October 2024
Oct 7 Executive Committee Meeting 7:00 p.m.
Oct 21 Awards and Recognition Event
Social 6:00 p.m. / Dinner 6:30 p.m. / Program
Oct 28 Confer 15° & 16° 7:30 p.m.
November 2024
Nov 04 Trustees (6:15 p.m.) & Executive Committee (7:00 p.m.) Zoom Meetings
Nov 11 Veterans Recognition Event
Social 6:00 p.m. / Dinner 6:30 p.m. / Program 7:30 p.m.
Nov 28 Happy Thanksgiving
Sublime Princes, Publication deadlines being what they are, I am writing this article prior to any of our September events. Nevertheless, our Kickoff event seems to be shaping up quite well. Special thanks to Dr. Tim Page who arranged for our guest speaker Ill. Randy Seiple who presented a program on the 133rd Psalm. We were also pleased to have MW and Ill. Jeffrey M. Williamson present with us at the kickoff event. MW Williamson is our class sponsor for the 2024 – 2025 class of candidates for Scottish Rite Freemasonry. Just a reminder, candidates can join the class at any point over the coming year. I have committed to adding a 4° Video to any scheduled Degree Night if we have a new candidate to join the class. Officers training was held on Sept. 23rd and the 2024 – 2025 class started their Scottish Rite journey with presentations of the 4° and 11° on Sept. 30th.
October is my favorite month of the year. Warm sunny days provide the opportunity for a few late season motorcycle rides to enjoy the spectacular fall colors which grace our hillsides in the Northeastern US. It is also the time when we hold our annual Awards and Recognition Event. The glue that gives cohesiveness to our Valley comes from a broad range of outstanding Brothers who live Masonic ideals each day of their lives. It is appropriate that we take an evening to recognize the long and faithful service of some of those who have contributed so much to the success of this Valley. We have been informed that DB Richard Freeman and DB Avery Wheelock have been elected to receive the 33° at the Supreme Council Session in Indianapolis, Indiana in 2025. We hope you can be present with us at our Awards and Recognition Event on October 21st.
Next up in October the Council Princes of Jerusalem will present the 15° and 16° on October 28th . The 15° will be live followed by a video presentation of the 16°. These are paired degrees and, in my opinion, they are best when witnessed together. I would also like to take a moment and encourage everyone to consider taking a part in one of our live degrees. We have parts available for all skill levels and interests...walk-on parts, one-liners, as well as assisting with props and in the robing room. Video degrees have their place, but live degrees offer the best opportunities for fellowship both at rehearsals and on opening night!
At our Executive Committee Meeting on August 26th there was some discussion about making Scottish Rite more visible to the community. One of the suggestions was a “Trunk or Treat”. So, calling all Halloween fanatics! Bring your car, truck or SUV to the Memorial Masonic Temple parking lot and decorate your trunk (or truck bed) for Halloween on Thursday evening, October 31st 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM. Bring lots of candy for the kiddies and plan to have a good time. In the event of bad weather we will put some decorations in front of the building and have the candy and additional decorations in the lobby area. Mystery prize for best decorated vehicle(or inside display). This event was not included on your Scottish Rite schedule so please mark your calendar accordingly.
Membership remains a top priority of the Valley. Our goal is once again 14 new 4° Members during this 2024 – 2025 year. If you are aware of any opportunities to speak about Scottish Rite at Lodge events, or in your districts, please speak to myself or any Valley Officers.
I look forward to greeting everyone at our Valley events.
Ill. William H. Toth II, 33° MSA
Commander in Chief
Greetings from Chapter of Rose Croix. We are looking forward to our live 18th Degree and Feast of the Pascal Lamb later this year. I hope that everyone reading this will be able to attend and that more than a few of you will be able to join the cast.
In my last article, I discussed the important roles of Faith, Hope and Charity in the Rose Croix and I discussed the virtue of Faith. In this article, I would like to discuss Hope.
In challenging times, when society faces uncertainty, hardship, and despair, hope becomes an essential source of strength. Hope offers a vision of better days ahead, helping individuals persevere through adversity and inspiring collective action toward positive change. Amid global crises—whether they be economic, social, environmental, or health-related—hope is the driving force that prevents us from surrendering to despair.
