December 2022
Dec 05 Executive Committee Zoom Meeting 7:00 p.m.
Dec 12 Holiday Celebration With the Ladies
Social 6:00 p.m. / Dinner 6:30 p.m. / Program 7:30 p.m.
Dec 27 (Tuesday) Holiday Luncheon @Twin Trees Restaurant 11:45 a.m.
January 2023
Jan 09 Executive Committee Zoom Meeting 7:00 p.m.
Jan 23 Spring Membership Night w/ Ladies
Social 6:00 p.m. / Dinner 6:30 p.m. / Program 7:30 p.m.
Jan 28 KSA Burns Supper @ Coleman’s Restaurant 5:00 p.m.
Jan 30 15° (V) “Knight of the East” & 16° “Prince of Jerusalem” 7:30 p.m.
Refreshments to follow
Greeting Brethren, several important programs took place in November. On the 14th we held Veteran’s Recognition Night honoring our Masonic Nominee for Veteran of the Year, George A. Laird III and the non-Masonic Veteran Ms. Sarah Stenuf. An excellent presentation of “The Ring that went Around the World” was presented by D.B. Terry A. Byard, 32 degree MSA, 2 nd Lt. Commander and his cast. Thank you to all that participated. November 20 th the KOSA held a Brunch at the Brae Lock Inn in Cazenovia. Thank you to Rick Powell and the KOSA for all they do. On November 28th, the 17th and the 32nd Degree videos were presented with a live Knighting Ceremony. Congratulations to all our new Sublime Princes of the Royal Secret.
Our Valley Seasonal Festivities begin on December 12th with a Holiday Celebration dinner joined by our Ladies. This will be followed by an excellent program of Holiday Music presented by “Rick Fiori & Daughter”. Mark this date on your calendar. This is sure to be an enjoyable evening.
Tuesday, December 27 th , there will be a Holiday Luncheon at Twin Trees III Restaurant, 310 N. Main Street, No. Syracuse, NY 13212, 11:45 a.m. till? Pizza, Wings and Salad will be served and we will all pay the same price (unless you order beverages etc.) The price has yet to be determined. Because of staffing problems, we will not be able to order from the menu. As the event gets closer the food choice may change. The event is casual dress.
Brothers, if you have not already done so, please consider making a contribution to “The Blue Envelope Appeal”. In 2021 our Valley gave $2104. It is not how much you give. What is most important is that we all participate and give something. Your contributions will not only help others; the percentage of participation counts toward our Valley achieving the Valley of Excellence Award again this year. Thank you.
My Lady Marilyn and I wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and a Joyous Kwanzaa. Especially at this time of the year keep those serving in our Armed Forces in your thoughts and prayers as they keep our country safe and often are unable to be with their families and loved ones during this Holiday Season.
D.B. Leon A. Bulriss, 32° MSA
Commander in Chief
Greetings, Princes. I like to say it's great to be back and how I enjoy meeting new people. I am in the process of setting up the cast for the Feast of the Pascal Lamb. There are several parts available so if interested please contact the office or me at (315) 632 -1395.
The Christmas Season is upon us and there are many exciting events scheduled for this month. There will be a Holiday Celebration Dinner on December 12. Please sign up as it's always great to meet new members and see old friends.Also there will be a Christmas Luncheon at Twin Trees III on December 27. Please get your reservations early as this event fills up fast. Contact Jim Swan or the office for your reservation.
I wish everyone a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year.
Richard E. Barrett
Most Wise Master.
Valiant Knights,
Greetings. I wish to thank all who were in attendance for our recent rehearsal and thank in double those who sent their regrets but still plan on participating in the degree. It is this great communication and correspondence that permits your CPJ officers and Secretary to coordinate as needed and I look forward to seeing those who can attend the next 16th degree rehearsal on Dec. 19th 2022 at 7:00 p.m. or as your cable-tow permits.
For those who could not make it, I wish to share that there was a resounding praise for the efficiency, inclusion, and direction by Senior Warden Mike Miller who exhibited great leadership. May G-d bless you Mike as your work merits that you will be able to be my predecessor, and know that I acknowledge your industry and respect you and many brothers who were in attendance as also being my Masonic forebears.
