Dec 01 Executive Committee 7:00 p.m.
Dec 08 Holiday Celebration with the Ladies
Social 6:00 p.m. / Dinner 6:30 p.m. /Program 7:30 p.m.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays
Dec 29 Holiday Luncheon (Monday) @Twin Trees III Restaurant
11:30 a.m. til?? / Casual Order from the Menu / Individual Checks
Happy New Year!!
Jan 05 Executive Committee 7:00 p.m.
Jan 12 Spring membership Night w/ Ladies Guest Night
Social 6:00 p.m. / Dinner 6:30 p.m. /Program 7:30 p.m.
Jan 26 L-O-P Degree Conferral 7:30 p.m.
4° “Master Traveler” (video)
6° “Master of the Brazen Serpent” (Video)
Refreshments to follow the meeting
Greetings Brethren,
As winter is approaching, the Valley of Syracuse is busy as ever with several programs scheduled in the upcoming months. December 8th will be our holiday party. Social hour will begin at 6:00, dinner at 6:30 with an interesting program to follow. December 29th will be our annual holiday luncheon at Twin Trees Restaurant in North Syracuse. All are welcomed to attend and lunch will be at noon.
January 12th will be our membership night. Social hour at 6, Dinner at 6:30, followed by a program. Our active G. Michael Morris will present a program on Supreme Council in 2017 in Rochester. Any prospective members should attend.
Happy Holidays & See you in Scottish Rite !
Ill.'. Robert M. Tyrrell, 33°
Commander in Chief
Greetings Brothers,
Look how time is flying, December is here already. I am looking forward to our holiday celebration on the 8th. We had a great deal to be thankful with the sacrifices our Vet's made and are still working to keep us safe. Thanks to all who made or Veterans’ Celebration in November great.
Hope to see you all next month.
Carlton P. Jackson, 32°
Most Wise Master
Greetings Brethren,
It was a great experience working with all the Brothers to present the 15th Degree, I hope it was as much fun to watch as it was preparing and practicing. Thank you again for the Brothers help.
With the holidays around the corner, Central City Bodies have very interesting and awesome programs in the works. The Council will be busy with the first program of 2015, Spring Membership Night w/Ladies on January 12th.
Happy Holidays, Stay safe and healthy my Brothers.
Mark Bombardo, 32°
Sovereign Prince
Hello Brothers,
On November 10th we honored our Heroes at our annual Veterans Celebration and on November 17th the Council Princes of Jerusalem conferred the 15th Degree.
On December 8th we look forward to our annual holiday celebration. You will be receiving additional information shortly from the Valley office.
I always find it fun and interesting to see other cultures and their traditions and customs. I recently learned that in Sweden, it's not Saint Nick that kids are waiting for but Saint Lucia, the Patron Saint of Light. The celebration begins with St. Lucia's Day on December 13, when the eldest daughter wakes early, puts on a white gown and serves her parents breakfast. In some places, there are also candlelight processions on Christmas Eve.
On behalf of the officers and members of the Central City Lodge of Perfection, I wish each and every one a very happy and healthy holiday season.
Kevin Parker, 32°
Thrice Potent Master
Greetings Brethren,
As we head into the Holidays I would ask all of you keep in mind those who will not be home with us to celebrate. Old age, illness, and surgical procedures, never observe the Holidays. Please make a special effort to visit these people.
I would like to mention Brother Jared Williams, a member of The Valley of Binghamton, but also a member of my Home Lodge (Cautious Lodge ) in Georgetown. Jared has been in and out of the hospital for months and still has a rough road ahead. Hang in there Jared, our Thoughts and Prayers are with you.
Please stay safe and healthy over the Holidays.
Merry Christmas and God Bless
Dick Freeman, 32°
Welcome to My World
Notes from the Children’s Dyslexia Center CNY
We have officially begun our 10th year! We have nineteen children attending the Center (nine of them are just starting their first year and ten of them attended the Center last year). We have five returning tutors and four new scholars. We had five scholars begin our new class but one had to drop out and one of our tutors has picked up the child she was tutoring.
It has been a busy time at the Center with getting all the children scheduled and settled in, the Parent Information night to let everyone meet and get into (or back into) the “groove”, as it were and continuing training for the scholars.