The teachings of the Scottish Rite, particularly the Rose Croix degree (the 18th Degree, Knight Rose Croix), provide profound insights into the nature of hope. In Freemasonry, the Rose Croix degree is symbolic of spiritual growth, renewal, and the triumph of truth over darkness. Through the imagery of the rose and the cross, this degree emphasizes that life is full of trials, but it is through facing these challenges that we find growth, purpose, and redemption.
In the Rose Croix degree, the cross represents suffering and sacrifice, while the rose symbolizes beauty and resurrection. Together, they reflect the duality of existence: hardship intertwined with hope, and darkness with the promise of light. This duality speaks to the core of the human experience, where hope becomes the means by which we transcend suffering and find spiritual and personal renewal.
Hope, in the context of the Rose Croix, is not merely a passive wish for better times. It is an active force that compels us to seek truth, pursue justice, and live by the values of compassion and love. In this way, hope becomes a call to action, urging us to make positive contributions to our communities, stand up for what is right, and strive for a more just and harmonious world.
The Rose Croix degree also teaches that hope is the antidote to despair. In times of darkness, when individuals may experience their own "dark night of the soul," hope offers the promise of renewal and resurrection. It reminds us that despair, though painful, is not the end. With perseverance and faith, we can rise from our struggles stronger and wiser.
In these difficult times, the need for hope is clear. Through the lens of the Scottish Rite Rose Croix, hope becomes both a guiding light and a powerful motivator, reminding us that, even in the face of adversity, better days are always possible.
Joseph W. Flanagan, 32°
Most Wise Master.
In the NMJ, the Council of Princes of Jerusalem stands alone as the second of the four bodies and that comprises a complete Scottish Rite Valley. Often this body is known for conferring "the Historical Degrees" known as the 15°,Knight of the East and the 16°, Prince of Jerusalem. At the Scottish Rite, NMJ, The name of the body, Council of Princes of Jerusalem, refers to a character in the 16° degree who is given the title: Prince of Jerusalem.
The two degrees of the Council of Princes of Jerusalem constitute an allegorical narrative that relays the story of a captive people who "wept beside the rivers of Babylon." The parable tells that when the people were liberated, they were tasked with building the Second Temple or rebuilding the original Temple of Solomon, which marauding Assyrians had destroyed.
At the center of the story are the characters Daniel, Joshua, Zerubbabel, and his companions. Through these two degrees, the virtues of patience, courage, and fortitude are juxtaposed with disillusionment as the tale progresses along with the building of the Temple. The lessons of these historical degrees are drawn from the historical drama which transpired during the reigns of the Great Kings, Cyrus and Darius.
The 15th degree, Knight of the East, teaches us to emulate Zerubbabel, who would not violate his obligations even when tempted. The philosophy woven through this allegory is that maintaining loyalty to conviction, fidelity to duty, and devotion to truth are the essences of integrity. Integrity is a Core Value demonstrated by the actions of the characters.
In the 16th degree, Prince of Jerusalem, the court of King Darius contemplates what motivates a man. Through this story, we gain an understanding of a philosophy that states that devotion to truth surpasses secular motivations. The Scottish Rite Core Value emphasized here is Reverence for God.
Michael A. Miller, 32°
Sovereign Prince
I write to you just before our kickoff meeting which will be held on September 9th . I am sure that once this article reaches you all we will have had a successful meeting, as well as a viewing of the 4° and 11° that came later in September. If you did not get a chance to go to these wonderful degrees, I urge you to do so next time. With these as well as all of our degrees, they are meant to be viewed many times throughout life to instill in our minds the lessons they teach. It is true, that there is nothing quite like a live degree, but there is great value to those shown on video with the full versions of the degrees, with all parts done with professional actors.
Coming up on October 5th , the Dyslexia Learning Center walk-a-thon. I urge you all to attend if possible, or to support those walking as liberally as you are able. This is a wonderful cause with immediate true benefit to Children in our community. Later in the month we have our awards and recognition evening on October 21st starting at 6pm for social hour, followed by our conferring of the 15° and 16° on October 28th .
Looking forward to seeing you soon Brothers!
Sincerely & Fraternally,
Eric Driscoll, 32°
Thrice Potent Master
Here we are with meetings going strong. Sad news Is that RW Alan Morgan Past Senior Grand Warden passed away in Nevada. Please keep this brother’s family in your prayers.
