April 2022
Apr 04 Executive Committee Meeting 7:00 p.m. (In Person)
Apr 09 (Saturday) Feast of the Paschal Lamb Ceremony 2:00 p.m.
Served Luncheon at 4:00 p.m.
Apr 11 4 Bodies Meeting: Lodge Ambassador Program presentation
Refreshments to follow
Apr 25 Trustees Meeting 6:30 p.m. / Executive Committee Meeting 7:00 p.m. (In Person)
Apr 30 Saturday Confer 5 degrees @ Valley of Utica
Register 9:00 a.m.
Open 9:30 a.m.
Degrees 10:00 a.m. 4° (V); 6° (V)
11:00 a.m. 21° Live
Lunch 12:30 p.m.
Degrees 1:30 p.m. 22° (V); 32° (L)
May 2022
May 02 Grand Lodge Annual Session- No meetings
May 09 Reunion Dinner
Social 6:00 p.m. / Dinner 6:30 p.m. / Program 7:30 p.m.
May 16 Guard’s Club 6:15 p.m. Annual Dinner/Meeting
4 Bodies Annual Meeting Election of Officers 7:30 p.m.
June 2022
June 06 2022 – 2023 Officer’s Installation
Social 6:00 p.m. / Dinner 6:30 p.m. / Installation Ceremony 7:30 p.m.
Jun 13 Trustees Organization Meeting 6:30 p.m. / Executive Committee Organization Meeting 7:00 p.m. (in Person)
June 25 (Saturday) KSA Bannockburn Banquet @ Brae Loch in Cazenovia 5:00 p.m.
Reservations Required / Details to come
Spring is here, at last. This is a time of rebirth and growth in nature as well as in Masonry. Lodges have held live meetings and conferred degrees upon newly raised Master Masons. We need to actively pursue these Brothers and let them know what Scottish Rite Freemasonry is about.
Monday, April 11, 2022, will be a presentation of The Lodge Ambassador Program by Chairman, D.B. Kenneth D. Sterling, 32° MSA. All Scottish Rite Brothers will benefit from the information being presented at this event. Starting time is 7:30pm, with refreshments following the presentation. If you are interested in becoming a Lodge Ambassador, be sure to contact Ken. The Valley of Syracuse Membership Committee welcomes your ideas on how to better recruit new members.
In The Central City Bodies Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite N.M.J. is anxious to welcome the newest members of the Ill:. David P. Spenser, 33°, Active Emeritus Deputy for New York, Class of 2021-2022. On Saturday, April 30th, 2022, The Valley of Syracuse along with the Valley of Utica will confer the 4th, 6th, 21st , 22nd and the 32nd Degrees with the Knighting Ceremony to follow.
I want to express my appreciation to all who helped make this years Dyslexia Gala a huge success. Thank you Linda Martin, Gineal Merritt, the rest of the staff and everyone that donated to the Basket raffle. Harts Hill Inn did another wonderful job with the food and service staff.
The Knights of St. Andrew has provided many great events for our Valley with the hard work put forth by Ill:. Richard J. Powell, 33° Active and his Lady, Marian. This year's Burns Supper was terrific. Thank you all! I am looking forward to the BannockBurn Dinner at the Brae Loch Inn in Cazenovia NY on June 25th, 2022.These events are always fun, and the food is delicious.
God Bless the United States, Freemasonry and the Ukrainian people.
D.B. Lawrence W. Egnaczyk, 32° MSA
Commander in Chief
[email protected] / (H) Ph. # 315-637-4143 / (C) Ph. # 315-632-1043
Greetings Knights, This article is about how the Feast of the Paschal Lamb and how its memorial relates to ROSE Croix. It mentions the Passover and Sacrament of Holy Communion but,it is neither. It commemorates both festivals as a memorial service, honoring our Brethren who have passed to their eternal reward.
Their names are read by the Secretary and a candle is extinguished to honor all our Brethren. During the Mystic Banquet the officers are seated around a table in the shape of a cross. Then bread and wine are served and eaten. The true purpose is to celebrate our service to God and remember our late Brethren.
Two other sections are the Extinguishing the Lights where the officers read negative statements and candles are extinguished. Then the section of Relighting of the LIGHTS where officers read positive statements. Then the candles are relit to bring hope and love.
