April 2021
April 5 Executive Committee “ZOOM” Meeting 7:00 p.m.
Apr 17 32° Conferral- final arrangements and scheduling to be confirmed.
Attendance will be limited due to COVID-19 restrictions
May 2021
May 3 Trustees Meeting/Executive Committee “ZOOM” Meeting 7:00 p.m.
May TBA Annual Meeting with election and installation of Valley Officers. Details TBA
Note: We will continue to send Specific Event invitation notices from the office for all personal and virtual future events as we are allowed to meet.
Dates and times for all events are subject to change as we continue to work around the COVID-19 Pandemic Meeting restrictions
We are taking direction from the Grand Master, Sovereign Grand Commander, and the Memorial Masonic Temple Corporation Trustees directing the scheduling of meetings and events in the North Syracuse Masonic Memorial Center.
As Covid infections in our area have been on a decline and vaccinations have become more available I am excited to finally begin a renewed journey. The Officers of the Central City Bodies have been patiently waiting for the day when we could resume the in-person events that we were used to for many years.
By the time you read this article we will have presented our Radio version of the 23rd Degree “Knight of Valor” on March 15, 2021.My thanks to the following Brothers who brought this together; Ill:. James D. Swan, Jr., 33° for hosting the Zoom meeting, Ill:. Gary S. Hartman, 33° for Adapting the original script, Ill:. Richard J. Powell 33° for adding the background scenes and sound effects and D.B. William H. Toth II, 32° MSA for assembling the cast for this degree. I thank you and all the cast members and our audience that attended this special event. I especially want to thank Ill:. David P. Spencer 33°, Deputy for New York for granting us permission to present this adaptation of this moving degree.
We were also able to present the Feast of the Paschal Lamb on March 27, 2021 which we were able to stream live to our web site with the help of Brother Joseph Stabb, 32° and Ill:. Gary S. Hartman 33°. Thanks also to S.P.R.S. Gary W. Hamburg, M.W.M.,for assembling the cast for this presentation.
April 17, 2021 is a date we have been awaiting for over a year when we will finally have our Reunion and 32nd Degree Knighting of our last two classes of candidates as S.P.R.S. due to the size of the classes we may be required to do this ceremony in a split session due to restrictions that could still be in place at the time of this event.
Special thanks to all who attended and supported the 7th annual Gala for the Children’s Dyslexia Center of Central New York as a Virtual event isn’t technology wonderful ?
D.B. Lawrence W. Egnaczyk, 32° MSA
Commander in Chief
[email protected] / (H) Ph. # 315-637-4143 / (C) Ph. # 315-632-1043
The Lost Word, one recalls, is the representation of several things: the loss of reason, intellect and the moral sense and the loss of a true conception of Deity.
In the drama of the 18th degree, we are asked to labor both day and night for the Lost Word and while searching, three pillars appear: Faith, Hope and Charity, to aid our search out of the wilderness of doubt, dismay and despair.
We must continue our search for the True Word while also pursuing the explanation of how to reconcile the existence of sin, wrong, pain and suffering in the world, the prosperity of the wicked and powerful, the untold wrongs and injustices, and the emptiness of some religious creeds. During our search we learn the Masonic meaning of the initials I. N. R. I. inscribed upon the cross of Christ in John 19:19.
The True Word having been discovered in John’s gospel and having been placed upon the cross: Iesvs, Nazarenvs, Rex, Ivdeorvm means “Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews.” Others have interpreted the initials to: Igne, Natura, Renovatur, Integra meaning “All Nature is Renovated by Fire.”
All the degrees prior to and including this degree have led us to a better understanding of our Faith in a Creator, a Hope for a life hereafter and Charity to all that may need our help. Thus, we have been given a platform on which the Muslim, the Hebrew, the Hindu, the Buddhist and the Christian may stand side by side and hand to hand as true Brethren, each respecting the private beliefs of the other and doing him no harm.
So, as a Mason and also a Knight of the Rose Croix, do your attitude and actionsreflect Faith, Hope and Charity?