We also have had several fund raisers: the annual Walk-a-Thon slash Bake Sale/BBQ/Can & Bottle Drive, a night at Panera Bread, and our Book-Fair through Barnes and Noble. We have been able to make our Can and Bottle Drive an ongoing event by opening an account at Oneida Street Redemption at 265 Oriskany Blvd. in Whitesboro (about 3 miles from the Center)- just mention our name and they will credit our account.
We are also hoping to have a Celebration in the Spring in honor of our ten years- we’re hoping you will be able to join us – details to be forthcoming.
Now to Nathaniel- Nathaniel is continuing with the tutor he had this summer and is spending some time on review of the skills he gained last year. Nathaniel will soon be moving full force into Level II skills. He is always a hard worker and pleasant young man to have at the Center. I should also let you know that the ladies at the Center always note that Nathaniel is a snappy dresser.
A note of interest: as we go into our tenth year we have been informed that financial help from headquarters will be on a “matching” basis up to $40,000.00. That means that we have to raise that much to get the matching funds as well as the remainder of the monies needed to meet our budget.
We have been very diligent in our financial situation and have worked hard to continue to raise the funds needed. We are extremely appreciative of your continuing support and the wonderful support from our Sponsor-A-Child donors.
I know that we will continue to meet the challenge of helping children meet the challenge they face in trying to read and as always, you have my eternal gratitude.
Linda L. Martin, Director
Email- [email protected]
Phone- (315) 736-0574
Mail- Children’s Dyslexia Center- CNY
PO Box 638
Oriskany, NY 13424
The festive Holiday Season is upon us once again. The traditional greetings of “Merry Christmas , Happy New Year!” have given way to the now socially acceptable greeting “Happy Holidays!”
Whatever your preference, the Officers of Central City Bodies, and the staff at the Valley of Syracuse Scottish Rite Office extends their sincere Holiday Greetings to all who take the time to scan and read our Scottish Rite page each issue. To the leaders in the four Bodies of Scottish Rite in the Valley of Syracuse this year thank you for the support and assistance provided to your office staff.
To all of our members wherever they may be this Holiday Season; our prayers and thoughts are with you. May your travels all be safe. Please make certain to remember our Valley Members on Active Duty in the Military in your thoughts and prayers.
On behalf of Ill.·. Robert M. Tyrrell, 33º Commander-In-Chief, Central City Consistory, Carlton P. Jackson, 32º, Most Wise Master, Central City Chapter Rose Croix, Mark A. Bombardo, 32º, Sovereign Prince, Central City Council Princes of Jerusalem, Kevin J. Parker, 32º, Thrice Potent Master, Central City Lodge of Perfection and your office staff; Mrs. Sharon Fox, Mrs. Sharon Swan, and Ill.·. James D. Swan, Jr., 33º, Valley of Syracuse Secretary, Happy Holidays!.
Considering the Path of the Scottish Rite? - Here’s How it works
New Scottish Rite Freemasons are often curious about how the degree system works. In Blue Lodge, they’re told the degree of Master Mason is the “Highest” or “Most Sublime” degree in Masonry. Now they are offered an additional 29 degrees, the 4° through the 32°, with the possibility of another, the 33°. They may be curious that they will receive the 4° right away, and only three other degrees needed to receive the 32°.
This may seem strange to a brother who has risen through the hierarchical progression of the three Blue Lodge degrees. The Northern Masonic Jurisdiction offers the degrees of the Ancient Accepted Rite in a scheme called the “Bookend Concept”. It is intended to convey the primary goals of the AASR in the least possible time while giving the candidate an enticing taste of what the full cycle of degrees has in store.
The initial set of at least five degrees, beginning with the 4°, followed by any three additional degrees and ending with the 32°, entitles the candidate to full membership in the Rite. On completion of his degrees he will be presented with a durable membership card that will entitle him to travel freely to any regular Valley or Consistory where he may complete his travels” from the 5° through the 31°. These additional degrees may be viewed in any order whenever they become available any where within the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction. He may thus fill his “32° Passport” with memories of the experiences gathered along with the dates and names of the places frequented during his quest to view the full cycle of degrees.
With planning you can be eligible for the 32° in two or three evenings and one Saturday. Initiation fee to become a Scottish Rite Mason in the Valley of Syracuse is $110.00. Contact the Scottish Rite Office at (315) 452-7976 or [email protected] to obtain additional information. Become a Scottish Rite member and enjoy the friendship of Scottish Rite while gaining much Masonic knowledge.