In distress is Ill Garret Wikoff who is continuing to recover from his heart surgery, he has had a couple setbacks but is doing well. Also in distress are Heather Scarson with Cancer and Duane Crapser is continuing to recover from his surgery. We pray for healing on these brothers and sisters.
Please keep the Valley informed of anyone in distress so we know. The office staff is great at getting out cards.
I hope you all have a great Masonic Year.
Ill. Garry Visconti, 33° MSA
[email protected]
(315) 529-1936
Welcome to My World
Notes from the Children’s Dyslexia Center CNY
October is an exciting time at the Central New York Children’s Dyslexia Center. The second-year students come in smiling and confident, knowing that they are in a place where they can continue to learn new strategies and be provided with the “tools” to help them overcome the challenges they have faced in the past in regard to reading, writing and spelling.
The first-year students arrive nervously, not knowing what to expect. And then there are the new tutors and Practitioners who are nervous as well to meet their new students and take on the challenging task of helping them to overcome the challenges that they have faced. It is a learning experience for all.
Our Practitioner 1 trainees continue to meet once a month at the center for Saturday training and are receiving the mentoring they need to learn the Level 1 and 2 curriculum and the techniques we use when working with the students. The Practitioner 2 trainees meet once a month on-line in a google classroom to continue their training, learning the Level 3, 4, and 5 curriculum and learning about the layers and origins of our language.
We kick off October with our annual Walk-A-Thon at the Eastern Star campus and look forward in the upcoming months to our Utica Coffee and a Popcorn fundraiser. We thank those who have helped make these events successful in the past and hope we can continue to increase involvement so that we may keep on providing tutoring and training at CNY.
Marianne Jones, Director
Email: [email protected]
Mail- Children’s Dyslexia Center- CNY
PO Box 638
Oriskany, NY 13424
Awards and Recognition Evening
Central City Bodies hosts the Annual Awards and Recognition event Monday evening October 21, 2024 with an evening starting with “Before Dinner Snacks” and social time starting at 6:00 p.m. followed by dinner at 6:30 p.m. with the Awards and Recognition program in the Lodge room at 7:30 p.m.
This evening is open to our members, their families, and guests. You are encouraged to attend when many of our dedicated and hard working Scottish Rite Valley Officers and members will receive recognition that evening for the many tasks completed each year.
We will be serving a Roasted Turkey Breast dinner for this event. Cost is $20.00 per person with pre reservations by October 15, 2024 required. Contact the Valley office (315) 452-7976 to make your reservations for dinner. Please make certain to inform us of any dietary restrictions or food allergies you may have.
Dress code for the event is Valley Officers tuxedos with shirt and tie. Other members Smart business Dress with Jacket and tie. Ladies smart business dress. Additional information about this event will be coming to you in the next few weeks.
Member’s Annual Dues Notices
By the time you receive the September WORD you will have received your 2025 Central City Bodies, A.A.S.R. Member’s Annual Dues Notice mailed to you from Supreme Council. There is a nominal dues amount increase for 2025 as result of the four years annual Member’s Dues increase plan approved in 2023. Please pay your 2025 Member’s Dues prior to December 31, 2024. Please contact the Valley office if you have any questions (315) 452-7976 about your
Degree Cast Invitation
The Central City Bodies are organizing the degrees casts for the planned live degrees and “Feast of the Paschal Lamb” to be presented during the 2024 – 2025 Scottish Rite year.
Degrees and ceremony planned and the date they are scheduled to be presented live are:
Monday October 28, 2024 Council Princes of Jerusalem confers the 15° “Knight of the East”
Monday February 24, 2025 Chapter of Rose Croix confers the 18° “Knight of Rose Croix H.R.D.M.”
Saturday March 22, 2025 Lodge of Perfection confers the 14° Grand Elect Mason”.
Saturday March 22, 2025 Consistory confers the 32° “Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret”
Saturday April 12, 2025 Chapter of Rose Croix presents “Feast of the Paschal Lamb”
We are seeking members to be a part of the degree teams for these degrees and
ceremony. Speaking and non-speaking participants are required for all of these
What is required: 1. Learn speaking parts of the ritual; 2. Attend one or two rehearsals to make certain the floor work is coordinated; 3. Attend the degree presentation on the specified date.
Contact the Valley office if you wish to participate. (315) 452-7976.
2025 Burns Supper
Mark your calendars! The Burns Supper will be held on Saturday, January 18, 2025. Details will be coming this month.