Furthermore I wish to thank the other CPJ officers in attendance, High Priest Jeffrey Cox, Junior Warden Shane Bird and Master of Entrances Kevin Cobb. Finally, a hearty thanks to our Commander In Chief Leon Bulriss and 1st Lieutenant Commander Bill Toth for your participation and leadership as we enter further into our 2022 Fall Schedule. It is good to see us dwelling in unity with a teamwork in our Valley that honors our Scottish Rite ancestors.
Regarding our Scottish Rite ancestry and to conclude, I wish to share a bit from the Francken Manuscript Ca. 1783 available through the Supreme Council Website NMJ. This now 239 year old Ms. states regarding the CPJ on pg. 459-460 that, « Knights of the East arrive to this high degree as by virtue of their Humility and Patience. A humility and patience that is first cultivated in our craft lodges and expounded upon in our CPJ where we learn to, « receive wages under the auspices of having, Yaverom Hamaim or Liberty to Pass « abbreviated as L:.D:.P:. on older aprons signifying Liberté de Passage in French. » It is elaborated that, This Liberty to Pass is not devoid of discipline but a result of great care and consideration. Therefore, we pass for as Knights we are charged and enact ourselves to love and adore G-d, hold Tradition to Honor, succor our brethren in Necessity, to anticipate their wants, receive with friendship strange brothers, and to visit the sick and comfort them etc. Therefore through our allegory and symbols in the CPJ we learn our liberty and freedom is not without responsibility and duty.
In fall and times of harvest there are many traditions of giving thanks to our ancestors and sustenance. It is a time of reverence and what better way than giving our humble thanks and praise? Thank you Knights, our incoming class and greater Masonic family and as Fall concludes may we continue with a heart full of thanks and praise.
Caleb W. Haines, 32° HGA
Sovereign Prince
Hello Princes, Let me begin by thanking you brothers for the cards, wishes for healing and prayers following my recent surgery. I have been pretty much sidelined since October 17 which has come as a bit of a surprise to me thinking a week or two of healing would be sufficient but apparently this aging body had other plans!
Alas as I write this article a whole month has slipped by without my having been engaged in Scottish Rite activities. Having said that I am very much looking forward to being with you all as have our holiday celebration with our ladies on December 12.
For those of us who have parts in the 16° the second rehearsal is scheduled for December 19. As is always the case, the degree teaches important lessons for us.
For those who can attend the Holliday luncheon on December 27 at Twin Trees lll is an excellent time for fellowship.
Because I have been out of commission for a few weeks I am not quite sure if we have filled out the cast for the 11°. But there is still time as we won’t have a rehearsal until February 20.
Until Next time Jeanne and I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy Hanukkah.
D.B. Stephen G. Maddox, 32° MSA
Thrice Potent Master
Greetings Brothers, Under sickness and distress, please keep the families of Ill. David E. Barnes, Harold Brown, George Casswell, Diana Toth, Jim Nelson, and Dave VanAuken in our thoughts and prayers. Illness and loss of loved ones is always difficult, but especially so with the holidays fast approaching.
Shorter days and darker nights are here. Driving conditions are changing as well, so be safe out there in your travels.
Please keep our Troops in mind over the holidays. Their sacrifice to keep us safe sometimes gets taken for granted.
If you are in need of some confidential assistance please contact Bob Tyrrell or myself…We may be able to provide some type of help. Don’t forget the Blue envelopes !
Merry Christmas
Dick Freeman – 315-837-4962
[email protected]
Welcome to My World
Notes from the Children’s Dyslexia Center CNY
It is so hard to believe that we are getting ready to enter 2023 and begin the second half of our 19 th year. The children continue to come (around flus and school functions) and the tutors are doing all the wonderful things they do. Everything at the Center goes as smoothly as any program can working around weather, health, children, families, schools, and schedules. All of these things are an almost daily part of our lives at the Center and we seem to keep everything afloat. This is largely due to a cohesive staff and the continued support of our Board and all of you.
I wanted to let you know that Alyssa, Marianne and myself are all taking a Therapy Level training through Lexington that will ensure the Center has all the training and credentials to keep us current and certified as required. I have the Therapy status through another organization and will now have it through the CDC. You should know that all of the tutors at the Center work hard to keep current on their CEU’s (continuing education hours) and must achieve 30 CEU credits every three years. I myself have trained and recertified 6 times in the last 18 years.
There are so many little details (many coordinated by Gineal) that must be considered in our day-to-day functioning (did you know that every tutor and staff member has to have a national background check every two years?). When you add in all the factors mentioned above, it is sometimes a wonder that we get it all done- but we do. We could not accomplish the day to day training and tutoring that is so beneficial to the children without the continued support of all of you and for that we are eternally grateful.