This festival is scheduled on April 9, 2022 at 2:30P.M. with a luncheon to follow. Please come and bring a friend . It is a beautiful and rewarding experience.
On APRIL 30, 2022 AT 9:00 am. we will be doing the following degrees with Utica Valley at their temple: 4th, 6th, 21st and then a lunch break. After lunch, the 22nd and 32 degrees will be conferred. A knighting ceremony to follow.
Richard E. Barrett, 32°
Most Wise Master
Greetings Sovereign Princes. First off, I would like to wish you all a Happy Easter and a Joyous Passover. As a reminder, on April 30th the Valleys of Syracuse and Utica will be presenting several degrees at the Valley of Utica. There will be a mix of live and video degrees and a lunch served. This event has garnered a lot of interest from Scottish Riters from all over and should be a fun day.
The Valley is looking for new members to add to our upcoming classes so if you know of a Brother who might be interested in joining contact the office so they can begin the process. We can stress the need for new members enough, we lose Brothers every year and need you all to consider bringing in new members to keep our numbers up.
If your Lodge would like to have a Rite on The Road video shown at a meeting, contact the office to arrange a date.
Thursday Night at The Rite has started up again and has proven to be a very popular event.
With the warmer weather the Valley has several events planned that should be fun, keep an eye out for more details.
God bless you all, Freemasons, our military and this great country.
James McNeal, 32º DSA
Sovereign Prince
Princes: February and March proved to be exciting months for the Valley with the Caregiver award recognition on February 14th , family life outing at the Syracuse Crunch Hockey Game on February 25th , The Feast of Tishri on March 14th and perhaps most important was our purple hat presentation luncheon honoring our very own Ill. Richard J. Powell 33° Active Member of Supreme Council on February 27th . I have been a Mason now for 19 years and I can assure you that Ill. Powell and his family exemplify the very best of Masonic Ideals and values. We are so blessed to have him as a part of our Valley. He is the ideal we should all strive for in our Masonic Lives.
As of the distribution of this months “Word” each member of the Valley should have been contacted by one of the members of the Executive Committee to update contact information and to just say hi and let you know we truly care about you. This in my view is one of the greatest things about the Scottish Rite. As stated in the vision of the AASR NMJ, “ We will strive to be a fraternity that fulfills our Masonic Obligation to care for our members. I continue to be in awe of how happily surprised our members are to get a call just to chat with no strings attached.
Another highlight of our Masonic Obligation will be our annual Feast of the Paschal Lamb Ceremony honoring those who have answered the final call on April 9th . Then on April 30th we will finally bring the 21st and 32nd Degrees to our long awaiting candidates in a joint effort with the Valley of Utica. It would be truly great to have a large contingent from the Valley to come out to support our new members, meet with old friends in Utica and celebrate this wonderful world of Scottish Rite Masonry
Peace be with you my Princes...
Terry A. Byard, 32° DSA
Thrice Potent Master
Greetings Brothers, At the Grand Convocation for Royal Arch Masons on March 4th in Utica, I had lunch with Norm Kruth. He looks great and is doing very well and hopes at some point down the road, to return to the Valley. On a sadder note I must report the passing of a couple of old friends. Brother Carl Hoyt of the Masonic war Veterans died unexpectedly, and Brother Don Lord, 99 years old and a 76 year member of the Masonic Fraternity of Scriba Lodge No. 414. Don was active in the Cleveland Lodge No. 613 where I was Raised. Later this spring Bob Tyrrell and I will be visiting Scriba Lodge as a remembrance to Bro. Don.
I hope to see you at the Feast of Paschal lamb on Saturday April 9th to remember our fallen Brothers. At the same time please keep our Masonic Brothers and their families in Ukraine and all of its citizens in our thoughts and Prayers.
The Hospitalers Fund is always in need. If you are able to help, please send a check made out to Central City Bodies, and directed for the Hospitalers Fund.
If you are in need of some confidential assistance please contact Bob Tyrrell or myself…We may be able to provide some type of help.
Don’t forget the Blue envelopes !
