The Valley of Syracuse AASR held its first Rite on the Road Program on April 19th, 2021 at Bethany Lodge No. 821 in Black River, New York. During the program we initiated 4 new Brothers, from the Lodge, into the Scottish Rite experience. Congratulations to Worshipful Brother. Robert Mullin, Bro. John Zimmer, Bro. Kevin Cordero, and Bro. Christopher Murray!! Of special significance to this presentation was the fact that Worshipful Robert Mullin is the sitting Master of Bethany Lodge #821. During the program, the Lodge of Perfection was open in due form to confer the 4° (The Builder), the 6° (Master of the Brazen Serpent), and the 12° (Master of Mercy). All three Degrees were conferred via video presentation. It was truly a wonderful evening. There were 17 Scottish Riter’s in attendance, Including D.B. Terry A. Byard, 32° MSA, Thrice Potent Master from the Valley's Lodge of Perfection, S.P.R.S. Gary Hamburg, 32°, Most Wise Master from the Valley's Chapter of Rose Croix, Valley Secretary, Ill∴ James D. Swan, Jr., 33° and D.B. Lawrence Egnaczyk, 32° MSA, Commander in Chief, were impressed with the turn out and success of the program. These 4 new Scottish Riters will now just need one additional Degree along with the Capstone 32° to be fully recognized as a 32° Mason.
The Rite on the Road Program is one of the initiatives created by the Supreme Council along with their “Not Just A Man, a Mason” Campaign to enhance membership in the Scottish Rite. It allows a Valley to go to any Masonic Lodge in its jurisdiction and confer the 4° and 1 or two other Degrees to get Brothers started in the Scottish Rite. The Valley of Syracuse is committed to fully supporting this program. Any Brother, groups of Brothers, or Lodges that are interested in hosting a program is encouraged to contact the Valley to set up a date and location to host your own Rite on the Road.
The Rite on the Road Program is one of the initiatives created by the Supreme Council along with their “Not Just A Man, a Mason” Campaign to enhance membership in the Scottish Rite. It allows a Valley to go to any Masonic Lodge in its jurisdiction and confer the 4° and 1 or two other Degrees to get Brothers started in the Scottish Rite. The Valley of Syracuse is committed to fully supporting this program. Any Brother, groups of Brothers, or Lodges that are interested in hosting a program is encouraged to contact the Valley to set up a date and location to host your own Rite on the Road.