October 2024
Oct 7 Executive Committee Meeting 7:00 p.m.
Oct 21 Awards and Recognition Event
Social 6:00 p.m. / Dinner 6:30 p.m. / Program
Oct 28 Confer 15° & 16° 7:30 p.m.
November 2024
Nov 04 Trustees (6:15 p.m.) & Executive Committee (7:00 p.m.) Zoom Meetings
Nov 11 Veterans Recognition Event
Social 6:00 p.m. / Dinner 6:30 p.m. / Program 7:30 p.m.
Nov 28 Happy Thanksgiving
Sublime Princes, Publication deadlines being what they are, I am writing this article prior to any of our September events. Nevertheless, our Kickoff event seems to be shaping up quite well. Special thanks to Dr. Tim Page who arranged for our guest speaker Ill. Randy Seiple who presented a program on the 133rd Psalm. We were also pleased to have MW and Ill. Jeffrey M. Williamson present with us at the kickoff event. MW Williamson is our class sponsor for the 2024 – 2025 class of candidates for Scottish Rite Freemasonry. Just a reminder, candidates can join the class at any point over the coming year. I have committed to adding a 4° Video to any scheduled Degree Night if we have a new candidate to join the class. Officers training was held on Sept. 23rd and the 2024 – 2025 class started their Scottish Rite journey with presentations of the 4° and 11° on Sept. 30th.
October is my favorite month of the year. Warm sunny days provide the opportunity for a few late season motorcycle rides to enjoy the spectacular fall colors which grace our hillsides in the Northeastern US. It is also the time when we hold our annual Awards and Recognition Event. The glue that gives cohesiveness to our Valley comes from a broad range of outstanding Brothers who live Masonic ideals each day of their lives. It is appropriate that we take an evening to recognize the long and faithful service of some of those who have contributed so much to the success of this Valley. We have been informed that DB Richard Freeman and DB Avery Wheelock have been elected to receive the 33° at the Supreme Council Session in Indianapolis, Indiana in 2025. We hope you can be present with us at our Awards and Recognition Event on October 21st.
Next up in October the Council Princes of Jerusalem will present the 15° and 16° on October 28th . The 15° will be live followed by a video presentation of the 16°. These are paired degrees and, in my opinion, they are best when witnessed together. I would also like to take a moment and encourage everyone to consider taking a part in one of our live degrees. We have parts available for all skill levels and interests...walk-on parts, one-liners, as well as assisting with props and in the robing room. Video degrees have their place, but live degrees offer the best opportunities for fellowship both at rehearsals and on opening night!
At our Executive Committee Meeting on August 26th there was some discussion about making Scottish Rite more visible to the community. One of the suggestions was a “Trunk or Treat”. So, calling all Halloween fanatics! Bring your car, truck or SUV to the Memorial Masonic Temple parking lot and decorate your trunk (or truck bed) for Halloween on Thursday evening, October 31st 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM. Bring lots of candy for the kiddies and plan to have a good time. In the event of bad weather we will put some decorations in front of the building and have the candy and additional decorations in the lobby area. Mystery prize for best decorated vehicle(or inside display). This event was not included on your Scottish Rite schedule so please mark your calendar accordingly.
Membership remains a top priority of the Valley. Our goal is once again 14 new 4° Members during this 2024 – 2025 year. If you are aware of any opportunities to speak about Scottish Rite at Lodge events, or in your districts, please speak to myself or any Valley Officers.
I look forward to greeting everyone at our Valley events.
Ill. William H. Toth II, 33° MSA
Commander in Chief
Greetings from Chapter of Rose Croix. We are looking forward to our live 18th Degree and Feast of the Pascal Lamb later this year. I hope that everyone reading this will be able to attend and that more than a few of you will be able to join the cast.
In my last article, I discussed the important roles of Faith, Hope and Charity in the Rose Croix and I discussed the virtue of Faith. In this article, I would like to discuss Hope.
In challenging times, when society faces uncertainty, hardship, and despair, hope becomes an essential source of strength. Hope offers a vision of better days ahead, helping individuals persevere through adversity and inspiring collective action toward positive change. Amid global crises—whether they be economic, social, environmental, or health-related—hope is the driving force that prevents us from surrendering to despair.