Dick Freeman – 315-837-4962
[email protected]
Welcome to My World
Notes from the Children’s Dyslexia Center CNY
As I write this, we are just days from our Annual GALA celebration and fundraiser. As you read this the event has come and gone with another wonderful outpouring of support. Over 100 people, including friends and families of the Center, enjoyed a wonderful evening of fun, games, music and fellowship. The continued involvement by the members of Scottish Rite and all Masonic Bodies is humbling for those of us working at the Center.
We are all enjoying a much-needed Spring Break. March becomes a very long month for our children and tutors and the continued Covid mandates have been wearing for all. The last two and a half years have seen us face, meet and overcome many challenges that we could never have envisioned. The fact that you never wavered in your support has kept us moving forward in a positive vein has allowed us to stay the course and keep our children on track. It is also hard to fathom that we are approaching the end of this academic year and preparing for our Recognition Ceremony. We are planning to meet at Hart’s Hill again this year on June 14. If you would like to attend, please contact the Center as their will be limited seating and a small fee for the “luncheon” to be served that evening.
Another update on Lucas: He continues to make consistent progress and show more involvement in each lesson. It is nice to see him be more confident and willing (and smiling) as the year has progressed. What a change from the young man who arrived in the fall of 2020.
It does not seem possible that we are preparing for our next class of Practitioner 1 scholars. As always, if you know someone who might be interested, please have them contact us by the end of April. Our present scholars are doing a wonderful job and will soon complete their training. (I am happy to report that one is a Brother.) It has been a pleasure having them with us this year.
Wishing you all the best as we look toward a much-awaited Spring.
Linda L. Martin, Director
Email- [email protected]
Phone- (315) 736-0574
Mail- Children’s Dyslexia Center- CNY
PO Box 638
Oriskany, NY 13424
April, May, and June, 2022 Scheduled Events Date Changes
For the Valleys of Syracuse, Norwood, and Utica. Please read the April, May, and June Coming Events Calendar published this month. There are several date and location of events changes to take note of.
Degrees conferrals originally scheduled for March 26, 2022 at the Masonic Memorial Center, 648 Centerville Pl., North Syracuse are moved to the Utica Masonic Center, 251 Genesee Street, Utica, NY with the date changed to April 30, 2022 with the following schedule:
Register 9:00 a.m.
Open the 4 Body meeting 9:30 a.m.
Confer 4° (V); 6° (V) 10:00 a.m.
Confer 21° (L) 11:00 a.m. Syracuse Cast
Lunch 12:30 p.m.
Confer 22° (V); 32° 1:30 p.m. (All Valleys Live Conferral and
Knighting Cast)
Because the events on this day are all relocated from the Masonic Center in North Syracuse to the Utica Masonic Center 251 Genesee Street in Utica, NY. Carpooling to travel to Utica will start at 7:30 a.m. from the Masonic Memorial Center in North Syracuse.
Other dates changed are:
Reunion Dinner event New Date May 9, 2022
Guard’s Club annual 4 bodies meeting New Date May 16, 2022
2022-2023 Central City Bodies Officers Public Installation moved to Monday June 6, 2022 with Social time and dinner for this event.
Board of Trustees and Executive Committee Organization Meeting is now scheduled for June 13, 2022.
Knights of St. Andrew Bannockburn Banquet at the Brae Loch Inn, Cazenovia is on Saturday June 25, 2022.
Each month you receive notices that the Valley of Syracuse is actively seeking new members. We also invite our members to become more involved in Scottish Rite Masonry.
Supreme Council Member Center
All members who are not registered in the J365 Membership roster; please Go on line MYNMJ.ORG and sign into the Member Center. As a non registered member the system it will instruct you how to register. Have your member card available and follow the provided instructions. When registered you can view all of your Scottish Rite membership records on this site. Contact the Valley office if you require assistance.
Valley of Excellence Program
The Supreme Council, 33° A.A.S.R., NMJ, USA has adopted a Valley of Excellence program to encourage its Valleys to become improved Valleys and to provide Masonic and Scottish Services to its members. The Valley of Syracuse is currently ranked as a top three Valley in the Northern Masonic jurisdiction Our goal is to initiate twenty new 4° members prior to June 15, 2022 to improve that ranking.