Dec 01 Executive Committee 7:00 p.m.
Dec 08 Holiday Celebration with the Ladies
Social 6:00 p.m. / Dinner 6:30 p.m. /Program 7:30 p.m.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays
Dec 29 Holiday Luncheon (Monday) @Twin Trees III Restaurant
11:30 a.m. til?? / Casual Order from the Menu / Individual Checks
Happy New Year!!
Jan 05 Executive Committee 7:00 p.m.
Jan 12 Spring membership Night w/ Ladies Guest Night
Social 6:00 p.m. / Dinner 6:30 p.m. /Program 7:30 p.m.
Jan 26 L-O-P Degree Conferral 7:30 p.m.
4° “Master Traveler” (video)
6° “Master of the Brazen Serpent” (Video)
Refreshments to follow the meeting
Greetings Brethren,
As winter is approaching, the Valley of Syracuse is busy as ever with several programs scheduled in the upcoming months. December 8th will be our holiday party. Social hour will begin at 6:00, dinner at 6:30 with an interesting program to follow. December 29th will be our annual holiday luncheon at Twin Trees Restaurant in North Syracuse. All are welcomed to attend and lunch will be at noon.
January 12th will be our membership night. Social hour at 6, Dinner at 6:30, followed by a program. Our active G. Michael Morris will present a program on Supreme Council in 2017 in Rochester. Any prospective members should attend.
Happy Holidays & See you in Scottish Rite !
Ill.'. Robert M. Tyrrell, 33°
Commander in Chief
Greetings Brothers,
Look how time is flying, December is here already. I am looking forward to our holiday celebration on the 8th. We had a great deal to be thankful with the sacrifices our Vet's made and are still working to keep us safe. Thanks to all who made or Veterans’ Celebration in November great.
Hope to see you all next month.
Carlton P. Jackson, 32°
Most Wise Master
Greetings Brethren,
It was a great experience working with all the Brothers to present the 15th Degree, I hope it was as much fun to watch as it was preparing and practicing. Thank you again for the Brothers help.
With the holidays around the corner, Central City Bodies have very interesting and awesome programs in the works. The Council will be busy with the first program of 2015, Spring Membership Night w/Ladies on January 12th.
Happy Holidays, Stay safe and healthy my Brothers.
Mark Bombardo, 32°
Sovereign Prince
Hello Brothers,
On November 10th we honored our Heroes at our annual Veterans Celebration and on November 17th the Council Princes of Jerusalem conferred the 15th Degree.
On December 8th we look forward to our annual holiday celebration. You will be receiving additional information shortly from the Valley office.
I always find it fun and interesting to see other cultures and their traditions and customs. I recently learned that in Sweden, it's not Saint Nick that kids are waiting for but Saint Lucia, the Patron Saint of Light. The celebration begins with St. Lucia's Day on December 13, when the eldest daughter wakes early, puts on a white gown and serves her parents breakfast. In some places, there are also candlelight processions on Christmas Eve.
On behalf of the officers and members of the Central City Lodge of Perfection, I wish each and every one a very happy and healthy holiday season.
Kevin Parker, 32°
Thrice Potent Master
Greetings Brethren,
As we head into the Holidays I would ask all of you keep in mind those who will not be home with us to celebrate. Old age, illness, and surgical procedures, never observe the Holidays. Please make a special effort to visit these people.
I would like to mention Brother Jared Williams, a member of The Valley of Binghamton, but also a member of my Home Lodge (Cautious Lodge ) in Georgetown. Jared has been in and out of the hospital for months and still has a rough road ahead. Hang in there Jared, our Thoughts and Prayers are with you.
Please stay safe and healthy over the Holidays.
Merry Christmas and God Bless
Dick Freeman, 32°
Welcome to My World
Notes from the Children’s Dyslexia Center CNY
We have officially begun our 10th year! We have nineteen children attending the Center (nine of them are just starting their first year and ten of them attended the Center last year). We have five returning tutors and four new scholars. We had five scholars begin our new class but one had to drop out and one of our tutors has picked up the child she was tutoring.
It has been a busy time at the Center with getting all the children scheduled and settled in, the Parent Information night to let everyone meet and get into (or back into) the “groove”, as it were and continuing training for the scholars.