Gary W. Hamburg, 32°
Most Wise Master
Greetings Sovereign Princes.
The Valley officers are in the midst of planning the 32nd, how that will happen is in the works but it will be good to start doing degrees again. One of the new things is that The Chancellor Robert R. Livingston Library is starting a new program where you can sign up to borrow digital copies of books from the library. What an easy, fun way to gain even more insight and education on Scottish Rite. Look for an email for the easy sign up process. We would like to see more Brothers participate in the degrees both virtual and in person so if you are interested in taking part please let the office know.
With Easter coming up, all of the officers of Council Princes of Jerusalem wish you all a joyous and safe Easter.
Stay safe everybody. God bless you all, Freemasons, our military and this great country.
James McNeal, 32º DSA
Sovereign Prince
Greetings Brethren: Ahhhh! April is here with warmer weather, longer days and hopes for a bright and happy summer. With COVID restrictions lessening the Officers of the Lodge of Perfection want to wish you and your Families the very best the spring\summer season has to Offer!!
With our lives opening back up and Lodges beginning to meet again I would like to make a special plea to all who are reading this article in the Word!! As I have said many times before throughout this pandemic and everything before the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite NMJ and the Valley of Syracuse is by far the finest Masonic experience here in the North Country. Some of the highlights are: Well rehearsed degree work portrayed in full costume; Organized and meaningful meetings; Providing “Virtual Degree work and other meaningful content throughout COVID restrictions; State of the Art AASR NMJ Website With Leadership Resource Center; fun side groups such as the Knights of St Andrew; Well recognized Award system that's fairly distributed; Military Recognition nites, and truly Family oriented content such as family dinners with musical entertainment, Sporting event outings and Family BBQ events. We even, currently, have the ability to make any Master Mason a Scottish Rite Mason in His own Lodge or from the comfort of His own home (Virtually). Again I PLEA to all who are reading this to consider becoming part of the Valley of Syracuse Family or if already a member help spread the word about all we do and entice one or two of your friends and Brothers to Join!!!
Happy Easter from the Lodge Of Perfection and may God Bless each and every one of you
Terry A. Byard, 32° DSA
Thrice Potent Master
Greetings Brothers,
The good news is that Spring is finally here, and more and more people are getting vaccinated, however illness and injuries are currently high in our Valley.
Under Sickness, our thoughts are with Fred Dambach, David Freeman, Robert Valenson, George Caswell, and his wife Diane, James Mooney, and Tim DiMare from the Valley of Utica. Under distress for the loss of loved ones are Daniel Lort, John Seel, William C. Brunet, Bruce Dauer, Bruce Naumann, and the family of Leon Milner. We keep all of these people in our thoughts & prayers.
Informed sources report that Sandy Samson has been causing problems down in Cortlandville. Rumor has it that he suffered a broken arm while brushing snow from his car! Hope this gives you a chuckle Sandy, Please get better soon …We miss you at the Valley.
The Hospitalers Fund is always in need. If you are able to help, please send a check made out to Central City Bodies, and directed for the Hospitalers Fund.
If you are in need of some confidential assistance please contact us…We may be able to provide some type of help.
Keep wearing that mask…
Dick Freeman – 315-837-4962
[email protected]
Welcome to My World
Notes from the Children’s Dyslexia Center CNY
Who would ever believe that we have been dealing with the COVOD 19 pandemic for over a year! After the mandated closure last spring and our 6 week stint of tutoring via ZOOM, I am happy to report that the Children’s Dyslexia Center Central New York has managed to stay open and meet with the children in a one-on-one situation without incident since the beginning of October 2020. Due to monumental efforts by the Board, tutors, families, Gineal and myself, we have, hopefully, weathered the worst of it and will soon begin to return to some sense of normalcy.
We had some wonderful news recently. Colton’s mother called to Thank us for all the help Colton received at the Center. (He completed his second year last spring when I had the privilege of working with him on ZOOM) She was thrilled to let us know that Colton made Honor Roll this last semester, something she was sure would not have happened without his time at the Center. As always, I want to remind you that this only happens because of your continued support of our program. Every child who comes to the Center is impacted in a positive manner because of what you do for us! For that, I Thank You.