Talk to your Masonic Brothers who do not belong to Scottish Rite and encourage them to join.
Scottish Rite is the most active Concordant Body in the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction.
All members are encouraged to go online and view your membership records and to actively participate in the programs and projects.
Officers Wanted
Dear Scottish Riters; members of the Valley of Syracuse - Your Valley has several Officers positions to be filled for 2022-2023. Officers needed include both Appointed and Elected officers in the Lodge of Perfection, Council Princes of Jerusalem, Chapter of Rose Croix, and Consistory.
The Body Mentors in charge of filling the vacant positions are
Lodge of Perfection – Ill∴ Gary S. Hartman, 33° 315-446-8667 / [email protected]
Council Princes of Jerusalem – Ill∴ Craig E. Cobb, 33° 315-446- 0625 / [email protected]
Chapter of Rose Croix – Ill∴ Carl F. Fahrenkrug, 33° 315-3391-8095 / [email protected]
Consistory – Ill∴ James D. Swan, Jr., 33° 315-569-5910 / [email protected]
We, your mentors, invite everyone to contact the individual Body Heads or us to discuss filling an Officer’s position in the valley for the next two to three years and beyond as you desire. We are also seeking volunteers to take part in the conferring of degrees each year. You are invited to become more active participants in the activities of your Valley.
Central City Bodies, A.A.S.R., Valley of Syracuse Invites YOU
To a Masonic Lodge Outreach and Scottish Rite “Rite on the Road” Degrees Conferral Program
What: A Scottish Rite degree conferral program to confer the 4° “Builder”; the first Scottish Rite degree starting a Master Mason’s journey to become a 32° Scottish Rite Mason in a Master Mason’s Home Lodge and Community.
Where: At a Masonic Lodge building in your Community
When: On a scheduled date at a convenient time selected by your Masonic Lodge.
A Membership Team representative from Central City Bodies, A.A.S.R., Valley of
Syracuse will make contact with your Masonic Lodge or you may contact the
Valley of Syracuse Office for more information - Phone: (315) 452-7976 / E-mail: [email protected]
April 2022
Apr 04 Executive Committee Meeting 7:00 p.m. (In Person)
Apr 09 (Saturday) Feast of the Paschal Lamb Ceremony 2:00 p.m.
Served Luncheon at 4:00 p.m.
Apr 11 4 Bodies Meeting: Lodge Ambassador Program presentation
Refreshments to follow
Apr 25 Trustees Meeting 6:30 p.m. / Executive Committee Meeting 7:00 p.m. (In Person)
Apr 30 Saturday Confer 5 degrees @ Valley of Utica
Register 9:00 a.m.
Open 9:30 a.m.
Degrees 10:00 a.m. 4° (V); 6° (V)
11:00 a.m. 21° Live
Lunch 12:30 p.m.
Degrees 1:30 p.m. 22° (V); 32° (L)
May 2022
May 02 Grand Lodge Annual Session- No meetings
May 09 Reunion Dinner
Social 6:00 p.m. / Dinner 6:30 p.m. / Program 7:30 p.m.
May 16 Guard’s Club 6:15 p.m. Annual Dinner/Meeting
4 Bodies Annual Meeting Election of Officers 7:30 p.m.
June 2022
June 06 2022 – 2023 Officer’s Installation
Social 6:00 p.m. / Dinner 6:30 p.m. / Installation Ceremony 7:30 p.m.
Jun 13 Trustees Organization Meeting 6:30 p.m. / Executive Committee Organization Meeting 7:00 p.m. (in Person)
June 25 (Saturday) KSA Bannockburn Banquet @ Brae Loch in Cazenovia 5:00 p.m.
Reservations Required / Details to come
Spring is here, at last. This is a time of rebirth and growth in nature as well as in Masonry. Lodges have held live meetings and conferred degrees upon newly raised Master Masons. We need to actively pursue these Brothers and let them know what Scottish Rite Freemasonry is about.
Monday, April 11, 2022, will be a presentation of The Lodge Ambassador Program by Chairman, D.B. Kenneth D. Sterling, 32° MSA. All Scottish Rite Brothers will benefit from the information being presented at this event. Starting time is 7:30pm, with refreshments following the presentation. If you are interested in becoming a Lodge Ambassador, be sure to contact Ken. The Valley of Syracuse Membership Committee welcomes your ideas on how to better recruit new members.
