.m. / Dinner 6:30 p.m. / Program 7:30 p.m.
Feb 17 L-O-P Rehearse 14º 7:00 p.m.
Feb 24 L-O-P Confer 9º “Master of the Temple” 7:30 p.m.
Refreshments to follow
MARCH 2014
Mar 03 Executive Meeting 7:00 p.m.
Mar 09 C-P-J Rehearse 16° 6:00 p.m. (Sunday)
Mar 10 L-O-P Confer 14º 7:30 p.m.
Refreshments to follow
Mar 16 C-R-C Rehearse 18º 6:00 p.m.
Mar 22 C-P-J & C-R-C (Saturday)
Register 9:00a.m.
Open 9:30 a.m.
Confer 16º 10:00 a.m.
Confer 18º 11:00 a.m.
Lunch follows the degrees
Mar 24 CON Special Presentation- Morgan Incident History 7:30 p.m.
Refreshments to follow
Mar 31 CON Rehearse 32nd degree 7:00 p.m.
Greetings my Brothers.
I am filling in for our Commander-in-Chief, Ill. Robert Tyrrell, this month as he is vacationing with his family as I write.
February can be a dicey month where weather is concerned but it hasn’t exactly been a picnic for many of us so far this winter. Never the less, we have a lite schedule this month. Monday the 3rd is reserved for the Trustees and Executive Committee meetings. This is where we handle the business and planning aspects of the Valley. Typically, it is attended by the top 2 officers of each body but any member of the Valley is invited to attend.
Most Wise Master George Laird and the officers from the Chapter of Rose Croix will be your hosts of the Valley Sweetheart Dinner & Program on February 10th - see his article for more details.
The Lodge of Perfection degrees continue with the 9° on February 24th. If you know of a Brother who is interested in joining this year’s class but has not yet petitioned, please have him contact the office at 315-452-7976. It’s not too late to begin!
A big “thank you” to those that attended the Knights of St. Andrew’s Burns Supper at Coleman’s last month. As I am writing this article early in January (it was 50° today, can you believe that?), I am hoping we had good weather on the 25th and we all had a great time.
And now, a plea…
I have been leading Trinity, our DeMolay Chapter in Liverpool, since 2008 (& a year or so before that if you include its formative stage) and it is now time for me to retire from active duty. It’s a great organization for young men and it has been very rewarding to work with them. They need a shot of fresh adult leadership to keep this great chapter going. Please give some thought to helping out - if interested, please call (315-439-2386) or email me ([email protected]).
The Commander-in-Chief will be back with an article next month. Ask him about his vacation when you see him.
Until then, keep warm...
Ill.'. Richard J Powell, 33°
1st Lt. Commander
Greetings Brothers,
Actually, I do not have much to report this month. I can assure you that it Is very cold. If you go outside, please dress appropriately.
Our Sweetheart Program will be held on February 10th. We begin with a Social starting at 6:00 PM. followed with dinner at 6:30. Following dinner, the award will be presented to this years Sweetheart.
Rick Howe will entertain us with his singing and magic Guitar.
In the meantime, stay warm,
George A. Laird III, 32°
Most Wise Master
Greetings Brethren,
The 2014 session is in full swing. The membership kickoff for the spring class was held on January 13th, and the new class will see the 4th Degree on the 27th along with a presentation on Ritual History.
February will be upon us shortly and for many, it’s time to turn to our loved ones and shower them in the traditions of Valentine’s Day. The Valley of Syracuse will hold the Sweetheart Program on February 10th. Join in the celebration as we honor a special Sweetheart and your Lady. The evening begins at 6:00 pm for social time, followed by Dinner and Program.
February 24th, the 9th Degree will be conferred at 7:30 pm. Plan to attend and give our incoming members your support.