Other news- We have yet to finalize plans for the annual Recognition Ceremony. We want to do something to honor this year’s children and tutors as well as those who we were not able to honor last spring. ‘Stay tuned’ and we will bring you updates as we know more.
Blessings to you all and wishes for a Warm and Beautiful Spring.
Linda L. Martin, Director
Email- [email protected]
Phone- (315) 736-0574
Mail- Children’s Dyslexia Center- CNY
PO Box 638
Oriskany, NY 13424
Central City Bodies, A.A.S.R., Valley of Syracuse Invites YOU to a Masonic Lodge Outreach and Scottish Rite “Rite on the Road” Degrees Conferral Program
What: A Scottish Rite degree conferral program to confer the 4° “Builder”; the first Scottish Rite degree starting a Master Mason’s journey to become a 32° Scottish Rite Mason in a Master Mason’s Home Lodge and Community.
Where: At a Masonic Lodge building in your Community
When: On a scheduled date at a convenient time selected by your Masonic Lodge.
A Membership Team representative from Central City Bodies, A.A.S.R., Valley of Syracuse will make contact with your Masonic Lodge or you may contact the Valley of Syracuse Office for more information - Phone: (315) 452-7976 / E-mail: [email protected]
2021 – 2022 Scholarship Applicants
Applicants receiving a scholarship for 2021- 2022 will be notified in August 2021.
Latest communications from the Scholarship Committees confirm that the checks will be mailed to the recipients after the announcements are made. We anticipate that the distribution of Financial Assistance checks will occur during the month of August this year. We will keep everyone informed if announcements are received changing this latest Scholarship Committee announcement.
SPECIAL NOTE!! If your studies were interrupted during 2020-2021 academic year due to the pandemic and you plan to return to school full time Fall 2021 please complete your application and submit it!!
April 2021
April 5 Executive Committee “ZOOM” Meeting 7:00 p.m.
Apr 17 32° Conferral- final arrangements and scheduling to be confirmed.
Attendance will be limited due to COVID-19 restrictions
May 2021
May 3 Trustees Meeting/Executive Committee “ZOOM” Meeting 7:00 p.m.
May TBA Annual Meeting with election and installation of Valley Officers. Details TBA
Note: We will continue to send Specific Event invitation notices from the office for all personal and virtual future events as we are allowed to meet.
Dates and times for all events are subject to change as we continue to work around the COVID-19 Pandemic Meeting restrictions
We are taking direction from the Grand Master, Sovereign Grand Commander, and the Memorial Masonic Temple Corporation Trustees directing the scheduling of meetings and events in the North Syracuse Masonic Memorial Center.
As Covid infections in our area have been on a decline and vaccinations have become more available I am excited to finally begin a renewed journey. The Officers of the Central City Bodies have been patiently waiting for the day when we could resume the in-person events that we were used to for many years.
By the time you read this article we will have presented our Radio version of the 23rd Degree “Knight of Valor” on March 15, 2021.My thanks to the following Brothers who brought this together; Ill:. James D. Swan, Jr., 33° for hosting the Zoom meeting, Ill:. Gary S. Hartman, 33° for Adapting the original script, Ill:. Richard J. Powell 33° for adding the background scenes and sound effects and D.B. William H. Toth II, 32° MSA for assembling the cast for this degree. I thank you and all the cast members and our audience that attended this special event. I especially want to thank Ill:. David P. Spencer 33°, Deputy for New York for granting us permission to present this adaptation of this moving degree.
We were also able to present the Feast of the Paschal Lamb on March 27, 2021 which we were able to stream live to our web site with the help of Brother Joseph Stabb, 32° and Ill:. Gary S. Hartman 33°. Thanks also to S.P.R.S. Gary W. Hamburg, M.W.M.,for assembling the cast for this presentation.