In The Central City Bodies Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite N.M.J. is anxious to welcome the newest members of the Ill:. David P. Spenser, 33°, Active Emeritus Deputy for New York, Class of 2021-2022. On Saturday, April 30th, 2022, The Valley of Syracuse along with the Valley of Utica will confer the 4th, 6th, 21st , 22nd and the 32nd Degrees with the Knighting Ceremony to follow.
I want to express my appreciation to all who helped make this years Dyslexia Gala a huge success. Thank you Linda Martin, Gineal Merritt, the rest of the staff and everyone that donated to the Basket raffle. Harts Hill Inn did another wonderful job with the food and service staff.
The Knights of St. Andrew has provided many great events for our Valley with the hard work put forth by Ill:. Richard J. Powell, 33° Active and his Lady, Marian. This year's Burns Supper was terrific. Thank you all! I am looking forward to the BannockBurn Dinner at the Brae Loch Inn in Cazenovia NY on June 25th, 2022.These events are always fun, and the food is delicious.
God Bless the United States, Freemasonry and the Ukrainian people.
D.B. Lawrence W. Egnaczyk, 32° MSA
Commander in Chief
[email protected] / (H) Ph. # 315-637-4143 / (C) Ph. # 315-632-1043
Greetings Knights, This article is about how the Feast of the Paschal Lamb and how its memorial relates to ROSE Croix. It mentions the Passover and Sacrament of Holy Communion but,it is neither. It commemorates both festivals as a memorial service, honoring our Brethren who have passed to their eternal reward.
Their names are read by the Secretary and a candle is extinguished to honor all our Brethren. During the Mystic Banquet the officers are seated around a table in the shape of a cross. Then bread and wine are served and eaten. The true purpose is to celebrate our service to God and remember our late Brethren.
Two other sections are the Extinguishing the Lights where the officers read negative statements and candles are extinguished. Then the section of Relighting of the LIGHTS where officers read positive statements. Then the candles are relit to bring hope and love.
This festival is scheduled on April 9, 2022 at 2:30P.M. with a luncheon to follow. Please come and bring a friend . It is a beautiful and rewarding experience.
On APRIL 30, 2022 AT 9:00 am. we will be doing the following degrees with Utica Valley at their temple: 4th, 6th, 21st and then a lunch break. After lunch, the 22nd and 32 degrees will be conferred. A knighting ceremony to follow.
Richard E. Barrett, 32°
Most Wise Master
Greetings Sovereign Princes. First off, I would like to wish you all a Happy Easter and a Joyous Passover. As a reminder, on April 30th the Valleys of Syracuse and Utica will be presenting several degrees at the Valley of Utica. There will be a mix of live and video degrees and a lunch served. This event has garnered a lot of interest from Scottish Riters from all over and should be a fun day.
The Valley is looking for new members to add to our upcoming classes so if you know of a Brother who might be interested in joining contact the office so they can begin the process. We can stress the need for new members enough, we lose Brothers every year and need you all to consider bringing in new members to keep our numbers up.
If your Lodge would like to have a Rite on The Road video shown at a meeting, contact the office to arrange a date.
Thursday Night at The Rite has started up again and has proven to be a very popular event.
With the warmer weather the Valley has several events planned that should be fun, keep an eye out for more details.
God bless you all, Freemasons, our military and this great country.
James McNeal, 32º DSA
Sovereign Prince
Princes: February and March proved to be exciting months for the Valley with the Caregiver award recognition on February 14th , family life outing at the Syracuse Crunch Hockey Game on February 25th , The Feast of Tishri on March 14th and perhaps most important was our purple hat presentation luncheon honoring our very own Ill. Richard J. Powell 33° Active Member of Supreme Council on February 27th . I have been a Mason now for 19 years and I can assure you that Ill. Powell and his family exemplify the very best of Masonic Ideals and values. We are so blessed to have him as a part of our Valley. He is the ideal we should all strive for in our Masonic Lives.