Sending Thanks and wishing you all The Blessings of the season.
Linda L. Martin, Director
Email- [email protected]
Phone- (315) 736-0574
Mail- Children’s Dyslexia Center- CNY
PO Box 638
Oriskany, NY 13424
The festive Holiday Season is upon us once again. The traditional greetings of “Merry Christmas, Happy New Year!” have given way to the now socially acceptable greeting “Happy Holidays!”.
Whatever your preference, the Officers of Central City Bodies, and the staff at the Valley of Syracuse Scottish Rite Office extends their sincere Holiday Greetings to all who take the time to scan and read our Scottish Rite page each issue. To the leaders in the four Bodies of Scottish Rite in the Valley of Syracuse this year thank you for the support and assistance provided to your office staff.
To all of our fellow Scottish Riters and Master Masons and their family members wherever you may be this Holiday Season; our prayers and thoughts are with you. May your travels all be safe. Please make certain to remember our Valley Members on Active Duty in the Military in your thoughts and prayers.
On behalf of D.B. Leon A. Bulriss, 32º MSA Commander-In-Chief, Central City Consistory, Ded. B. Richard E. Barrett, 32º DSA, Most Wise Master, Central City Chapter Rose Croix, D. B. Caleb W. Haines, 32º MSA, HGA, Sovereign Prince, Central City Council Princes of Jerusalem, D.B. Stephen G. Maddox, 32º MSA, Thrice Potent Master, Central City Lodge of Perfection and your office staff; Mrs. Sharon Fox, Mrs. Sharon Swan, and Ill.·. James D. Swan, Jr., 33º, Valley of Syracuse Secretary, Happy Holidays; Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
The 2022 Holiday Luncheon will be held at Twin Trees III Restaurant in North Syracuse on Tuesday December 27th with an 11:45 AM Gathering Time and a Noon Serving Time. Due to COVID issues, there will be a restricted menu consisting of assorted pizzas, salad w/dressings, wings, soda & draft beer.
Prepaid Reservations are required and must be sent to the office by December 20th. No Walk-Ins!!!
Cost is $28.00 per person. Please send names along with payment for each to Central City Bodies, A.A.S.R., 648 Centerville Pl., North Syracuse, NY 13212-2366
Blue Envelope Appeal
You recently received the annual “Blue Envelope Appeal” letter from Supreme Council requesting your annual contribution. I urge you to support this request. Any contribution you may make is significant. The number of members from a valley that contribute to the “Blue Envelope Appeal” directly impacts the dollar amounts allocated to the Valleys within each state for distribution to our scholars. The percentage of members from each Valley that contribute is key to distribution of the Abbott Scholarship Funds and to the Valley’s rankings in the Supreme Council “Valley of Excellence” ratings.
Abbott Scholarships funded by Supreme Council, NMJ or a New York State Educational Financial Assistance Grant funded by the New York State Scottish Rite Charities Corporation are assisting the children and grandchildren of our current and deceased members.
The Valley of Syracuse submitted financial aid requests for six students seeking financial aid to assist them pay for their education during the 2022-2023 year.
All six of the students related to our Valley’s members that requested financial assistance are currently receiving Scottish Rite funded financial aid for the 2022 - 2023 academic year. These young people are our future. We thank you for your support.
Jim Swan
Valley Secretary
2023 – 2024 Scholarship Applications Available
Applications to apply for 2023 – 2024 Academic Year Supreme Council, AASR Leon M. Abbott Scholarships and New York State Council of Deliberation Scholarship Aid are now available for online pick up at the Central City Bodies, A.A.S.R. Valley of Syracuse Scottish Rite Web Site. Go to the Valley of Syracuse Web site or the New York State Council of Deliberation Web site for the links to obtain the information online. Applications received from a Scottish Rite Mason’s relatives are to be submitted thru the member’s Valley of membership.
Application titled “2023 Leon M. Abbott Scholarship Application is to be used.
To all applicants submitting your application thru the Valley of Syracuse: The deadline date to submit your completed applications to the Valley of Syracuse business office is Monday April 3, 2023. That means in the office by close of business Monday April 3, 2023. Applications received after 4:00 p.m. Monday April 3, 2023 will not be considered.