April 17, 2021 is a date we have been awaiting for over a year when we will finally have our Reunion and 32nd Degree Knighting of our last two classes of candidates as S.P.R.S. due to the size of the classes we may be required to do this ceremony in a split session due to restrictions that could still be in place at the time of this event.
Special thanks to all who attended and supported the 7th annual Gala for the Children’s Dyslexia Center of Central New York as a Virtual event isn’t technology wonderful ?
D.B. Lawrence W. Egnaczyk, 32° MSA
Commander in Chief
[email protected] / (H) Ph. # 315-637-4143 / (C) Ph. # 315-632-1043
The Lost Word, one recalls, is the representation of several things: the loss of reason, intellect and the moral sense and the loss of a true conception of Deity.
In the drama of the 18th degree, we are asked to labor both day and night for the Lost Word and while searching, three pillars appear: Faith, Hope and Charity, to aid our search out of the wilderness of doubt, dismay and despair.
We must continue our search for the True Word while also pursuing the explanation of how to reconcile the existence of sin, wrong, pain and suffering in the world, the prosperity of the wicked and powerful, the untold wrongs and injustices, and the emptiness of some religious creeds. During our search we learn the Masonic meaning of the initials I. N. R. I. inscribed upon the cross of Christ in John 19:19.
The True Word having been discovered in John’s gospel and having been placed upon the cross: Iesvs, Nazarenvs, Rex, Ivdeorvm means “Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews.” Others have interpreted the initials to: Igne, Natura, Renovatur, Integra meaning “All Nature is Renovated by Fire.”
All the degrees prior to and including this degree have led us to a better understanding of our Faith in a Creator, a Hope for a life hereafter and Charity to all that may need our help. Thus, we have been given a platform on which the Muslim, the Hebrew, the Hindu, the Buddhist and the Christian may stand side by side and hand to hand as true Brethren, each respecting the private beliefs of the other and doing him no harm.
So, as a Mason and also a Knight of the Rose Croix, do your attitude and actionsreflect Faith, Hope and Charity?
Gary W. Hamburg, 32°
Most Wise Master
Greetings Sovereign Princes.
The Valley officers are in the midst of planning the 32nd, how that will happen is in the works but it will be good to start doing degrees again. One of the new things is that The Chancellor Robert R. Livingston Library is starting a new program where you can sign up to borrow digital copies of books from the library. What an easy, fun way to gain even more insight and education on Scottish Rite. Look for an email for the easy sign up process. We would like to see more Brothers participate in the degrees both virtual and in person so if you are interested in taking part please let the office know.
With Easter coming up, all of the officers of Council Princes of Jerusalem wish you all a joyous and safe Easter.
Stay safe everybody. God bless you all, Freemasons, our military and this great country.
James McNeal, 32º DSA
Sovereign Prince
Greetings Brethren: Ahhhh! April is here with warmer weather, longer days and hopes for a bright and happy summer. With COVID restrictions lessening the Officers of the Lodge of Perfection want to wish you and your Families the very best the spring\summer season has to Offer!!
With our lives opening back up and Lodges beginning to meet again I would like to make a special plea to all who are reading this article in the Word!! As I have said many times before throughout this pandemic and everything before the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite NMJ and the Valley of Syracuse is by far the finest Masonic experience here in the North Country. Some of the highlights are: Well rehearsed degree work portrayed in full costume; Organized and meaningful meetings; Providing “Virtual Degree work and other meaningful content throughout COVID restrictions; State of the Art AASR NMJ Website With Leadership Resource Center; fun side groups such as the Knights of St Andrew; Well recognized Award system that's fairly distributed; Military Recognition nites, and truly Family oriented content such as family dinners with musical entertainment, Sporting event outings and Family BBQ events. We even, currently, have the ability to make any Master Mason a Scottish Rite Mason in His own Lodge or from the comfort of His own home (Virtually). Again I PLEA to all who are reading this to consider becoming part of the Valley of Syracuse Family or if already a member help spread the word about all we do and entice one or two of your friends and Brothers to Join!!!