As of the distribution of this months “Word” each member of the Valley should have been contacted by one of the members of the Executive Committee to update contact information and to just say hi and let you know we truly care about you. This in my view is one of the greatest things about the Scottish Rite. As stated in the vision of the AASR NMJ, “ We will strive to be a fraternity that fulfills our Masonic Obligation to care for our members. I continue to be in awe of how happily surprised our members are to get a call just to chat with no strings attached.
Another highlight of our Masonic Obligation will be our annual Feast of the Paschal Lamb Ceremony honoring those who have answered the final call on April 9th . Then on April 30th we will finally bring the 21st and 32nd Degrees to our long awaiting candidates in a joint effort with the Valley of Utica. It would be truly great to have a large contingent from the Valley to come out to support our new members, meet with old friends in Utica and celebrate this wonderful world of Scottish Rite Masonry
Peace be with you my Princes...
Terry A. Byard, 32° DSA
Thrice Potent Master
Greetings Brothers, At the Grand Convocation for Royal Arch Masons on March 4th in Utica, I had lunch with Norm Kruth. He looks great and is doing very well and hopes at some point down the road, to return to the Valley. On a sadder note I must report the passing of a couple of old friends. Brother Carl Hoyt of the Masonic war Veterans died unexpectedly, and Brother Don Lord, 99 years old and a 76 year member of the Masonic Fraternity of Scriba Lodge No. 414. Don was active in the Cleveland Lodge No. 613 where I was Raised. Later this spring Bob Tyrrell and I will be visiting Scriba Lodge as a remembrance to Bro. Don.
I hope to see you at the Feast of Paschal lamb on Saturday April 9th to remember our fallen Brothers. At the same time please keep our Masonic Brothers and their families in Ukraine and all of its citizens in our thoughts and Prayers.
The Hospitalers Fund is always in need. If you are able to help, please send a check made out to Central City Bodies, and directed for the Hospitalers Fund.
If you are in need of some confidential assistance please contact Bob Tyrrell or myself…We may be able to provide some type of help.
Don’t forget the Blue envelopes !
Dick Freeman – 315-837-4962
[email protected]
Welcome to My World
Notes from the Children’s Dyslexia Center CNY
As I write this, we are just days from our Annual GALA celebration and fundraiser. As you read this the event has come and gone with another wonderful outpouring of support. Over 100 people, including friends and families of the Center, enjoyed a wonderful evening of fun, games, music and fellowship. The continued involvement by the members of Scottish Rite and all Masonic Bodies is humbling for those of us working at the Center.
We are all enjoying a much-needed Spring Break. March becomes a very long month for our children and tutors and the continued Covid mandates have been wearing for all. The last two and a half years have seen us face, meet and overcome many challenges that we could never have envisioned. The fact that you never wavered in your support has kept us moving forward in a positive vein has allowed us to stay the course and keep our children on track. It is also hard to fathom that we are approaching the end of this academic year and preparing for our Recognition Ceremony. We are planning to meet at Hart’s Hill again this year on June 14. If you would like to attend, please contact the Center as their will be limited seating and a small fee for the “luncheon” to be served that evening.
Another update on Lucas: He continues to make consistent progress and show more involvement in each lesson. It is nice to see him be more confident and willing (and smiling) as the year has progressed. What a change from the young man who arrived in the fall of 2020.
It does not seem possible that we are preparing for our next class of Practitioner 1 scholars. As always, if you know someone who might be interested, please have them contact us by the end of April. Our present scholars are doing a wonderful job and will soon complete their training. (I am happy to report that one is a Brother.) It has been a pleasure having them with us this year.
Wishing you all the best as we look toward a much-awaited Spring.
Linda L. Martin, Director
Email- [email protected]
Phone- (315) 736-0574
Mail- Children’s Dyslexia Center- CNY
PO Box 638
Oriskany, NY 13424
April, May, and June, 2022 Scheduled Events Date Changes
For the Valleys of Syracuse, Norwood, and Utica. Please read the April, May, and June Coming Events Calendar published this month. There are several date and location of events changes to take note of.