The teachings of the Scottish Rite, particularly the Rose Croix degree (the 18th Degree, Knight Rose Croix), provide profound insights into the nature of hope. In Freemasonry, the Rose Croix degree is symbolic of spiritual growth, renewal, and the triumph of truth over darkness. Through the imagery of the rose and the cross, this degree emphasizes that life is full of trials, but it is through facing these challenges that we find growth, purpose, and redemption.
In the Rose Croix degree, the cross represents suffering and sacrifice, while the rose symbolizes beauty and resurrection. Together, they reflect the duality of existence: hardship intertwined with hope, and darkness with the promise of light. This duality speaks to the core of the human experience, where hope becomes the means by which we transcend suffering and find spiritual and personal renewal.
Hope, in the context of the Rose Croix, is not merely a passive wish for better times. It is an active force that compels us to seek truth, pursue justice, and live by the values of compassion and love. In this way, hope becomes a call to action, urging us to make positive contributions to our communities, stand up for what is right, and strive for a more just and harmonious world.
The Rose Croix degree also teaches that hope is the antidote to despair. In times of darkness, when individuals may experience their own "dark night of the soul," hope offers the promise of renewal and resurrection. It reminds us that despair, though painful, is not the end. With perseverance and faith, we can rise from our struggles stronger and wiser.
In these difficult times, the need for hope is clear. Through the lens of the Scottish Rite Rose Croix, hope becomes both a guiding light and a powerful motivator, reminding us that, even in the face of adversity, better days are always possible.
Joseph W. Flanagan, 32°
Most Wise Master.
In the NMJ, the Council of Princes of Jerusalem stands alone as the second of the four bodies and that comprises a complete Scottish Rite Valley. Often this body is known for conferring "the Historical Degrees" known as the 15°,Knight of the East and the 16°, Prince of Jerusalem. At the Scottish Rite, NMJ, The name of the body, Council of Princes of Jerusalem, refers to a character in the 16° degree who is given the title: Prince of Jerusalem.
The two degrees of the Council of Princes of Jerusalem constitute an allegorical narrative that relays the story of a captive people who "wept beside the rivers of Babylon." The parable tells that when the people were liberated, they were tasked with building the Second Temple or rebuilding the original Temple of Solomon, which marauding Assyrians had destroyed.
At the center of the story are the characters Daniel, Joshua, Zerubbabel, and his companions. Through these two degrees, the virtues of patience, courage, and fortitude are juxtaposed with disillusionment as the tale progresses along with the building of the Temple. The lessons of these historical degrees are drawn from the historical drama which transpired during the reigns of the Great Kings, Cyrus and Darius.
The 15th degree, Knight of the East, teaches us to emulate Zerubbabel, who would not violate his obligations even when tempted. The philosophy woven through this allegory is that maintaining loyalty to conviction, fidelity to duty, and devotion to truth are the essences of integrity. Integrity is a Core Value demonstrated by the actions of the characters.
In the 16th degree, Prince of Jerusalem, the court of King Darius contemplates what motivates a man. Through this story, we gain an understanding of a philosophy that states that devotion to truth surpasses secular motivations. The Scottish Rite Core Value emphasized here is Reverence for God.
Michael A. Miller, 32°
Sovereign Prince
I write to you just before our kickoff meeting which will be held on September 9th . I am sure that once this article reaches you all we will have had a successful meeting, as well as a viewing of the 4° and 11° that came later in September. If you did not get a chance to go to these wonderful degrees, I urge you to do so next time. With these as well as all of our degrees, they are meant to be viewed many times throughout life to instill in our minds the lessons they teach. It is true, that there is nothing quite like a live degree, but there is great value to those shown on video with the full versions of the degrees, with all parts done with professional actors.
Coming up on October 5th , the Dyslexia Learning Center walk-a-thon. I urge you all to attend if possible, or to support those walking as liberally as you are able. This is a wonderful cause with immediate true benefit to Children in our community. Later in the month we have our awards and recognition evening on October 21st starting at 6pm for social hour, followed by our conferring of the 15° and 16° on October 28th .
Looking forward to seeing you soon Brothers!
Sincerely & Fraternally,
Eric Driscoll, 32°
Thrice Potent Master
Here we are with meetings going strong. Sad news Is that RW Alan Morgan Past Senior Grand Warden passed away in Nevada. Please keep this brother’s family in your prayers.