New Applications must be used. The 2023 Leon M. Abbott Scholarship Application to be used.
Graduating High School Seniors may apply again this year.
The members of our Masonic Youth Groups; Triangle, Rainbow, and DeMolay; are eligible to apply for financial assistance. A masonic relationship is not required.
Students who complete the program at the Children’s Dyslexia Centers in New York State may also apply. A masonic relationship is not required.
Six applicants from the Valley of Syracuse received financial assistance from this program for the 2022-2023 scholastic year. Congratulations and best wishes to them. Please contact the Valley Office at (315) 452-7976 or [email protected] if you have any questions or require assistance and information.
2023 Member’s Dues
Most of you have received the invoice for your 2023 Member’s Dues from Supreme Council by the date you read this article. A new Member’s Card replacing your old card is included in the envelope with the invoice. Please be prepared to present that card to the Sentinel or his assistant when you attend a Valley meeting.
If you have not received both the 2023 Member’s Dues invoice and your 2023 Member’s Dues Card; please contact the Valley Office by calling 315-452-7976 immediately.
If you have not paid your 2022 Member’s Dues to date; please do so. The Supreme Council implemented a new annual dues collection schedule in 2021. Remember, 2023 Member’s Dues are due to be paid by January 31, 2023 to be current for 2023. At the present time the Valley of Syracuse is owed more than $6,000.00 in arrears member’s dues dating from 2022 back to 2019 from its members.
As a reminder to all members the Valley must pay $30.00 to Supreme Council and $6.00 to the New York Council of Deliberation for every member on its rolls effective June 15 each year. Money not paid prior to June 15 is paid to the Supreme Council from the GENERAL VALLEY FUNDS.
If your 2021 Member’s Dues are not paid by January 31, 2023 your Scottish Rite membership can be suspended. This policy was suspended for two years due to COVID PANDEMIC but is now reinstated.
By popular request the Valley office has initiated a “PayPal” payment account to assist our members desiring to pay their Member’s Dues or to make reservations for Valley Events by an alternate method other than by check or by credit card, or cash. Immediately contact the Valley of Syracuse office if you have a problem using this convenience.
Please contact the Valley Office (315) 452-7976 if you have any questions regarding the status of your Member’s Dues.
December 2022
Dec 05 Executive Committee Zoom Meeting 7:00 p.m.
Dec 12 Holiday Celebration With the Ladies
Social 6:00 p.m. / Dinner 6:30 p.m. / Program 7:30 p.m.
Dec 27 (Tuesday) Holiday Luncheon @Twin Trees Restaurant 11:45 a.m.
January 2023
Jan 09 Executive Committee Zoom Meeting 7:00 p.m.
Jan 23 Spring Membership Night w/ Ladies
Social 6:00 p.m. / Dinner 6:30 p.m. / Program 7:30 p.m.
Jan 28 KSA Burns Supper @ Coleman’s Restaurant 5:00 p.m.
Jan 30 15° (V) “Knight of the East” & 16° “Prince of Jerusalem” 7:30 p.m.
Refreshments to follow
Greeting Brethren, several important programs took place in November. On the 14th we held Veteran’s Recognition Night honoring our Masonic Nominee for Veteran of the Year, George A. Laird III and the non-Masonic Veteran Ms. Sarah Stenuf. An excellent presentation of “The Ring that went Around the World” was presented by D.B. Terry A. Byard, 32 degree MSA, 2 nd Lt. Commander and his cast. Thank you to all that participated. November 20 th the KOSA held a Brunch at the Brae Lock Inn in Cazenovia. Thank you to Rick Powell and the KOSA for all they do. On November 28th, the 17th and the 32nd Degree videos were presented with a live Knighting Ceremony. Congratulations to all our new Sublime Princes of the Royal Secret.
Our Valley Seasonal Festivities begin on December 12th with a Holiday Celebration dinner joined by our Ladies. This will be followed by an excellent program of Holiday Music presented by “Rick Fiori & Daughter”. Mark this date on your calendar. This is sure to be an enjoyable evening.
Tuesday, December 27 th , there will be a Holiday Luncheon at Twin Trees III Restaurant, 310 N. Main Street, No. Syracuse, NY 13212, 11:45 a.m. till? Pizza, Wings and Salad will be served and we will all pay the same price (unless you order beverages etc.) The price has yet to be determined. Because of staffing problems, we will not be able to order from the menu. As the event gets closer the food choice may change. The event is casual dress.