Degrees conferrals originally scheduled for March 26, 2022 at the Masonic Memorial Center, 648 Centerville Pl., North Syracuse are moved to the Utica Masonic Center, 251 Genesee Street, Utica, NY with the date changed to April 30, 2022 with the following schedule:
Register 9:00 a.m.
Open the 4 Body meeting 9:30 a.m.
Confer 4° (V); 6° (V) 10:00 a.m.
Confer 21° (L) 11:00 a.m. Syracuse Cast
Lunch 12:30 p.m.
Confer 22° (V); 32° 1:30 p.m. (All Valleys Live Conferral and
Knighting Cast)
Because the events on this day are all relocated from the Masonic Center in North Syracuse to the Utica Masonic Center 251 Genesee Street in Utica, NY. Carpooling to travel to Utica will start at 7:30 a.m. from the Masonic Memorial Center in North Syracuse.
Other dates changed are:
Reunion Dinner event New Date May 9, 2022
Guard’s Club annual 4 bodies meeting New Date May 16, 2022
2022-2023 Central City Bodies Officers Public Installation moved to Monday June 6, 2022 with Social time and dinner for this event.
Board of Trustees and Executive Committee Organization Meeting is now scheduled for June 13, 2022.
Knights of St. Andrew Bannockburn Banquet at the Brae Loch Inn, Cazenovia is on Saturday June 25, 2022.
Each month you receive notices that the Valley of Syracuse is actively seeking new members. We also invite our members to become more involved in Scottish Rite Masonry.
Supreme Council Member Center
All members who are not registered in the J365 Membership roster; please Go on line MYNMJ.ORG and sign into the Member Center. As a non registered member the system it will instruct you how to register. Have your member card available and follow the provided instructions. When registered you can view all of your Scottish Rite membership records on this site. Contact the Valley office if you require assistance.
Valley of Excellence Program
The Supreme Council, 33° A.A.S.R., NMJ, USA has adopted a Valley of Excellence program to encourage its Valleys to become improved Valleys and to provide Masonic and Scottish Services to its members. The Valley of Syracuse is currently ranked as a top three Valley in the Northern Masonic jurisdiction Our goal is to initiate twenty new 4° members prior to June 15, 2022 to improve that ranking.
Talk to your Masonic Brothers who do not belong to Scottish Rite and encourage them to join.
Scottish Rite is the most active Concordant Body in the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction.
All members are encouraged to go online and view your membership records and to actively participate in the programs and projects.
Officers Wanted
Dear Scottish Riters; members of the Valley of Syracuse - Your Valley has several Officers positions to be filled for 2022-2023. Officers needed include both Appointed and Elected officers in the Lodge of Perfection, Council Princes of Jerusalem, Chapter of Rose Croix, and Consistory.
The Body Mentors in charge of filling the vacant positions are
Lodge of Perfection – Ill∴ Gary S. Hartman, 33° 315-446-8667 / [email protected]
Council Princes of Jerusalem – Ill∴ Craig E. Cobb, 33° 315-446- 0625 / [email protected]
Chapter of Rose Croix – Ill∴ Carl F. Fahrenkrug, 33° 315-3391-8095 / [email protected]
Consistory – Ill∴ James D. Swan, Jr., 33° 315-569-5910 / [email protected]
We, your mentors, invite everyone to contact the individual Body Heads or us to discuss filling an Officer’s position in the valley for the next two to three years and beyond as you desire. We are also seeking volunteers to take part in the conferring of degrees each year. You are invited to become more active participants in the activities of your Valley.
Central City Bodies, A.A.S.R., Valley of Syracuse Invites YOU
To a Masonic Lodge Outreach and Scottish Rite “Rite on the Road” Degrees Conferral Program
What: A Scottish Rite degree conferral program to confer the 4° “Builder”; the first Scottish Rite degree starting a Master Mason’s journey to become a 32° Scottish Rite Mason in a Master Mason’s Home Lodge and Community.
Where: At a Masonic Lodge building in your Community
When: On a scheduled date at a convenient time selected by your Masonic Lodge.
A Membership Team representative from Central City Bodies, A.A.S.R., Valley of
Syracuse will make contact with your Masonic Lodge or you may contact the
Valley of Syracuse Office for more information - Phone: (315) 452-7976 / E-mail: [email protected]