In distress is Ill Garret Wikoff who is continuing to recover from his heart surgery, he has had a couple setbacks but is doing well. Also in distress are Heather Scarson with Cancer and Duane Crapser is continuing to recover from his surgery. We pray for healing on these brothers and sisters.
Please keep the Valley informed of anyone in distress so we know. The office staff is great at getting out cards.
I hope you all have a great Masonic Year.
Ill. Garry Visconti, 33° MSA
[email protected]
(315) 529-1936
Welcome to My World
Notes from the Children’s Dyslexia Center CNY
October is an exciting time at the Central New York Children’s Dyslexia Center. The second-year students come in smiling and confident, knowing that they are in a place where they can continue to learn new strategies and be provided with the “tools” to help them overcome the challenges they have faced in the past in regard to reading, writing and spelling.
The first-year students arrive nervously, not knowing what to expect. And then there are the new tutors and Practitioners who are nervous as well to meet their new students and take on the challenging task of helping them to overcome the challenges that they have faced. It is a learning experience for all.
Our Practitioner 1 trainees continue to meet once a month at the center for Saturday training and are receiving the mentoring they need to learn the Level 1 and 2 curriculum and the techniques we use when working with the students. The Practitioner 2 trainees meet once a month on-line in a google classroom to continue their training, learning the Level 3, 4, and 5 curriculum and learning about the layers and origins of our language.
We kick off October with our annual Walk-A-Thon at the Eastern Star campus and look forward in the upcoming months to our Utica Coffee and a Popcorn fundraiser. We thank those who have helped make these events successful in the past and hope we can continue to increase involvement so that we may keep on providing tutoring and training at CNY.
Marianne Jones, Director
Email: [email protected]
Mail- Children’s Dyslexia Center- CNY
PO Box 638
Oriskany, NY 13424
Awards and Recognition Evening
Central City Bodies hosts the Annual Awards and Recognition event Monday evening October 21, 2024 with an evening starting with “Before Dinner Snacks” and social time starting at 6:00 p.m. followed by dinner at 6:30 p.m. with the Awards and Recognition program in the Lodge room at 7:30 p.m.
This evening is open to our members, their families, and guests. You are encouraged to attend when many of our dedicated and hard working Scottish Rite Valley Officers and members will receive recognition that evening for the many tasks completed each year.
We will be serving a Roasted Turkey Breast dinner for this event. Cost is $20.00 per person with pre reservations by October 15, 2024 required. Contact the Valley office (315) 452-7976 to make your reservations for dinner. Please make certain to inform us of any dietary restrictions or food allergies you may have.
Dress code for the event is Valley Officers tuxedos with shirt and tie. Other members Smart business Dress with Jacket and tie. Ladies smart business dress. Additional information about this event will be coming to you in the next few weeks.
Member’s Annual Dues Notices
By the time you receive the September WORD you will have received your 2025 Central City Bodies, A.A.S.R. Member’s Annual Dues Notice mailed to you from Supreme Council. There is a nominal dues amount increase for 2025 as result of the four years annual Member’s Dues increase plan approved in 2023. Please pay your 2025 Member’s Dues prior to December 31, 2024. Please contact the Valley office if you have any questions (315) 452-7976 about your
Degree Cast Invitation
The Central City Bodies are organizing the degrees casts for the planned live degrees and “Feast of the Paschal Lamb” to be presented during the 2024 – 2025 Scottish Rite year.
Degrees and ceremony planned and the date they are scheduled to be presented live are:
Monday October 28, 2024 Council Princes of Jerusalem confers the 15° “Knight of the East”
Monday February 24, 2025 Chapter of Rose Croix confers the 18° “Knight of Rose Croix H.R.D.M.”
Saturday March 22, 2025 Lodge of Perfection confers the 14° Grand Elect Mason”.
Saturday March 22, 2025 Consistory confers the 32° “Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret”
Saturday April 12, 2025 Chapter of Rose Croix presents “Feast of the Paschal Lamb”
We are seeking members to be a part of the degree teams for these degrees and
ceremony. Speaking and non-speaking participants are required for all of these
What is required: 1. Learn speaking parts of the ritual; 2. Attend one or two rehearsals to make certain the floor work is coordinated; 3. Attend the degree presentation on the specified date.
Contact the Valley office if you wish to participate. (315) 452-7976.
2025 Burns Supper
Mark your calendars! The Burns Supper will be held on Saturday, January 18, 2025. Details will be coming this month.