Brothers, if you have not already done so, please consider making a contribution to “The Blue Envelope Appeal”. In 2021 our Valley gave $2104. It is not how much you give. What is most important is that we all participate and give something. Your contributions will not only help others; the percentage of participation counts toward our Valley achieving the Valley of Excellence Award again this year. Thank you.
My Lady Marilyn and I wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and a Joyous Kwanzaa. Especially at this time of the year keep those serving in our Armed Forces in your thoughts and prayers as they keep our country safe and often are unable to be with their families and loved ones during this Holiday Season.
D.B. Leon A. Bulriss, 32° MSA
Commander in Chief
Greetings, Princes. I like to say it's great to be back and how I enjoy meeting new people. I am in the process of setting up the cast for the Feast of the Pascal Lamb. There are several parts available so if interested please contact the office or me at (315) 632 -1395.
The Christmas Season is upon us and there are many exciting events scheduled for this month. There will be a Holiday Celebration Dinner on December 12. Please sign up as it's always great to meet new members and see old friends.Also there will be a Christmas Luncheon at Twin Trees III on December 27. Please get your reservations early as this event fills up fast. Contact Jim Swan or the office for your reservation.
I wish everyone a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year.
Richard E. Barrett
Most Wise Master.
Valiant Knights,
Greetings. I wish to thank all who were in attendance for our recent rehearsal and thank in double those who sent their regrets but still plan on participating in the degree. It is this great communication and correspondence that permits your CPJ officers and Secretary to coordinate as needed and I look forward to seeing those who can attend the next 16th degree rehearsal on Dec. 19th 2022 at 7:00 p.m. or as your cable-tow permits.
For those who could not make it, I wish to share that there was a resounding praise for the efficiency, inclusion, and direction by Senior Warden Mike Miller who exhibited great leadership. May G-d bless you Mike as your work merits that you will be able to be my predecessor, and know that I acknowledge your industry and respect you and many brothers who were in attendance as also being my Masonic forebears.
Furthermore I wish to thank the other CPJ officers in attendance, High Priest Jeffrey Cox, Junior Warden Shane Bird and Master of Entrances Kevin Cobb. Finally, a hearty thanks to our Commander In Chief Leon Bulriss and 1st Lieutenant Commander Bill Toth for your participation and leadership as we enter further into our 2022 Fall Schedule. It is good to see us dwelling in unity with a teamwork in our Valley that honors our Scottish Rite ancestors.
Regarding our Scottish Rite ancestry and to conclude, I wish to share a bit from the Francken Manuscript Ca. 1783 available through the Supreme Council Website NMJ. This now 239 year old Ms. states regarding the CPJ on pg. 459-460 that, « Knights of the East arrive to this high degree as by virtue of their Humility and Patience. A humility and patience that is first cultivated in our craft lodges and expounded upon in our CPJ where we learn to, « receive wages under the auspices of having, Yaverom Hamaim or Liberty to Pass « abbreviated as L:.D:.P:. on older aprons signifying Liberté de Passage in French. » It is elaborated that, This Liberty to Pass is not devoid of discipline but a result of great care and consideration. Therefore, we pass for as Knights we are charged and enact ourselves to love and adore G-d, hold Tradition to Honor, succor our brethren in Necessity, to anticipate their wants, receive with friendship strange brothers, and to visit the sick and comfort them etc. Therefore through our allegory and symbols in the CPJ we learn our liberty and freedom is not without responsibility and duty.
In fall and times of harvest there are many traditions of giving thanks to our ancestors and sustenance. It is a time of reverence and what better way than giving our humble thanks and praise? Thank you Knights, our incoming class and greater Masonic family and as Fall concludes may we continue with a heart full of thanks and praise.
Caleb W. Haines, 32° HGA
Sovereign Prince
Hello Princes, Let me begin by thanking you brothers for the cards, wishes for healing and prayers following my recent surgery. I have been pretty much sidelined since October 17 which has come as a bit of a surprise to me thinking a week or two of healing would be sufficient but apparently this aging body had other plans!
Alas as I write this article a whole month has slipped by without my having been engaged in Scottish Rite activities. Having said that I am very much looking forward to being with you all as have our holiday celebration with our ladies on December 12.
For those of us who have parts in the 16° the second rehearsal is scheduled for December 19. As is always the case, the degree teaches important lessons for us.