For those that may be looking to fill in the dull days remaining in winter, there are many openings in the degrees coming up this spring. Contact one of the Body Officers if you think you may be interested in supporting the cast by taking an active role. Involvement in degree presentation is one of the most rewarding experiences – and it doesn’t hurt (much). A note for those involved, there are rehearsals coming up for the spring degrees. Check your schedules and clear those dates.
Remember in this season of love to keep those not near in mind, especially those protecting our freedoms at home and abroad - that may be in harm’s way.
Dave Barnello, 32°
Sovereign Prince
Greetings Brothers,
Here we are again at that point in mid-winter when we face those cold, dark, short days and long nights. Lodge activities have slowed and we find ourselves looking for ways to fill those indoor hours. This is a great time to brighten those days with Further Light in Masonry and one excellent source of Masonic Light is the Chancellor Robert R. Livingston Masonic Library. Our Masonic Library offers a variety of services and opportunities for obtaining Further Light including Reading Courses, Genealogical Research, our archived Lodge Records and Masonic Artifacts housed on the 14th floor of Grand Lodge and at their Utica Branch at the Masonic Care Community.
As an avid reader I have personally enjoyed the Reading Courses which cover the full range of Freemasonry from Entered Apprentice through the office of District Deputy Grand Master. These 17 courses can be taken in their entirety or in part, in any order or just pick out the individual books you find of interest. There is no charge and you pay only for the return postage on the book. For more information and to register go to,, click the link to the Reading Courses and to the form, fill it out and send it in. Reading Course No.15, The Valley, is of particular interest to Scottish Rite Masons and consists of five in depth books covering all aspects of our history.
Why not take advantage of this great opportunity for Further Light provided to us by our Grand Lodge through the Robert Livingston Library.
Just a reminder of the important LOP dates in February. Monday 2/17 is Rehearsal for the 14th Degree @ 7:00 p.m., and Monday 2/24 we are Conferring the 9th Degree @ 7:30 p.m. I hope to see you all at the Sweetheart Dinner on 2/10.
Leon Bulriss, 32°
Thrice Potent Master
Greetings Brothers,
During December’s visit to the Masonic Care Community, my traveling Companion Chuck Toombs and I were invited to help distribute gifts to the many Veterans that reside there. Dennis Breheny, Commander General, and a group of Masonic War vets did a fine job during the Holidays to visit these residents.
I have been informed that Harold A. Blake Jr. is in Oswego Hospital. Please keep Harold and his family in your thoughts and prayers.
Please keep me informed of any member in need of our aid or sympathy, or a close family member. Feel free to contact me at 315-837-4962 or email at [email protected]
Dick Freeman, 32°
Scholarship Applications are Due This is a friendly reminder to all of our previous and first time Scholar Students and their family members. Deadline to submit your “Application for NYS Council of Deliberation Scholarship Aid” to the Valley Office is Thursday March 20, 2014 before the office closes at 4:00 p.m. Applications received after March 20, 2014 will not be considered. Please make certain that your applications are completed and signed. Also, make certain that all other requested information is included with your application.
Graduating High School Seniors are eligible to apply for assistance this year. Current applications which must be used are available on line or from the Valley Office. Do not use Application Forms issued from prior years.
Please contact the Valley Office (315) 452-7976 in you have any questions or require assistance completing your application.
Valley Officers This is an open letter from the Valley Secretary’s Office to all of our Scottish Rite members in the Valley of Syracuse.
The selection of members to serve as Officers in Central City Lodge of Perfection, Central City Council Princes of Jerusalem, and Central City Chapter of Rose Croix is in process. The 2014-2015 Officers will be installed into their positions in June 2014 and will serve in their positions until June 2015.
We are in need of Members willing to expand their Scottish Rite experience and knowledge by serving as an officer in our Valley Bodies for 2014-2015 and into the future.
If you have an interest in serving as an officer please contact Valley Secretary, Jim Swan or Nominating Committee Chairman, Carl Fahrenkrug, Sr. call the Valley office at (315) 452-7976 to speak to either one of these Brothers.