Happy Easter from the Lodge Of Perfection and may God Bless each and every one of you
Terry A. Byard, 32° DSA
Thrice Potent Master
Greetings Brothers,
The good news is that Spring is finally here, and more and more people are getting vaccinated, however illness and injuries are currently high in our Valley.
Under Sickness, our thoughts are with Fred Dambach, David Freeman, Robert Valenson, George Caswell, and his wife Diane, James Mooney, and Tim DiMare from the Valley of Utica. Under distress for the loss of loved ones are Daniel Lort, John Seel, William C. Brunet, Bruce Dauer, Bruce Naumann, and the family of Leon Milner. We keep all of these people in our thoughts & prayers.
Informed sources report that Sandy Samson has been causing problems down in Cortlandville. Rumor has it that he suffered a broken arm while brushing snow from his car! Hope this gives you a chuckle Sandy, Please get better soon …We miss you at the Valley.
The Hospitalers Fund is always in need. If you are able to help, please send a check made out to Central City Bodies, and directed for the Hospitalers Fund.
If you are in need of some confidential assistance please contact us…We may be able to provide some type of help.
Keep wearing that mask…
Dick Freeman – 315-837-4962
[email protected]
Welcome to My World
Notes from the Children’s Dyslexia Center CNY
Who would ever believe that we have been dealing with the COVOD 19 pandemic for over a year! After the mandated closure last spring and our 6 week stint of tutoring via ZOOM, I am happy to report that the Children’s Dyslexia Center Central New York has managed to stay open and meet with the children in a one-on-one situation without incident since the beginning of October 2020. Due to monumental efforts by the Board, tutors, families, Gineal and myself, we have, hopefully, weathered the worst of it and will soon begin to return to some sense of normalcy.
We had some wonderful news recently. Colton’s mother called to Thank us for all the help Colton received at the Center. (He completed his second year last spring when I had the privilege of working with him on ZOOM) She was thrilled to let us know that Colton made Honor Roll this last semester, something she was sure would not have happened without his time at the Center. As always, I want to remind you that this only happens because of your continued support of our program. Every child who comes to the Center is impacted in a positive manner because of what you do for us! For that, I Thank You.
Other news- We have yet to finalize plans for the annual Recognition Ceremony. We want to do something to honor this year’s children and tutors as well as those who we were not able to honor last spring. ‘Stay tuned’ and we will bring you updates as we know more.
Blessings to you all and wishes for a Warm and Beautiful Spring.
Linda L. Martin, Director
Email- [email protected]
Phone- (315) 736-0574
Mail- Children’s Dyslexia Center- CNY
PO Box 638
Oriskany, NY 13424
Central City Bodies, A.A.S.R., Valley of Syracuse Invites YOU to a Masonic Lodge Outreach and Scottish Rite “Rite on the Road” Degrees Conferral Program
What: A Scottish Rite degree conferral program to confer the 4° “Builder”; the first Scottish Rite degree starting a Master Mason’s journey to become a 32° Scottish Rite Mason in a Master Mason’s Home Lodge and Community.
Where: At a Masonic Lodge building in your Community
When: On a scheduled date at a convenient time selected by your Masonic Lodge.
A Membership Team representative from Central City Bodies, A.A.S.R., Valley of Syracuse will make contact with your Masonic Lodge or you may contact the Valley of Syracuse Office for more information - Phone: (315) 452-7976 / E-mail: [email protected]
2021 – 2022 Scholarship Applicants
Applicants receiving a scholarship for 2021- 2022 will be notified in August 2021.
Latest communications from the Scholarship Committees confirm that the checks will be mailed to the recipients after the announcements are made. We anticipate that the distribution of Financial Assistance checks will occur during the month of August this year. We will keep everyone informed if announcements are received changing this latest Scholarship Committee announcement.
SPECIAL NOTE!! If your studies were interrupted during 2020-2021 academic year due to the pandemic and you plan to return to school full time Fall 2021 please complete your application and submit it!!