For those who can attend the Holliday luncheon on December 27 at Twin Trees lll is an excellent time for fellowship.
Because I have been out of commission for a few weeks I am not quite sure if we have filled out the cast for the 11°. But there is still time as we won’t have a rehearsal until February 20.
Until Next time Jeanne and I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy Hanukkah.
D.B. Stephen G. Maddox, 32° MSA
Thrice Potent Master
Greetings Brothers, Under sickness and distress, please keep the families of Ill. David E. Barnes, Harold Brown, George Casswell, Diana Toth, Jim Nelson, and Dave VanAuken in our thoughts and prayers. Illness and loss of loved ones is always difficult, but especially so with the holidays fast approaching.
Shorter days and darker nights are here. Driving conditions are changing as well, so be safe out there in your travels.
Please keep our Troops in mind over the holidays. Their sacrifice to keep us safe sometimes gets taken for granted.
If you are in need of some confidential assistance please contact Bob Tyrrell or myself…We may be able to provide some type of help. Don’t forget the Blue envelopes !
Merry Christmas
Dick Freeman – 315-837-4962
[email protected]
Welcome to My World
Notes from the Children’s Dyslexia Center CNY
It is so hard to believe that we are getting ready to enter 2023 and begin the second half of our 19 th year. The children continue to come (around flus and school functions) and the tutors are doing all the wonderful things they do. Everything at the Center goes as smoothly as any program can working around weather, health, children, families, schools, and schedules. All of these things are an almost daily part of our lives at the Center and we seem to keep everything afloat. This is largely due to a cohesive staff and the continued support of our Board and all of you.
I wanted to let you know that Alyssa, Marianne and myself are all taking a Therapy Level training through Lexington that will ensure the Center has all the training and credentials to keep us current and certified as required. I have the Therapy status through another organization and will now have it through the CDC. You should know that all of the tutors at the Center work hard to keep current on their CEU’s (continuing education hours) and must achieve 30 CEU credits every three years. I myself have trained and recertified 6 times in the last 18 years.
There are so many little details (many coordinated by Gineal) that must be considered in our day-to-day functioning (did you know that every tutor and staff member has to have a national background check every two years?). When you add in all the factors mentioned above, it is sometimes a wonder that we get it all done- but we do. We could not accomplish the day to day training and tutoring that is so beneficial to the children without the continued support of all of you and for that we are eternally grateful.
Sending Thanks and wishing you all The Blessings of the season.
Linda L. Martin, Director
Email- [email protected]
Phone- (315) 736-0574
Mail- Children’s Dyslexia Center- CNY
PO Box 638
Oriskany, NY 13424
The festive Holiday Season is upon us once again. The traditional greetings of “Merry Christmas, Happy New Year!” have given way to the now socially acceptable greeting “Happy Holidays!”.
Whatever your preference, the Officers of Central City Bodies, and the staff at the Valley of Syracuse Scottish Rite Office extends their sincere Holiday Greetings to all who take the time to scan and read our Scottish Rite page each issue. To the leaders in the four Bodies of Scottish Rite in the Valley of Syracuse this year thank you for the support and assistance provided to your office staff.
To all of our fellow Scottish Riters and Master Masons and their family members wherever you may be this Holiday Season; our prayers and thoughts are with you. May your travels all be safe. Please make certain to remember our Valley Members on Active Duty in the Military in your thoughts and prayers.
On behalf of D.B. Leon A. Bulriss, 32º MSA Commander-In-Chief, Central City Consistory, Ded. B. Richard E. Barrett, 32º DSA, Most Wise Master, Central City Chapter Rose Croix, D. B. Caleb W. Haines, 32º MSA, HGA, Sovereign Prince, Central City Council Princes of Jerusalem, D.B. Stephen G. Maddox, 32º MSA, Thrice Potent Master, Central City Lodge of Perfection and your office staff; Mrs. Sharon Fox, Mrs. Sharon Swan, and Ill.·. James D. Swan, Jr., 33º, Valley of Syracuse Secretary, Happy Holidays; Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
The 2022 Holiday Luncheon will be held at Twin Trees III Restaurant in North Syracuse on Tuesday December 27th with an 11:45 AM Gathering Time and a Noon Serving Time. Due to COVID issues, there will be a restricted menu consisting of assorted pizzas, salad w/dressings, wings, soda & draft beer.
Prepaid Reservations are required and must be sent to the office by December 20th. No Walk-Ins!!!