We also have had several fund raisers: the annual Walk-a-Thon slash Bake Sale/BBQ/Can & Bottle Drive, a night at Panera Bread, and our Book-Fair through Barnes and Noble. We have been able to make our Can and Bottle Drive an ongoing event by opening an account at Oneida Street Redemption at 265 Oriskany Blvd. in Whitesboro (about 3 miles from the Center)- just mention our name and they will credit our account.
We are also hoping to have a Celebration in the Spring in honor of our ten years- we’re hoping you will be able to join us – details to be forthcoming.
Now to Nathaniel- Nathaniel is continuing with the tutor he had this summer and is spending some time on review of the skills he gained last year. Nathaniel will soon be moving full force into Level II skills. He is always a hard worker and pleasant young man to have at the Center. I should also let you know that the ladies at the Center always note that Nathaniel is a snappy dresser.
A note of interest: as we go into our tenth year we have been informed that financial help from headquarters will be on a “matching” basis up to $40,000.00. That means that we have to raise that much to get the matching funds as well as the remainder of the monies needed to meet our budget.
We have been very diligent in our financial situation and have worked hard to continue to raise the funds needed. We are extremely appreciative of your continuing support and the wonderful support from our Sponsor-A-Child donors.
I know that we will continue to meet the challenge of helping children meet the challenge they face in trying to read and as always, you have my eternal gratitude.
Linda L. Martin, Director
Email- [email protected]
Phone- (315) 736-0574
Mail- Children’s Dyslexia Center- CNY
PO Box 638
Oriskany, NY 13424
The festive Holiday Season is upon us once again. The traditional greetings of “Merry Christmas , Happy New Year!” have given way to the now socially acceptable greeting “Happy Holidays!”
Whatever your preference, the Officers of Central City Bodies, and the staff at the Valley of Syracuse Scottish Rite Office extends their sincere Holiday Greetings to all who take the time to scan and read our Scottish Rite page each issue. To the leaders in the four Bodies of Scottish Rite in the Valley of Syracuse this year thank you for the support and assistance provided to your office staff.
To all of our members wherever they may be this Holiday Season; our prayers and thoughts are with you. May your travels all be safe. Please make certain to remember our Valley Members on Active Duty in the Military in your thoughts and prayers.
On behalf of Ill.·. Robert M. Tyrrell, 33º Commander-In-Chief, Central City Consistory, Carlton P. Jackson, 32º, Most Wise Master, Central City Chapter Rose Croix, Mark A. Bombardo, 32º, Sovereign Prince, Central City Council Princes of Jerusalem, Kevin J. Parker, 32º, Thrice Potent Master, Central City Lodge of Perfection and your office staff; Mrs. Sharon Fox, Mrs. Sharon Swan, and Ill.·. James D. Swan, Jr., 33º, Valley of Syracuse Secretary, Happy Holidays!.
Considering the Path of the Scottish Rite? - Here’s How it works
New Scottish Rite Freemasons are often curious about how the degree system works. In Blue Lodge, they’re told the degree of Master Mason is the “Highest” or “Most Sublime” degree in Masonry. Now they are offered an additional 29 degrees, the 4° through the 32°, with the possibility of another, the 33°. They may be curious that they will receive the 4° right away, and only three other degrees needed to receive the 32°.
This may seem strange to a brother who has risen through the hierarchical progression of the three Blue Lodge degrees. The Northern Masonic Jurisdiction offers the degrees of the Ancient Accepted Rite in a scheme called the “Bookend Concept”. It is intended to convey the primary goals of the AASR in the least possible time while giving the candidate an enticing taste of what the full cycle of degrees has in store.
The initial set of at least five degrees, beginning with the 4°, followed by any three additional degrees and ending with the 32°, entitles the candidate to full membership in the Rite. On completion of his degrees he will be presented with a durable membership card that will entitle him to travel freely to any regular Valley or Consistory where he may complete his travels” from the 5° through the 31°. These additional degrees may be viewed in any order whenever they become available any where within the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction. He may thus fill his “32° Passport” with memories of the experiences gathered along with the dates and names of the places frequented during his quest to view the full cycle of degrees.
With planning you can be eligible for the 32° in two or three evenings and one Saturday. Initiation fee to become a Scottish Rite Mason in the Valley of Syracuse is $110.00. Contact the Scottish Rite Office at (315) 452-7976 or [email protected] to obtain additional information. Become a Scottish Rite member and enjoy the friendship of Scottish Rite while gaining much Masonic knowledge.