Cost is $28.00 per person. Please send names along with payment for each to Central City Bodies, A.A.S.R., 648 Centerville Pl., North Syracuse, NY 13212-2366
Blue Envelope Appeal
You recently received the annual “Blue Envelope Appeal” letter from Supreme Council requesting your annual contribution. I urge you to support this request. Any contribution you may make is significant. The number of members from a valley that contribute to the “Blue Envelope Appeal” directly impacts the dollar amounts allocated to the Valleys within each state for distribution to our scholars. The percentage of members from each Valley that contribute is key to distribution of the Abbott Scholarship Funds and to the Valley’s rankings in the Supreme Council “Valley of Excellence” ratings.
Abbott Scholarships funded by Supreme Council, NMJ or a New York State Educational Financial Assistance Grant funded by the New York State Scottish Rite Charities Corporation are assisting the children and grandchildren of our current and deceased members.
The Valley of Syracuse submitted financial aid requests for six students seeking financial aid to assist them pay for their education during the 2022-2023 year.
All six of the students related to our Valley’s members that requested financial assistance are currently receiving Scottish Rite funded financial aid for the 2022 - 2023 academic year. These young people are our future. We thank you for your support.
Jim Swan
Valley Secretary
2023 – 2024 Scholarship Applications Available
Applications to apply for 2023 – 2024 Academic Year Supreme Council, AASR Leon M. Abbott Scholarships and New York State Council of Deliberation Scholarship Aid are now available for online pick up at the Central City Bodies, A.A.S.R. Valley of Syracuse Scottish Rite Web Site. Go to the Valley of Syracuse Web site or the New York State Council of Deliberation Web site for the links to obtain the information online. Applications received from a Scottish Rite Mason’s relatives are to be submitted thru the member’s Valley of membership.
Application titled “2023 Leon M. Abbott Scholarship Application is to be used.
To all applicants submitting your application thru the Valley of Syracuse: The deadline date to submit your completed applications to the Valley of Syracuse business office is Monday April 3, 2023. That means in the office by close of business Monday April 3, 2023. Applications received after 4:00 p.m. Monday April 3, 2023 will not be considered.
New Applications must be used. The 2023 Leon M. Abbott Scholarship Application to be used.
Graduating High School Seniors may apply again this year.
The members of our Masonic Youth Groups; Triangle, Rainbow, and DeMolay; are eligible to apply for financial assistance. A masonic relationship is not required.
Students who complete the program at the Children’s Dyslexia Centers in New York State may also apply. A masonic relationship is not required.
Six applicants from the Valley of Syracuse received financial assistance from this program for the 2022-2023 scholastic year. Congratulations and best wishes to them. Please contact the Valley Office at (315) 452-7976 or [email protected] if you have any questions or require assistance and information.
2023 Member’s Dues
Most of you have received the invoice for your 2023 Member’s Dues from Supreme Council by the date you read this article. A new Member’s Card replacing your old card is included in the envelope with the invoice. Please be prepared to present that card to the Sentinel or his assistant when you attend a Valley meeting.
If you have not received both the 2023 Member’s Dues invoice and your 2023 Member’s Dues Card; please contact the Valley Office by calling 315-452-7976 immediately.
If you have not paid your 2022 Member’s Dues to date; please do so. The Supreme Council implemented a new annual dues collection schedule in 2021. Remember, 2023 Member’s Dues are due to be paid by January 31, 2023 to be current for 2023. At the present time the Valley of Syracuse is owed more than $6,000.00 in arrears member’s dues dating from 2022 back to 2019 from its members.
As a reminder to all members the Valley must pay $30.00 to Supreme Council and $6.00 to the New York Council of Deliberation for every member on its rolls effective June 15 each year. Money not paid prior to June 15 is paid to the Supreme Council from the GENERAL VALLEY FUNDS.
If your 2021 Member’s Dues are not paid by January 31, 2023 your Scottish Rite membership can be suspended. This policy was suspended for two years due to COVID PANDEMIC but is now reinstated.
By popular request the Valley office has initiated a “PayPal” payment account to assist our members desiring to pay their Member’s Dues or to make reservations for Valley Events by an alternate method other than by check or by credit card, or cash. Immediately contact the Valley of Syracuse office if you have a problem using this convenience.
Please contact the Valley Office (315) 452-7976 if you have any questions regarding the status of your Member’s Dues.